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File: 659 KB, 1920x1080, ikeda-ryoji-5356b6f4b6e27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11193466 No.11193466 [Reply] [Original]

There are so many ways to reach dopamine release today, any possible kind of overstimulation is being thrown at you, both in virtual, physical and artistic mediums. Why should one even bother spending energy and time in purchasing hollow carnal act anymore? This is not an era where love can exist anyway.

>inb4 incel, have sex, etc.

>> No.11193470

All forms of sexual release are illogical and based on hedonism. I find I have anxiety, low motivation, and a "cumbrain" oriented mind following post-copulatory or post-masturbatory release. The reason people justify it is because it's a massive cope for their insatiable addiction of instant gratification.

>> No.11193474

>All forms of sexual release are illogical and based on hedonism.
sparing deliberate procreation

>> No.11193482

but what if deliberate procreation is your specific fetish

>> No.11193488
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You can procreate without sex, and it also much more safe and precise.

>> No.11193631


>> No.11193632

Fair point.

>> No.11193665

incel have sex

>> No.11193669
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>have sex

>> No.11193724


elaborate please.

>> No.11193737

>There are so many ways to reach dopamine release today
Banging an attractive partner is my favourite way of releasing dopamine.

>> No.11193743

Not him, but sexual gratification is largely an emotional and physical thing, not so much on the logical side (although you *can* be logical about it). I doubt that's what Anon meant, though.

>> No.11193751

I dunno, maybe because it's one of the basic primal desires, healthy for both mind and body.

>> No.11193753

Is it healthy as well if I'm homosexual?

>> No.11193757

Yeah, and not to mention masturbation tech is getting better and better with fleshlights, virtual reality and 4K HD porn.

>> No.11193820
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The culture you live in also makes impact on your way of perceiving sexuality, most sexual desires are inducted and not really needed.

>> No.11193824

>Of all members of the mammalian family, civilized man alone is a victim of an exaggerated and morbid sexual urge, a condition which he has inflicted, to a certain extent, on the animals which he has domesticated and which have adopted his diet, especially the dog. Wild animals in a state of nature practice copulation only at certain mating seasons for the purpose of reproduction. Civilized man practices this act at all times, and in most cases without intention to conceive. On the other hand, so-called savages and primitive races leading more natural lives and who follow their natural instincts to a greater extent are far chaste in their sexual behavior, as noted by Havelock Ellis. Such considerations must lead one to the conclusion that the sex life of civilized men is unnatural and that the excessive manifestation of the sex urge among them is due to certain aphrodisiacal stimuli rather than to natural instinct; among such stimuli are a high-protein meat diet (accompanied by physical inactivity), the use of tobacco, alcohol and coffee, sexually stimulating literature, dramas, motion pictures, conversation, etc. For these reasons civilized man has departed from the natural law, obeyed by animal and primitive races, which requires the separation of the sexes during pregnancy and lactation, for the benefit of both mother and child. Violation of this law may account for the large number of physically and mentally defective offspring produced by civilized races as compared with animals and primitive peoples.

>> No.11193843
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nice pic

>> No.11193857

Most of the world is sexually repressed.

>> No.11193879


>> No.11193921
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>> No.11193925

I am a 100% woke NPC character who is going to have as much sex as possible.

>> No.11194059


>> No.11194078
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>> No.11194085

Every single person in this thread is a single loser. Can't say I'm surprised, considering some of the posts I read here.

>> No.11194096
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>Every single person in this thread is a single loser.
Wrong. We're a single Chad.

>> No.11194127

Love exists. Sex is a worthwhile activity for aspiring parents; it helps you build trust and intimacy with your partner. It is also good physical exercise, and promotes overall well being.
Pleasure is not simply dopamine in the brain. There are extensive factors that make up something’s enjoyment. Indeed, many people find painful things pleasurable (eg BDSM). Also, there is satisfaction in achievement.
Well adjusted humans realize the importance of having a healthy sexual relationship with your partner. Incels (and sex addicted degenerates) don’t seem to understand that sex isn’t like doing drugs to get high, it’s like taking a diet of good rest, vigorous exercise and hard work to become a better person.

Idiotic reasoning, no evidence whatsoever, complete speculation and poor observation.
Animals and savage cultures cannot support mentally or physically disabled members, and they usually can hardly support themselves. Thus they are purged intentionally (e.g., Sparta and Inuit) or die off early in life.

TLDR have sex incel

>> No.11194323
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Laziness stems from sexual release, which squanders motivational pathways on what is evolution's foremost goal, and after the deed is done, you have prolactin levels shoot up which in total acts as a one-two punch, exerting antagonistic effects on dopamine transmission. Some will point to the short refractory period as evidence for it not being of significance, but prolactin remains significantly elevated for over 16 hours, where it continues to adversely affect other dopaminergic centers, namely the prefrontal cortex, which is particularly sensitive. This is why many find it difficult to focus and want to sleep following orgasm.

Upon a serious stretch of abstinence, most men will find a newfound source of motivation, almost limitless. It is like being on a CNS stimulant at all times. Ephemeral concentrated pleasure that ends and must be repeated time and again with no real end in sight, replaced with lasting joy. The reason most fail to derive benefits from it is because they continue to dwell on sexual subjects and continue also to expose themselves to erotic stimuli, which makes abstinence a struggle and of little to no benefit. If practiced seriously, they would find their sexual urges to paradoxically decrease.

>> No.11194330

>Love exists.

Source for this statement?

>> No.11194370

Asexual here. I have a girlfriend as I still have romantic needs but I don't have any sexual feelings ever. I have never masturbated in my life. I have never felt sexual attraction in my life towards something. I am still capable of falling in love with someone but it never has a sexual connotation. It's about liking that person and having a click with that person. I did have sex a couple of times using viagra to try and get my girlfriend pregnant as we want to have children. I felt 0 pleasure doing so and getting to climax felt extremely weird and not pleasurable in any way. We've opted to go for artificial insemination instead.

I don't discuss me being asexual with other people because people just don't understand it. They usually think it means I'm not attracted to my girlfriend or that I'm secretly gay or any of that shit. Instead it's just the brain's inability to feel sexual attraction. Like some people lack the ability to feel pain. I lack the ability to feel sexual attraction and sexual arousal. All-in-all I actually see asexuality as a generally positive thing in my personal life. Lots of my male friends are absolutely obsessed with sex and it tends to keep them back from achieving more in life and to look at the things that are more important such as advancing in your career and contributing to humanity in a real positive way.

Lots of people don't understand asexuality or just believe it isn't real. But these are misconceptions. The only downside of asexuality is that it can impede on your romantic relationships. Not everyone is open and willing to accept that you will never have sexual intercourse with them outside of exceptions like procreation. But besides this I personally only see upsides. Just like color blind people don't miss the color green in their lives. I don't miss sexual pleasure since I don't even have the ability to imagine what it feels like to be aroused or pleasurable sex.

>> No.11194371 [DELETED] 
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>is cooking delicious food really needed
>is listening to good music really needed
>is dancing really needed
Sexual intercourse makes my life better than it would be otherwise.

>> No.11194586
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>> No.11194602

Great post.

>> No.11194730

What an absolute crock of shit

>> No.11195018

>not crushing pussy

this board is pathetic little weirdos

>> No.11195054

Sex is super easy to get and the sad thing is you losers could get some too if you stopped being so scared of women.

>> No.11195056

Yes, my 12 slut daughters demand it!

>> No.11195062

>Lots of people don't understand asexuality or just believe it isn't real
It isn't real for humans, asexuality describes a way of reproduction, not an actual sexuality.
You're suffering of a lack of libido and should get it checked out because that's not normal.

>> No.11195591
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>> No.11195599

A coomer is seething I see.

>> No.11195603
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Is it needed? No. If you don't desire or enjoy sex then you're golden.
Personally I find it to be one of the most enjoyable activities on par with eating gourmet food and reading philosophy.
Also, love is always possible. Have faith young one.

>> No.11195609
File: 43 KB, 510x375, 1 ghsS6XcszTfl9UTYGdYsSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man is italy embracing a sort of masked eugenics here?

>> No.11195611
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god damnit why do i seriously try to imagine the bodily mechanics of this thing it looks liek it would actually be functional as fuck hell ya

>> No.11195617
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>What an absolute crock of shit

>> No.11195641
File: 22 KB, 203x257, 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger do you know what full tiem awareness is? a wank is all i have sometimes to feel anything. i need meaning nigger, not your stupid science faggot shit that don't help me. idk if it'll help someone else but fuck your shit.

>> No.11195838
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>Sex is super easy to get

>> No.11195999


>> No.11196119

t. Terminal stage cumbrain

>> No.11196147

did you get lost, i can help you find your way to reddit

circumclampinated little fuck

>> No.11196173

It is though, literally just don't be an ugly autist and lower your standards

>> No.11196210
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I never understood what people mean by lowering your standard. You cannot decide who you are attracted to, it's biological, instinctual and defined by your childhood-early adolescence and the culture you are born into.

>> No.11196211

Lowering your standards means fucking someone you aren't necessarily attracted to. Most people overestimate how attractive they are

>> No.11196331

It's just in vitro fecondation brainlet.

>> No.11196415

>dude just don't be ugly
>dude just don't be short
>dude just don't have a small dick

>> No.11196419

I'm sorry that humans evolved to prefer certain traits and you were unlucky

>> No.11196423 [DELETED] 

More like
>dont be extremely ugly
>have an approachable personality
That's what you need. Look at the literal fucking dorks at anime conventions that get laid.

>> No.11196492
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More like a hollow capitalist society based on external qualities rather than internal values.

>> No.11196788

kys tranny furry

>> No.11196814

i have a small dick. literally never been an issue. unless you're going around obsessing over instagram bitches, no one really cares.

be affable, interesting to be around, and realize theres a hundred ways to make a girl cum besides having a massive schlong

>> No.11197077

quality post here

>> No.11197109

I'm a depressed junkie/drunk weirdo fuck and I still get laid OP. You can too.

>> No.11197116

what about something that actually fires your prefrontal cortex significantly unlike the unnoticeable amount from cooming, such as a powerful opiate
cumming isn't going to effect anything, it'll just make your cock less worthless

>> No.11197125

>This is not an era where love can exist anyway.
not for you i guess. But non incels like it. So piss off.
>Why should one even bother spending energy and time in purchasing hollow carnal act anymore?
no one is making you care or pursue it. Rise above and dominate with your newfound time.

>> No.11197484

>I find I have anxiety, low motivation, and a "cumbrain" oriented mind following post-copulatory or post-masturbatory release.
That's weird, most of the other people I've heard say the opposite, that it makes them too complacent and artificially comfortable

>> No.11197486

That depends on how you practice your homosexuality

>> No.11197487 [DELETED] 

incels think this is a good post

>> No.11197492

The hypofrontality induced by sexual activity is not insignificant. Sexual arousal decreases working memory by 30-50%, and for good reason. If it didn't humanity would have died out long ago.

>> No.11197565

not an argument

>> No.11197958
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Procreation without sex is strongly advised against.

During and especially immediately following sexual intercourse, the brain of the male and female becomes flooded with oxytocin, the chemical messenger responsible for pair bonding (colloquially called love). The brain floods itself with oxytocin to solidify the bond between the male and female because this increases the likelihood of survival and ultimately of long term success for the child because both mother and father will be there to contribute time and resources for its upbringing.

As an aside, the female brain is flooded with oxytocin immediately following labour so the mother forms an instantaneous bond with the newborn infant and forgets the anguish it just caused.

>> No.11197963

Im not arguing, Im stating a fact

>> No.11198230
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have sexual intercourse

>> No.11198347

I let guys inserting their penises in my anus generally.

>> No.11198354

>Procreation without sex is strongly advised against.

Said literally no one ever.

>> No.11198356

Sex is fun.

>> No.11198360

>All forms of sexual release are illogical and based on hedonism.

All pursuits that aren’t hedonistic are illogical.

>> No.11198361

Whatever complete retard originally wrote that is wrong. Many animal species fuck all the time, even between species and with members of the same sex. The majority of giraffe fucking is gay.

>> No.11198365

>"I personally can't laid therefor society is corrupt and going to collapse"

Just because something decreases the chance of your incel ass getting laid doesn't mean it's "bad for women" or "bad for society".

There is almost no correlation between your personal chances of getting laid and how healthy society is.

How about instead of judging society, women and every other excuse you will invent next to blame your problems on. How about you start looking introspectively at what you yourself are doing wrong. Are you actually engaged with society? Are you actually contributing? Do you belong to social circles or did you repulse everyone and isolate yourself away due to deep seated personal problems. If so how is that a societal problem instead of a personal one?

How come the vast majority of people live fulfilling successful lives yet because a small minority stuck in their basements and never interacting with society let alone with unrelated women 1-on-1 you think society is corrupt and failing?

Stop thinking about the reply you want to type to this and take a deep breath. Think a little and reflect on your life choices just for a small bit. Now ask yourself. Is it really women or societies fault your life is like this? Try to be honest with yourself. If you didn't skip school. If you didn't stop hanging out with friends in middle/highschool and withdraw would your life have been different now?

If so you can still change and improve your life. The first step is realizing that all this hate and victim complex you've embedded in yourself is merely a delusion and in reality you're only a victim of your own passivity and social withdrawal.

Get a grip and put your life back on rails anon. You genuinely have the ability and tools to do so if you really put yourself towards it.

>> No.11198387

Any woman wil cycle thru 3 phases:
-the one who likes sex and money, ie the slut and wants to be treated like a princess
-the one who likes money and sex, ie the whore and wants to be treated like a princess
-the one who wishes she was even more of a slut or a whore and wants to be treated like a princess

there is only one type of men: the guy who will do anything to value women, to please women, to entertain women, to care about women, spend time or energy or money on women.

>> No.11198402

>Words to be taken on faith from the Book of Incel

>> No.11198506
File: 363 KB, 587x652, goingback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally ~dude we live in a society~ the post

>> No.11198519

It's the opposite of a "we live in a society" post though.

>> No.11198529


>> No.11198551

Not when you have painful post-phimosis hypersensitivity like me, it's actually the most traumatic physical experience.

>> No.11198553

You're literally quoting someone

>> No.11198572
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>evolve for millions of years to do X
>all evolutionary developments are a function of doing X
>is X thing really necessary now that we have smartphones?
If you've ever had sex you'd realize how important it is.

>> No.11198577
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Not him but I see sex just as a form of entertainment. And so do most people on the planet nowadays considering procreation is dropping as can be seen in pic-related.

I've been with my girlfriend for 7 years now and we still don't have children. None of our friends have children either and none of us are planning to have children in our future. We all have sex.

While OP is obviously just a coping incel he's right about sex being decoupled from procreation nowadays.

>> No.11198583
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>> No.11198599

I love how beta males, who only live to compete and be chosen by a woman to provide for her, get upset when the true nature of being disposable.

i love that all men dream to have the same power over roasties as the power of roasties over men. YOU JUST KNOW that men want to have the easy life of sluts and make roasties compete for them, then just pick the slut of the week, like women do. YOU JUST KNOW that men want to be loved just for existing

this is what makes me laff the most: all the power fantasies and their view that ''the lesser sex'' is childish and and braindead and it turns out women are superior to betas in a very single way

>> No.11198607

sex with a person you love, deep conversation with a close friend, finishing a hard work which you consider meaningful etc. stuff like that will always make you feel ten times better than any form of instant gratification. I don't give a shit about dopamine releases and "bro it's just chemistry in your brain". you know deep down that I'm right.

>> No.11198625

Sex is important for mental health among other things. The 'decoupling' you speak of is also probably bad for mental health and in general as an evolutionary strategy, but it's impossible to convince western people of that so I won't even try, enjoy your arrested development.

>> No.11198638

That really depends on you and the social norms you're forced to contend with doesn't it?

For a majority of people, the natural urge and need for physical contact, validation, and a sense of belonging even in a larger societal level, is big enough to justify the massive amount of energy and effort over many many years, that is required to build and sustain some kind of sexual relationships. For others, it's not. Either because their priorities are naturally different, or because the effort needed for them is many times greater than usual, enough to force them to re-evaluate their priorities regardless of their natural urges.

Everything, every action any group makes or doesn't make, basically sits on some kind of bell curve. I absolutely believe that as improving AI and robotics makes it ever easier to get a continuously improving level of intimacy, while the socioeconomical changes makes it ever harder to find this same degree of intimacy with real human beings... people will slowly start to move away from human-to-human relationships. Simply put, it's way too much effort for far too little gain, compared to the options we'll get in the future.

Personally, that is a world I'm quite looking forward to.

>> No.11198654
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>Society is not corrupted. Are you engaged with society? Are you contributing?

Truly npc mindset.

>> No.11198675

Since you're talking of evolution, see this >>11193488

>> No.11198690


Family is an abomination to God AND to Man.

>> No.11198702


how can one person be so unbased and blue-pilled

>> No.11198705

sex is for reproduction ONLY not dopamine release degenerate

>> No.11198713

No one makes sex for reproduction unless they're both from a catholic family.

>> No.11198717

this is why you will go extinct and we will conquer the planet whitey

>> No.11198766

>I've been with my girlfriend for 7 years now and we still don't have children. None of our friends have children either and none of us are planning to have children in our future.

Literally disgusting. It makes me happy to know that pathetic people like this are a short-term fad, because the genes that predispose them to being genetic dead ends are going to end with them.

>> No.11198769

>sex is for reproduction ONLY

Simply wrong.

>> No.11198802

Bullshit, if it was for reproduction only it wouldn't be fun.

>> No.11198832

Orgasm is the incentive conceived by nature to make you reproduce brainlets.

>> No.11198833

Couldn't agree more, it's like being divine.

>> No.11198835

Good post, spot on in just about everything. Not that these ppl here can understand it of course.

Still... A person's life is largely just a bunch of dice rolls. You could literally make a few billion clones of the same 2 people, one man, one woman, all grown up in roughly the same conditions and stimulus. And still simply by virtue of the randomness of life, and of the fact that there are only so many jobs, classrooms, social groups, perfect birthday presents etc down to the smallest minutia... those people would grow up to have very different lives. Despite being genetically exactly the same, they would form a bell curve where few would be immensely popular and successful, another few would not find success or partnership no matter what they did, and most would be somewhere inbetween.

Point is, you assume people have total control of their lives. You assume that in a human relationship scenario, the actions of one is all that matters, when in reality it takes two people. Both need to want the other, both need to work for one another. If only one ever does, then it'll never work.

I agree. Some, perhaps even most here are bitter for no real cause. They were too lazy to do shit about their lives and instead just bitch and whine with a victim mentality. But there are some, myself for instance, who have done an insane amount of work, decades of effort, education, hard work, building a career and everyhing those things entail. Decades of work for no return of investment. Because no matter what we do, it takes two. And we're just one.

Some of us put in our life's work, ever blaming ourselves and improving ourselves for the opposite sex. And have walked away with nothing but old age, disappointment, and a reluctant acceptance borne out necessity. Lack of choice. In such a situation, feeling mistrust and bitterness is only natural. Anything less would be literally abnormal for a human psyche.

>> No.11198852

Isn't oxytocine also beneficial?

>Gives burst in Italian

>> No.11198855

>sexual gratification is largely an emotional and physical thing, not so much on the logical side
That makes no sense at all: sexual gratification is the desired result, your desires can't be logical.

>> No.11198879

>TLDR have sex incel
Slow day at the brothel?

>> No.11198914

You are welcome to not have sex, but for most people it's worth the effort.

>> No.11198955
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See... what you fail to grasp... is that it was never needed.

>> No.11199027

It's the effort that makes it so different for different people.

For some people the effort is barely more than breathing. For most, it's about the same as a few days, at worst a few months worth of work. But for roughly 5-10% - it seems like -, that effort is the equivalent of decades upon decades of hard, brutal work for no pay at all... with nothing but the irrational hope that some day, hopefully before you die of old age, you might have a chance of earning that same little miniscule pay that most ohers did from a few days' work...

And then you wonder why some of those people, a decade or two down the line, stop working.

Of course sex is worth the effort, if the effort is minor. Or even something reasonable. But no rational person would sacrifice their entire lives, their hobbies, work, dreams, time, and money for a chance to get it on with a bunch of people who through all that sacrifice did absolutely nothing back but watch on in disdain and disgust.

Have you ever seen what happens to pets and children, who never get any attention, any love, any positive reinforcement or normal intimacy at all from their owners or parents? Are you aware of how fucked up, bitter, aggressive, and generally unhinged they grow up to be?

The bitterness, the supposed lack of effort of such people is not the cause. It is the effect. It's a very simple, natural, and sad reaction to being raised and treated wrong their entire lives. And it is not their fault.

Of course it's not the fault of the people who ignored them either. Random individuals cannot be expected to sacrifice their lives for the sake of someone else's need for intimacy and love.

Some things just happen without a real tangible cause, without anyone having to be responsible. It's bad luck, like being born crippled, short, ugly, dumb, or otherwise disadvantaged. Least you could do, is at least empathize.

>> No.11199181


>> No.11199192

>confusing orgasm with ejaculation

>> No.11199632


>> No.11199651

or you could just, you know, pay for a prostitute. That's how I would empathize with you, buy you a prostitute every 6 months or something.

>> No.11200013

coomer mindset

>> No.11200018

how? you get your fuck on, no longer have the urge for a while, and do productive shit. post quotes "of course sex is worth the effort" well guess what, that's minimal effort.

>> No.11200581

you're conflating sex with love. plenty of people who have sex all the time are completely bereft of genuine intimacy and love, and indeed those are more important than sex. You don't have to be fucking someone to be intimate (obviously it can also go together), and intimacy between close friends, siblings can be just as if not more rewarding as sexually intimate love.

>> No.11201129

I am as attracted to an ugly woman as I am attracted to the physical shape of my own hand. What's the point?

>> No.11201144

I know you're probably not going to respond to this, but:

>"Are you actually engaged with society?"

Yes. I have a full-time job. I vote. I'm a member of multiple groups.

>"Are you actually contributing?":

I like to think so. I teach children. I try to encourage them to follow their dreams. I also do some writings that I get published when I can.

>"Do you belong to social circles?"


>"How come the vast majority of people live fulfilling successful lives?"

Do they?

>"If you didn't skip school?"

I have a bachelor's degree, graduated with about 3.7 GPA. I skipped class when I was sick, but I don't think I could have done too much better if I had gone sick.

>"If you didn't stop hanging out with friends in middle/high school and withdraw?"

I still have friends from middle and high school. I started hanging out with them less when I made college friends. Now I've moved far way, and I have different friends again, but I still chat with the high school friends sometimes. I feel like we've become pretty different people though.

>"Is it really women or societies fault your life is like this?"

I don't know. I honestly don't. I know I can't change the world, only myself. But I've tried changing myself in what feels like a thousand ways over the last three years. It's hard to believe what I'm supposed to do anymore. What makes a difference. I mostly focus on creative fulfillment and (on a different route) making as much money as possible. At least money is a countable way to demonstrate whether I've gotten farther in life or not, how likely I am to get a girlfriend I'm attracted to.

>> No.11201147

Extremely based

>> No.11201638

You're not going to have sex with someone you're attracted to

>> No.11201699

great post this is probably why beta males worship women

>> No.11201708

Romantic success is mostly a function of exposure. The more women you meet and have social exposure to the higher the chances of Romantic success.

A 10/10 chad that stays inside all day will never have any romantic success. A 4/10 guy that owns a female oriented boutique and joins a fashion hobby club has a lot more chance of romantic success than a 8/10 guy that is a programmer that went to a all-male university and works in a male dominated field.

Sure if the 4/10 and 8/10 guy had the same level of exposure and social access to women the 8/10 guy would come out on top.

I would advice you to increase your exposure to women some more. Go to the gym and do gym activities. Try to be proactive and helpful so that you have more opportunities to actually engage one-on-one with those people.

>> No.11202104

I'm a cuck though and I want my wife to be fucked by other guys. How do you explain that?

>> No.11202553


>> No.11202807 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11202857
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Kek, he obviously is moderately attractive and was blessed with an extroverted personality therefore his opinion is invalid on this site.

>> No.11202868

if your bar for success is how much sex someone has your life probably sucks

>> No.11202888

ive had sex and i don't think its important. Not everyone is a cumbrain like you.

>> No.11202937

I don't want sex I just want to sniff the ass of a girl.

>> No.11202982

Yes op just don't nakadashi willy-nilly because if you have to get an abortion you might regret it.

>> No.11203038

sex good doe

>> No.11203048

I mean, according to /sci/ 'I' don't even exist, so...

>> No.11203053
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incels that don't coom regularly = potential shooters

>> No.11203115

only in america

>> No.11203442


What is this bullshit picture you have posted?

>> No.11203572

Define "needed"
Do we "need" to have this conversation?
Do you "need" a computer?
Do you "need" anything other than adequate food and shelter?

>> No.11203578

Cope: the thread

>> No.11204174

It's a mandala illiterate brainlet

>> No.11204234

Then there's no point. I might as well fuck a slab of meat.

>> No.11204256

My penis says so.

>> No.11204479

My penis says no.

>> No.11205064
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based, me too desu

>> No.11205095

10/10 post.

>> No.11205141

I'm honestly glad creatures like you will die out.

Good luck failing ur biological goal :)

>> No.11205384

oxytocin is released for many reasons
in fact its a pretty damn complex system
bonding between humans certainly is possible without performing procreation act
what really is important is a maternal bond and this has absolutely nothing to do with oxytocin relased during sexual intercourse

>> No.11205595
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Read some Heidegger, fool. People like you who thinks biological teleology holds any meaningful prioritary aspect for the human existence are barely humane themselves.

Even if you manage to spawn your prole, the connection with yourself will be completely forgotten or lost after five or six generation, like everyone else in general. The oblivion of time is equal, regardless if you reproduce or not.

>> No.11206850

I want to hug her.

>> No.11207161


>> No.11207269
File: 75 KB, 453x604, 1571626845633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the vast majority of people live fulfilling successful lives
How brainwashed do you have to be to believe this? Mental illness at an all time high, and increasing. Drug addiction high, and increasing. Suicide rate increasing. People increasingly alienated, obese, and alone. The majority of people live shitty lives and constantly strive to distract themselves.
But forget about that, take your coffee/SSRIs/porn/vidya and get back to work goy.

>> No.11207323

Having sex with the right person is a really hug dope hit anon

You're doing so many things at once

>> No.11207336

If you actually bothered to set a foot outside of your home for once you'd see that most people are just living normal fulfilling lives. Stop projecting your own shitty life on other people. So if 0.1% of people are suicidal and it raised to 0.3% doesn't mean that the majority of people live shitty lives.

The majority of people don't even know a depressed person. Let alone be depressed themselves.

>> No.11207349
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>This is not an era where love can exist anyway.

Your mom loves you, and you wouldn't exist is if she never had sex. Sex matters because you matter OP.

>> No.11207426
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What are you basing this optimism off of? All of the things I stated can be backed up by numbers. 12.7% of persons aged 12 and over took antidepressants in the past month. The majority of Americans are unhappy at work. Look up any of the other things I stated.
The average American works in a shitty service job, i.e. wageslaving. No autonomy, no meaningful goal, quiet desperation. You get a paycheck that gives the opportunity to distract yourself with vidya/porn/alcohol until work starts again. Maybe you find a girl so you can start distracting yourself with sex instead. Is this fulfillment?

>> No.11207431

>americans this
>americans that

who here metric?

>> No.11207433

Fair point, I do not speak for euros

>> No.11207443

Americans are 300 million people in a world of 8 billion.

>> No.11207459
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>africa, india, china

>> No.11207979

peepee in weewee feel goood

>> No.11208059

peep in mouou me feeling bette

>> No.11208096

cumbrain cope

>> No.11208108

where does your pic come from

>> No.11208113

How do I make myself asexual.

>> No.11208117

Based post

>> No.11208119
File: 567 B, 17x17, 170px-Flag_of_the_Vatican_City.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows flag

>> No.11208401

cut your dick and balls

>> No.11208636

This is true

>> No.11209468

peepe in anuuu muche me feel beete

>> No.11209519

It's not a choice. I wish it was!

>> No.11209802
File: 1.12 MB, 1513x2000, Bohemian 2 SD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the dollpill...

You'll still be a coomer, but women will have no hold over you.

>> No.11210521


>> No.11210565

i like women with long braided hairs! Do you guys know any braided pornstars?

>> No.11210642
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She cute though. I'm happy with her. One of the best decisions I ever made.

>> No.11210701

Excuse me we are extremely against non natural forms of procreation

>> No.11210811

your mother

>> No.11210816

It would seem you missed the joke. That's the only way in which a prelate could conceivably procreate without violation of his vows. That + the Italian text.

>> No.11210830

Is that thing modeled to look like a barely-post pubescent girl? You sick fuck.

>> No.11210902

i found out i was asexual and honest to god it was one of the best feelings on earth.

>> No.11210951

Then it sucks to be me. I've put my castration fetish in the closet for that one.

>> No.11211031

She literally has E cups.

She's asian. They're short. She's still taller than 6% of adult American women of asian descent. Petite, but not unreasonably petite.

>> No.11211488

Yeah, but the feet will never smell sweaty. Pass!

>> No.11211656

>All forms of sexual release are illogical and based on hedonism. I find I have anxiety, low motivation, and a "cumbrain" oriented mind following post-copulatory or post-masturbatory release. The reason people justify it is because it's a massive cope for their insatiable addiction of instant gratification.
Just from the way you write we all know that you have never achieved post-coital release. Except in your dreams.

>> No.11212251
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I thought that the guy getting smoked in the electric chair was Darth Vader for a moment

>> No.11212583

When did you find out?

>> No.11213116

Its just a doll. Fuck your moral policing.

>> No.11213135


>> No.11213419

>One of the best decisions I ever made.

>> No.11213427

Really makes you think.

>> No.11213452

me on the far left

>> No.11213469
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Our brains, especially when it comes to sexuality, are a lot dumber than we think they are. That part of our brains has been with us for a long, long time, and it is surprisingly crude, and at least for myself and many others (although not all people), it is not able to distinguish between a doll and a real person. Sure, I logically know that of course, she's just a doll, and emotionally I get that she's just a lifeless hunk of plastic, but as far as my lizard brain goes, she looks like a woman, she feels like a woman, and I'm fucking her like she's a woman, so rev up those reward circuits cause we're getting laid.

And my god those circuits went hard, at least for me. Like I said, I know full well she's just a doll, but when I'm in that post-sex daze and my brain is absolutely immersed in oxytocin the urge to cuddle her is absolutely unstoppable and it feels so, so good to give in to. I could just sit there and spoon her for hours afterwards, and... sometimes I do.

Maybe I'm just a uniquely well suited person for owning a doll, though. I'm in my early 30s and have literally never had a successful relationship in my life, and I've never really WANTED one either. I may not be asexual, but I'm definitely "aromantic" or whatever the fuck the blue-hairs want to call it these days. But I still have physical needs and emotional needs, and my doll helps me fill those amazingly well, and I never have to even have a conversation with her.

It's like I get to have my cake and eat it too. I get to have all the things I enjoyed out of the few relationships I had, with none of the costs and drama and pain.

>> No.11213505

> I know full well she's just a doll, but when I'm in that post-sex daze and my brain is absolutely immersed in oxytocin the urge to cuddle her is absolutely unstoppable and it feels so, so good to give in to. I could just sit there and spoon her for hours afterwards, and... sometimes I do.
Jesus. You're lonely my dude. I don't even cuddle and spoon after sex with my girlfriend let alone a doll. Do you have any close human contact besides the doll and I don't mean romantic but like friends and family that hug you and have an arm around you like friends? Because it seems you are missing some human touch. Doesn't have to be romantic in nature.

>> No.11213516
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I am definitely touch starved, yes. Plenty of friends, but body contact has never really been a part of our social circle, no.

That said, I hate relationships so much I would still prefer to go without than get into another relationship. So this is a happy alternative for me.

>Doesn't have to be romantic in nature.
>just touch me bro
>no homo just touch me
>give me a back rub bro

>> No.11213543
File: 61 KB, 715x358, coom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dude
back to 9plebbitcord

>> No.11213558

>the urge to cuddle her is absolutely unstoppable
I'm not judging, but do you make any effort to warm up the doll, or does it feel like you're fucking cold silicone?
Because I can imagine some people would be into that, snuff fetishists, etc.

>> No.11213563

Heated blankets are a godsend, yes. There are also toy warmers for their holes, which I've heard are good but haven't myself yet tried.

That said, they don't feel nearly so cold if you have clothes on them. And, they warm up pretty fast with direct contact.

>> No.11213569

>>Doesn't have to be romantic in nature.
>>just touch me bro
>>no homo just touch me
>>give me a back rub bro
loled. homos btfo

>> No.11213595

>I don't even cuddle and spoon after sex with my girlfriend
You don't even spoon or cuddle?
This reflects more negatively on you than it does the dollanon you're trying to belittle.

>> No.11213619

Why choosing Asian though? Is it your preference or it was the only option?

>> No.11213620

How is this even a question?
Western sex dolls all look like men.

>> No.11213625
File: 313 KB, 1920x1280, piper-doll-pi-162-jenna-0814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These dolls are made in china, and most of them are sculpted in china too. And they do best what they know -- asian features. Most caucasian dolls try way too hard to capture that "sultry, smoking hot bombshell" look, and I mean that's not bad if that's your thing, but it's not really mine.

I knew I was going to get a short doll (although not ridiculously short), as weight is a big concern with these things, and so I knew I wanted to get a cute face for it. I went with what was far and away the cutest face I could find for a doll, at least for my taste.

Pic related, this is what I'm talking about. if you like that, then more power to you man, but for me I prefer cuter.

>> No.11213910


>> No.11213936

When the cabal of CIA nigger aliens told you to have sex incel they didn't mean it with a plastic doll, duh! They wanted you to apply suction to a feminine penis to activate the sacred ninth Luciferian quantum portal (Planck's secret black body hole) to Earth to commence this year's purge. You are letting us down and I think the consequences will not be the same again.

>> No.11214254

I'm not attracted to females anymore, the way of the mare pussy made me see the truth, 3dpd can't compete.

>> No.11214297

It makes you seek adventure. The problem with porn is that you're tricking yourself that you completed your bio mission with doing as little work as possible. Coombrain is real

>> No.11214398

>greek homopedo
>nazis killing jews
hello shlomo

>> No.11214544

>After sex
You know what happens after sex? Your girlfriend goes to the bathroom to scoop all your cum out of her which will take a couple of minutes. You get drowsy and grab a couple of pillows to prop yourself up and you gasp for breath a minute or two due to that exhaustingly long session. You drink something and don't want to touch someone else because you're hot and sweaty.

If it's at night you will most likely sleep or talk somewhat. Cuddling/spooning after sex is unpractical and is something that people that never actually had sex would think people do.

>> No.11214560


>Cuddling/spooning after sex is unpractical and is something that people that never actually had sex would think people do.

slut detected. my girlfriend and I always cuddle and talk after sex.

>> No.11214710

This is a different asexual anon responding, but just a few weeks ago, honestly. I had to logically figure out that I did not have sexual attraction to any people... if you've never had it, you don't know what it's like, so you don't know whether you have it or not. I think the simplest statement I can make that confirms it is that I've never looked at a person and wanted to have sex with them.

>> No.11214765
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>> No.11214846

Do you jerk off somehow?

>> No.11215526

>exhaustingly long session

Imagine thinking there are people who have sex for more than 20 minutes maximum. Not even in porn people fuck more than that.

>> No.11215537

is it even possible in the current year? i'm pretty sure our nervous systems are completely tapped out. 5g? does it matter?

>> No.11215641
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Most people despite having an iPhone are still neanderthal inside.

>> No.11215741


>> No.11215926

kys retard, that's actually one of the few meaningful posts in this thread

>> No.11216605

>>inb4 incel, have sex, etc.
You're a seething incel, dilate, have sex, etc

Please post your brainlet threads where they really belong: >>>/b/ >>>/trash/ >>>/s4s/