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11181070 No.11181070 [Reply] [Original]

terrence tao
khan from khan academy
adolf hitler

please add to my list

>> No.11181071


>> No.11181101

All from my area of interest (applied math/cog sci/game theory):

Noam Chomsky
Johann van Benthem
Paul Smolensky
Rohit Parikh
Bob Coecke
Brian Skyrms

>> No.11181123


>> No.11181130


>> No.11181137

Many names.
I would just name the fields.
Molecular biology, paleontology, geology.

>> No.11181148
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me desu

>> No.11181149
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Edward Witten

>> No.11181309

my post number

>> No.11181347

Unironically this. This guy is on a different level in terms of what he's contributed to theoretical physics (most of it has nothing to do with string theory)

>> No.11181352

Jordan peterson
Christopher hitchens's brother
Steven hawking
Linus torvalds
Julian assange
Bill gates
James watson
Bret and eric weinstein
Steve wozniak
Warren buffett
Joss whedon
Neil gaiman
The cohen brothers
JJ abrams
Mark zuckerberg
Elizabeth warren
Amderson cooper
Chuck palahniuk
George rr martin
David foster wallace
Magnus carlson (chess grandmaster)
Destiny (starcraft grandmaster)
Cmdr chris hatfield
Justin roiland
Jonatgon coulton
Randal monroe

To name a few

>> No.11181366


>> No.11181424

>to name a few

>> No.11181426

no, me. heh.

>> No.11181431

>David foster wallace

>> No.11181446


like what?

>> No.11181525

Here are just a few of the things he did in the 80s that have nothing to do with string theory or topology. As the decades go on it gets harder for me to follow his papers.

He invented supersymmetric quantum mechanics, which breathed some new life into ordinary undergraduate quantum mechanics (you can apply it to the harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom, etc)

He helped come up with the Witten-Veneziano mechanism which explains why a real world particle called the eta meson has the mass it does (this was a puzzle for a lot of people in the 70s)

He invented the Wess-Zumino-Witten model, which is a field theory that has all sorts of applications in condensed matter

He brought back an idea by someone named Skyrme that protons and neutrons and related particles (baryons) are really topological defects kind of like magnetic monopoles in a quark condensate field

>> No.11181719


but supersymmetry is a meme

>> No.11181731

Nah, particle physics being secretly supersymmetric at high energies might be a meme, but the idea itself is good. The point of SUSY quantum mechanics is you can use SUSY to simplify problems. Like I said, the hydrogen atom can be considered from the point of view of SUSY quantum mechanics. It turns up in lots of places you wouldn't expect.

>> No.11181751
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>> No.11181813

Reese Wither spoon

>> No.11181836

>Juden Peterstein
>Mark (((Zuckerberg)))
>(((Christopher hitchens's brother)))
>Destiny (starcraft grandmaster)

>> No.11183540

destiny? you have to be shitting me, that little twerp isn't even the smartest at any of the tournies

>> No.11183545


>> No.11183574

That's a yikes from me

>> No.11183654

>Jordan peterson
>Christopher hitchens's brother
>Steven hawking
>Linus torvalds
>Julian assange
>Bill gates
>James watson
>Bret and eric weinstein
>Steve wozniak
>Warren buffett
>Joss whedon
>Neil gaiman
>The cohen brothers
>JJ abrams
>Mark zuckerberg
>Elizabeth warren
>Amderson cooper
>Chuck palahniuk
>George rr martin
>David foster wallace
>Magnus carlson (chess grandmaster)
>Destiny (starcraft grandmaster)
>Cmdr chris hatfield
>Justin roiland
>Jonatgon coulton
>Randal monroe
not many chicks to be honest

>> No.11183708


>> No.11183717

The guy that invented yoga pants...genius in my books.

>> No.11183721
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>prefrontal cortex status, fully atrophied.

>> No.11183729

>your gene pool
Stagnant lifeless pond

>> No.11183768

SUSY is very likely true even if SUSY at LHC energies is not

>> No.11183777
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>> No.11183789


low-IQs biting bait are not allowed on this board

>> No.11183797

Oh, God

>> No.11183798

>adolf hitler
>alive today

>> No.11183799
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Eliezer Yudkowsky

>> No.11183805
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Aubrey de Grey

>> No.11183810

Hawking died in 2018

>> No.11183817


>> No.11183839

stephen wolfram

>> No.11184132

I think he wrote his own entry on Rational Wiki

>> No.11184440

Peter Scholze
Nikodem Poplawski

>> No.11184451

van Benthem is based. I don't care about anything Chomsky said from the mid-90s on. What's the point of formal linguistics, a branch of cognitive science, if it's neither informed by formal language theory nor cognitive science?

>> No.11184528

You posted a sunderer from planetside 2

>> No.11184730

Jeff Bezos

>> No.11184741

Dalai Lama

>> No.11184742
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Sal is >ourguy

>> No.11184744

>theoretical physics

>> No.11184753
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Malcolm Gladwell
Tim Ferriss
Steve Jobs
Steven King

>> No.11184754

>your logic

>> No.11184757

Ur mum died in 2018

>> No.11184767
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John McAfee
Howard Schultz

>> No.11184771

Artur Avila
Anyone with a Fields or a Nobel

>> No.11184773

Nobody is alive, we all died of climate change and are being simulated by alien archeologists

>> No.11184781

my diary desu

>> No.11184785


>> No.11184805

if this is truth please for the love of fucking god activate heaven mod, what else do you want to see about our interactions, alien overlords, please activate constant pleasure mdoe

>> No.11184812

Never. Your nature is both your punishment and your reward.

>> No.11184837

did you maek the simulation to see how long it would take us to realize where we are and ask for digital catgirls?

>> No.11184845

No. I volunteered to become the entire simulation like Solipsist Natiion in Permutation City so the aliens complied because I was the closest thing to a consenting party. You are all just versions of me that have been altered until they have the properties of you instead.

>> No.11184867

so... you have 5 billion beings inside you, almost all of them having orgasms and discharigng fluids inside you?, new fetish acquired

>> No.11184998

Anon managed to self-aggrandise into giving someone a new fetish? New fetish acquired

>> No.11185011

Horrible bait

>> No.11185856

I'm amazed you managed to get this many responses for such shit tier b8. Here's another (You) for (You).

>> No.11186221
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Add Kanye West to the list.

>> No.11186539

this but unironically

>> No.11187202

Man is a joke, have not heard a single cogent, non trivial idea from him

>> No.11187207

Scholze is surprisingly only very gifted mathematically