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11194410 No.11194410 [Reply] [Original]

Your thoughts on the education of children? How did you survive? What could be improved? Horror stories? Funny examples? How parents can help kids through all the stupidity? Who is better educated than who?

>> No.11194736

>Who is better educated than who
Who is better than whom.

>> No.11194739

but how can you tell how much wood he bought from the given information
are americans actually this stupid

>> No.11194754

I've been expelled from every level of institution from preschool all the way up to college. Education shouldn't exist, kids should just have to figure things out for themselves desu.

>> No.11194767

You ever wonder if the problem is you?

>> No.11194803

assume sihu bought infinitely thin pieces of wood. then use sin=o/h and the pythagorean theorem to solve the problem for wood bought in ft.

>> No.11194814

i did okay. but everyone else could have done more to participate during class.

>> No.11194867

Prove it.

>> No.11194871


>> No.11194874

it's a really poorly worded question

>> No.11194968

Kids are 8 years old, near Atlanta. This got texted around and I ended up with it in California. Now, you have it. The answer is probably: 23+49=72. Must be a steep ramp. I was wondering if 23 was each side or all sides. It would be eleven and a half feet long with a 49 foot ramp. Crazy.

>> No.11194975

I >>11194968 put "OP" in the wrong box. I blame my American education.

>> No.11195391

Encourage them to look at what they're naturally curious about. Frame the process of learning and discovery as intrinsic reward rather than just discovery being the reward. Fuck knows our schools don't foster curiosity in any natural way.

>> No.11195397

americans spend 8 years learning arithmetic.

>> No.11195411

brand new chemistry teacher here

Common core has eviscerated our content

it's all about coloring posters and happy fun times now

fucking kids can't even convert miles to km now

>> No.11195614

As recently educated, how does one avoid being a dummy?

>> No.11195971

This is more important than >>11195955

>> No.11195985

>fucking kids can't even convert miles to km

that's what caltec graduates are for, according to feynman

>> No.11195989


>> No.11196001

You must not be American?

>> No.11196026

why is this monster sticking feet into his ramp

>> No.11196681

What is a sihu?

>> No.11197342

How long should it take? I figure five minutes but, then they want to drill it in.

>> No.11197447
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The biggest problem is that schools are strictly time based. If you're smart, classes are too slow and if you're retarded, classes are too fast. All you need to do is allow kids to take self-learning online courses and as long they deliver adequate results in a given timeframe, they don't have to stay in or even come to class. Since most kids are impatient and want to go out and play, they will rather finish the necessary online courses as fast as possible instead of wasting time in class. That way the smart and average kids will speed ahead on their own and only the few dumbest and laziest kids who don't do well in online courses are left in class, which is better for the teacher too since he has to concentrate on less students.

Basically an online-offline hybrid school.

>> No.11197496

As a teacher, this is what I talk about when I talk about automation affecting education jobs.
If one person who is a mega-expert and vibrant personality can record a video of what is essentially the perfect lesson on a subject of his passion and expertise, and anyone can view this video whenever they want for free, and there are countless videos like this for every subject, then what good is one instructor who is only pretty good at some subjects and "okay" at the rest, who cannot perfectly replicate successful instruction or perfectly prevent unsuccessful instruction? Things that are basically formulaic in nature (like math) would be online home-video courses. Teachers would still exist, but would take on more of the role of tutors, to help students with the schooling they mostly do at home instead of having to make all the lessons and tests and activities to make the school function like basically a daycare until the age of 16.
Unfortunately, retarded parents are just as common as retarded kids, and this system would fail the lowest 20% of the population, who would be worse off. Since the lowest 20% of the population is usually racial minorities and immigrants, this would immediately put a stop to the semi-automated system. Some of these little assholes literally won't do shit without a drill instructor screaming in their ear 24/7, and its fucking embarrassing when parents expect that shit from a teacher.

>> No.11197530

I think this sort of education is inevitable.

>> No.11197552

I think we will see a cliff widening between private schools who adopt this system and public schools which can't keep up and even worsen due to politics. Cheap private schools might even become the new norm as a result.

>> No.11197623


Wouldn't it be great if people who have children could opt out of paying tax into state education. Instead they could use the money to pay for private education. Obviously there would have to be conditions, such as the private schooling meeting state standards. With that rider a private school could teach anyway they pleased. Ideally a form of social Darwinism would see the most cost effective and efficient education providers flourish while those who fail to perform would eventually vanish. Well rounded students, socially adept, and loaded with real world skills, all attained at a fraction of the cost and time compared to state schools.

But we cant have that, can we?

Imagine teaching in an environment where you do not have to spend 80% of your time catering to the 20%.

>> No.11197627


Yeah, this. >>11197623

>> No.11197630

I wish I lived when this is already the norm. I was born so early.

>> No.11198615

>fucking kids can't even convert miles to km now
you misspelled americans wrong

>> No.11198639
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Do you remember when it was fashionable several years ago to suggest that expensive college degrees would soon be "disrupted" by teenagers watching professors lecture on YouTube?

>> No.11198642

That's how it works now, just not for your kids.

>> No.11198652


You guys are way too idealistic. I'm in high school right now taking an online course (my school board offers it) and it fucking sucks. They pick some awful teacher that probably just got fired and talked his way into at least teaching an online course, and the work you need to do is all pretty much busywork. (Read this article, write a response in the "discussion forum", respond to your classmates.)

You may think that this is just online school gone wrong, but this is how it will inevitably be, everywhere. PTA moms and school board employees who have never set a foot in a classroom will make all the rules for this. They decide "oh wouldn't it be nice if the kids had to discuss articles in an online discussion forum?" and similar retarded shit.

Also, >>11197496, you've never been in a high school before. 90% of kids won't do their work unless a teacher is yelling in their ear to do it. Most kids don't do their work anyways.

>> No.11198870


>> No.11198907

Common Core standards don't dictate how material is taught. They are standards for what material should be taught and as a chemist, the only fault I can see in the chemistry standards is that they're not very optimistic as to how much kids can learn. As a teacher, you should already have known that.

>> No.11198915

That's already how it works. You're just a retard who thinks you'd be part of the rich upper class in a system that already exists where you aren't.

>> No.11199537

Yeah that kills me. In university the lectures are not too bad but they are essentially telling you what is in the textbook. As much as I hate the homework it's the only way to know the content, and I have to re-read the textbook to do that anyway. If they could cut out the lecture that is great, but students don't work and fail if they do that. Same issue with online courses, they give you a whole bunch of forums and busywork you have to do.

>> No.11199559

most children naturally learn how to count using natural numbers.
Thus they can do addition, thus they can do multiplication, this they can do both of their inverses, and with multiplication they can do exponents.
They should then learn mathematical foundations, like logic, set theory, elementary algebra, proofs, etc.
realistically this should all be completed AT MOST in 5 years. one year for arithmetic, one for algebra, one for the rest, and two for the slow kids.

>> No.11199596

Fucking retard
The standards are tested on the final, so teachers have to base their class around the standards so students can pass the final
They can't teach material however they want

>> No.11199604
File: 194 KB, 900x563, 1518633271401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: Hire as many teachers as possible.
2: Reduce the size of classes to about 12 students each. Each class enters and graduates the school as their class group.
3: Separate genders.
4: Separate IQs into like groups.
5: Focus on vocational education and real world interactions with apprenticeships.
6: Focus on dietary, social, mental, sexual, economical, and physical healths.
7: Setup inter-class competition.
8: Vocational field trips are 3 times a week.
9: Class-based education is the first half of each day. Apprenticeships are the second half of each day.
10: No summer vacation. Week-long vacations occur quarterly through the year.
11: Graduation is panel-based with face-to-face interaction with staff.
12: Failures are reeducated in areas they failed in with maintenance education in everything else.

>> No.11199611

are you chinese

>> No.11199617

What does that have to do with anything? Also, no.

>> No.11199623

don't lie

>> No.11199633

Dude, what are you on about really?

>> No.11199654

>1: Hire as many teachers as possible.
Economically impossible
>2: Reduce the size of classes to about 12 students each. Each class enters and graduates the school as their class group.
Why? That's pointless, economically impossible, and more retarded than #1
>3: Separate genders.
Somehow more retarded and pointless than #2
>4: Separate IQs into like groups.
You've surpassed retardation
>5: Focus on vocational education and real world interactions with apprenticeships.
Why? Not everyone wants to be, or should be, a carpenter. No kid is smart enough to decide what they want to apprentice in
>6: Focus on dietary, social, mental, sexual, economical, and physical healths.
>7: Setup inter-class competition.
>8: Vocational field trips are 3 times a week.
No kid is smart enough to decide what they want to apprentice in
>9: Class-based education is the first half of each day. Apprenticeships are the second half of each day.
Why does all school revolve around being an apprentice?
>10: No summer vacation. Week-long vacations occur quarterly through the year.
>11: Graduation is panel-based with face-to-face interaction with staff.
Tf does this mean
>12: Failures are reeducated in areas they failed in with maintenance education in everything else.
This is already true

>> No.11199675

>you've never been in a high school before
I teach high school, middle school, and I've taught elementary.
At least here, in Canada, even in inner-city schools (and I live in a big city in a less-than-sparkling province), high school students are responsible for their own grades, and they can actually fail a class, being held back and having to re-take it until they pass. Once they're 16, they can also legally decide to just stop going to school. There's a good 10%-20% who are shit disturbers, but no amount of screaming will help them, they don't give a fuck about a screaming teacher anymore. The rest just need reminders to get things done on time, and only shitty teachers need to scream on a regular basis.
In junior high though, once students realize they can't fail, many just don't give a single fuck about anything other than fucking with other students. Then their parents are the ones blaming you (the teacher) for not screaming at them enough, to get them to work at something with no consequences for failure. It's a rock and a hard place. What they need is outside tutoring or behavior help, but lazy parents just keep pressuring the public school to become a therapy center inside the classroom in a vain attempt to fix a problem the wrong way.

>> No.11199676

>Why? That's pointless,
the reducing class size part isn't
various studies and experiences in countries like Finland have shown that smaller classes get far better results than big classes.
Think about it: With smaller classes the teacher has to split his attention towards fewer pupils, thus giving each more attention. And smaller classes mean that students can't vanish behind the more active students

>> No.11199730

>another poster makes a tldr list refuting every single point
>it's actually accurate and refutes the points with relevant information
Teacher here. Almost all of this is spot-on.

1,2,4: YES, we fucking WANT more teachers, smaller classes, and less integration! It makes it easier to give each student the support they need to understand a subject and socialize, without the handful of ace students pushing the pace of class too fast or the handful of weak students dragging the class behind. But it is economically impossible, schools just don't have enough money to hire that many teachers, and if you decrease the amount of money teachers get paid, you'll lose most teachers. Most of the problems of class sizes and less special support is because schools can't afford to hire more people.
7: Why not set up inter-class collaboration? Teach them to work together, even with people who aren't familiar, to make something greater than what one person could. Teach them that friends help more than enemies.
5, 8, 9: Again, YES! This would be the greatest solution to the "bloated curriculum" problem (in theory): You just train each student in exactly the subset of skills that they need for the career they will enter, and train them much better and more thoroughly than the current rush-job of most colleges/universities! But, mostly like the other anon said, it's not that NO student knows what they will do for the rest of their life at 12 years old, it's just that MOST don't. Hell, people even change career paths into high school and university. To afford people the freedom to become whatever they may decide at any time, thus enabling them to find and follow their passions through experience, the school system is forced to teach us "a bit of everything, just in case".
10: Trust me, you do not want to see how a teacher fares with only a week to prepare a year's (or several months') worth of lessons, projects, activities, and tests for every new classroom.

>> No.11199746

11: I get what you're saying, and I agree: One of the best, most fool-proof methods of testing is the classic "oral examination", where a student stands before a panel of teacher/admin "judges", and literally just talks free-form (or answers random probing questions) about everything they can remember learning from the class in as much detail as possible, and the judges decide if they know their shit well enough or not. The problem is that this takes a fuckload of TIME, and there are TOO MANY STUDENTS to process, and as we covered, you can't reduce the student overflow without the MONEY, which schools just don't have.

Literally the answer to almost all of the public school system's issues is PUT MORE GOVERNMENT FUNDING INTO EDUCATION. But no, things like football and nuclear drones are way more important.

>> No.11199899

>Why not set up inter-class collaboration?
Because, that stifles creativity.

>> No.11200034

Yeah obviously reducing class sizes is better, but it's economically unfeasible, especially to 12 students per class. The pointless part is keeping one class together, forever. No benefit and probably sucks for the students. If you have a shit class you're just fucked.

>> No.11200036

Citation needed. Where the fuck do you get that idea?

>> No.11200066

Am I wrong to think that the educated were, generally, better educated in Victorian times? When a handful of kids of all ages were in one room. I read old books and the authors know Latin and shit.

>> No.11200105

30 years of experience in the field. Encouraging competition is unbelievably amazing at enhancing imagination and creativity. I don't just mean sports either, that more like a foot note.

>> No.11200259

New poster here. Not seeing how those can't both happen simultaneously. Back in high school I would stay up late with my friends studying and building out study guides for open-note tests, but that didn't mean we didn't try to do better than one another, or try to outshine some other group of students during class study games. Competition and cooperation can happen simultaneously, and encouraging them both would probably yield good results.

>> No.11200271

The competition is between different classes, not between students in the same class.

>> No.11200361

Schools are bad because I can't just shove my propaganda on my child so he'll be a retarded piece of shit that has no social skills

>> No.11200780

Do you have any examples? I met a few homeschooled people who seem pretty alright.

>> No.11200821

I blame your reddit education

>> No.11200823
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>> No.11200826

It's just "misspelled", not "misspelled wrong", brainlet.

>> No.11200840
File: 108 KB, 600x400, Basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people who have never built a bike ramp.

>> No.11200871

What is Reddit?

That's like 86 and 10. Maybe the text boox publisher never built one.

>> No.11200964


Gentlemen, I present genuine proof of a total fuckwit. You will note its inability to read anything without jumping to a predetermined conclusion, rendering its comments totally irrelevant to the point made. If we could find a way to remove its genetics from the pool then Humanity would be well served. .

>> No.11200970


You didn't even comprehend his post properly you fucking moron. Which is why your comment reads like the blithering of a mental retarded. Maybe you should do some online discussion to sharpen your comprehension skills.

>> No.11200998

OP Here. I have tried to resist, samefagging my own (isthat a word?) post but, >>11198652 is a welcome, if not, dubious, contributor. I'm not even fucking with you... how did you understand my post? Your opinion is as good as others. (Sorry, American English.) I value your opinion.,.. and, once more,, step away.l., sense/since google doesn't seem to know wtf i am saying? Yours thought? Yea, you! The reader. I want to know whajt you aree thinking whilst...som letterel.. I'm drink.., spelled "wrong " wtf ever thing im drunk..... Just sspeak youre mind and addd to nature l..l.l....l.l.ll.l. Brcumy thumb is large.l., whatever's................. (as in# yyou: be the comfrot explained...... mSay watel, you get lnnne say??a.a.

>> No.11201075


An interesting post which obviously conceals some sort of coded message. Possibly the blueprints for saving Humanity from extinction. If only someone was clever enough to decipher it...

>> No.11201081

>D. Sihu
Is that supposed to be his name? Sounds like a blue guy from Star Trek

>> No.11201412

This. Every homeschooled person I'm met, who was not medically retarded, is a pretty well adjusted person. That's 8 people I know personally.

The ramps we built were made of earth. We were 10-15yo at the time and used dad's bulldozer and end loader to make stuff. My brother tried jumping with the end loader and crashed it upside down.
>rural life is best life

>> No.11201691

>USED 23+49 = 72 feet
>How much did he BUY?
>Doesn't mention if he had any left over
>Doesn't specify the standard lengths that the store stocks

This is unsolvable trash without enough information.

>> No.11202718

How hard is it to be an elementary teacher?

>> No.11203804

You don even need a college degree in California.

>> No.11204018

>If you're smart, classes are too slow
what if the student has a high capacity for memorizing and repeating symbols without understanding the concept

>If you're retarded, classes are too fast.
what if the student has a desire to think about concepts for a bit before moving onto the next concept