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11158802 No.11158802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why has female mate selection policy changed from stable, reliable, fiscally responsible men to lowlives and perpetual children?

>Be 25
>Have a prestigious career in finance in the heart of London
>Wear £2000 tailored suits to work
>Well read and educated; I enjoy reading philosophy in my spare time and attended a top 5 university
>Muscular, well honed physique; I go to the gym 4x weekly, cardio and weights (PPL)
>Full head of hair
>Sociable, easy to talk to with a sense of humour.

Yet I haven't had a date in over 2 years. Meanwhile, gangbangers, drug dealers, felons and the guy who puts the fries into the paper cup in my local McDonalds all have girlfriends. Hot ones too.

When did this shift happen in the West?

>> No.11158808


Ur probably a pompous asshole

>> No.11158810

Elliot you're supposed to be dead

>> No.11158812

Have you tried asking a female friend out yet?

>> No.11158813

you must be insufferable then. You're right, I'm a piss poor grad student who owns a total of like 5 grand worth of stuff, but no issue being friends with women and getting dates/girlfriends.

>> No.11158818

I've asked out 2 women in the last 2 years and was rebuffed both times.

I've also had some women ask me out/make it known they were interested but I was far too busy at the time to even consider dating.

>> No.11158819
File: 56 KB, 770x590, 1574113761864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the guy posting pic related in every thread? Because I can see how that can be a problem. Even going by your graph, I don't see any women fantasising about guys who posts rape charts on 4chin.

>> No.11158820

so what I'm hearing then is
>has opportunities
>doesn't take them
>"where are all the opportunities?"

>> No.11158832

Elliot why did Satan give you a computer to use 4chan from hell? Is this God's way of testing us?

>> No.11158833

>stable, reliable, fiscally responsible men
Not what you think it is. Loud, assertive, low-inhib (also tend to be handsome) men have amassed the most resources for most of human history. Stable, fiscally responsible men are the way they are BECAUSE they don't have good looks to fall back on.

>When did this shift happen in the West?
Monogamous civilization is an anomaly that pops up every so often when betas get tired of women's shit and Chad hareming all of them. It doesn't sustain itself because the eternal vagina ultimately gets too power and wrecks it all. Boomers were the most generation born under such a contract wherein stable betas had a stake in the game. They were born to Silents, most of whom kept their heads down and kept the West afloat while a few did great things like go to the moon, and then as soon as boomers were of age, they decided they wanted free love boogaloo, and the jews were happy to oblige, so boomers sold the soul of the West.

The good news is this can all be reversed with sexbots and artificial wombs.

>> No.11158837

>Loud, assertive, low-inhib (also tend to be handsome) men have amassed the most resources for most of human history
You forgot about the men who are able to pretend to be loud and assertive.

>> No.11158840

no, that is me. and i can tell you from experience women are fucked in the head. op is right.

>> No.11158853

>Monogamous civilization is an anomaly that pops up every so often
monogamy is when civilizations form. deviations from that are when ruin occurs.

>> No.11158867

You, on the other hand, are the perfect example of how not fucked in the head men are. What can possibly prove a man's superior decision making other than repeatedly posting rape charts anonymously? Please carry on brother.

>> No.11158874

you can shoot the messenger all you want, bro. but the fact remains: women are fucked in the head.

>> No.11158903

>Fuck modern society!These dimwitts get more and more retarded.
>Fuck listening this little shit complain about those Stacies and Chads during the daily torture sessions.
>I'm better off letting this bitch talk to the other ones IRL

>> No.11158905

I mean at the minimum if you don't show what the mens response was to similar questions, how do we know men are not equally fucked in the head?

>> No.11158913

no wait I have more.
Sample size. Sample selection. Error bars, Also why a line linking them? failing to see what that "trend" shows.

>> No.11158951


it's not my research and i'm not here to defend men either. as far as i'm concerned heterosexual men are fucked in the head for being attracted to women in the first place.

>> No.11158958

>This study evaluated the rape fantasies of female undergraduates (N = 355) using a fantasy checklist that reflected the legal definition of rape and a sexual fantasy log that included systematic prompts and self-ratings.
and into the trash it goesssss

>> No.11158960

this too.

>> No.11158968

into the trash you go. you just want to dismiss whatever evidence doesn't conform to your preconceived notions about women being wonderful.