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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 1011x721, 4Dcylinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1114970 No.1114970 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a 4-dimensional Cylinder.
I bet /sci/ is already familiar with the popular Tessaract, the four-dimensional cube.
Here's a sktech of a 4D cylinder I made in Paint.

I also want to mention, before any philosofags get's here and says "hurr time is the four dimension durr", I want to straighten a few things up.
Time only has ONE direction.
In a 1-dimensional universe there are 2 directions.
That means that time would theoretically be ½D.
Also, time varies depending on the force of gravity.
So theoretically if a person would live for 90 years on earth, the same person would be able to live for 540 years on the moon, provided with enough oxygen, food, water and activities.


>> No.1114985

But from his perspective it would still be 90 years.

>> No.1115010

>So theoretically if a person would live for 90 years on earth, the same person would be able to live for 540 years on the moon, provided with enough oxygen, food, water and activities

Is that verifiable or at least based upon sound experimentation?

>> No.1115013

>time varies depending on the force of gravity.
>So theoretically if a person would live for 90 years on earth, the same person would be able to live for 540 years on the moon, provided with enough oxygen, food, water and activities.

No. The interpretation of time is relative to velocity, not gravity.

>> No.1115038

Are you sure?

>> No.1115102


Yes... Gravity has absolutely nothing to do with time.

The reason why time slows down for astronauts relative to us here on earth is because they're traveling faster.

>> No.1115178

The helium burns much faster on bigger stars than on smaller stars.
Bigger stars have a larger gravity pull.

>> No.1115190


It looks like a wheel to me OP

>> No.1115194



>> No.1115207


>> No.1115216


It's actually a 3-dimensional cross section of a 4-dimensional cylinder.

>> No.1115225

Or a shadow of a 4-dimensional cylinder.

>> No.1115229

A human will live until his heart stops. That's 90 years no matter where you live...

>> No.1115233



>> No.1115240

I would argue that time has two directions, we are just able to move in only one.

>> No.1115248


Already been addressed, tripfag. You're late.


>> No.1115266

Actually, you're right.
There is an animal on earth that has the potential of increasing and decreasing in age whenever it wants to.
It's a species of jellyfish, turritopsis nutricula if I'm not mistaken.

By the way, your statement is however true, a mere atom can move forward and backwards in time, but we cannot.

>> No.1115274

If that man would live on the moon, we would see him alive for 540 years before his death. He would experience it as 90 years.

>> No.1115276
File: 69 KB, 667x858, facepalm_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>decreasing in age

>> No.1115284

You have no idea how stupid I feel, lol.
I laughed at myself.

>> No.1115285
File: 94 KB, 1022x768, 1272364577696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1115291


Actually, once it reaches sexual maturity, it can reverse to it's polyp stage. Thus, doing it all over again.

Also, Sea Turtles don't age, and can only die by disease/getting eaten.

>> No.1115295


On a spaceship traveling obscenely fast, not the moon. Useless drivel regarding details, though.

Regardless, the point stands that time is relative and depends on speed. Time goes slower the closer you are to c.

>> No.1115336

So if you reach the speed of light you'd be unageable?

>> No.1115358

No, to reach the speed of light you would need to divide by 0.

>> No.1115369


Well, I didn't word it quite properly.

If you could reach c, you'd appear to live forever from the viewpoint of someone on earth. From your point of view, everyone else would age infinitely fast. They'd all be dead and gone before you even realized it. From your point of view, you'd still live for 70 years or whatever, but the rest of the universe would age greatly.

>> No.1115409

That's some fucking thinking there.
However, it makes sense to me now.

Eat shit and die fuckhorse.

>> No.1115426



I was trying to think of the term for it while I was writing. Just remembered it :p

>> No.1115491

Why so much rage, moron?
You can't reach the speed of light. You would require as much energy as you've got idiocy.
You can't have "infinity" of energy.