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11170490 No.11170490 [Reply] [Original]

Which antidepressant shows the highest efficacy in treating those with major depressive disorder and/or dysthymia and apathy?

>> No.11170493

Build up your ego.

>> No.11170601

It's called a girlfriend.


girlfriend (plural girlfriends)

A female partner in an unmarried romantic relationship.

>> No.11170656
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Try tianeptine

>> No.11170698

The lead pill.

>> No.11170835

none, antidepressant's are a meme treatment that do not 'treat' depression. they can however, mask your symptoms but that usually just prolongs the time it takes (sometimes indefinitely) until you actually address the core issues of why you are depressed to begin with and *act* on the circumstances.

>> No.11170856

fuck SSRIs

exercise, maintain low body fat, get sunlight, eat whole foods and minimally processed foods (3-5 ingredients), meditate, play music.

>> No.11170964

The state of current psychiatry is that you take pills, if they don't work you take other pills, repeat until something works. And every person has different responses to those drugs.

>> No.11171137

Wife died? Tackle the root cause of your depression, hire a taxidermist! Schizophrenia got you down? Don't take pills, take up jogging! You're healthy, wealthy and loved? Hey buddy, you got no call to be depressed, cheer up! One size fits all, if a drug seems to be working for you you're imagining things!

This, plus therapy or self-therapy. CBT has promise.

>> No.11171259

>dude just add a significant cause of stress then you'll be happy
Why are cumbrains like this, the limit of their reach is a fucking female

>> No.11171271


>> No.11171372

amitriptyline is best by far according to the most recent meta analysis

>> No.11171846

Spravato followed by MAOIs. Everything else is meme tier.

>> No.11171945

>haha yeah bro ignore the measurable chemical imbalance in your brain just be happy
I wish you'd kill yourself unironically

>> No.11171961

>every person has different biology and anatomy
No you fucking retard, effectiveness can vary but you're not a special unique snowflake. Pills are a lot fucking better than condescending 4Head tier bullshit from people who think a lack of exercise causes major depressive and anxiety episodes

I am beyond fucking livid at these retards who think they have miracle solutions to real problems the person never fucking experienced or had to deal with
>oh no I was sad after breaking up with my gf this is the same thing as barely being able to get out of bed for years at a time

>> No.11172011

>I am beyond livid
>i hope a depressed person kills themselves
>you are not genetically and neurologically distinct from other people
you sound unstable, cruel, and low iq

>> No.11172026

weed and opium-heroin

>> No.11172030
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>another iq thread

>> No.11172042

>measurable chemical imbalance

based unwitting pharma apologist who justifies medicalizing a disorder based primarily on social factors with shitty correlative brain imaging research

>> No.11172183

It's funny you call others cumbrains when you are the sex obsessed retard who immediately assumes that having a girlfriend is only physical genital encounters.

>> No.11172200


>> No.11172224

a regular schedule of intense cardio

>> No.11172245

This. Pills that take months and months to work are memes.

>> No.11172877

>you fucking retard
>you're not a special unique snowflake
>condescending 4Head tier bullshit
>I am beyond fucking livid at these retards
You seem upset. As for me, I've tried about 10 different depression meds so far. Escitalopram worked best, but stopped after a few months. Someone told me that sertraline (Zoloft) worked great for him, so I asked my psychiatrist for it, but I got so much stomach pain I couldn't get through the adjustment period.

>> No.11172898

Magnesium does. Prescription antidepressants are useless, but magnesium shows to be very efficient.

>> No.11172929

Psylocibe mushrooms. They just made them legal in Chicago so the Unis can research this more. Pills are a scam.

>> No.11172956 [DELETED] 
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>assumes that having a girlfriend is only physical genital encounters.
the fuck else are they good for? talking to? LOL. emotional support? i fucking wish i could make LOL even bigger

>> No.11173093

And when they research enough you'll have psilocybin pills.

>> No.11173109


>> No.11173134

arguing with bluepilled cucks is a waste of time

>> No.11173322

This unironically. Not only does it act as bandaid, taken over a long time antidepressants actually chemically prolong depression bc of the downregulation of target receptors. Basically, you become dependent on antidepressants (namely SSRIs) as would with any other drug, and your brain adapts by decreasing the number of target receptors (in the case of SSRIs, serotonin receptors are downregulated). This makes it incredibly hard to get off the medication, and if you try to quit your depression comes back worse than ever before because of the lack of receptors and the time it takes for your brain to readjust and upregulate. It's a trap that gets people dependent on antidepressants (or any other long term psychotropic for that matter) for year on end. If you must take antidepressants, go in with an escape plan.

>> No.11173730

You seem to be under the common but regressive misconception that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, rather than being correlated with it or the result of it. Depression largely has mental causes.

>> No.11173765 [DELETED] 
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sometimes tiem gets wasted regardless so it's k

>> No.11173789

>t. incel

>> No.11173796

>maintain low body fat, get sunlight, eat whole foods and minimally processed foods (3-5 ingredients),
can't do that if you're poor.

>> No.11173826 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11173901
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This time of dumbfuck response never fails to make me mad. It is such a stupid coping excuse for wallowing in your own "depression". You act as though the chemicals in your brain are immutable and set at birth. Here's a short list of things that cause some sort of chemical response in the brain:
>going for a walk
>almost any mental or physical action
Get over yourself, your mental state is determined by your physical actions and your mindset. Depression is common today because the average person is subjected to an unfulfilling existence. It is not a matter of health or wealth, but the fact that modern life is inherently depressive. The problem didn't exist on a large scale 200 years ago, because it is not a normal part of the human condition. The amount of people taking anxiety/anti-depressant medication is terrifying. Your brain is trying to tell you something is wrong, you have to listen

>> No.11173923


>> No.11173925 [DELETED] 
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>Your brain is trying to tell you something is wrong, you have to listen
lol good luck buddy. You're asking way too much here. people will stop at nothing to convince themselves they are victims of circumstance and they just have to endure the cards they were dealt. I tried most of my life to sort my father's anxiety/insecurity out. I was born smart and strong, but not smart or strong enough to figure his shit out for him. It's impossible to set your parents straight emotionally because of the whole power dynamic. And my parents fucking LOVED being above me. So much so that i couldn't calculate any other way to give them happiness that didn't involve them emotionally raping me. The person i am now recognizes that i should have been more of a man as opposed to trying to have a healthy relationship with them which ended up with me straight up rejecting them and almost risking spending the rest of my life in mental illness. I wish i knew everything straight out of the womb. Sadly, closing in on 30, 2 years after my father passed away, i finally know everything. Gotta keep pressing forward.

>> No.11174378

Thing is, not everyone can build muscle from exercise

>> No.11174409

You are right. Gf worsen the situation if you really have depression. You are likely to become dependent emotionally

>> No.11174433

I think you are asumming all antidepressants make you dependent. I took them for more than a year and never become dependent, they actually helped me a lot and when I felt like I didn’t need them anymore I stoped taking them without my psychiatrist permission and never felt withdrawal symptoms. When I first started taking them I was extremely bad and would probably have killed myself if the antidepressants wouldn’t have relieved the symptoms

>> No.11175979

Where do I get magnesium from?

>> No.11176237

That's the spirit

>> No.11176266

You forgot, don't be circumcised.

>> No.11176504

vegetables and whole grains you dumbshit

>> No.11176653

That doesn't treat clinical depression though you dumbshit

>> No.11176666
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>veganism can cure depression, cancer, aids, ebola, the black plague

>> No.11176873
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>> No.11176879 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11176882

Accepting reality would mean I would kill myself. I'm trying to cope here man

>> No.11176889

>Which antidepressant
It's either shrooms or ecstasy, no?

>> No.11176915

Don't quote the comment before your argument if you're not contradicting it in any way.

>> No.11176921 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11176926

Yeh ill fuck you up mate, u dichotomous fucker

>> No.11176936 [DELETED] 
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>An example of dichotomy is grouping mammals by those that live on land and those that live in water.

>> No.11178756


"Simply metabolizing more serotonin" is really simple. .. The "but chemical imbas" is a ludicrous argument that apparently never has been properly evidenced.

PS: "Full fundamental nutrition" amongst diets is really rare (some 1% – less if including other substrates).
>All essential vitamins and minerals.
>Lots of protein (examine.com suggests 1 g/lb. BW).
>Plenty of omega 3 (especially plant[s]-based).
>Proper antioxidants (Sangre de Grado; astaxanthin).
>Metabolites of glutathione, acetyl-CoA, and NAD.
>L-DOPA (for epinephrine and dopamine) and 5-HTP (for melatonin and serotonin) – "antioxidants are neurotransmitter protective".
>Caffeine (increased T, at a least near intense physical activity – of which not even amphetamine is documented).
>Ashwaghandha (reduced cortisol; increased T).

On Vitamin C, specifically (and some other information) ..

A lot of self-security is having nutriments ..

>> No.11179198

>"Simply metabolizing more serotonin" is really simple. .. The "but chemical imbas" is a ludicrous argument that apparently never has been properly evidenced.
>PS: "Full fundamental nutrition" amongst diets is really rare (some 1% – less if including other substrates).
Explain how some people can go through college subsisting on nothing more than Pop-Tarts and Cheez-Its and become accomplished and successful lawyers, scientists, or businessmen. They never have depression or anxiety and are bursting with energy and motivation. Meanwhile people with depression first have to take consult nutritionists and measure the mass of every food that they ingest to make sure they're hitting the optimal levels of macro nutrients, micro nutrients, and trace minerals. I think the body is a lot more adaptable and robust than that.

>> No.11179216

Psychedelic microdosing.

>> No.11179229
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>> No.11179379


>> No.11179448

Redpill me on ketamine. Can my doctor prescribe that for me?

>> No.11179697

Maybe they are apathic, because their problem seem unsolvable, prevention is generally better. They spend really much time solving problem, and they simple cannot move on.

>> No.11179756

"I'm not sure what you're arguing."

>> No.11179759

there are psilocybin pills.
prescribe it for yourself on the dark web, fren. You're a free being.
The best book for people about to take ketamine is Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer by John C. Lilly, who was the ketamine guy in the same sense that Leary was the LSD guy and McKenna is associated with shrooms.

Seconding everyone posting about psychedelics. More scientists and mathematicians should be taking them. My personal recommendation would be 1/3 of a gram of MDMA every 3 months, or month if you feel even a little bit down in between. Do it in a friendly setting with someone you like. If you don't come out with deep love and respect for them, yourself and humanity in general, mushrooms.
Mushrooms are very good for feeling positive about the planet, also.

>> No.11179970

Lack of happyness antidepresants, but lack of motivation is more like meth.

>> No.11180156

I’ve found that mushrooms make me feel better for a while but after those months I feel the same if not worse. Maybe a rebound effect? I know Anthony Bourdain had experimented with mushrooms and I’m curious if that had anything to do with how he ended up ):

>> No.11180285

Lsd read about Gary fisher its fixed extremely abused children and adults.

>> No.11180651

>Explain how some people can go through college subsisting on nothing more than Pop-Tarts and Cheez-Its and become accomplished and successful lawyers, scientists, or businessmen. They never have depression or anxiety and are bursting with energy and motivation.
That's really hypothetical.

>Meanwhile people with depression first have to .. consult nutritionists and measure the mass of every food that they ingest to make sure they're hitting the optimal levels of macro nutrients, micro nutrients, and trace minerals.
I'm doing this, largely for effecting flavorousness, and I'm extremely happy.

>I think the body is a lot more adaptable and robust than that.
"Either the body is getting enough nutrients, or it's not." Measurements aren't some really challenging thing. "It's simple and easy getting proper nutrition", which is "most logical" for cellular energy / youth.

>> No.11180678

5 million dollars

>> No.11180728

What are you talking about? That's retarded. You're retarded

>> No.11180732

333mg dose of mdma
More than 250mg is neurotoxic, dummy. MDMA pops neurons. Go with the psychedelics

>> No.11180802

26% of the population are non-responders.

>> No.11180830

You are a bitch, ask me how I know.
>muh chemical inbalance
shut the fuck up. Cause and effect. I know a guy who became a fucking judge even though he had dyslexia. He read law for 7-10 hours a day and not once bitched about having to do homework more than everyone else. You can't get out of bed because of your fee fees.

Was on ssri's for two years. Masks feelings of depression as well as happy moments. Flatlines your emotions (and dick). Doesn't "help" just keeps you content with a shit life. Depression is a voice in your head telling you that you need to change something that makes you feel bad, yet you do it daily. You need to first find out what it is. Instead of taking pills (which will prolong this spiritual journey) go to the gym and lift shit untill you get tired. Ponder what bothers you until you are strong enough to face it head-on. It's not a meme, it works.