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11152197 No.11152197 [Reply] [Original]

>3D-Printed Plastic Cubes With Complex Patterns That Make them Bulletproof
>Rice University found a way to 3D print complex patterns resulting in plastic objects that are almost as hard and durable as diamond.
>The bullet stopped in approximately the second layer of the tubulane structures

Is this a significant for the world of material sciences?

Will we now have bridges made of plastic that are stronger than steel? Car chassis made of plastic? Air planes made of plastic? giant building sized robots made of plastic that can print/replace broken parts from an internal 3d printer? what is the significance of this new discovery?

>> No.11152226
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>when thing is formed certain way it obtains different properties

>implying the form is what gave the material the properties
>implying that it doesn't matter what it's made of

For instance did you know that both plastic and diamonds are made of basically the same shit to begin with? It's pmuch just "carbon". Why are we so fascinated by something we've known basically for thousands of years. Print jello in the same form an it too will probably be lighter and hold more weight.

>> No.11152232

Rye university have found a better explosives and harder alloyos that makes plastics non buletproof again.

>> No.11152235
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>comparing materials against firearms
>one of those is diamond
Jesus fuck, OP.

>> No.11152237

There is something like viscosity, ... If you print ketchup in the same form, it cant hold itself.

>> No.11152239
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seriously, why isn't this a big thing?

I know it can't be used in massive commercial scale yet, but that just creates a void of space that can be filled by 3d printer hobbyists.

I mean in the future, it may be economically feasible for a hobbyist to download and 3d print their own car, and do it much cheaper than any manufacturer could do it commercially. We'll finally be able to download and 3d print goods that are better and cheaper than whats commercially available.

>> No.11152245

You dont have to have a 3D printer, and you probably run into same technical difficulties.

>> No.11152340

that's the entire idea behind metamaterials, that just by arranging stuff differently we can get properties that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.11152378
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>3D printing carbon nanotubes

>> No.11152387

It becomes impossible for me to die in a few thousand years.

>> No.11152416

read the article

They took a theoretical pattern carbon nanotubes make when layered, and just scaled it up.
The tubulane pattern is created using ordinary thermoplastic on an ordinary 3d printer.

>> No.11152417

Wouldnt that be a super, or hyper, material?

>> No.11152420

>what is the significance of this new discovery?

text behind your link says:
"This research could have wide-reaching effects on countless fields that are reliant on materials that are both lightweight and strong. Everything from aerospace, to architecture, to even the military could benefit from this new approach to manufacturing, and it could potentially even breath new life into 3D printing. Parts or components that had to be made from metal or ceramics to be adequately durable could potentially be manufactured from cheaper polymers now. "


>> No.11152425
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>> No.11152428

It's referred to as a metamaterial because the important part is the structure of the material rather than the material itself

>> No.11152444

>important part is the structure of the material rather than the material itself

kinda like how japanese katanas were made with weak inferior steel, but were stronger than ordinary swords because of the structures in the steel created by the folding process

>> No.11152448

>research could have wide-reaching effects on countless fields

It's a shame it'll get black boxed under patents and we won't see the light of day till find a way to profit off it, and will NEVER see light of day if they can't find a way to profit ..... it's entirely possible this will disappear into the void never to be seen again

>> No.11152463

Those Rice 3D printers couldn't even assemble a headset for me earlier this year and now they're telling me the can successfully weave something together to make it bulletproof?

>> No.11152485

No, folded steel isn't a metamaterial and they were still garbage compared to any other contemporary sword. The reason they folded it so many times was that every time they pounded the steel with the hammer excess carbon would leave the steel as sparks which increases the quality of the steel. If they had better smelting techniques then they wouldn't have bothered to fold it at all unless it became an aesthetic preference.

>> No.11152497
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We are the Borg. We have adapted to your primitive projectile technology. Resistance is futile.

>> No.11152572


>> No.11152693

ok weeb

>> No.11152699

How do you even measure the hardness of a metamaterial

>> No.11152706

*unsheathes katana folded 6 million times*
*teleports behind you*

>> No.11152913

Diamond shatters when hit with a hammer.

>> No.11152923

>almost hard as diamond
Reads article.
>almost as hard and durable as diamond
Follows link
>A lightweight material full of holes is nearly as hard as diamond. The mere dents left by speeding bullets prove it.
Oh right it's fucking bullshit.
Get the fuck out of here OP.

>> No.11152975

so plywood is a metamaterial, yeah? It is composed of laminate sheets with alternating grain direction.

>> No.11153116

>Oh right it's fucking bullshit.

Nope. Read the actual paper.

>> No.11153127

Yeah but what happens when I print bullets made the same way?

>> No.11153131

pretty cool
thanks for sharing OP

>> No.11153132

Explain to me how this is a hard material.

>> No.11153134


>> No.11153149

>Gets crushed by hydraulic press
>Doesn’t shatter

Looks hard to me

>> No.11153163

>I don't know what hardness means.
Thanks for informing the thread.

>> No.11153172

I dunno, water isn't very hard but it stops bullets, too

>> No.11153187

after 12 inches of penetration, and it rips the water apart as it does this. It rips the water apart so fucking hard it forms super cavitation bubbles. It reforms instantly but .... not durable in any structural sense.

>> No.11153194

Durability =/= hardness my dude.

>> No.11153559

What if we 3d printed a diamond, in this patter that makes anything as hard as diamonds?

Theoretically at least, how much harder than diamonds would it get?

>> No.11153665

They're obviously talking about the macro scale form.

>> No.11154141

No because it's just uses properties of wood to make the wood stronger. A metamaterial has properties that are unique to the structure of the material.

For example there's a metamaterial that can propagate the near field of an object and cause the far field to diminish, which is the opposite of how those fields normally propagate and so you can layer this metamaterial with regular lens material to make microscopes that can resolve structures smaller that the wavelength of visible light.

>> No.11154148

That's a big plastic cube

>> No.11154156

>For instance did you know that both plastic and diamonds are made of basically the same shit to begin with? It's pmuch just "carbon"
I did not know that, because it's bullshit. Plastics are hydrocarbons, they have significant quantities of the elements Hydrogen and Oxygen, sometimes others like Nitrogen as well. Diamonds are pure(ish) Carbon. Diamonds and coal are allotropes. Diamonds and plastic are not.

>> No.11154280

Underrated post

>> No.11154504

audible cackle

>> No.11154514

Use any numbers of available hardness tests, anon.

>> No.11154853

>he took the superlens koolaid
>he doesn't know about the losses
I'm glad you seem to like metamaterials, though. I prefer to think of metamaterials as a design strategy to make sub-wavelength structures that appear to be a continuum with specific properties to the waves passing through them.

>> No.11154862

Anyone with basic materials science knowledge knows this headline is bullshit.

The proper headline should be: Study finds materials with complex geometry do not propagate cracks.

>> No.11154863

>rather than the material itself
No, the material is important. Change the material in a metamaterial and the properties change.

>> No.11154880

>layer this metamaterial with regular lens material to make microscopes that can resolve structures smaller that the wavelength of visible light

But, could we take a DPL resin printer replace the original lens with this super lens and now we can 3d print objects smaller than the wavelength of visible light.
I know it doesn't work like that, but what would a 3d printed object with details smaller than light waves even look like to our eyes? could you manipulate the detailing in order to manipulate what colors bounced off it, effectively changing the color of the printed object

>> No.11154889


>> No.11154906
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>It's a shame it'll get black boxed under patents
yep exactly

it's illegal to print certain things with your 3d printer

a fucking shape is illegal

that is the power of socialism




it's illegal to strap a gryo to a bicycle

>> No.11154914

>text behind your link says
The text behind the link is also fundamentally wrong about many things. You can't let popsci tell you how notable a scientific development is.

>> No.11154928

This ancap shit can go back to whatever board you got it from.

>> No.11154943
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>a person can own idea
>i want another man to tell me what im allowed to print with my 3d printer

>> No.11154954

I can print whatever I want with my printer and no fucking monopoly can stop me. So you're just simply wrong.

>> No.11154974

>I did not know that, because it's bullshit.

>He literally admits in the next fucking sentence that it's still made of carbon

Why would you make this post?

>they have significant quantities of the elements Hydrogen and Oxygen, sometimes others like Nitrogen as well. Diamonds are pure(ish) Carbon. Diamonds and coal are allotropes. Diamonds and plastic are not.

Okay then jackoff what are the elements themselves made out of? The answer is "the same shit in a different form" basically.

>freeze ketchup to make it hold its shape
>make it hold its shape using the quality of coldness to form it

Geomancy, I know.

What are ALL atoms made of? The answer is "the same shit in a different arrangement".

>> No.11154981

You seem really invested in this for someone who doesn't understand basic materials science.

>> No.11154985
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>I want with my printer and no fucking monopoly can stop me
>It forbids anyone from making, using or selling the invention, even when the use is strictly personal.

have fun spending your life in prison after google pulls up your printing history

>> No.11154994
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You're legally allowed to recreate patented technology for "research" purposes. Some patents are built upon patents from other people so it's absolutely necessary and legal.
The question is will Rice make it available for download. It really doesn't mater in the end.

Anyone with enough knowledge could write a little program in OpenSCAD or something similar that automatically fills solid objects with the tubulane structural pattern, effectively making any 3d printed object that can be imported to OpenSCAD almost as hard as diamonds.

>> No.11155005

>You're legally allowed to recreate patented technology for "research" purposes.
should have said "I'm pretty sure"
As in not 100% certain, don't mistake me for a lawyer please

>> No.11155015

Why would google know your printing history, just unhook your internet

>> No.11155024

Not really. The changes generally have to be pretty drastic like "replace conductive material with non-conductive material" to really fuck shit up.

>> No.11155026

Your own source proves you wrong on this one.
>Of course, since patent infringement lawsuits are very expensive, a private person is rarely if ever prosecuted for using the invention in his own home.

>> No.11155030
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>You seem really invested in this for someone who doesn't understand basic materials science.

So since you're the expert why don't you tell me what all materials are made of?

>> No.11155037


Few people understand how fucked government has made healthcare in the USA due to blocking off the free market.

>> No.11155039

Molecules which in turn are made of atoms which are made of different amounts of electrons neutrons and protons which are made up of different subatomic particles.

There is nothing you can do to make plastic as hard as diamond short of isolating all the carbon super-heating it and pressurizing with a crystal seed to grow new synthetic diamond.

>> No.11155054

pick one.. if you say something racist google will leak your post history to twitter and they will find whatever they can to take you down and you will be sued out your ass for strapping a gyroscope to your biccyle you dumb fucking nigger

>Implying your actions arent uploaded when you reconnect

>> No.11155063

Find me an example of someone being sued for personal infringement of a copyright. I'll bet its only there to get around intent to sell.

>> No.11155074

>im not doing anything wrong so i dont have anything to be scared of

i dont think a person could be more of an npc if you tried.. i guess we shouldnt worrry about trying to legalize marijuana either because arrests for personal use are becoming rare?

also you should be allowed to print whatever you want and fucking sell it because its fuckiung america you dumb nigger

>> No.11155087

So are you trying to say that once upon a time there were a lot of patent lawsuits for personal use and now they are rare or are you comparing two completely unrelated things because you are bad at arguing?

>> No.11155129

There is nothing you can do to make plastic as hard as diamond short of isolating all the carbon super-heating it and pressurizing with a crystal seed to grow new synthetic diamond.

Yeah, you form carbon into a different form which is was the point I was making....

>perturbed mass on a spinning rock thinks he has the capacity to own and prevent the expression of an idea

Wow, if only an idea were an actual real thing worthy of enforcing laws upon. Oh wait I forgot it's supposed to prevent ideas from becoming real so that the person who conjured it up can have more time to increase the disparity of knowledge. Or you know, just sit on their ass due to groupthink preventing the idea from progressing.

Copying is not theft because nothing has been stolen. It's been duplicated. Ideas cannot be owned because they are not an actual thing to be owned or a thing to enforce laws over. They are idea, things that aren't real (yet of course).

>> No.11155140

>you form carbon into a different form
3D printers don't turn plastic into diamond moron they just extrude plastic into layers.

>> No.11155146

are you arguing that just because in practice the law isn't bothersome to most low life peasants that we should be happy about it even though there is still a threat especially if you are shit stirrer

also have fun not selling bicycles with gyros strapped to them because youre such a fucking bootlicking cu.ck

>> No.11155166

So prove that there is a threat by showing an example of a person being sued for making something for themselves.

Why would you invent if someone can just sell your invention out from under you after all your hard work?

>> No.11155179
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>So prove that there is a threat by showing an example of a person being sued for making something for themselves.
So you are ok with governments/google collecting all your computer history even though very few people have been blackmailed in the current year?

>Why would you invent if someone can just sell your invention out from under you after all your hard work?
Why does open source software get developed?

>> No.11155185
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also why is open source software (linux) a million times better than windows and mac?

>> No.11155192

>I cant find proof so I change the subject.

>Why does open source software get developed?
It's a hobby.

>> No.11155206

how did this become a heated debate about licensing and open source VS patents and propitiatory software?

Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see what Rice does with it, and in the mean time let them know they'll be a bunch of stinky butts if they decide not to give it some sort of free license.

>> No.11155218

Linux is the primary driver for two groups of people. Those who have a job exclusively working on computer systems and those who have no job and have the time for Linux.

>> No.11155263

>I cant find proof so I change the subject.
not understanding the metaphor so just doubling down

>It's a hobby.
>a multibillion dollar hobby

>those who have no job and have the time for Linux.
confirmed for not using linux in the last 3 years.. i haven't had to fix shit except one time in literally 3 years and in the last 6 months multiple projects like blender and lmms have basically reached the same tier as their rivals and surpassed them in many ways

>> No.11155299

Windows is easy as fuck to use. For Linux, you need to delve into syntax and commands and shit to get it to run properly. Every Linux user I know spends half his time fixing problems and getting janky stuff to run. It's not surprising at all it hasn't penetrated the market.

>> No.11155308
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>> No.11155339

you spent time learning how to read and write and you cant even be dicked to learn how to use commandline, sad!

with linux if you have a problem all you do is go to a forum and do copy and paste and with windows you have to navigate through a maze.. and if youve ever done server shit with windows plenty of shit goes wrong

also linux is far far far from janky now.. it's superior in every way and all the open source programs have eclipsed their propertary counterparts

>> No.11155358

Most users don't run fucking servers. They just want spreadsheets, emails and business ops.

>> No.11155395

>except one time

>in the last 6 months
So what you're saying is that finally after all these years linux might be worth it.

>> No.11155417

I've used Fedora for a few years without even learning the command line though.

>> No.11156649

>They just want spreadsheets, emails and business ops
libreoffice is noticeably better that excel and if you dont have a website in the modern world and instead use social media you are top fucking sheeple npc

>except one time
i still play some game on a dedicated windo*s normie machine and it breaks more often and will suddenly freeze and go blue upgrade screen and it's impossible to fix so it beats windows and I**S litearlly frys your device with overheating if you dont upgrade and ive had an ap**e device literally almost explode when it upgraded the device without my permission

>> No.11156728

>i still play some game on a dedicated windo*s normie machine and it breaks more often and will suddenly freeze and go blue upgrade screen and it's impossible to fix so it beats windows and I**S litearlly frys your device with overheating if you dont upgrade and ive had an ap**e device literally almost explode when it upgraded the device without my permission

So what you're saying is you can't play good games without windows and you have lost the ability to run the most popular operating system for home PCs

>> No.11156915

>dumps benzene and THF on your polymer cube

Heh nothing personnel kid

>> No.11156949

>gallium is on list of items to NEVER be shipped via airplane due to it's ability to destroy aluminum aircraft

When we start 3d printing plastic boeing 747, will benzene, THF, and acetone be on the no fly list? How will we ship nailpolish remover if not by air?

>> No.11156954

>can't play good games without windows

why would you c.uck your whole life just to play games when you cant use windows for the only thing it's good for which is cuc.king users with DRM?

and no it's possible to use the same machine but windows is so fucking toxic that i dont want it to touch my dev machine and i have enough money to afford two computers because im not poor like you

>> No.11156958

and you are so retarded that you dont understand that dont understand that the only thing the OS touches is your hard drive

>> No.11156991
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>> No.11156995


>> No.11157463

>plastics in cars
The reason we use metal is that in case of an accident, part of the force is compensated for by the metal bending. Plastics would shatter and you'd be dead at 20kph instead of 30.