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11159183 No.11159183 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific reason why there are no geniuses today

>> No.11159198

Too many damn mobile phones. Every kid is practically glued to them. It saps their intelligence with its Facespaces and Yourtwits.

>> No.11159203

There are, information filtering precludes you from discovering them

>> No.11159222

Over specialization and over technicalization of science?

>> No.11159290

ron maimon

>> No.11159311

Commercialized science

>> No.11159338

For sure a contributing factor is schools teach enough to know things, but not enough to understand them.
Also I don't know many parents who start teaching their kids stuff before they're in school. Too many think public schools will magically make them intelligent enough to not be dependant on government programs.
Also how many rich kids get private tutors to understand math so well they develop a new branch of it instead of studying business law and practices.

Not saying these are the only reasons, but I'm sure we're losing a few otherwise bright and curious minds to an shit system with apathetic players.
And also like other anon said, teaching our kids to search YouTube for themselves instead of reading them a book and teaching them ABCs.

>> No.11159373

They're being snatched up or killed by the government

>> No.11159510
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Science good.

>> No.11159526
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Amazing that professional academia was so much more productive 100 years ago with so fewer participants and practically no women at all. Today its more than half female, thats probably what made it all so stupid. Women's brains are 15% smaller than men's, its a given fact that including women in anything will make it stupider.

>> No.11159650

Because sciences are hard now. You literally learn about relativity when your are just 15 years old.

>> No.11159693

No, but there is a mathematical one: we reached the cusp of what is naturally intuitive after long, hard thinking.

>> No.11159869

There are. Nobody notices them because retards usually have louder voices.

>> No.11159873

every time this image gets reposted it's less and less clear and i can see artifacts.

>> No.11159883

The infection of physics with math.

>> No.11159892
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Smart people not having kids


>> No.11159894

It's not because of women, but because it has turned into a mass production industry.
Good luck sifting the diamonds from the turds.
People are literally forced to earn useless signed papers to get better paid jobs, even though they don't even need half of what they're taught and forget most of it in just two or three years.

>> No.11159898

Anything possible for a human to figure out has been done already.

Discoveries can only be done by accident now. For by computers.

>> No.11160051

All the rock star geniuses were made up for propaganda purposes.

>> No.11160061
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Almost everyone agrees this guy is one. An extremely successful genius.

>> No.11160065

literally nobody above the age of 16 thinks this

>> No.11160068


>> No.11160072

What makes him smart? And don't say owning businesses.

>> No.11160076
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>> No.11160077

They are diagnosed with autism and held locked up on tranquilizers.

>> No.11160080


Its because the ((establishment)) doesn't want to see people do well unless they are ((chosen)) people or foreign invaders.

>> No.11160081

Technical competence

>> No.11160112

yup, how dare you be different from others
time and time again geniuses (and thinking people) have been outed, labeled alchemist, witchcraft, antigod, terrorist, incel, being imprisoned for wrongthink
they want you to become literal NPCs working as slaves without a mind of your own
not to mention academia past a certain level is a scam, below a certain level is just squeezing money out of parents so that kids do not become richer than anyone repeating the same subjects until a certain age, maintaining the status quo.

>> No.11160198

lol, there are tons of geniuses, just not in physics. That is because string theory has eaten up literally 60% of the funding for physics over the last 30 years, and computational modeling has taken another 32%, leaving only 8% of the funding for actual physics.

funnily enough, I do think he's a genius. By all rights Tesla should have gone bankrupt a half dozen times, yet somehow this guy has managed to convince people to put tens of billions of dollars into the giant money pit that is Tesla even when they lose more than a billion a year. That is damn near miraculous. (on the science side he is a complete idiot, but he is a savant at raising money!)

This! Oh, and they get discredited and run through the muck until decades later they are proven right.

>> No.11160382

Lets just ignore every business ventures and just compare his academics. Do you have double major? For academic standpoint, he's in the top 15% club already. We all know the chart about graduates major and IQ, so if he's average in that, he's got 130+ IQ at least just from physics.

You can't even call him a "complete idiot" even without any achievements.

>> No.11160457
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I have a double major bachelors in economics and Chemistry, and a PhD in analytical chemistry. All of Elon's lets go to space and build colonies on Mars is complete lunacy. His understanding of the basic physics involved in said operation is hilariously basic (he literally parrots information I was taught in 2nd grade as if its the most ground breaking stuff). Elon Musk's involvement in the technical day to day of his companies SpaceX and Tesla is inversely proportional to their success. His constant micromanaging of Tesla's production for the model S was a complete unmitigated disaster that only got better when he was forced to let go of the reins and let his employees do their jobs. And while he was micromanaging and causing the disaster at Tesla, SpaceX performed even better than they did when Elon was involved. What has he himself built except his businesses? Nothing! He is a money guy, great at raising capital (literally miraculous talent at it) terrible at the technical side. Good thing for him he can hire technical people to make wonders happen from the massive piles of money he raises, see the submarine his staff whipped up in just a few days. For example, Paris Hilton has a larger role in developing the biochemistry of her perfumes then Elon does at either space X or Tesla. Does that mean Paris Hilton is a genius too? Because she does more real science then Elon does.

>> No.11160491

Your trolling attempts are still lame.

>> No.11160510
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>> No.11160513
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who says there arent

>> No.11160514

Low IQ post

>> No.11160532

find a mirror

>> No.11160534

Lol, you think I'm trolling? Paris Hilton personally approves each perfume before they go on market. She does this through fragrance, the look (bottle and the application site) and the feel of the applied perfume. She will then tell them what to fix, and the biochemists behind the scenes will go run and fix the issues. Does this sound familiar to anybody, perhaps a SA man named Elon? Paris's perfumes have even been stupidly profitable and she has a bundle of them. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/paris-hilton-launches-her-25th-fragrance-electrify-1028563175 https://www.thecut.com/2017/10/paris-hilton-2017-perfume-interview-ros-rush.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3675956/Spot-difference-Paris-Hilton-debuts-TWENTIETH-fragrance-FEMAIL-reveals-spent-years-styling-match-feminine-perfume-bottles.html

Further the chemistry of perfumes is incredibly complex. You want the perfume to stick around, yet be fragrant (which means that it wouldn't stick around, but be very volatile) you want it to last but not be overpowering (which means you somehow need to keep it outgassing at the same rate over time). You want it to be clear but most fragrances are yellowish oils. You don't want any of the smells of the organic base molecules providing these capabilities, but rather the fresh smell you've chosen. On and on. Perfumes are 30+ different chemicals and very difficult to design. All this means Paris is more heavily involved in a deep scientific endeavor than Elon is in his. So if you think Elon is a genius, so too must Paris. HIlton.

>> No.11160539

Low IQ posts. Cannot even refute a single one of his points, and can only shit post.

>> No.11160542

>By all rights Tesla should have gone bankrupt a half dozen times, yet somehow this guy has managed to convince people to put tens of billions of dollars into the giant money pit that is Tesla even when they lose more than a billion a year. That is damn near miraculous. (on the science side he is a complete idiot, but he is a savant at raising money!)
How do you feel about Liz Holmes, then?

>> No.11161399

>Liz Holmes
She was a complete fraud, and I am very confident she knew it. I met her and Sunny when I interviewed at Theranos two weeks before I defended. She was a complete believer in her technology even though it was fictitious. When I asked if the technology really worked she responded "If it didn't would I use it to track my mother's health?" my response was "Do you like your mother?" got a chuckle. But she refused to tell me anything about what they actually did at Theranos (wouldn't even tell me if the used pipettes lol!) Biggest surprise when I walked in was how normal she sounded. That deep voice you see in her videos is NOT her real speaking voice (I thought she was a two pack a day smoker before the interview).
Sunny was a complete asshole who knew nothing at all. He asked me specifically how I could help theranos, and I told him I didn't know of a single specific thing that they did there and then asked him to tell me one thing they did and I would explain specifically how I could help. He refused raised his voice asked hte question again, I responded in exactly the same fashion. He then yelled his original question again, and this time I said "If I answered your questions without knowing what you do here, I'd either be an idiot and you wouldn't want to hire me, ore a liar and you wouldn't want to hire me." Then I walked out. Got to admit I was wrong. If I was a huge liar they WOULD have wanted to hire me.
As for Elizabeth's ability to raise capital she did a good job, but it was Bernie Madoff style, it was an out an out fraud, were she flat out lied to get investors on board. She committed fraud, she didn't have the technology nor did she have any path to getting the technology yet she claimed it was already in use (a case can be made that Elon did too, but it is less clear as those investors in Tesla haven't revealed what they were told exactly).

>> No.11161412

Psychiatric industry?

In diagnostic manual e.g. for my country, there is stated, that if you really live in english speaking country and I am contacting you, ( from second world country ) I am schizphrenic and need to be cured.

Like really... IT IS RIGHT THERE, Even on our wikipedia it's stated like that.

Then other thing is, first world is quite comfortable maybe too much, for being a genius.

Also following is not what makes one, and you...

We call this a age of garbage :message:

>> No.11161888

I saw Elon Musk at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.11161891

Gregori Perelman

>> No.11161905

man you have to watch a video of russians saying his name- its kino.

>> No.11161906

low effort pasta. didn't even kek.

>> No.11161914
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>> No.11162036

Ya that was meh. All that really went down in that story was Elon has a weird sense of humor.

>> No.11162703

Jeffrey Einstein was a plagiarist

>> No.11162732

the low-hanging fruit of revolutionary ideas has been picked, all the problems that are left are so difficult that one person no matter how smart (can relative to the geniuses of the past) can only make incremental progress.

>> No.11162834

This guy is a tycoon, not a scientific genius.

>> No.11162839

india is losing IQ?
Are you serious?

>> No.11162844

>posts slut
>I have a phd
nope dude you don't

>> No.11163198

How does it feel to know that that slut is smarter and more successful than you ever will be?

>> No.11163218

They are, they just got smart enough to fucking hide this time, while the idiots killed each other.

>> No.11163228

There are. The thing is that people were labelled geniuses when they discovered extremely important things that applied frequently. Basically, science has expanded so much that it's very difficult to make enormous discoveries in one swoop.

>> No.11163372

Idk. I guess some people are born smart and good looking and then like to be naked and slutty.
Idk if putting up her naked pictures for the world to see is that good lmao but I guess americas first lady did it.
It would mess up with a persons corporate career though.
Is she rich?
Maybe she doesn't have to worry about that stuff.

>> No.11163381

He's not Einstein but Musk is a leader. That is his true role. He's got a vision and gets others to engineer it for him. That doesn't make him a lesser man though.

>> No.11163382
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>> No.11163383


>> No.11163394

revenge for haiti

>> No.11164098

I don't care about Paris Hilton and I know about the complexity of perfume. I found whale barf once and sold it for a good price. I mean your dismissal of Elon as an obvious genius, because your definition of genius is extremely narrow.

Why would I waste my time with someone who has fixed views on this anyways?

>> No.11165507

>absolute brainlets who can't comprehend high forms of humor
Stick to your autism

>> No.11165546
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>Is there a scientific reason why there are no geniuses toda-

>> No.11165592

I don't give a shit about any of this dumb discussion but I'm interested in what you've been doing with your phd in anal chem as I'm currently also a chem grad student weighing my options

>> No.11165598

Elon's more of a Thomas Edison type.

>> No.11165606

>I have a double major bachelors in economics and Chemistry, and a PhD in analytical chemistry.
Yeah and what have you done for the world? What have you put out there with your name on it that's pushing boundaries and spreading technlogy? A paper about titrating with your sphincter?

>> No.11165619

it's not just niggers being dumb, white millennials are also fucking retarded

>> No.11165696

I'm not an anal chemshit. That's someone else in this thread.

>> No.11165699

>science then
Discover something that can be taught to teenagers because, conceptually speaking, it's extremely basic -- simply takes a genius to first see it and comes up with the theorem

>science now
Spend 20 years researching something maybe 5 people in the world are able to understand, and of those 5 maybe 3 care about it -- couldn't really teach this to anyone since it requires advanced knowledge of the subject matter to understand what the fuck is going on

Same reason there are no "polymaths" anymore. Takes you 30 years to be competent in a single field nowadays because the amount of information available to you is borderline limitless. Best thing you can do is get a double PhD in somewhat similar fields, but you sure as hell am not gonna find someone anymore whose a competent/competitive sculpter, astronomer, mathematician and lawyer.

>> No.11165710

Definitely not. He opened up his patents instead of buykilling competition.

>> No.11165712

>Is there a scientific reason why there are no geniuses today
I have yet to rise to prominence. In the spirit of Aristotle I am spending my first 37 years in secluded autodidacticism. When I stop dancing and start making money moves the world will speak my name for eternity.

>> No.11165718

You better deliver, faggot.

>> No.11165727

>Even on our wikipedia it's stated like that
Seriously? Link?

>> No.11165730

9/10. kek'd.
On another note
>I saw Elon Musk at a grocery store
He can literally afford to pay his assistants to hire assistants that pay other assistants to buy those milky ways then set fire to a billion dollars cash because it's funny. His life is so different to ours that it's unfathomable.

>> No.11165743

>Same reason there are no "polymaths" anymore
But there are polymaths today. They're usually not too deeply invested in one subject as deep mastery requires decades of studying. But polymaths do exists.

>> No.11165751

>They're usually not too deeply invested in one subject
How could someone possibly be considered a polymath if they possess no more than surface level knowledge of a given topic? That's not an impressive feat to accomplish.

>> No.11165755

The problem is conflating "not too deeply" with surface level. There's a whole spectrum. You can get mastery of most knowledge today within ~4 years standard school(or if self-taught, in a year or so with online reading/lectures/etc), but get the extra 10% push, you need long term studying/experiment/etc.

>> No.11165759

ok boomer

>> No.11165762

You can get numerous PhDs in a life time. You wouldn't know as much as someone who studied the subject their entire life but you would have "mastery" over each of your PhD subjects. Each subject is infinitely deep these days but you can still attain impressive depth in numerous disciplines.

>> No.11165774

getting a phd means getting a license to start doing cutting edge research in your field.
People consider it like a first step

>> No.11165781

Sure but it also makes you an expert in that subject. And if you say a PhD isn't enough to qualify as an expert you at least have to concede their understanding isn't merely surface level. PhDs are still a small subset of the human population so if you have one your knowledge is comparably deep.

>> No.11165793

The holocaust

>> No.11165798

If anything Hitler created supermen out of his sworn enemy via artificial selection. So many Jewish Nobel prize winners. Their gene pool was cleansed of those not smart enough to realise what was coming.

>> No.11165800

that's not how it works.
There aren't limited resources that jews were competing for. Less jews is bad every time.
Their genepool was pruned and made smaller.
We could have had even more jewish nobel prize winners

>> No.11165815
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>less jews is bad every time

>> No.11165819

If I remove people with a trait from the genepool I encourage it's antithesis. I exaggerate when I say it was Hitler, what I really mean is that it might very well be their historical persecution that has caused their high intelligence. Resources have nothing to do with this.

>> No.11165823

Why was the answer skipped by everyone?

>> No.11165826

yeah sure but without prosecution there would have been hundreds of millions of jews.
But it would probably have decreased their ability to stand out more and maybe it would have prevented them from taking up the professions they were forced into. I dunno it's hard to assess what would have been different.
They have a culture of dominating everything as well. They'd be like germany or japan on steroids

>> No.11165828

The holocaust was 1941-1945 you mong

>> No.11165835

More jews more regression to the mean. If you eliminate all but the cognitive elite numerous times and they interbreed you get powerful brains. Maybe. This could be retarded for reasons I don't understand.

>> No.11165847

the elite is gonna interbreed anyways. Most of the time anyway.
You didn't see elite jews marrying low.
You do these days because everyone is an idiot.

>> No.11165858


>> No.11165879

Geniuses aren't recognized as such until after they're dead.

>> No.11165888

well breathing toxic waste for all your life is a detriment

>> No.11165918

Hi I’m a genius

>> No.11165920

okay but afghanistan has no toxic waste unless americans are making them smoke opium all the time.
So why is their IQ going down

>> No.11165933

well interbreeding isn't going to work forever either (don't know if it would incur any impact to the brain development), therefore an equilibrium, where couples can interbreed til a set generation, which the negative effects of interbreeding start to leak. Or somewhere along the future, we have to improve the success rate for creating genetically modified offspring

>> No.11165942
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No geniuses you say?

>> No.11165957

Well the country is still a war zone territory, and the toxic chemicals, from the bombs and such, would be diffusing through the atmospher, resulting in the natives breathing the toxicity in. Also the post about India was a joke due to high open defecation rate and the pollution of their river streams

>> No.11166564

because we are post NWO and the "geniuses" are the master of puppets and keep them in their own little black box of science you will enver access.

>> No.11166609

he is based af

>> No.11167517

I wanna join the progenitors.
How do I do so?

>> No.11167543

Convince them you'd be willing to sell your soul to satan by participating in ritual sacrifice / rape / human trafficking but then in confidence admit that you don't actually believe in satanism, you were just doing it because you really wanted the power.

>> No.11168848

No, but there is an industrial/economic reason.
>math geniuses

>> No.11168878

>there are no geniuses today
Says who?
The problem is fields are so diverse and compartmentalized a genius on the cutting edge is working on shit so esoteric that it can't be easily communicated to the general public.
On top of that, we're sort of at the limit of energy levels we can test to validate physical theory beyond what we have, so its just a bunch of pretty math and no way to tell if its an accurate model of reality.

>> No.11168897
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>The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection

>> No.11169526

You can't be a genius if you're masturbating to Angela White can you?

>> No.11169619

Science makes Jesus sad so USA has cut back research funds exponentially.

>> No.11169679

had to kek, sorry

>> No.11169693

I am a genius but next level geniuses are operating on the spiritual realm science is dead. I am interfacing with God on a daily basis designing new realities as we speak. So much bigger than smashing particles together.

>> No.11169694

no, it's porn.

>> No.11169701

>Is there a scientific reason why there are no geniuses today
you would have to be a genius to figure that out.

>> No.11169975

Diminishing returns. The further we advance science the harder it is for a single human mind to make a significant breakthrough in any given field that hasn't been already done.

>> No.11171204

I remember his Quora answers. Crazy, but in a cool way. Is he active anywhere on the web nowdays?

>> No.11171230

There are geniuses, they just aren’t solving all kinds of low hanging fruit problems anymore so there is no wide scale recognition

>> No.11171757
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>Gregori Perelman

>> No.11171796

this. the society is fucking retarded, nobody cares to be a genius or who is one, 150 years ago everbody wanted to be one, now it is looked like something bad because 90 years of massive media (((trends))), democracy, demagogy, etc you kwon?

>> No.11171799

wrong. fucking retard

>> No.11172181

There is no incentive to be a genius scientist in today's society. Why would you slave away at the highest levels of academia when you could just start a company and become a millionaire? Also, there are no rivalries within science anymore that drive people to discovery, besides string theory which is widely regarded as a dead end.

>> No.11172190

>now it is looked like something bad because 90 years of massive media (((trends)))
How is wanting to be a genius bad?

>> No.11172201


>> No.11172235

I am one you just don’t know about me yet

>> No.11172271

there are no geniuses because there are non-geniuses. I'd probably be considered a genius for reading 50 pages and fully understanding them in a book of academic articles for post-grads. But there's 25000 pages of these for me to read. I understand that if I was alone on earth i would read them, but I walk out the door and some nigrit steals my boipurse

>> No.11172275

you had me at "hello"

>> No.11172299

what about Elon Musk?

>> No.11172312

it's because they're not happy. They are disillusioned, they are in pain, but they are ready. When the world is giving them incentives for their work they will achieve. So I'd like to coin tomorrow world genius day. Do something for the genius that lives in all bodies

>> No.11172411

this nigga knows what's up

>> No.11172589

It's because classic science and physics has hit a wall. They can't way and measure the next step so they now are slowly moving in to theology territory and the whole science community is screeching nooo!!!
But they need to start looking in to spiritualism and philosophy for answers at this point.

>> No.11172730
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What do you mean 'no geniuses'?

>> No.11172734
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>> No.11172890
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>A young genius constructed a suicide helmet that fired eight shotgun shells into his head simultaneously.
>After weighing up the pros and cons of a brainlet society little billy decided to go back to sleep

>> No.11172967

That helmet is comfy

>> No.11173127

I think he fled the country when trump got elected. He posted on disqus for a while.

>> No.11173162

Psychiatric industry

>> No.11173357

>Is there a scientific reason why there are no geniuses today

military tactics... child geniuses are either killed or have their lives ruined by other nations to retard the rate of scientific and military technology advancement.

>> No.11173481

They fried their brains on porn and social media

>> No.11173550

brain mercury uptake is based upon neural growth rate at the time of dosage.

>> No.11173638
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no, narcissitically, you need to be
a gymnast
a climber
a surfer
a runner
a cyclist
a mathematician
a geometer
an astronomer
a chemist
a physicist
a virtuoso pianist and violinist and drummer
a composer
a painter
a sculptor
a numerological nerd
kindof a hippie
but real serious and clean
a poet
a philosopher
a logician
be fairly well read in the fiction dept
have a strong handle on history of thought and military combat
a rhetorician
an old hat gamer
a very high level shit lord
a recovering drug addict
a thot

good luck

>> No.11173669

There are geniuses, but they aren't as revered or outspoken these days it seems. They just seem to be living out their lives quietly, making contributions to their respective field, and only really disseminating important findings among each other to further their research. Plus, it seems that many younger innately intelligent people have started to realize the game is rigged these days and just withdraw from society, stunting their ability to to make it into a field in order to help along important scientific contributions. Can't really say I blame them

>> No.11173715

Child geniuses don't actually contribute anything new to society. They're just excellent sheep.

>> No.11173792

Read The Genius Famine: Why We Need Geniuses, Why They’re Dying Out and Why we Must Rescue Them by Dr. Edward Dutton

>> No.11173815

real funny the only way to do that is to not go to school

>> No.11173825


>> No.11175784

Nobody mentioning the insane amount of toxins in everything from food to lodging no matter where you go

>> No.11175805

They aren't needed anymore.

>> No.11176254

The Holocaust.

>> No.11176255

yeah i blame roasties

>> No.11176260
File: 100 KB, 600x730, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there are geniuses today.

>> No.11176262

Clamping, vaccination, and circumcision.

>> No.11176268

Standardized education.

>> No.11176277

To be fair most geniuses did work for other people and were probably never even heard about. Look at Thomas Edison for example, dude is known in history books as some genius scholar or some shit, when in reality he just paid a bunch of people to do the workload for him and took all the credit.

That's literally what Private Sector R&D is nowadays. There are a shit ton of "genius" level people working for corporations and taking 0 credit for whatever they do

>> No.11176304

There are, but who cares about small increments in knowledge? That right, no one.

>> No.11176316

Baste phd poster. in/sci/els btfo

>> No.11176413

By the looks of it, this is his youtube channel:


It's a shame he doesn't post anything anywhere anymore.

>> No.11176418

There are. The problem is the 'publish or perish' shekel grabbing system that rewards mediocrity and dishonest behavior, stifling any sort of well done science.

>> No.11177285

It costs too much money to get a proper education.

>> No.11177291

Typical Wichita State students.

>> No.11177307

Basically this

Also the sciences have become a lot more specialized. E.g. I'm studying combinatorcs, and I'd argue that Frank Ramsey and Paul Erdos are close to Einsten tier, but far less well known.

>> No.11177360

The age of the polymath is long gone.

>> No.11178583

fairly sure its this, the geniuses youre after are so specialised that theyre working for alibaba or something for millions of dollars so that they can make apps for quantum computers ahead of the curve or some shit like this

>> No.11179356

Back in the day, some sciencies didn't decide every trade made in supermarket, and it was time to analyze...

Maybe somebody made a moral mistake than, some people cannot cope, and geniuses before, was honest.

Then there was evil geniuses, but they are famous for being buisniss man.

>> No.11179453

There are probably a ton, but you don't hear about them that much, because there are so many. Being a one in a million type still leaves you with thousands of others on the same level, all competing or cooperating for new achievements. Human progress in the last 50 years wouldn't even have been possible without so many highly intellectural people.

There's also the fact that you can't discover lots of things in quick succession like some geniuses did 400 years ago. Invent calculus? Great, now you can spend the next decades working out its behaviour and write theorems.