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11171008 No.11171008 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any legal, non-addictive drugs that exist to relief stress?

It's not something for daily use just maybe once on the weekends after a rough week. Used to drink but I hate alcohol now. Not really a fan of cannabis. Just want something to make me happier without inhibiting my ability to do normal activities.

>> No.11171103
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>> No.11171115

>It's not something for daily use just maybe once on the weekends after a rough week
Phenibut, not FDA-approved but not illegal either, it only becomes addictive once you start using large doses daily. It's not something I would just sit around the house on, because its main benefit is that it makes socializing easier and more... intense, it's hard to describe.

>> No.11171135

Thanks anon. So it boosts energy? Quick read just says it helps with socializing.

>> No.11171166

It's a depressant but has stimulant properties. I mean all of the effects are very subtle unless you're taking recreational doses (>1 g in a 24-hour period), and at that rate you will have withdrawals. I take 250 mg 3-4 times per week when I'll most need it. At that dose I don't notice much myself but people respond to me better. As far as boosting energy it's a paradox, makes you sharper and more focused during the day but a very deep sleeper that night.

>> No.11171176

And I take for general anxiety too, it does dull that while I'm on it and I somwhat notice I'm not ruminating on everything that normally makes me anxious.

>> No.11171275

Thanks anon. I'll look more into it. Where do you buy it from?

>> No.11171309

Most people buy from Liftmode or Nootropicsdepot, I buy from Zach Attack Supplements because they take Paypal, the purity is generally the same from those three.

>> No.11171335

Not him but I've actually done an asston of research on this, the tldr is
>take 1-1.5mg up to 2x a week spaced at least two days off it
>don't for any fucking reason start taking it daily unless you want anxiety and withdrawals worse than than from benzos
>it takes a good fucking while to kick in so don't redose if you're not feeling anything
Nootropics Depot is general the go to for these sorts of things. Can also consider microdosing (more of an overall well being boost like phenibut instead of a recreational drug) or a light shrooms/acid trips which aren't at all head heavy but still euphoric and fun, note both acid and shrooms are among the least harmful and addictive drugs period

As far as anxiety, motivation and sleep goes phenibut has been far more effective than the millions of narcotics I've been prescribed

>> No.11171343

Microdosing shrooms/acid if I wasn't clear. I usually just do it on my third day off of phenibut

>> No.11171352

Also g not mg

>> No.11171361

That's bullshit
Phenibut is addictive and the tolerance develops instantly. It's not a nootropic.
Withdrawals are real.
People have OD'ed on it and died.
It gives you a better high than weed

OP do NOT take it. There is no drug that makes you happier without inhibiting you or damaging you.

>> No.11171421

Thanks. The more I read, the more dangers I have found.

I really just want a small mood boost that lasts for the day or so. I understand there will be some form of harm but so does alcohol.

>> No.11171440
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>the tolerance develops instantly
People like you are why I have to have a lifetime's supply at all times. Can't manage to control yourself to the dose it's prescribed at for anxiety so you regard it like babby's first heroin.

>> No.11171785


>> No.11171787

Unironically cannabis. Just don't become a full stonerbro and the health effects are negligible. I go through about an eighth a month.

>> No.11171998

Holy shit every fucking thing you said was wrong, stop giving "advice"
>tolerance/withdrawals instantly
Complete bullshit. The drug is completely effective on a schedule without these
Literally nobody has died from ODing
>better high than weed
It's not a high

Holy shit I am beyond sick of you fear mongering "muh natural muh b itself man made thing bad" retards, why are you even on a science board when all you do is spout propaganda

>> No.11172022

I heard cbd oil is pretty good.

>> No.11172035

honestly id just recommend weed. get a dab pen or something. its not about getting DESTROYED and BLAZED every weekend. you can just take a hit or 2 when you feel stressed and youll get buzzed and feel calm.

>> No.11172155

Also I'll stop quoting myself after this but small amounts of weed at around a 1:1 to 2:1 ratio of CBD:THC is good for acute anxiety but not general. Phenibut is a fucking miracle and you shouldn't be listening to drug advice from anti-scientific retards who think you can solve everything with positive thinking

>> No.11172178


I definitely would but it's illegal in my state. Plus, last time few times I did I got super fucking paranoid.

>> No.11173495

Try tea.

>> No.11173504

What kind of tea?

>> No.11173642

I know it's a stupid question but tea hasn't really done anything for me in the past. Is there anything specific to try?

>> No.11173682

I'm microdosing memantine, dxm, bupropion and cph.
All of it is over the counter, the combo gives good effects at low doses from all being targeted by CYPD26. It does NMDA, mildly SRSI, norepinephrine, nicotinic and acetylcholine effects.
I take 1/4 of a dose of each, just once in the morning on an empty stomach, that's like from 1/8 to 1/16 of the common daily therapeutic dose. Side effects are minimum and go away after a week, when you'll feel the full effects. Side effects for me were funny cartoon dreams, bad memory and slurred speech, but went away after a week and only affected me for a couple of hours.
It's a combo and dosage that's not tough but needs daily dosing because of how the brain regulates itself. I'm also pairing it with HIIT exercise routines, healthy diet, supplements and good sleep, but without the meds it would not help at all. Bupropion also helped me to quit smoking tobacco, and keeps me fine because it has nicotinic targeting.
This combo It took away my pernicious depression and anxiety after a couple of months. Sometimes I put Tylenol to the combo because it has cannabinoid effects besides the NSAID and depression has an inflammatory immune component, but if you can get some cannabis to microdose that's fine also.

>> No.11173711
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L-theanine is great but I think there is some tolerance build up

>> No.11174756
