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11193182 No.11193182 [Reply] [Original]

UHHHHHH YOU NEEED TO HAVE THE PREREQUISITES COURSES. You just can't have a stellar GPA and perfect MCAT score of 528. NOPE. Doesn't count for shit, kid. You MUST pay may cronies another $20K for post-bacc education and waste more years of your life and try again next time. What's that? AP Credits? CLEP? I don't think so buddy. We can't make much money off those, so we require you to take the courses. Otherwise, it would not be fair. Would not be fair to my fellow numbskulls who lack innate intelligence. We value hard work in our society, not intelligent people.

>> No.11193188

I didn't understand any of that
Why is the American education system so complicated
Why can't you just have graded courses that collectively constitutes a degree like every other country

>> No.11193191

>$20K for post-bacc
More like $40k + living expenses

>> No.11193201

GPA = Grade Point Average
MCAT = standardized exam for medical school
Prerequisite courses = [Many STEM Graduate-level programs mandate prerequisite courses in America, which are set in stone. There is no getting around them. This benefits retards whose dream it was to do this since they were kids (delusional, neurotic midwits), who are told what to do by their parents and advisors. Meanwhile, actual intelligent people who form career goals when they are rational adults, pay the price by being forced to take years of useless courses, which is an insult to injury if they already possess levels of expertise in these fields]

>> No.11193212

>want totake 2nd year neuro course
>prof says i need psychology 101 first
>take it
>was completely useless for the neuro class

>> No.11193217


bundled college education should go the way of bundled cable TV.

>> No.11193218

You can get around that shit in undergrad, you just need to make a convincing case (or raise hell if it affects graduation timeline). It's impossible to do for medical school though.

>> No.11193374

Maybe go to a school that doesn't do prerequisites. This is kinda your fault for choosing wrong...

>> No.11193417

Name a single medical school that does not require prerequisites. Even PharmD tracks mandate them now.

>> No.11193434

And that's the reason why American universities are importing foreign academics for the actual important ph.d. and post doc research jobs.

>> No.11193455


yes, they will reject an american from Stanford University with a GPA of 3.0 in favor of Ranjeep from University of Prathmekarmarkar with a GPA of 4.0

>> No.11193462

I once read a long article regarding that topic and how American universities are incapable of producing enough domestic academics for research and stuff.

>> No.11193465

[spoilers do not work on /sci/] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ + FAFSA + Barriers to entry described in OP post [ahem, fuck no spoilers/end.]

>> No.11193473

Why would a foreigner have a GPA?

>> No.11193476



>> No.11193479

why would i work in academia when i can make 3 times as much in industry

>> No.11193484


a lot of foreign students' reference letters are fake, american universities dont even check

>> No.11193486

That's another stupid thing about universities. Reference letters. I hate people. I don't want to ask them to write letters for me.

>> No.11193496

my department just lets us do what you want without prereqs, but don't cry if you have no idea what is going on

t. Britbong

>> No.11193763

employment is something you do with a tool

>> No.11193779

You can't get employed right out of undergrad anyways unless you have connections or went to a top tier school.

>> No.11193781

>he thinks ap classes are as rigorous as freshman undergrad intro courses

>> No.11193805

>rigorous as freshman undergrad intro courses

>> No.11193810
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>freshman undergrad intro courses

>> No.11193876


you can't get employed right out of phd either

>> No.11193881

3:50, you're welcome

>> No.11193887

if someone gets 528 on the MCAT they aren't going to learn anything new in undergrad courses.

>> No.11193898

>Bro just make connections with your professors.
I went to every office hour for one of my professors and aced the class and when I asked for a rec they said they didn't know me enough and would have to do an interview, meanwhile the pajeet Prof I had and didn't know me at all got me a rec letter right after I emailed him.

>> No.11193900

Not a valid argument
Relative rigor between ap classes and uni level classes, nigger. Your AP chem class isn’t as hard as the freshman chem class at a UC school.

>> No.11193950

And the freshman chem class at UC school isn't as hard as taking the MCAT and scoring a perfect score. There is no need for these requirements if someone already has expert level knowledge. It is only going to cost them years off their limited life, and even more money.

>> No.11193959

>What's that? AP Credits? CLEP? I don't think so buddy.
this is what any respectable school should say. unfortunately 90% of american college courses are high school or middle school tier so AP courses are actually a good preparation for "college"

>> No.11193964

Based. My dad is one of the smartest people I know and did EE when he attended college back in the 80's(dropped out due to family) and had to take 60-80+ units when he went back to community college for a power plant job. Its a cucked system that slaves retards to it in order to profit, but hell its either this or die for israel(at least in america).

>> No.11193967

I never took any anyways, I just mentioned them as an example of "test equivalency" credits.

>> No.11193971

We're not talking about undergraduate admissions, high schooler. You need to be 18+ to use this website.

>> No.11194013
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>noooooooo you can't just skip my hecking beautiful prequeefing classes. you must waste your limited mitochondrial energy by listening to my lecture about unimportant bullshit for one year
Prerequisites are cancer. Just let me in the advanced superneurowankery III class already reee.

>> No.11194020

strange. i scored like a barely above 12th grade entry test score at my college and they let me skip like 5 classes

>> No.11194027

retard detected.

i failed chem but only because my teacher wouldnt provide me with material because hes a dick and i skipped classes from a serious infection.

the material is all there. they usually post it online, they even have office hours to help you review exams.

the only work you have to put into a class every week? maybe 6 hours for undergrad, including classes

>> No.11194028

>devote yourself to the academic life of jumping through hoops to gain status
>complain about having to jump through hoops to gain status
too bad you can't just buy a high level character for this mmo

>> No.11194029

oh wait i forgot, you can buy a character if you can afford to bribe your way into harvard

>> No.11194040

honestly they just want to see whose not a retard and will stick with college.

if you get all as, your college is payed for and they will even give you at least a thousand dollars for working hard.

i dont see what the big deal is here. youre getting payed to take easy classes, and party all day.

if your major is taken seriously, itll even give you time to prepare a master thesis for when you graduate.

>> No.11194134


or if you are diverse enough

>> No.11194146
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>NOOOOOOO you can't just take a test gauging knowledge of certain subjects if you already know it, NO, a test isn't proof of it, so we are going to force you to take 2 years of pre-reqs, which we will determine your performance in by the way, WITH TESTS but trust us, we know how difficult tests our so we are going to be giving give-me points for attendance, and homework to benefit women and POCs, thus undermining any argument of rigor we may have had, YASSSSS, oh by the way that will be $40,000 dollars, no meals provided. NO REFUNDS, NO OTHER WAY TO LET YOU IN, NOT SORRY.

>> No.11194156

Your dad sounds based.

>> No.11194171
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>> No.11194189

That's not why. What if you long ago matriculated and lack them? This is where it messes up the so-called nontraditional students. They may have had a great GPA. They might get a perfect MCAT/GRE/GMAT/PCAT score. None of this will matter if there is a prerequisite mandate making them need to go back to school for a year or two.

>> No.11194194

>its either this or die for israel(at least in america).
>i'm too sissy for an adventurous life of crime

>> No.11194196

is there anything more nonbased than a soijak poster?

>> No.11194209
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Is there anything more nonbased then someone who calls soijak posters nonbased?

>> No.11194419


>> No.11196107

why do they make it so hard for non trads?

>> No.11196113

because theyre afraid people will realize how bloated and largely useless academia has become in an era where you can learn literally anything for free in your own living room

>> No.11196134

touche, smug anime girl

>> No.11196153

>Your AP chem class isn’t as hard as the freshman chem class at a UC school.
I TA freshman chemistry at a UC school. The course is not rigorous at all (though this does vary somewhat depending on the professor).

>> No.11196279

The reason most without skin in the game defend these policies is done purely out of spite. They hate intelligent people who can just waltz right through everything, while these midwits, have struggled their entire life because they wanted to "do this since they were kids" and had to "work for it". Deep down, they hated everything they ever learned and viewed it as a enormous struggle just to get the prestige of playing doctor. Nothing made them angrier than seeing someone who put minimal work and surpass their performance by miles at the same time. I've seen premeds complain when people do well. They resent it whenever someone is genuinely smart and talented and when they get in a position of power, like say a panel, or even spewing platitudes on some forum, they will do all in their power to defend their life of toiling for their precious prize. So when a non-trad comes along, they hate them with malice. Oh yeah? Think your so smart? THEN WORK FOR IT.

>> No.11196342

Because we need ways to rig it against minorities

>> No.11196347

It actually benefits them in America.

>> No.11196461

Lots of Med schools actually don't require pre-requisites anymore

>> No.11196698

The real autism is the amount of volunteering and slave labor medical schools require before you even have a chance of getting an interview.

>> No.11196700

which ones? people repeat this a lot in forums but they never say which one. they are just repeating what they heard, which may or may not be true.

i'm not aware of any on AAMC's list and i've looked at ~200+ of them or so over the past couple of months.

>> No.11196859


University of Virginia off the top of my head


>> No.11196898

Others I've found from Googling: NYU, USC, Tulane, Stanford...

>> No.11196908
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Op btfo.

>> No.11197177

OP here. Thanks, anons this genuinely helps me.