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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11175926 No.11175926 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck is Weierstrass? Why did he need to keep probing? We were happy with our derivatives!

>> No.11175928

Well it doesn't matter. At least we still know all integrable functions are differentiable. If anything, we can still use that.

>> No.11175930 [DELETED] 

I mean otherwise we'd have nothing left. At least the rules of real analysis make sense when using integrals.

>> No.11175934

I mean otherwise we'd have nothing left.

>> No.11176012

He wanted to make calculus more rigorous.

People were writing books like The Analyst, subtitled "A DISCOURSE Addressed to an Infidel MATHEMATICIAN. WHEREIN It is examined whether the Object, Principles, and Inferences of the modern Analysis are more distinctly conceived, or more evidently deduced, than Religious Mysteries and Points of Faith",

Someone had to defend calculus against those criticisms, even today we still have people like Wildberger who continue to do it.

>> No.11176332

>At least we still know all integrable functions are differentiable.
the whole point of his counterexample is that there exists a bounded, continuous (hence, integrable in any finite interval) function that is differentiable nowhere.

>> No.11176381

everyone goes through a “why does Fourier series work at all” phase, or a, “why is Fourier series not working right now” phase. When you move past it, you will know who Weierstrass is.

>> No.11176398

>Someone had to defend calculus against those criticisms, even today we still have people like Wildberger who continue to do it.
lmao this is actually a great point. it must have been absolute hell for redpilled mathematicians back then.

>> No.11176407

It's funny, because everyone I know who has met Wildberger has a story about how much of a hack he is.

>> No.11177850

>hell for redpilled mathematicians back then
It's worse than it's ever been. Ever since those guys lost the fucking war, no one takes any of them seriously. We are in hell right now.

>> No.11178086
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Can you please share a story? I am actually serious.
Listen. Many moons ago one of you anons dropped this pic in a tooker thread. I'd been on /sci/ for over a year, so the name wildberger wasn't new to me. Prior to reading the thread I hadn't realized /sci/ was shitposting about a guy named "wildberger". We all know /x/ is usually wrong about everything but a broken clock is right twice a day and one time Mandela Effect was fucking real you guys, but only happened once. There were around 1.5 of the 10 years since /sci/ was created when "wildberger" meant "zany autist" and nobody fucking noticed. I didn't even believe the tooker thread until after I ran a few google searches for "wildberger" and even then I was skeptical. Thinking about it now lends perspective to how closeminded it was to dismiss the truth of the tooker threads, but I am much wiser now. Feeling a bit dizzy, I spent some additional minutes researching "wildberger the person" and ended up on fucking /r/math. In particular I found one of their very popular threads about the man. I gathered from their discussion that he's a crank, and they like the AOC. I had no choice but to check out his channel. I love math schizos but most people just ignore them. Wildberger had to be the most controversial crank I'd ever heard of.
Once upon a rainy afternoon, I found the hours I needed, and when the mood was perfect, I checked him out. I actually watched his videos, and I really liked them. He's not a hack. He's not even boring, and most of what he says is well presented and entertaining. Please watch his videos before making fun of them, and please stop making fun of norman. I don't know how else to say it. He's really fucking wholesome you guys.

>> No.11179555


>> No.11179901

how does this dude define pi without real numbers?

>> No.11179931

Circles aren’t real. There are no irrational lengths in the real world. A lot of math is just approximation.

>> No.11179944

I agree that Wildberger is no crank and he seems to be one of the most knowledgeable math guys on YouTube. However, I have the overwhelming inkling that he serves my enemies and would prefer it if I died.

>> No.11179949

Math does not concern itself with reality. Retard.

>> No.11179957

fair point. they're very useful approximations though. Does his utopia consist of overhauling and undoing our use of real numbers, or building a system that is all Z and Q, alongside our current one that deigns to allow R?

>> No.11180023

okay this is epic

>> No.11180037


The exact opposite is the case and you are dumb.


Your first two metaphysical claims are false.

t. neither of these posters. I am right.

>> No.11180098

>At least we still know all integrable functions are differentiable

you got it the other way around retard

>> No.11180106

And it goes on forever, that side, another side...

You could be happy with square root, no you must some sin like retards.