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File: 3.95 MB, 9729x8572, ayfhq-n0ldx (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11145738 No.11145738 [Reply] [Original]

I've compiled all the relevant information i could find on race realism here. Does anyone have any more information that I've missed or valid criticisms of the data presented. Perhaps something left unaccounted for?

>> No.11145740

If you're on phone, go to Desktop site and then download it, otherwise just download it.

>> No.11145747

Also there is obviously some compression to fit within the 4MB limit, however it seems that every part is readable

>> No.11145759

are you willing to admit then that jews and asians are superior based on your logic?

>> No.11145771

I don't believe in the superiority of one race to another, i believe in differential adaptation and selection in different races
Ashkenazi jews and east asians seem to have a higher average IQ
I considered including this table to outline further differences, but have found Rushton to be a poor researcher and his work is rarely taken seriously

>> No.11145772
File: 116 KB, 1004x1050, 31-Table3-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the image

>> No.11145785
File: 1.33 MB, 1884x2164, TIMESAND___Golf+Rumors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point (E)

These things seemed to have happened right when I got fired from Elavon after being the primary data transfer agent in what is now called "the OPM hack" in summer 2015. Also, although I was not myself the exfiltration agent in "the DNC hack," "the DNC" emails were my emails at the job I had after Elavon at Lexis Nexis. Basically, every email I sent at Lexis Nexis was about how everyone was lying all the time, and none of the code developers were even seeking to conform to the project docs. I suspect that the people fucking up the project at Lexis Nexis were the same who were the beneficiaries of the impunity deals referred to in point (E).

>> No.11145895

I think IQ is only one part of the argument trends in behaviour and personality types are equally important
whites/europeans are oddly empathetic and creative often when they really shouldn't be so open.

>> No.11145902

>they really shouldn't be so open.

>> No.11145917

Did you not notice the current immigration problems?

>> No.11145925

>if I gish gallop cherrypicked info it must be true!

>> No.11145930

Thats a lot of info for you to debunk. Well, go on, get to it. Ill wait.

>> No.11145935

Stuff like personality seems to be subjective, what was the methodology?

>> No.11145936

Thanks for your work. Saved

>> No.11145949

The crux of race realism relies on one statement: the racial IQ gap is caused by genetics.

These statements, repeated OVER AND OVER, don't prove that:
>a racial IQ gap exists
>IQ is highly genetic
And of course the lie that we can control for all environmental factors.

I'm open minded. You need to find the genes and how they manifest as IQ points. Not just correlations. It's as simple as that.

>> No.11145956
File: 248 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_20191111_130825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews rule the world, they got there somehow, gotta give them credit.
As for Asians, yes.

>> No.11145959

What even is race anti realism? Genes are fake because some of them build your brain?

>> No.11145962

wow you've moved your goalposts so many times yet never actually looked at the evidence yourself

>> No.11145964

lets just throw some genetic history into the mix

>> No.11145982

I've looked at the "evidence" hundreds of times and never moved my goalposts.

>> No.11145985

>all the relevant information
>pretty much all graphs and data are whites vs blacks
Doesn't most of these types of studies also seem to imply that East Asians are intellectually superior to white people? OP seems to be very focused on whites being better than blacks, while ignoring this fact.
You can hardly call this "race realism".

>> No.11146011

Is race real as long as white people aren't superior?

>> No.11146034

Who invents stuff, innovates, creates? Its definitely not africans. Who gives humanitarian aid to "less fortunate" countries? Its definitely not africans. Who make beautiful works of art and poetry, writings and movies and music? Not africans, but africans do have advanced rythmic timing when it comes to music. You have to note that its aways an afro-other thing. Afro-cuban, afro-latin, afro-american, never just african. The only thing you can really give to africans is sports. They are fucking great at sports and music, which is what white people lack in, most of the time. The human species is diverse, dare i say racist at its core and to deny such things, is to deny humanity.

>> No.11146048

Did you not see the genetic evidence section? There are two charts there analysing educational attainment snp from lee et al 2018
There's a graph of national IQ differences, there's polygenic score for different national samples, there's multiple PCA for population differences, there's a chart of genetic differentiation among populations

>> No.11146061

Depends on the sport.
they aren't well represented in strength events

>> No.11146062

Unfortunately for a significant portion of the graph i had to prove the validity of IQ and other cognitive tests as well as their genetic nature

>> No.11146070

They correlate with educational attainment. Whoop-dee-doo....

>> No.11146078

Which has a correlation with iq of .98

>> No.11146088

Omg wow. That means the genes correlate with IQ!

>> No.11146093

>Doesn't most of these types of studies also seem to imply that East Asians are intellectually superior to white people?
Yes. And if you actually listened to any race realist you would know that they are the ones who bring this up. Usually as a defense against being labeled as white supremacist by shitlibs (not that it would help).

> OP seems to be very focused on whites being better than blacks, while ignoring this fact.
That's because most of research on race comes from America and since blacks and whites are most races majority of research will be focused on them. But there is well enough data on other groups as well so it doesnt really matter.

>> No.11146097

Anyone on this board who legit denies the reality of race needs to get off because this board should be for rational people not blinded by their stupid morals. We already know why blacks are good at sports their fast twitch muscle fibers, however it is FORBIDDEN to know why blacks behave like feral animals mentally most of the time even though we know its due to their virtually nonfunctioning frontal lobe. A white with frontal lobe brain damage acts exactly like a black person as well so we know it really is a genetic issue with their frontal lobe. However people will deny deny deny and deny because said people cant look like moral crusaders if it turns out their oppressed minority are actually wild animals that destroy civilization enmass. Its fucking ridiculous the amount of truthful things about blacks that is censored just to prevent us from dealing with this subhuman race in logical manner which is sending all of them to Africa and never allowing them to come back here.

Intelligent blacks are fine but they dont really matter nor ever did, they cannot ever outbreed the feral blacks meaning we cannot ever use intelligent blacks to judge the entire black race because they are barely the black race in terms of genetic distribution. To make things worse its actually the high IQ blacks that work to censor information regarding their animal nature of the black race meaning intelligent black people are simply our enemies end of discussion..

>> No.11146099

You are right though, i did have this feeling that most of the data i got was white vs black
I would be very interested in persistent, SES controlled IQ gaps with indians, chinese and americans for example

>> No.11146102

Or swimming. I dont think body building is a very "black" thing to do. Kind of like how white people aren't very good at dancing(in general), or how chinks suck at driving or pajeets shit in the streets and sand niggers fuck goats and jews chew on baby dicks, or how mexicans are drug cartels and brazilians are spic niggers or russians are snow niggers and the japanese are pervert xenophobes and australians eat vegemite and canadians are cucks. Its just like how life is.

>> No.11146104

What about dumb whites?

>> No.11146107

Yes? We have persistent gaps even controlling for district and income, the gap exists when adopted from a very young age, the tests are not biased, there's negligible stereotype threat, admixture is a good predictor and there are thousands of snp that are strong predictors of iq

>> No.11146110

there are a lot of black bodybuilders
look at Ronnie Coleman

>> No.11146112

Fuck off, retards like you are what makes race realism difficult to talk about
>muh subhuman blacks
Imagine my shock that people are averse to it. Most of the researchers on this topic do not use their research to hold such vile opinion. It's always the skinhead faggots that cherrypick their research to support their preconceived notions that non-white people bad

>> No.11146113

If you even looked at any information you would know that white people have the broadest range of iq. From the smartest to the dumbest. They are a great measuring point, as they hold an average on the higher side of normal (by which i mean, basically a retard).

>> No.11146115

>b-b-but I want it to be true so bad!
Start from here:

>> No.11146117

Do you think so-called “intelligent” whites out reproduce “white trash”? It’s been proven that lower income people have higher reproduction rates.

>> No.11146118

Who? I only know the famous one, mark henry.

>> No.11146120

smart blacks are more likely to have significant white admixture
US average is 20%

>> No.11146122

You lost all credibility there.

>> No.11146124

Idiocracy at its finest. Its not going to take 500 years, we're halfway there now.

>> No.11146125

Sure, like i had any to begin with.

>> No.11146126

I don't understand what you want from me, scientific proof that these snp actually do code for intelligence?

>> No.11146130

They do not cause any the issues that blacks do so they are not even comparable, dumb whites are also more intelligent than most blacks to begin with as whites must be obviously retarded to have the average IQ of a black american so even the white highschool dropouts are smarter than most black american adults. You could take a population of white morons and put them in a city then do the same for randomly selected blacks of varying intelligence and guess what, the white city would actually be the safest one to live in while the black one would be a violent hellhole. To confirm this there are no white cities with poor white majority in America with violent crime even close to 30% black cities like Chicago for example, not now or in history either. Peasants in medieval Europe never dealt with the level of impulsive crime that blacks cause in human civilizations.
Blacks are subhuman because their brain is not human it is more akin to an animal than a person they are nothing but organic robots who are puppeted by their simian impulses they can barely do anything out of pure free will like us thats why we call them subhuman.
White trash is not as braindead as the average black person this might be hard to grasp but its the truth, blacks are that terrible they are dumber than our actual morons. The pure african black is essentially a wild animal compared to even a white idiot who cant pass the 9th grade because their IQ is even monumentally lower than black americans who are racemixed with white DNA.

The truely animal level IQ of pure africans confirms race realism btw because unless you can find a negro population with human level intelligence on average well that confirms there is a genetic issue with their brains.

>> No.11146131

8 time Mr Olympia

>> No.11146134

there used to be a 40+% mortality rate.

>> No.11146143

Um, yes? Obviously. Why is that such a tall order? I can tell you exactly how lead exposure affects neurons in the brain to reduce IQ. It's on Wikipedia:
>It degrades the myelin sheaths of neurons, reduces their numbers, interferes with neurotransmission routes, and decreases neuronal growth.

>> No.11146144

rednecks throw up a lot of gifted mechanics

>> No.11146158

Rednecks do not make up the majority of dimwitted white people in America though. Dumb whites have a much lower level of violent crime than blacks which suggests the black brain is essentially programmed to be violent all the time. Dumb whites behave like retards they are docile then get emotional where as blacks behave like chimpanzees they are calm then go completely feral in a split second. I have only noticed this behavior from black people and black children never any other race in America including the dumber ones like mexicans for example. Sure mexicans are violent indeed but the feral impulsive behavior of blacks is unseen in them, a mexican is more akin to a violent dumb white jerk than a rampaging feral beast which is what a black is akin to. It is a nightmare that these wild animals are allowed to roam around non black human beings and terrorize them.

>> No.11146163

> White trash is not as braindead as the average black

I don’t know if I can buy that.

>> No.11146169

Its obvious you have no experience with ghetto blacks thats why you think the idiots on the farms or trailer parks are remotely comparable. Yes they commit drug crimes but they are morons what do you fucking expect? However, never once have white morons turned an entire settlement into a violent hellhole full of gunshot indentations like blacks do proving white morons are fine but blacks are human cancer.

>> No.11146171

...And this is why it's so hard to discuss

>> No.11146174

Ok fair enough, the evidence isn't conclusive, but its statistically significant

>> No.11146178

Because of petty morals? No one has issues talking about the neurogenetics of serial killers yets its an issue if they are black this is ridiculous. I dont care if it hurts black feelings as only the high IQ ones even feel empathy for others I think, the rest are unfeeling psychopathic beast that would laugh seeing your white daughter being randomly lit on fire by another black person, so there is no reason to ever feel empathy towards black people.

>> No.11146183

>You need to find the genes and how they manifest as IQ points
No we don't. This "find the gene" dogma is something that started in atheist youtube community in about 2011 or so when they were attacking race realism.
No scientist, even the agalitarian ones, don't use this argument because they know it is bullshit. They can easily estimate the heritability of some trait without knowing all the specific genes that cause it.
If this threshold was applied to all things not just IQ then the field of biology wouldn't move anywhere.

>> No.11146185


>> No.11146189
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False, IQ explains the majority of the crime disparity

>> No.11146193

>Because of petty things that make us human
Ok chink

>> No.11146194

Ok but all blacks aren’t ghetto, that’s why I said that I disagreed with your statement. While a higher percentage are ghetto that doesn’t mean it’s average.

>> No.11146197

There is no point doing this, you and I both do the low IQ of blacks is genetic meaning being black=high crime its that simple. Imagine denying this when Black Africa is one of the most violent hellholes on earth.
Showing empathy for blacks is illogical, blacks have never onced tried to help white people out of pure altruism therefore there is no reason to be concerned about them.
Most blacks are ghetto you truely have no experience with black people if you deny most to them arent ghetto jerks, the few humans you encounter in colleges come from neighborhoods full of feral animals, beause they are black they rationalize this animal behavior as a consequence of poverty even though hispanics who are also a poor race dont commit anywhere near the level of violent crime as blacks have in the USA.

>> No.11146205

I agree that there’s a lot of niggardry but I would say feral animals. The problems I’ve noticed with blacks is that they are bad at organization which is the reason you don’t see many black businesses and such.

>> No.11146207

this is hilarious

>> No.11146209


>> No.11146216

They are fine with organization when it comes to their impulses like organized crime for example anything else they are shit at because their animal minds only care about their impulses. A thing that prevents black businesses is the fact that negros will rob them at gunpoint impulsively and constantly, this sort of shit happens multiple times in a single day in African countries.

>> No.11146225

Impulsive thinking, poor people are bad at long term planning and delayed gratification.

>> No.11146235

Blacks barely can think in the future, but when they can its often when they are about to commit a crime its scary how their brain literally will only work when it comes to gratifying their impulses.

>> No.11146237

And yet we barely have a white armed robbery issue in America.

>> No.11146245

I gtg, actually fun talking to you. While I don’t think black stupidity is genetic we can both agree that there is a problem with black stupidity.

>> No.11146251

if it's not genetic, what is causing it?

>> No.11146264

Like I said before, niggardry. It’s cultural.

>> No.11146267

Statistics don't apply to everyone you fucking psycho, you can't just make sweeping statements like that based off rates

>> No.11146276

ok so how do adopted black kids raised by whites behave?

>> No.11146278

It is genetic because there is no outlier when it comes to negro criminality. All of their cities are hellholes, all of their countries are hellholes, all of their schools are hellholes, workplaces hellholes, beachs hellholes, malls hellholes there is not a single decent black area UNLESS its from the elite high IQ black rich class everything else is violent crime ridden hellhole. While whites do have feral cousins like Russians for example the many of our countries with utopian level low violent crime before DIEVERSITY shows you cannot really call our race violent jerks like russians.

However there are no negro nations with low violent crime rates unless those negro nations are tiny microstates even then the murder is whats low rape, robbery, and aggravated assault is still of the charts compared to France or Germany before diversity. People think black areas are safe if their murder count looks manageable but dont realize murder is the least common impulsive black crime the most common ones are:
Aggravated Assault
Armed Robbery

The leftist know exactly why they wont realize the statistics on those crimes because that would confirm blacks areas are extremely fucking dangerous to non black and black people.
It has nothing to do with culture, african refugees who never saw rap in their life are commiting impulsive violent crime in Sweden, Germany, France and the UK RIGHT NOW. Its is simply the reality of african black DNA.
Im the psychopath? No you are the psychopath you are the one defending the most dangerous humans have ever existed on this continent. I am concerned about all the areas these animals have destroyed in America and only them, once you cause more issues than mexicans the actual dominant minority in America you are without a doubt a serious problem in America. Blacks have always been human cancer compared to mexicans who were in the background until recently.

>> No.11146294

You're turning the topic from scientific analysis to politically loaded conclusions
You don't give a shit about the stats, as long as they tell you
>brown people bad
Why don't you realise that group statistics do not give you the right to treat individuals with any greater discourtesy
This is /sci/ for fuck sake not /pol/
It's bloody difficult to discuss this without being called racist or nazi and people like you make it infinitely worse. Perhaps the research could be considered with regards to welfare programs or immigration, but fuck off with your divisive talk of subhumans, animals and enemies

>> No.11146307

How is this political? I dont hate brown people I only hate black people.
>Why don't you realise that group statistics do not give you the right to treat individuals with any greater discourtesy
Because I am logical I already explained why there is no rational reason to ever treat blacks with empathy because too little of them are incapable of empathy its a waste of time feeling sorry for a wild animal that will kill your white ass randomly for no reason. As much as whites have done to help these ungrateful african savages they have no hint of gratitude period its foolish to help them or feel sorry for them.

I dont care if this is racist, whats racist is pointing out blacks do better in sports DUE TO THEIR FUCKING GENETICS oh but racism is acceptable because it makes the tribal savages look good, but any racism that makes them look like simian beast they are its abhorred and its banned end of fucking discussion. Oh but a fucking paper on how white people have tiny eeny meeny dicks or low self esteem geneticaly thats absolutely fucking fine ANYTHING IS FUCKING FINE WHEN IT COMES TO BASHING WHITES BUT IF ITS BASHING THESE EVIL AFRICAN PIECES OF SHIT ITS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE..

As I have stated before my only intentions is to cease the chaos that blacks cause in my country America, do you have any idea what it feels like to be criminalized by a minority in your country and not your racial majority. Its fucking ridiculous this is even tolerated people expected to be robbed, raped or killed by white people in this country its fucking blacks doing this shit and only them no other minority is like this at all its just so insane people keep denying this and covering it up.

>> No.11146435

that we need to treat any individual differently on the basis of their ethnic appearance is baseless unless one can show that certain genes predispose humans towards different social behaviors and these genes can be exclusively grouped with certain races. Just because your heritage gives you different muscular makeup, pigment, height averages, etc doesn't mean it's responsible for programming the psychology of the extremely complex human mind.

But then racists never really seem to care about an objective approach. They're not arguing for "race realism" because they think race realism is true and want to pursue the truth, they want their perverse view of the world to be normalized so they can say nigger without getting banned from minecraft.

>> No.11146468

>How is this political? I dont hate brown people I only hate black people.
It’s political because you are using emotion, not rigorous research.

>> No.11146474

>Just because your heritage gives you different muscular makeup, pigment, height averages, etc doesn't mean it's responsible for programming the psychology of the extremely complex human mind.
How absurd, and blacks have no psychology they all have the exact same personality(once puberty hits) thats why people racially stereotype them constantly.

>> No.11146479

Bump, looking for anything else that i missed
Any suggestions for improvement?

>> No.11146494
File: 775 KB, 1200x3669, IQ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some IQ tables from The Bell Curve that didn't include.

>> No.11146498
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>> No.11146555

Thanks but I'm pretty sure i covered that aspect of IQ validation well enough.
Any thing else i missed or got wrong?

>> No.11146564
File: 35 KB, 702x408, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just recently came out the 20103 Rinderman survey of intelligence researchers on their views on heritability of B-W IQ gap (among other things).
This might be useful information since a lot of people follow the expert opinion and imagine that race realism is fringe view in academia.

>> No.11146567

This study had a poor response rate and I'd rather not appeal to authority

>> No.11146575

I'm a bit starved for the genetic cause and more on non-black/white differences as another poster noted.
Anything more on that?

>> No.11146601

this is bait
if not, kill yourself

>> No.11146611

>Just because your heritage gives you different muscular makeup, pigment, height averages, etc doesn't mean it's responsible for programming the psychology of the extremely complex human mind.
Have you tried reading the things you write and following your own logical conclusions
unless you fully accept the data but are simply trolling

>> No.11146655

There isn't much stuff on genetic cause because molecular biology isn't very advanced field yet. I think you included all studies on this already.

There is this meta-analysis that looked at research of white-hispanic IQ but there isn't much on asian IQ besides the world data from Lynn.

You could add the race differences in brains size https://thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/04/15/brain-size-race-and-iq/ and more on the transracial adoption studies. Maybe debunk some that are cited by egalitarians like the Eyferth one.

>> No.11146665

Thanks, i haven't got any space so what do you suggest i should remove?

>> No.11146674

The bottom left part. It has separate infograph thats been posted on /pol/ for years and is still being posted so everyone has seen that already.

>> No.11146695

I wanted that in there for general use though, outside 4chan
It's a really good infographic that covers alot of stuff concisely, in fact this little project was an attempt to expand on it and address potential criticisms. Perhaps I've put too much into the IQ section? That strenze 2015 study is like a meta-meta analysis which pretty much covers the predictive nature of IQ

>> No.11146701

Has anyone seen a summary graph/matrix of the bell curve's findings on IQ tests?

>> No.11146703

you could push the image through an optimiser? they can cut off a few bytes

always a good idea to check for smudges

>> No.11146707

have you tried searching through warosu.org/sci to find old threads?

>> No.11146715

In that case it might be useful to split it into several smaller infographs and divide them by category. It would be more organized and more readable. Normies might be put off by big walls of text they can barely orientate in.

>> No.11146720

Got any links?
Yeah, I've been going through the /pol/ archive.
Yes i know, /pol/, but desu they are pretty obsessed with it so they are bound to turn up some good research.
Pretty surprising there's not much on the genetic side.
One of the first major breakthroughs was 2015 when Piffer had something like 9 snps that correlated strongly with IQ, then with lee et al. 2018 we got something like 2000. I realised that study was effectively used twice in the infographic, once with the national IQ correlation and a second time with that genes race and intelligence chart which also quotes the same study. It might be superfluous as it quotes something like only 50 snps to the 2400 in the 2019 study, i was hoping to replace it with another study on genetics, but it seems there are none

>> No.11146721

I think it's often better to make a poster narrower but not too narrow because it's much easier to scroll down than across

>> No.11146725

Eh, i prefer the idea of one big scary infographic containing everything
Being "put off" is the first step to understanding

>> No.11146727

how much of the behavioural genetics have you read through like Plomin's or that H guy's textbook?

>> No.11146763

I've only read insofar as it pertains to the topics covered in the infographic, i must admit I'm not well versed in the science

>> No.11146769
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, Chart 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost forgot about another favorite trope of race deniers. This could be listed under "Myths" section


>> No.11146789

Useful thanks

By the way, does anyone know how to get lines to join up end to end in word.
I made the infographic in word and used line shapes to divide it, but as you can see some of the ends don't join up

>> No.11146820

the weakness there is the generation interval is longer than anything else

>> No.11146862

Like i said, think i focused too much on blacks and whites, if anyone has found any data on other races that'd be appreciated

>> No.11146902

bump ain't going to do shit, this thread is on autosage

>> No.11146926

>nope! no misleading going on here!
>not showing number of generations instead? stfu science denying commie!!! this is science!!!!

>> No.11146953

>There isn't much stuff on genetic cause because molecular biology isn't very advanced field yet.
Fuck! But we're like, pretty sure, right? It feels right, and I want it to be right. It's basically right, then. Right?

>> No.11146968

ignorant people should not be putting anything into infographics that they don't have solid evidence for
otherwise your own argument is weakened if people latch on wrong details and use them to discredit everything else you put out
ask yourself can I rely on this as fact in the court of public opinion?

>> No.11146976

Um, excuse me. Propaganda has shown time and time again to be highly effective, regardless of truthfulness. Please leave your scientific rigor out of this.

>> No.11146977

Holy shit kill yourself

>> No.11146981

That's my thought process for this, fpr example i used 2019 Lynn instead of 2002/2006
I tried to look up responses to some of the studies to see if there is any valid criticisms. I just wish i had more data on other races differences apart from black and white

>> No.11146982

This. Nothing wrong with being misleading when you're leading to the TRUTH!

>> No.11146988

the (((Big lie)))

>> No.11146991

OP, why do you need this giant infographic? Just link to the study that concludes that the gap is due to genetics? Would save a lot of bandwidth.

>> No.11147014


>> No.11147025
File: 23 KB, 425x659, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.
Mose lives an average 15 - 25 years
brown bear 20 - 25
polar bears up to 25
pic relate is humans over time. The long life expectancy is very modern phenomenon.

>> No.11147033

I said generation interval though, not age.

>> No.11147064

What's so confusing?

>> No.11147073

The argument isn't just solved in one study, there's multiple disputed aspects

>> No.11147076

>Fuck! But we're like, pretty sure, right?
There is enough evidence already using quantitative biology. That molecular stuff isn't necessary. But at least it will be useful to shut those "We need to find the genes!" people up.

>> No.11147077

what are they key tenets of the race realism debate?

>> No.11147081

Huh? I thought we just wanted to say the racial IQ gap is due to genetics? Why can't it be done in one meta-analysis?

>> No.11147116

It can, i just don't want to write one

>> No.11147171

Have you gotten any papers published before?

>> No.11147198


>> No.11147204

Then I wouldn't want you to write it yourself anyway wtf. We need peer review and shit

>> No.11147347


>> No.11147371
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>> No.11147380
File: 188 KB, 1024x764, boohoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only IQ boost Jews have they got from their European mixture nice try shlomo

>> No.11147387

>not one source
Ashkenazi have the highest polygenic score for EDU3, see Piffer 2019

>> No.11147398
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x718, GUANCHE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11147405
File: 502 KB, 714x450, comedian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a source, enjoy

>> No.11147409
File: 150 KB, 300x242, Dabpepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr. Reich
Is this timeline real? Fugging based desu

>> No.11147584

Dr. Reich:
>What makes Dr. Watson’s and Mr. Wade’s statements so insidious is that they start with the accurate observation that many academics are implausibly denying the possibility of average genetic differences among human populations, and then end with a claim — backed by no evidence — that they know what those differences are and that they correspond to racist stereotypes. They use the reluctance of the academic community to openly discuss these fraught issues to provide rhetorical cover for hateful ideas and old racist canards.
Fucking BASE-- oh fuck...
What a fucking leftist kike!!!

>> No.11147596
File: 1.80 MB, 204x255, dancingkike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11147613

He almost made us think he was based instead of kike. Watch out for those next-level kike tricks brother.

>> No.11147801
File: 1.52 MB, 1051x676, mj2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
