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File: 325 KB, 675x900, 9EB2E96E-E9AB-428C-808A-7AAB2120B516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11158421 No.11158421 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the psychology behind domestic abuse? Why in the fuck would a girl stay with someone that beats her?

>> No.11158427

>Why in the fuck would a girl stay with someone that beats her?
Why don't you try it and find out?

>> No.11158431

Financial aid
Staying with your MechEn major husband because you're a Gender Studies/Education or other humanities major
Those are the ones I can name from the top of my head

>> No.11158435
File: 56 KB, 770x590, Womens_fantasies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contrary to what women say, they love being abused. it's fucked, the second you start treating them nicely is the second they start to use and abuse you. i think it has something to do with what they perceive as dominant and that is what gives them the vaginal tingles. treating them like a human being they perceive as weakness and their vagoo dries up like the sahara.

>> No.11158438

Because they erroneously think their partner may change for the better.

>> No.11158462

women like it

>> No.11158481

>Can someone explain the psychology behind domestic abuse? Why in the fuck would a girl stay with someone that beats her?
These people are hedonists at core and are damaged by their actions. They cum-and-ethanol-brained. Pretty hard to access things rationally if you inflict brain damage twice a week getting drunk, and by then you don't even care. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

>> No.11158496

humans are literally just apes in clothing
men love to destroy things and women love to be destroyed
there is no rationality they're just beasts

>> No.11158505

Confirmation bias. Once you "program" a neurotypical person strongly enough, they will never be able to correct their beliefs. So the abusers abuse this by treating the woman nicely for several months to a few years, then go on abusing. The woman may run away once in a while, but the next morning she "realizes" he still loves her and goes back, as the programming cannot be permanently broken. This is the same reason why first impressions are so important, the first hours to months will determine how you'll be seen by the person for the rest of your life.

>> No.11158534

yeah it's the same way that if you treat a dog good for the first couple months of its life it'll never bite you even if you constantly beat the shit out of it
women are dogs

>> No.11158542

ITT: incels anonymous

>> No.11158544

how do you program your gf?

>> No.11158547

Women are dumb

>> No.11158550

Same reason people elected Trump. People want someone strong, a bully, because they believe if they tolerate his abuse, he will protect them from the others because he is so tough.

>> No.11158584

Women like criminals, assholes and other shits and they love trying to make them tame. Once they succeed they will divorce him, ruin his life using misandrist law and then marry a nigger to repeat the process.

>> No.11158596

Are women not interested in you because you are a really nice guy?

>> No.11158600

Yeah I'm a really nice guy who spends all of his time on /r9k/ and incels.me ranting about how women are evil and trannies are the future. Why didn't mommy love me? (scientifically speaking)

>> No.11158604

Isn't dopamine released for women after physical injury or abuse? I read a study years ago that said something like this.

>> No.11158617
File: 523 KB, 1200x800, 1526993329834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I don't care about being nice because pic related. But if you're interested on embarking in the high risk low reward that are modern women I've heard it is important to be genuinely nice, and that ironically can only be achieved by not giving a fuck.

>> No.11158618

Something you want to talk about.

>> No.11158620

This would be based if it wasn't for the porn addiction part.

>> No.11158625

Yes. Thats why cutting behaviour is a thing, its a form of addiction. Although I have never heard of dopamine being a reason behind women staying in abusive relations.

>> No.11158648

Have sex basednigger

>> No.11158659

Are we being raided?

>> No.11158665

If it wasn't for the retarded /pol/ memes you mean

>> No.11158667

Are we being raided?

>> No.11158669
File: 9 KB, 233x217, 1558664011681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it's posted on /pol/ automatically makes it wrong.

>> No.11158674

I hate this image so much.

>> No.11158686


>> No.11158694

dominance is a major turn on for women and that's all there is to know about it

>> No.11159050

>Same reason people elected Trump.

Feminist Liberal Progressives are like vegans, EVERYTHING and EVERY conversation is about their freaky world view.

Go choke on your lovers cock.

>> No.11159098

This is a science board, female logic and questions based on it belongs to /x

>> No.11159136


-if you leave the kids maybe will get targetted or maybe they also face abuse and get more abuse.
-you get fucked over financially.
-you can't leave due to other reasons
-partner is threatening you to stay.
-partners status protects him.

and other reasons

>> No.11159138

A better question would be why would a man beat a girl he claims to love?

>> No.11159187

There's a lot of fucked up psychological reasons why people are too beaten down to leave

I'd bet money is the biggest one. If the abuser is the provider they have massive control over your life. You could end up in the streets if you leave.

>> No.11159214

Maybe Derek Rake knows.

>> No.11159225

>the abuser is the provider they have massive control over your life.

Not exactly. If you play your cards right you can even have lower in income with your spouse and still have more control. Would you leave if your spouse will inherit a 3 million dollar house in the city and housing+rental prices were batshit insane that living alone temporarily is unviable and you have no family nearby.

That's why moving abroad for marriage is so scary because the abuser has the home court justice system advantage. Try dealing with paper work and court shit in Japanese.

>> No.11159227

>yeah it's the same way that if you treat a dog good for the first couple months of its life it'll never bite you even if you constantly beat the shit out of it


>> No.11159254

its hot

>> No.11159267

This nefarious organization I.N.C.E.L. can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.11159280

When will the dangerous radical extremist group I.N.C.E.L. finally be brought to justice?

>> No.11159288

>That's why moving abroad for marriage is so scary because the abuser has the home court justice system advantage. Try dealing with paper work and court shit in Japanese.
Well actually in the case of Japan since you're not a citizen you have literally no legal rights and can't even get money in a divorce.

>> No.11159294

The cartoon meme of a caveman clubbing a cavewoman in the head and dragging her by the hair into a cave is historically true. Up until fairly recently women were treated as a commodity to be traded for a few cattle and bags of grain. There are countless reasons why they are totally mentally fucked and shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.11159324

Did that.

They do because they write silent stories in their head where they are the healing priestess. Everyone needs some reason to keep up with the abuse that is breathing.

>> No.11159366

Also communal leverage.

Some women are both cunning and vicious.

>> No.11159394

He's a charmer. Is it better than being in a relationship with mr nice guy who doesn't excite you? Up for debate. But it's more interesting.

Also show your daughters some love so they're not desperate to hop from one dick to another and cling to it in search of validation and attention.
Pretty sure most if not all the girls caught in this type of relationship are the same type who can't go two weeks as a single person.

>> No.11159847


If you had millions of young thots eager to hop on your dick, how well would you be inclined to treat any single one of them? How invested would you get? How much of their shit would you put up with?

Hurting her casually without consequence, physically or emotionally is a clear signal that you are superior to her and women are A-OK with being with a man superior then her because hypergamy.

Also, being a dick in ancient times was something you could only get away with due to having high status or other social benefits that prevented you from getting knifed in the ribs while you slept. Modern society, with laws against murder and assault, have allowed otherwise trash humans with nothing to lose to go about unimpeded and thus creating a signal that these people are high status and protected.

Hence why wife beaters are typically niggers, trailer trash, and meth addicts/dealers.

>> No.11159856


This is also why they'll take back cheaters and fight the other ratchet ass hoes over a man.

If another woman is willing to sleep with him, he must have something worth fighting over.

Women's rights was a mistake.

>> No.11159858


Also cops.

>> No.11159901

He's totally right about the mindset though. You can't even deny it.

>> No.11159909

It's just fear
-Fear of the man
-Fear of the reaction of her family/friends
-Fear to admit she was wrong
-Fear of having to restart a new life

>> No.11159913

cluster C and b personality

>> No.11159916

thanks for this post.

>> No.11159920

Because they actually have a good relationships and some degree of trust.

>> No.11159923

Not science, you stupid faggot.

>> No.11160559

>Women's rights was a mistake.
Wrong. It was a conscious decision made by occupying force$ to subdue slave states.

>> No.11160768

>enter thread thinking there were going to be more pics of cute anime girls being hurt
fuck this thread

>> No.11161769

Women are dumb.

>> No.11162183

>Women like a powerful man. A man who abuses them seems powerful (in comparison to them).
>They might think they can't get a better man.
>They have kids together
>Religion or culture.
pick one

>> No.11162208
File: 32 KB, 825x422, Wall Street Syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Confirmation bias. Once you "program" a neurotypical person strongly enough, they will never be able to correct their beliefs. So the abusers abuse this by treating the woman nicely for several months to a few years, then go on abusing. The woman may run away once in a while, but the next morning she "realizes" he still loves her and goes back, as the programming cannot be permanently broken.
Reminds me of the markets lmao

>> No.11162221

Agressivenes and the capacity to hurt people is a desirable trait at every level. When you are assaulted by the abuser you subconciously tend to explore every possibility in you have that personw hich you think is very good at hurting people hurting others on your behalf

>> No.11162342

Long-term abuse victim here! It’s like being trapped by emotional dependency and social isolation.

>> No.11162357

is there any data to go along with this graph?

>> No.11162365

bullshit, you always have a choice. A teacher tried to molest me when i was 9 i broke his nose and told on him. He died like a month after going to jail.

>> No.11162371

>breaking fingers
that's too far.
My abuse is more sexual and dominant than violent sociopathy.
real question is why the fuck should they leave? what are you some kind of whore sympathizer?
asking for a friend but what's the difference between forced sex and rape?
>Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
cringe. you act like something wrong has been done in an abuse. nothing wrong there.
>Oh hey you dropped your books. let me help you out. Yeah it's no problem. Oh hey I guess we have the same class together, I don't really know anyone here either.
>oh you're sitting with me because I'm the only person that you know.
>hey give me your number so we can exchange notes later
>oh after a week of having the class together you want to go to the library and study?
>oh you find me to be hilarious?
>Oh you hear about a tea shop that opened up? Well I don't really know much about tea (a lie) maybe you can recommend me something good? sunday after mass you want to meet up at the tea shop?
>our class has been long over and we are still great friends?
>I drive you home late at night and we kiss goodbye like in all those romantic films you watched as a little girl which I knew you love because you talked about it? just like the movies but smells like beer? charming?
>hey you, I saw a new restraint that has that food you told me you really like, maybe we can go on a date. You're not sure? c'mon we're freinds and I'll pay
>what's that? you haven't seen or heard from me for over a week since our date and you're starving for attention?
>I'm a little occupied with my classes to give you attention. what, why are you throwing yourself at me? a study DATE ;)?
>alcohol? jokes that aren't funny but we are laughing and drunk? Oh no you spilt this beer on me, let me take off my shirt and show you my /fit/ body. We are now passionately fucking drunkenly?
>long committed relationship
name something bad

>> No.11162379

Me too

>> No.11162381
File: 20 KB, 356x374, 1573682846617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this board hate women so much?

>> No.11162388

mommy issues
Freud probably has a good explanation.

>> No.11162395

bunch of shut ins who dont bathe and have nothing interesting or valuable to offer to anyone, in a society that constantly sells you are entitled to have a 10/10 model gf love you unconditionally as a slave.

you do the math.

>> No.11162396


>> No.11162662

Stop posting that image
violence is 99% inefficient, dysproportionate to the means and effectively a rather pointless waste of ressources
This Is the reason I dislike displays of violence outside of anything that isn't a cinema movie, where it becomes part of a bigger story rather than portrayal for reasons of mere portrayal, such as in gore for example
Even more pointless seems to be taking the effort of drawing a picture of physical abuse and showing it for no reason but shock value
Remove the image, this isn't b, v or pol where you have to be edgy and outrageous
A simple stock image regarding the topic would have done the deed.

>> No.11162672

Shut up, nigger.

>> No.11162708

I'll take things that didn't happen for $400

>> No.11162878

Bitch, who said you could get on the internet?

>> No.11163296


>> No.11163397

shut the hell up, nerd

>> No.11163409
File: 7 KB, 192x263, nfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the woman.
See, this song for further reference.
There are some girls that will straight up end YOU if you tick them off.

>> No.11163576

>There are some girls that will straight up end YOU if you tick them off.
nah they are just testing you to make you dominate them, its a fucking turn off when boys accept women dominance.

>> No.11163598

>nah they are just testing you to make you dominate them, its a fucking turn off when boys accept women dominance.
I envy your innocence.

>> No.11163602

I don't envy your betaness. Seriously, assert yourself over the next girl, dont worry, even for a wimp like you tis easy to win over a girl

>> No.11163606

They like it.

>> No.11163622

codependent relationships
usually one or both people are products of abuse themselves

>> No.11163632
File: 3.31 MB, 718x404, RDS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assert yourself over...girl
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I'm just telling you dude, though a small minority, they ARE out there. Don't believe well that's your problem, and eventually mine, whatever though.

>> No.11163637

Can someone explain the psychology behind domestic abuse?
Some guys are just more violent
Why in the fuck would a girl stay with someone that beats her?
Because in a female’s reptile brain getting beaten up and mistreated implies the guy is a stronk tough boss who does what he does because nobody can stop him

So he’s a good m8

>> No.11163641


>> No.11163668

incel thread neuter urself 4chan

>> No.11163725
File: 10 KB, 259x194, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.11163734

>17% of women want to get raped by other women
lmao. Something tells me this study was carried out in a questionable way. Did they get their pool of participants from a BDSM convention?

>> No.11163741

>That pic

>> No.11163746
File: 775 KB, 750x833, TFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11163755
File: 2.13 MB, 1320x1869, OriginOfFamily-1884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because "ordinary family" and "full blown domestic abuse" are not the opposite but exist on a continuum. The family is an institution for the protection and inheritance of property, not your comfy "haveafamily" anime fantasy.

Read "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" by Engels.

All families are inherently abusive. The people genetically related to you or whom you intend to share genes with can and often will be your worse enemies.

>> No.11163761
File: 11 KB, 286x176, TheDayAnonWentAbsolutelyNUCLEAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jfc anon, calm down.

>> No.11163764

Are you ok?

>> No.11163766


>> No.11165384
File: 117 KB, 960x960, 66306854_935362186808373_1637276026117554176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11165401


>> No.11165422

remember anons women want to get raped by chads not incel freaks.
Man yourself the alpha of the house, not a beta cuck. For only retards out there here:
it's your fucking money
it's your fucking house
it's your fucking clothes you bought her with your money
it's YOUR women
women are biologically used to being treated like property. Don't let anyone have the delusion that they own any of your shit.
Women have the PRIVILEGE to have access to your resources.
I am not saying to be a sociopathic freak, but don't take shit from the thing you bought to suck your cock.
Lots of women are raised to believe they are more valuable than they really are. A playful smack is a good way to test if you should drop her. a relationship goes two ways, don't get fucked into a beta cuck relationship.
Women enjoy being tended to and having to do nothing. Make her earn it because you can find better pussy, bro. I guarantee you.

>> No.11165426
File: 156 KB, 900x1500, 1549641912834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny here.
I understand it because I too want to be raped and beaten up.
It's hot and makes my girldick hard.
I think it's because it shows that someone really wants my body by any means necessary and is risking jailtime for it.
Not that I'd ever get raped of course, because I'm not that good looking. Unless I went to jail. They'd probably rape me every day in jail

>> No.11165429

I forgot to mention but make sure you impregnate women. stop this zoomer shit. women will react if you are fucking her for a year and she isn't pregnant.
birth control changes female neurochemistry, don't let your women take it.
being a father is our biological nature.
Women have the natural desire to become pregnant. and there was no consent during human evolution.
I would rape and beat you, but not because I want your body. I want to humiliate you and show you how pathetic you are, tranny scum.

>> No.11165494

>I would rape and beat you, but not because I want your body. I want to humiliate you and show you how pathetic you are, tranny scum.
What makes you think I don't like this?
Don't you think I want to be pregnant too?
Just because I can't get pregnant doesn't mean we shouldn't try

>> No.11165706

to feel her emotions
it feels so good to see it directed at me after a lifetime of deprivations from female emotion