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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 797 KB, 824x738, 1574632122654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11174215 No.11174215 [Reply] [Original]

UFO's are real (U.S. guberment admited it) and have massive scientific implications. The only remaining question is whether they are terrestrial, extraterrestrial, ultraterrestrial, extradimensional, or a mixture of all. Discuss.
Relavant links.
>Popular Mechanics article admitting UFO's are not of serious scientific interest
>Dr Michio Kaku stating "the burden of proof is now on the government to prove UFO's are not aliens".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxWFQ1Y457E [Embed]
>6th man on the moon, Edgar Mitchell, on UFO's
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeBtSnRGSus [Embed]
>Astronaut Gordon Cooper, the first American to spend 24 hours in space on UFO's
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvPR8T1o3Dc [Embed]
>Ex-Head of AATIP (secret pentagon UFO study) confirming U.S. government has UFO material
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_iR41-c5OA [Embed]
>Iran intruded upon for over a decade by a mach 10+ craft, that could fly into space and hover over its instalations
>Main scientific advisor and UFO skeptic of the biggest u.s. government UFO study, project bluebook, J. Allen. Hynek, who became a believer in UFO's, after a decade of trying to debunk them.
>Interview with the main "Tic-Tac" UFO witness from the 2004 West coast U.S. Nimitz incident, Cmdr David Fravor.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eco2s3-0zsQ&t [Embed]
>Billionaire, Robert Bigelow, admitting UFO's are real and that they are here.

>> No.11174217

>New UFO research group, led by a former NASA scientist
>ex-third highest ranked person in the Pentagon, Christopher Mellon, talks about how we could use various systems to get conclusive evidence on UFO's.
>Belgian Airforce general, who was in control of the Belgian air force, during the 1990s Belgian UFO wave, confirms it was real.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdEALPvl_4Q [Embed]
>Former Mayor of Arizona, who was a witness to the phenix lights (and a military pilot) confirms that the Pheonix lights was a massive triangular UFO
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1Fh0g5wJ7A [Embed]

>> No.11174230

>>Popular Mechanics article admitting UFO's are not of serious scientific interest
are now a serious topic*

>> No.11174273

Why is there a billion links to post but only one person making threads about this?

>> No.11174279

Because weather phenomena are boring to most.

>> No.11174283

They might also be nanoterrestial, intraterrestial, megaterrestial or invitroterrestial. Really makes you think.

>> No.11174301

Are you gay?

>> No.11174341

>no arguments, total, infantile denial

>> No.11174350

>no arguments
Not sure what you mean, I just answered his question. Are you saying they're not weather phenomena?

>> No.11174353

>. Are you saying they're not weather phenomena?
>it's all weather phenomena, I, the genius, sat behind my computer, know better than people much smarter and informed than me, who have all the data

>> No.11174368

Aliens are able to travel the universe but dumb enough to visit or study americans.

>> No.11174394

We study dumb niggers in rainforrests all the time

>> No.11174417
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>ITT: UFO deniers
>in the year 2019

>> No.11174420
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>in the year 2019
>still posting on /sci/ instead of /x/

>> No.11174439

I'm >>11174273
Not denying it. Can you show me where I did?

>> No.11174441

UFO's are a /sci/ topic in 2019. I'm sorry that you can't accept it. That's simply because you are irrational.

>> No.11174449

Retards are willingly donating time to help American intelligence agencies? Seems like a win for America. Of none of the UFOs are alien, probably spy drones from China.

>> No.11174453

>Iran intruded upon for over a decade by a mach 10+ craft, that could fly into space and hover over its instalations
This sounds spooky. Any hypothesis?

>> No.11174455

>China has tech that is far beyond the u.s., but they can barely manufacture an aircraft carrier that's on par with what the u.s. had decades ago
Okay boomer

>> No.11174470

That would give it away tho- how suspicious would it be if china suddenly abandoned ship development? Also, just because u have a bleeding edge new tech doesnt mean older styles dont have advantages in reliability or cost.

>> No.11174474

UFOs were around back when China was a backwater, boomer

>> No.11174475

I'm just happy for Tom Delonge, man

>> No.11174477

>Stealthy drones are bleeding edge technology

How so?

>> No.11174480

>yeah bro, China has drones that have no visible propulsion, no wings, propellors, can stay airborne for hours, produce no plumes, and can out manuvour u.s. fighter jets and systems which are the most advanced in the world
Look. Anyone that knows anything about military tech kbows it's not China.

>> No.11174486

U.S. military has been encountering UFO's since the 40s, when China didn't have any technology.

>> No.11174506

>dude, don't make a good thread with lots of sources

>> No.11174535

imagine if the thread was about science or math, then it would be excellent

>> No.11174542

>it's not science because I don't like it!

>> No.11174632
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Applications Of The Torus – Anti Gravity

Thule, Vril And The Black Sun

>> No.11174641
File: 236 KB, 414x430, frontline2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if dense morons like you didn't post their niggerdom in every single thread. This board would be bearable instead of full of hack imbeciles

>> No.11174644

lolz @ Freemason square and compass on his guitar

>> No.11174648

how is it about science, exactly?

>> No.11174650

Thia shit reads like a fucking south park episode jesus Christ

>> No.11174651

What about it?

>> No.11174652

epic nazi symbolism dude

>> No.11174654

How isn't it a topic of scientific interest?
>I don't like it, so it's fake and gay!

>> No.11174658

Its not that I dont like it, its that it really does read like the synopsis of a fucking south park episode

>> No.11174661

No arguments

>> No.11174663

im pretty sure he's not trying to argue, my autistic friend

>> No.11174681

Either way, he's being a fag

>> No.11174691

Of course UFOs exist. There was some object flying outside my window this morning that I couldn't identify. The gooberment has only admitted that with all their fancy tech even they came across something they could not identify.

I mean I believe aliens exist. But what I'm getting at is they're not admitting aliens exist. If you wanna get conspiracy about it, its more likely they're letting other super power gooberments know we have some classified shit that will fuck you up before you see it. But we're not letting know what or how to defend against it.

>> No.11174710

>le black science man talking points

>> No.11174712

No arguments

>> No.11174752

Go to reddit

>> No.11174948

Pretty much, op has the downs

>> No.11174972

they could also be humans from the future

Time Travelers is more probable than random aliens randomly stumbling upon humans

>> No.11175030

no, it was correct in the first place

>> No.11175227
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No, you just can't take a joke. Seems you're way too deep in your own ass.

>> No.11175397

Tom please rejoin the band. Neighborhoods was fucking killer you guys have still got juice left.

>> No.11175428
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UFOs are caused by global warming

>> No.11175435

Holy fuck, /sci/ BTFO

>> No.11175438

>UFO's are real (
No they are not. Where are the fucking HD videos of UFO?

>> No.11175447

Where's the HD videos of dark matter???

>> No.11175553
File: 761 KB, 608x739, awakening2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about it?

>> No.11175555

>da evil freeemasuns

>> No.11175556
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>> No.11175558
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I actually know a number of Freemasons, do you donkey?

>> No.11175568


>> No.11175569
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Morons like you are what drags down the quality of this board. Stupid arrogant little shits that don't have the first clue wtf you are talking about

>> No.11175572
File: 224 KB, 636x352, pike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x to doubt, stfu anon

>> No.11175616

>Albert pike is credible
Lmfao, fuck off to x schizo

>> No.11175620

Anyone can go into a freemasons lodge and speak to a Mason, moron.

>> No.11175658
File: 380 KB, 798x1000, TheWidowsSon963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Morals and dogma top book for Mason initiates

LMAO kys punk ass nigger

Wow little Timmy, you come up with that all on your own?


>> No.11175704

I am a mason and if you think a 33rd degree adept is not "credible" you are a fucking moron. At least this anon has some idea what he is talking about


>> No.11175717

There's like 100 different types of lodges with different interpretations. You are a schizo /x/ poster promoting retarded conspiracy theories.

>> No.11175723

Sure thing kid, I am sure you know more than me a 31 degree mason. The schizo calling people schizo is so meta bro

>> No.11175730

>I am part of a boomer larp club so I know things
Modern masonry doesn't even use 33 degrees anymore.
Stop shitting up this thread with your autism and fuck off.

>> No.11175731

>conspiracy theories
Keep running it cunt, I don' mind if you want to dig the hole

>> No.11175735
File: 1.86 MB, 340x204, joker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modern masonry doesn't even use 33 degrees anymore

It is Scottish Rite you try hard hack mothrrfruckr

>> No.11175739

Fuck off larper. Nobody cares.

>> No.11175742
File: 1.73 MB, 260x146, whaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure look like you don't care baby bubba

>> No.11175777

>How isn't it a topic of scientific interest?
well, the 'evidence' is either some boomer LARPing as a "former senior intelligence officer" claiming he "saw" or "worked on" UFO technology or cellphone videos of things in the air moving in and out of frame, usually only from one perspective
there's no testable hypothesis, no control experiments, no actual material to study at all..
if you could provide some kind of framework to discuss this in a scientific manner, or even present some kind of rigorous study to help begin, that'd be appreciated. otherwise i hope the jannies fuck you and prune this thread.

>> No.11175785

wasted tripe 7 on blue pilled cringe. I hope you get purged by the jannies for wasting this get you greasy niggard

>> No.11175799

Your gf is conspiring right now for some BBC anon better check on her instead shitposting your niggerdom on 4chinz

>> No.11175810

Cuck fetishist projection

>> No.11175825
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alien shilling is a literal retarded CIA psyop look it up

they have been doing this for years

>> No.11175846

Shilling against aliens is literal CIA psyop designed to turn the subject into a mockery. Look it up.

>> No.11175857
File: 65 KB, 608x817, rigVeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are doing both homos. Ever hear of bluebeam? They know ayyys are real but they hide the foo fighter tech they stole from the Germans by saying it is ayys >>11174632

Learn about the Hutchison effect and Philadelphia experiment all based on the esoteric sciences and Tesla's work which was just a rediscovery of Atlantean tech written about in the Rig Vedas

>> No.11175868

>Ever hear of bluebeam?
Yes some wacky conspiracy by a fundamentalist Christian that said they were going to fake the return of Christ to form the NWO. Then somehow /x/ fags like you attached UFOs to it. Yeah bro, Russia, China, and the USA will just give up their sovereignty and form one government. Get out of here with this dumb shit.

>> No.11175875

same fag

>> No.11175881

womp womp, wrong greasy nigger


>> No.11175887

bruh you are glowing so hard right now you are blinding me, kindly fuck off back to /pol/ to run your white nationalist propaganda ops you filthy kike

>> No.11175890

Fuck off with your dumb conspiracy shite, boomer

>> No.11175894
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>> No.11175896
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>> No.11175898


>> No.11175900
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>You are the conspiracy boomer
>Yes I know what blue beam is
>I know what thes things are because reasons and they are all stoopid and so you are for also knowing what they are

You are a stone retard. Tell your MI6 handler kikes to send someone better next time

>> No.11175937


>> No.11175951

This thread started out great but then all the dunning kruger idiots came and not a relevant post was made.
To add something:

If you're new to this topic, or haven't researched it your own, I think this video is a pretty good starting point.

>> No.11175952

link is broke fag

>> No.11175953 [DELETED] 


>> No.11175964

Bill clinton fucks and rapes baby aliens and eats their embryo. I'm sure if you're a bill clinton alien rape baby you could acquire curtain skills. Kim Kardashian and other pop culture figures are spawns of Bill Clinton rape babies produced by extraterrestrial beings. Grey aliens are usually targeted, don't know about others. They wan't to create smart interdementional human-alien hybrids that are intelligent, which is why they have humans rape them and put male greys into masturbation torture, milking them of sperm to put in human women. This is one of the ways (((they))) are destroying the white race. Ask for Jesus
A-men. Good thing you put the this thread up, I might be getting retarded because the water management has been dumping higher than average flouride and other brain damaging chemicals into my drinking water, I'm being held hostage also from the toothpaste

>> No.11175967
File: 7 KB, 200x150, ayylium evidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i am contributing to the thread now

>> No.11175969 [DELETED] 

Great. You aren't funny. You aren't clever. You're nothing but a retarded pleb.

>> No.11175983
File: 39 KB, 538x302, VedicCosmology2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAH hoes mad reporting me because he got rekt so hard. I hope you get fired for being such a shit tier shill you ripe cunt

>b-b-but sir I reported him to the moderator what else could I do when he was pwing me so hard
>you're fired Moshe pack your desk and get out

Have fun cleaning Prince Andrew's cum stained sheets from the tweens he is raping you filthy boot licking shudra. Enjoy your time in the underworld

>> No.11175986

ok boomer

>> No.11175987

/pol/tards and /x/fags ruin threads.
You're not welcome on /sci/.

>> No.11175994


>> No.11176000


>> No.11176034
File: 108 KB, 573x627, Bismuth092412LetterHalPuthoffTHzSuggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally shaking and crying rn

>> No.11176042

The army facilities that Delonge's company will be using can produce terahertz. Now they will be able to test Puthoffs hypothesis.

>> No.11176059

/lit/ is my home board ass hat and you got nerve considering you don't have the firs clue wtf real science is or what is going on this world, you should prob keep your donkish quips to yourself

>> No.11176068

What's your field of study anon incel culture using yourself as the test subject? /r9k/ is looking for you perhaps you should stay there

>> No.11176095 [DELETED] 

Blah blah blah
have sex

>> No.11176111 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 480x408, fightMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incel confirmed

>> No.11176135 [DELETED] 

Have sex, incel

>> No.11176152

>UFO are real
>Unindentified Fucking Objects are real
Who would have imagined.

>> No.11176158

Hello, reddit

>> No.11176228

No, John. You are the reddits

>> No.11176366

>using braindead black science man non-arguments
>not reddit
Pick 1

>> No.11177481

extremely happy to see this thread die

>> No.11177677
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>nooo, you can't talk about this, it upsets me!!!!!

>> No.11177797

I'm not saying all UFOs are drones, some are probably other phenomenon that could be explained if someone cared enough to think past it being aliens.

>> No.11178081


>> No.11178105

Daily reminder:

>> No.11178110

but why?

>> No.11178120

Ayys have every incentive to destroy us if we are discovered.

>> No.11178123

Ayys could have easily destroyed us many times already, no?

>> No.11178167

Yes, which implies they haven't detected us yet, or RKVs are on their way already.

>> No.11178187

stfu spergy moron

>> No.11178194

Shut up faggot, go back to /x/

>> No.11178201

Not an argument

>> No.11178334

There's no such thing as a "former Blink-182 founder". Once you've founded Blink-182, you'll forever be the founder, even after you leave the band.

>> No.11178339

>local autistic man interprets all responses to him as an attempt to argue

>> No.11178378

Not an argument

>> No.11178401

What is that

>> No.11178408
File: 123 KB, 1024x860, img_5896-3286665916-1552808244186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We sure have a lot of military bases to smuggle stuff out of

>> No.11178410

relativistic kill vehicle

>> No.11178413

inb4 slag

>> No.11178423

>UFO thread

>Not a single HD picture
>Not a single proof
>not a single reasonable view

1960-1990-2005-2020, nothing changes

>> No.11178442

If we can smuggle metamaterials out of programs we can smuggle the real film photographs we hear being turned in all the time.

>> No.11178444


>> No.11178666

What happened to Art Bell going on CNN in the 90s and confirming it went to Sandia National Labs because they couldn't explain why it was processed on a manufacturing level and it brought the building blocks from a different star neighborhood with it here?

>> No.11178671

I actually don't understand what you are trying to say. Nice satan digits.

>> No.11178693

They said it had to be assembled together atom by atom, and for isotopes that weren't involved in our sun's creation to be mixed in with 3D printed atoms, it's not engineered with Earth materials

>> No.11178701


>> No.11178706


>> No.11178722

Bruh the US/EU/Israeli already effectively function as a single government controlled by banking tycoons, evangelical Christian LARPers, and Israeli Zionists.

I don't believe in "Project Bluebeam", or even really know much about it, but I still don't think thats a very good argument against the possibility of a conspiracy lile that.

>> No.11178732

damn imagine how insanely competent leaders must be to get ~1 billion people to cooperate. Wait...

>> No.11178734

Youre intentionally trying to avoid arguments that involve postulating aliens, which is itself uscientific. For anyone who has seen the videos, its obvious that theyre not some sort of natural phenomenon. Theyre clearly mechanical devices of some sort. The real question is whether theyre human.

>> No.11178749

You dont need to get people tp "cooperate" in some sort of organized way. Game theory and dynamical systems conclusively demonstrate that large networks of agents can converge on extremely regular and highly structured systems of interaction without th anyone knowing it. Lewisian signaling games are a good example, and so are a lot of coordination games that occur over resource allocation. This is not controversial in the literature.

In the case of orchestrating some "NWO" conspiracy, I'm sure there are a lot of strategies that could be employed, but one reasonable candidate would be to employ some sort of sociological/technological mechanism for whats called Quorum sensing, and have individual spooks orchestrate some sort of "deep coup" when they've established a quorum.

>> No.11178770

Anon are you a holocaust denier? That was a conspiracy that involved literally thousands of German soldiers orchestrating a genocide, and nobody even realized for 3 ficking years.

Not to mention that there is a long history of goverments misleading the public about their reasons for going to war, e.g the Spanish American War and WW1 are mow accepted by mainstream historians to have been carried out under false pretenses. Its a little too soon for historians to weigh in on, but the same goes for the Gulf War and the War on Terror.

There are plenty of other examples I could give too (e.g the Lavon Affair).

>> No.11178778

No im not. "Thousands" is 6 orders of magnitude less that "billions" btw lmao

>> No.11178808

>6 orders of magnitude less than billions

That's true, but you're the one who came up with the one billion number, not me. In fact, it would probably require far fewer individuals than that. But even if it didn't that's irrelevant. Right now we're basically talking about dynamical systems and game theory, and thus the finding, results, and rules of dynamical systems and game theory are relevant to the discussion. In the context of coordination game (specifically Hawk-Dove games, which is what we're talking about). The stability of the strategy is independent of population size (this also ties in with the Hardy-Weinberg principle). The mechanics of dynamical system and evolutionary games don't really mirror the behavior of population statistics or anything like that.

You're thinking of a coordination game as somehow involving taking the product of the respective probabilities for all the individuals involved in the coordination game, but that's not how "coalitions" work in game theory. Respectively growing larger or smaller doesn't necessarily decrease or increase the stability or feasibility of the game. In fact, in some socioeconomic contexts, there are strategies that are MORE stable when they involved larger groups of interacting agents.

>> No.11178961

What happened?

>> No.11179132

>tfw I used to be super into ufology as a kid
Damn, I was weird. But I kinda wish all that shit about the greys was real.

>> No.11179148

>u.s. fighter jets and systems which are the most advanced in the world
How are they the most advanced if they have been dabbed on by foo fighters and tic tacs for a century? US aircraft clearly sucks balls compared to these hypersonic drones unless they are also US tech (by far the most likely explanation)

>> No.11179321

wait how legit is this?

>> No.11179325

i miss when this thread was on page 9

>> No.11179353

Why are you scared?

>> No.11179372

I hate blink 182

>> No.11179378

blink 182 is trash i want it to stay in the 90s

>> No.11179400

Gotta love how /sci/ has no rebuttal, because the evidence is undeniable. Human, alien, extradimenional, whatever they are, they are here. Whatever technology is doing what these UFOs are is far beyond what the public is told is currently capable.

>> No.11179403

you're right. /sci/ sucks. let us go back to where we came from.

>> No.11179418

here is my rebuttal: nigger

>> No.11179428

I agree, but I still like what Tom is doing now.

>> No.11179474

>be higher up in military
>want more tax money for own department/projects or to give to an entrepreneur who bribes you
>fake UFO evidence

>> No.11179532

How exactly have they faked UFOs for thousands of years, all around the world?

>> No.11179534


Can't wait for the Contact Ceremony.

>> No.11179566

that happened back when you when you were a baby and your dad diddled you

>> No.11180335

>Nice satan digits.
I just realized saying shit like this is pretty close to the "thanks for the 4" nigger.

Thanks for the 11 timestamp. Gave me a good kekkle, sky hitler.

>> No.11180685


>> No.11180702

i wonder what the guy who makes all these threads is like irl

>> No.11180783

I'm a 6'4 Chad that can bench press 150kg.

>> No.11180786
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>> No.11180801


>> No.11180806

you sound hot ;3 pics?

>> No.11180815

Yeah posted a few times on /fit/

>> No.11180816


>> No.11180820

Long time ago

>> No.11180828

goddamn it.
your thread kinda sucks btw tbhqhtbh

>> No.11180837

Can you off topic literal homos fuck off please.

These threads are getting worse and worse. Almost no one has any new info and people are seemingly incapable of discussing it here.

>> No.11180839

Oh no, it'd be a shame if OP stopped making them

>> No.11180847
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>> No.11180851
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>> No.11180853
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you mad wite boi

>> No.11180923

/sci/ has a nervous breakdown upon the realisation that the op is true and they have no way of arguing against it, so they flood in and sperg

>> No.11180939
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>> No.11180950
File: 32 KB, 634x472, article-1378400-0BB0CD9300000578-321_634x472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look guys an ayylmao was found in rusha

>> No.11180956

So it seems. Although I'm not sure myself. You can't trust people, that's the problem. Liars is ruining it for everyone who's potentially telling the truth. Yet another reason I hate liars. It would be nice to discuss more with people who can remain objective.

Aliens if real seem to really love plausible deniability.

>> No.11180972


>> No.11180981

