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File: 29 KB, 869x644, lookspersonalityokcupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11198504 No.11198504 [Reply] [Original]

What does this data tell us ?

>> No.11198509

people value personality in context of looks

>> No.11198532
File: 267 KB, 1000x2448, jestermax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't explain it at all, retard.
It supports the fact that "personality" is a joke: all people care about are looks and they delude themselves into thinking that the reason they like a person is because of their personality to seem less shallow. This basic proposition is all that incels want people to admit, and consequently why incels are so hated upon and their spaces nuked everywhere.

>> No.11198541

To be more precise, personality actually DOES matter to women, but not in the way that they, or society in general, likes to admit. Women are actually attracted to "dark triad" types: narcissistic, machiavellian and low empathy types.

>> No.11198545


>> No.11198564

Judging from my personal experience, the better someone's personality (in terms of compatibility) the better they'll look. This is why apps like tinder tend to favor incredibly attractive people, there's little room for someone to demonstrate their personality so they come off as less attractive, therefore they would need to be physically more attractive to compensate.

>> No.11198575
File: 1.02 MB, 720x4376, fraud_marriage_04_17_niceguy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post this here because I find the manhwa and this scene funny, not because I endorse OP's politics.


>> No.11198576
File: 1.26 MB, 720x6406, fraud_marriage_04_18_niceguy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the scan groups have funny names

>> No.11198578

Its over

>> No.11198579
File: 81 KB, 1000x558, GcGihfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be yourself, bruh.

>> No.11198585

post Mook, MOOT's latino cousin.

>> No.11198700

>This is why apps like tinder
Also because maybe, just maybe, there are common traits to the girls who use tinder? Like maybe they're all interested in casual sex? And maybe they tend to be shallow? If you hang your picture up in a meat market, don't be surprised that the customers judge you on it.
And don't try to tell me that when you go on tinder looking to get laid, you're judging the girls based on their personality.

>> No.11198775

>there is not one outlier with looks that are above personality
>there are enough samples to make half of the graph red


This is not tinder, it’s OKcupid. There are hundreds of personality questions and you could write paragraphs about yourself

>> No.11198778

That image gave me a chuckle, good one anon

>> No.11198784

Ugly people are uninteresting and insufferable

>> No.11199122

That your dataset is shit?

>> No.11199130

People on okcupid give other people on okcupid similar scores in looks and personality

>> No.11199394

Do we have better datasets? Or at least datasets that try to tell a different story?

>> No.11199414

No dataset actively contradicts it.

>> No.11199417

High quality people aren't main user of dating sites. Sure you can say that % of people who started dating online is on the rise, but dating sites aren't the only place to met.
If you can't find anyone who is decent in your social circle, there is high chance that you have too high standard of opposite gender. It's true for men, but especially true for women who are much more pickier. Also, on dating sites women are usually around of 20% of users, meaning that they don't really have to spend time on worse looking men.

>> No.11199492
File: 1.21 MB, 780x1170, 41DD45FC44DC4118BB803D9B9570EFBE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don't care about your personality all they care about is your appearance, they just want to get slammed by Chad and then live of your money.
Women are whores that will try to manipulate you for their benefit.
They have no morality and this is why women should have no rights in society.

>> No.11199602

It means that ugly people tend to have garbage personalities.

>> No.11199664

“Good personality” is a meme because looks bias perception of personality

>> No.11201381

Not gonna lie this image make sense

>> No.11201392

this is the real shit
in fact you usually really can tell someone's personality from how they look, you all just got memed into believing otherwise back in grade school

>> No.11201417
File: 152 KB, 1946x2417, 1560452917878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11201419
File: 39 KB, 512x288, ScareQuotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>online social network dating service
More like impersonating score.

>> No.11201429

you sound like you're ugly
I can tell your appearance from your bitter and whiny personality, why wouldn't it work the other way around?

>> No.11201443

When you are ugly, you become full on anger and a massive piece of shit!

Now I finally understand why I have such a brilliant personality! It is directly correlated to my deep-blue eyes and my magnum dong!

>> No.11201447

People with great personalities are more attractive looks wise. All you uggos could try a bit of introspective self improvement.

>> No.11201448

O maybe flat-personality bigots and dickheads are also ugly

>> No.11201458

there's evidence that personality shapes appearance

>> No.11201459

That people project that one's personality is good or bad based on their look?

>> No.11201531
File: 40 KB, 509x270, correlation-vs-regression1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a strong positive correlation between the two variables. Technically we can't go further and say that one variable causes the other, but, we all know that's the case.

If you can get the raw data we can calculate the regression equation which would provide the statistical dependant variable score (personality) when the independent variable (looks) is plugged in.

>> No.11201534

>people are biased toward those who are more attractive
holy shit imagine my SHOCK

>> No.11201587

explain this

2:03 and 4:22

>> No.11201614

Well, yeah. Garbage people are left to mate with ugly people. Genuinely nice people mate with better looking people than themselves. X generations later there will be good correlation.

>> No.11201643

>first article is undergrads at a uk uni
They should repeat the study with a wider more varied population
>second article is a review that just describes common-sense mating strategies
Not that relevant. These are all obvious things like women must invest more into childbirth than men, and have more leeway in finding a partner
>third article is describing violent people as having more partners
Interestingly, I did not see anything about the researchers adjusting for longer term partners. This could just be that less violent people are more likely to pair bond with long term partners.

>> No.11201653


>> No.11201657

>third article is describing violent people as having more partners
More violent people are often more confident.
Sooo? Confidence meme is real, then? Cause black-pills niggers will say that confidence doesn't matter.

>> No.11201658

>If you can get the raw data we can calculate the regression equation which would provide the statistical dependant variable score (personality) when the independent variable (looks) is plugged in.
A line of fit doesn't have to imply causality at all. In fact people need to stop assuming directional causal relations in their regressions when using random social data. Just fit a line if a line fits, or fit a nonparametric squiggle if that fits better and do your non-causal inference from there.

>> No.11201696

that you don't know how to make good plots. get rid of the gray background and the gridlines. use one of the many overplotting corrections that show density information. rotate your vertical axis label and capitalize your axis labels.

>> No.11201745
File: 21 KB, 418x418, stfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We both know its causal in this case. You just can't help your autism huh?

>> No.11201755

yeah the cause is people would rather try to get with the hot person, and so they go around liking their shit more hoping to have a better chance.

The causal factor is a latent factor, not the fairly trivial ones being used as proxies on the graph. This is why you shouldn't be using causal modelling when you don't understand it.

>> No.11201793

Or, perception of hotness influences perception of personality. I've seem much more complicated sociological data modelled in equally basic causal models.

You can still uses these 'trivial' proxies to arrive at a regression equation which would only tell us what we already know.

>> No.11202559

that there's a relationship between perceived looks and personality. whether this relationship is direct or indirect cannot be reasonably concluded without further research

>> No.11202954

I personally think good looks and good personality correlate both by nature and nurture.
You're ugly and bitter about it, so your personality is shit

>> No.11202964
File: 141 KB, 920x711, 403-4032012_sticker-de-krankin-sur-other-wojak-rage-rekt.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11202972

Why hasnt evolution produced a race of beautiful people with beautiful personalities?

>> No.11202989

It did probably... There is high chance that the most "handsome" people that lived many generations ago were much less attractive that typical people living now, it's just people judge others by average looks.
About personalities it's harder too establish because what count's as beautiful personality. Also it has to be beneficial to our survival.

>> No.11203158
File: 19 KB, 503x644, 1502928642023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11204399

European people?

>> No.11204835

>what are slavs

>> No.11204836
