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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 42 KB, 1324x737, earthpower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1119542 No.1119542 [Reply] [Original]

ive solved the earths energy crisis people

>> No.1119547

earth would come to a stop

>> No.1119545

Ever heard of conservation of momentum? How would you hold the ring still?

>> No.1119549

the ring would stay where it is on rollers the earth would rotate not the ring

>> No.1119558


>> No.1119573

this would work

>> No.1119578

I agree. Why has this never been thought of before?

>> No.1119584

because im a fucking genius im hungover to fuck as well >>1119578

>> No.1119602

You retard. Firstly, you would have to use an enormous amount of energy to stop the ring, and then it would slowly speed up as you take the potential energy back out of it. Oh, and you will lose energy in the process, so there is no way of producing energy here.

tl;dr It's a giant reverse flywheel, not a perpetual motion machine.

Oh, and >>1119547 would be true if the ring started stationary (which is not really possible).

>> No.1119605

Don't forget to give the copper a Teflon coating to prevent corrosion.

>> No.1119608

explain yourself kind anon.

>> No.1119609

I disagree.

this would work

>> No.1119621

this would work

>> No.1119628

>>1119605 cheers for the advice i forgot a bout corrosion
>>1119602 the rollers would have that much lube on the ring wouldnt move

>> No.1119631

If the ring was out of the atmosphere and rotated in a retrograde orbie, ie it rotates the opposite direction to the earth, surely it would work that way.

>> No.1119650

ive not decided on the diameter of the copper ring either yet, but using the worlds supply of copper to do it would be justified

>> No.1119662

Plus having a retrograde orbit would boost it's power output

>> No.1119674

Hey fucktard, where do you get that much copper? Your bullshit is made from shit, not copper.

Secondly, goodwork and successfully killing off all plant and animal life underneath that solar cock-blocker.

Thirdly, hungover doesn't mean drunk so shut up. Copper is not strong. You do not build a fucking Forerunner style Halo ring out of copper. It will fall the fuck apart because it is not structurally strong. Not strong. Strong. Not. Got it?

>> No.1119686

>>1119674 so your saying i could use copper becauses its strong , thats why i chose it

>> No.1119691

No, hes saying you can't use it because it's not strong.

>> No.1119693

I think solar panels

>> No.1119698


Why don't you at least invent a pretend material, like wankium. That way you can pretend it's got a hardness rating of 52/10 and it's a natural super conductor. And it weighs 1 gram per cm^3.

Or are you just trying to be a troll. >:C

>> No.1119702

Just put a fucking satellite running on a ring. The gravity would cause it to constantly fall towards earth.

>> No.1119710

im telling u when i build this an its works , it only need to hold together for a rotation

>> No.1119713

do we have THAT much copper?

seems pissible, but thats the first thing that has come out of sci since the teeth brush.

what will we use to use as wire for our homes?

>> No.1119723

once the ring has done its job we can recycle it to use a s wire

>> No.1119724


>> No.1119726


Link to your calculations and research. Explain to me how you think however many fucking billions of tonnes of copper is going to get up there, how we are going to get the energy out of it, how we are going to consider the death of the equator as "acceptable", and how it's not all going to fall on us and fuck the whole planet up.

And bring me a drink, I'm fucking thirsty dickhead.

>> No.1119762

it only has to be about 12 inches or something , everyone's thinking its enormous ,how will it fuck the equator up you,ll hardly notice it

>> No.1119764

ever heard of electrical resistence?
you would have to make your ring a few kilometers wide for it to be remotely "effective"

>> No.1119786

Stupid me (I can admit that), I've forgotten this entire time: where the shitfucking hell do you intend to store "the rest of our power needs ever"?

Let me guess; a AA from your xbox remote.

>> No.1119818

Just out of curiosity, how would this generate power, exactly?

>> No.1119851


Hey, why don't we invest in other plausible and realistic proto-inventions / feats, like reversing the earth's magnetic poles for shits and giggles, or trying to make all the stupid people realise 400 degrees is not only more sensible for a full revolution, but an excellent location time-reading system.

>> No.1119905

I was wondering this too, I think it might be turning the earth into a fucking massive mechanical-to-electrical generator.

>> No.1119924 [DELETED] 

I take it by the fact that the ring is on rollers, it should move relative to earth, but if it is built from earth, then it will be stationary relative to earth once it is complete.

>> No.1119930


Because of earths magnetic field

>> No.1119953



>> No.1119960



>> No.1119978


Who the fuck let this douche near a keyboard?

>> No.1120017

and then everyone would fly off into space, the only thing holding us down is the centripetal force

>> No.1120034


Pretty sure gravity is holding us down.

>> No.1120089

wouldn't work- the mag. field would make it rotate with the eart, netting 0 force.

you'd have to fasten it to something better than vaccuum, like a spaceship with 1000times the mass of earth. and then it would chage the rate the earth is spinning, until it stopped completely.


>> No.1120093

>not enough copper in the world

at a distance of ca 2000 km and with a diameter of ca 5mm, you'd need 4 135.36424 cubic meters of copper, or around 1.21x10^6 kg (for easier visualisation, a sphere with a radius of 3.19 meter)

I'm sure there's enough copper

>> No.1120106

why don't we put all that money into something useful instead though, like tax breaks for poor people

>> No.1120115

>helping the poor

oh u

>> No.1120121
File: 135 KB, 984x656, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M8, at the rate we're going, by 2050 we'll all be applying for off-world jobs.

Wait until launches are as regular as easyjet.

Won't be long before we can go on easyrocket

>> No.1120129


I disagree, who says we have to stop it?:)

>> No.1120172


>> No.1120186
File: 127 KB, 1143x1395, Saturn_v_schematic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it takes several thousand tonnes of fuel to get anything worthwhile into orbit. Saturn V burnt about 15 tons of kerosene and oxygen a second.

Unless someone invents an electrogravitic engine or similar regular space travel is not ever going to happen

>> No.1120197


Spaceplanes bro.

Skylon for the win.

>> No.1120234
File: 25 KB, 921x606, picard-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ

The fact that /sci/ is even discussing this...

You people are dumber than /b/

>> No.1120236
File: 20 KB, 220x221, planetkiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your world might end in 2012 if you don't shut up.

I'll still be alive in 2013

2028... don't know... there's a big fuck off asteroid headed our way then.

>> No.1120243

virgin galactic is a joke. Sub orbital is small time

>> No.1120265

sup, /sci/, /v/ here

you bros are falling behind, we just invented a magnetic cart and a self-propelled sailboat

better hurry with this copper thing

>> No.1120274

Bransons *ahem* airplane can't go to the space station no.

But it is as fast as an SR71 blackbird. IT can do Mach 3.2 and it can get u from London to Sydney faster than Concorde....

Great if you don't want to get backache on two long-haul 747 flights

>> No.1120305

The speed of sound changes as air density does. Mach 3 is not really that fast at high altitude. Space shuttle does mach 25 on reentry

>> No.1120408

It's what we call a global killer... The end of
Mankind. Doesn't matter where it hits. Nothing would survive, not even bacteria.

>> No.1121512

I personally dont feel comfortablewith tapping the rotational energy of the earth so i can play xbox, i dont know about you guys.

>> No.1121591

>centripetal force

>holding us down
