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File: 33 KB, 434x524, 6A971DE5-57F4-4837-9563-445EB72F6D2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11137053 No.11137053 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many people so lazy these days? Is it chemicals in the water? Nobodies trying anymore. People are getting fatter, fewer people interested interested in Science, everyone is hooked on Instagram. Why? What’s the medical reason?

>> No.11137062

>Why? What’s the medical reason?

Behavioral sink.

>> No.11137070

>Behavioral sink
Shieet. That's dark.

>> No.11137073

>fewer people interested interested in Science
not true, it was never interesting. Only an autistic minority has ever been truly interested in scientific fields.

>> No.11137085

It's quite simple. Our society is too efficient. Our society is so efficient that nowadays people only have to work one third of the day to accomplish all their goals (think 9 to 5 jobs). After that, they are well fed, have shelter, have partners, etc. What are humans supposed to do after that? We are survival and reproduction machines. After we have survived and ensured conditions for reproduction, we really have nothing else to do except keep us entertained until the next day to do it again.

>> No.11137089


>> No.11137091

We are too prosperous I guess

>> No.11137141

>What are humans supposed to do after that?
discover shit? do interesting shit? We ventured out from Africa to populate continents all over the world. Yet now only a select few even care to venture out amongst the stars, or to examine our brains. I do definitely think our drive to do stuff is decreasing over the decades, not sure why.

>> No.11137148

>discover shit?
I have hands to work. I have a penis to fuck. Tell me which mechanical tool I have in my body to discover shit? Of course, I like discovering shit. But I'm a fucking autistic retarded nerd. I am not normal. I am some fucking abomination from hell. If I was normal I'd be fucking Stacy right now but instead I'm posting on a fucking chinese pottery forum.

>> No.11137164

>Tell me which mechanical tool I have in my body to discover shit?
The brain.

>> No.11137165

Food is cheap. Work is done in cubicles. Vidya is cheap.

>> No.11137174

Internet porn

>> No.11137177

This has to be one of these most retarded threads I've ever seen. Especially when this retarded nigger of an OP asked why people aren't interested in "discovering shit anymore". As if 9/10 people boarded a boat and sailed towards the atlantic. Holy hell, no way this clown's IQ is tripple digits.

>> No.11137178

I knew you would say this but you couldn't be more wrong. I think it is enough evidence that even the developed brains of well-fed first world inhabitants do not get past the mental sophistication of FUCK PUSSY NIGGA FUCK FUCK PUSSY NIGGA.

>> No.11137184

>oh my god bro why do I have to live during an era where peolpe are allowed to pursue personal interest??? I want everybody to be enslaved!!!

>> No.11137190

Instant gratification is easier to attain than ever. People would like they are today centuries ago, but they didn't have the resources to live that way. Plus I think that you are making an assumption that back in time everyone was a renaissance man by looking at the achievments of the few outliers, which we have still today.

>> No.11137198

Lazy is a loose term. I would define this impatience as an expectation, everything is done fast, you can travel the world in 12 hours. There is no reason why people wouldn’t bother to do anything that takes quite long. This mindset should be avoided however.

>> No.11137199

The vast majority of people have always been like this and the vast majority of people are descendant from these same people who have also done nothing

>> No.11137204

>inb4 that disturbing webm of onions reaction upon onions reaction etcetera

>> No.11137210
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>t. gonna be a pro rapper/gamer/youtuber someday soon

>> No.11137219
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That's not an original sentiment depending on where you live.

>> No.11137234
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how in the fuck would anyone want to be a teacher

>> No.11137240

You need to remembert that kids have no idea how economics work. At that age, most kids probably think that money is monopoly money and everyone makes the same. Also, at that age, teacher is the only profession they are familiar with.

>> No.11137241

That's not really fair considering China allows no freedom of expression. Give China YouTube and you would see the same in 1 year. Although fuck if our generation isnt screwed because of YouTubers like Logan Paul and Instagram thots

>> No.11137245

I don't see what supposed to be bad about this. If anything it shows most of these people are intelligent enough to realize their short comings. Imagine some retard saying he dreams of becoming a doctor or astronaut.

>> No.11137246
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Grew up in a peaceful homogeneous community, innocently assume that's the kind of community where they'll be posted when they do Teach For America to help underprivileged oppressed children

>> No.11137252

Easy money*
Easy money
Easy money*
Easy money*
Coolness factor i guess

*assuming you make it

>> No.11137272

>Why are so many people so lazy these days?
Physician, heal thyself.

>> No.11137278

They're too retarded to think of an existence that isn't there own existence in school so decide on the first job they see there. To stay in school but be in charge.

It's pathetic really.

I can't blame zoomers for wanting to be youtubers. They're only stupid because that window has passed and they won't make any money anymore. For most people with interesting lives a youtube channel side gig is a wise undertaking.

Life boils down to creators and consumers and a generation driven to create rather than just consume like Gen X and Y is probably a promising prospect. God knows what the top was for our generation. I bet writer or pop star was in that top position. it's the same shit.
It's a nice surprise to see kids still want to be astronauts.

>> No.11137286

Want to talk about why you're projecting here?

>> No.11137321

>i guess
Jesus man, its the ultimate trump card. You meet a chick with some friends and she asks what you all do, and you casually drop "Oh I just went to the moon, no big deal."

>> No.11137335


lots of additive entertainment like video games, once VR comes, everyone will be addicted to it like living in an opium den

>> No.11137350
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>did you roleplay as Star Trek or something? nerd!

>> No.11137353

no i was an astronaut

>> No.11137360

>You meet a chick with some friends and she asks what you all do, and you casually drop "Oh I just went to the moon, no big deal."
This is not the 1960's anymore boyo. An astronaut is just a space nerd.

>> No.11137374
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>What’s the medical reason?
I really want to slap the shit out of people when they post threads like this one.
>hrrdrr whats the evolutionary advantage of {thing}?
>hrrdrr whats the scientific reason for {thing}?


Now, then:
There is no """medical reason""" you mongoloid.
There *ARE* too many """conveniences""" though which means there is no reason for people to do things themselves.

Why learn when you can google things?
Why exercise when you can just take a pill because you're too fat?
Why bother watching your weight when you don't have to do physical labor to survive and can just sit at a desk all day and get paid?
Why even leave the couch when you can be entertained all day every day and never move?
Pic 100% related. It's what we're moving towards unless something halts it. More and more """conveniences""" making any physical or mental effort unnecessary.
Also: IDIOCRACY. Go look that movie up, it's a cautionary tale. If we're not careful, we end up with a """civilization""" where no one even knows how to grow food or maintain our machines because everyone got so lazy and had no reason to learn anything anymore and it all fell apart.

>> No.11137380

What's the evolutionary advantage of posting "what's the evolutionary advantage of..." threads?

>> No.11137384

>Behavioral sink.

>> No.11137396

It's because you're a feckless lazy piece of shit projecting your insecurities onto the rest of the world. Because it's not your fault if you're the victim of an 40,000 year old inter dimensional reptilian conspiracy.
Plenty of motherfuckers are on the grind every single day.

>> No.11137411

shut up faggot you're unfunny

>> No.11137480
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An important point, but people are way too fixated on those infamous experiments when this comes up. It's an actual problem, but we have to abstracize it more in order to find its relevance to human society.

The most glaring difference between human society and that of the experiments is that ours is nowhere near post-scarcity. Yet we provide evidence that this isn't necessary for the nefarious behavioral sink to manifest. It seems pretty clear that the world seems to be in the grip of increasing levels of anomie for some time now. Depression is reaching epidemic levels, social mores aren't broken so much as are forgotten (the world's elite literally have a pedophilia island and barely anyone even bats an eye, let alone protest), and generally, we see a cultural malaise despite the material side of things chugging along as ever. Clearly, the source of the sink isn't material then, but cultural (or immaterial in some other way, I suppose; cultural might not be the best term, but still).

So what is this immaterial factor which might account for the sink in both animal and human societies? The commonality here is the lack of social roles for individuals to fulfill. In rat society, this is simple enough. On human society, we have to look a lot deeper, thus we need to abstracize a bit. An animal, it can be argued, simply exists, largely unaware of itself. A person, on the other hand, is burdened with the unconscious need of a purpose, the other side of the coin of self-awareness. And modern economy is overwhelmingly consisted of socially useless or even harmful jobs. Automation means the share of productive jobs keeps falling, so we lose that sense of purpose, illusory tho it might be. And what makes it even worse is that this decreasing share of productive jobs doesn't happen with the goal of freeing people to pursue higher goals, but the exact opposite. It's to abandon people to fate so production doesn't have to deal with them.

>> No.11137495

The point is that this number is decreasing. All really brilliant minds we have shun Academia because they're as disillusioned as you and I are.

>> No.11137545

We stopped adding meth to sport drinks, therefore engaging in physical activity is no longer desired by society.

>> No.11137546

>The point is that this number is decreasing.

>> No.11137799

What a pill to swallow

>> No.11137810

It's called comfort and coddling. If most people had to try in order to live, why would people try once their lives were no longer in danger? As limitations breed ingenuity, death breeds a desire to live.

>> No.11138206

it's always been like that. the percentage of motivated learners hasn't changed since the beginning of the internet era. you are just exposed to all the retarded people you haven't cared about in the past.

>> No.11138214

>And what makes it even worse is that this decreasing share of productive jobs doesn't happen with the goal of freeing people to pursue higher goals, but the exact opposite
not true. leibniz had a shitty job of an office clerk or something but he had a lot of free time to pursue his interests. i feel the same.

>> No.11138237

Most people are just going through the path of least resistance, which includes getting obese, getting a job they hate, and consuming cheap media (which includes internet forums ie. 4channel).
I also want to say the lack of soul and the lack of confidence in people is another factor. The baby boomers were shit parents and everybody seems to have confidence issues. The media we consume is garbage and has no soul or inspiration in it. Reading Goethe changed me as a person. He influenced politics, science, literature and philosophy heavily. Look up the influence Goethe had and then imagine what the world would look like if he never existed. People are busy watching Netflix in their free time instead of consuming media that has substance.

>> No.11138244

>path of least resistance
This is also an important thing to acknowledge when you want to change your habits. Make your good habits easy and your bad habits harder.

>> No.11138275
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categorize humanity into three distinct groups.
A person - capable of both self and exterior reflection, logical and open minded seeking understanding from both within and without. Not fearing this reality or anything within it. ~ 2%
A cancerous person - someone obsessed with humanity itself seeking understanding through economical extremes, capitalism, communism, nazism, etc. Believing space colonizations is the greatest goal of humanity or something else like that. Often simply an underdeveloped person with potential. ~ 30%
An empty person - purely an evolutionary carnal machine of meat. ~ 68%
I am not sure yet wether everyone have potential to be a person but one can be in the other groups before moving towards being a person. One can even be a person and move to another group tragically. I'd like to believe everyone have potential to be but find it unrealistic.
Only thing I really see anyone able to do is to work towards being a person and try to guide as many cancerous people into being. An empty person with any sort of possible potential will become cancerous.

>> No.11138293

I'm probably missing some kind of group of 0.001% that I can't comprehend.

>> No.11138298

>Why are so many people so lazy these days?

Prove they are using peer-reviewed sources.

>> No.11138345

>14 year old who thinks he's mature and not like the others: the post
he's talking out of his ass, on average humanity is more educated than ever before

>> No.11138349

>boomer who thinks he's mature and smart and like everyone else: the comment

>> No.11138350

I'm 21 you dumb child

>> No.11138352
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>> No.11138441

fuck you I like math.
that sounds like priori shit, but I'd make a guess that the ratio is pretty similar to when it use to be, and if you are including subhuman "science" fields then that ratio is way greater.
also fuck academia, pathetic industry cucks
they are like whores and hookers, suck cock juices for money, and they love to lick smegma.
nomadic life styles probably instigated a need to move.
also what's the point in going into space? who give a shit.
Yeah supposedly all people left africa, that's why there is no humans there.
those are technically pretty sophisticated thoughts in comparison to most other animals.
the fact that they can make tools is remarkable.
we aren't born with the ability to manipulate metal so I don't expect primitive people to master it.
based and red pilled
these engineers are fucking delusional.
they aren't even doing anything either, they just work their desk jobs and do shit they are told to do. literal serfdom.
>life is about money
>life is about money
>life is about money
fuck you cucks.

>> No.11138455

Are you retarded? There are far more people majoring in stem and far more people getting phds in stem. This thread is stupid.

>> No.11138482

How to make cottage cheese?

>> No.11138771

>more educated
PISA disagrees. You have no idea what you're talking about. Sure, more people go to school, but we were talking about academia.

>> No.11138806

The reproducibility crisis is a huge hint. Then also:
>summary of iq among academics 50-60 years ago
>regression to the mean
>no time for actual research

Some anecdotes about what it's like:

I must admit, I couldn't find studies about how many of the really talented people are discontent and leave Academia. It's something I noticed all around me. The best are all saying the publish or perish mentality has ruined what used to be the highest scientific endeavor.

>> No.11139737

Women, niggers and jews.

>> No.11140190


People now are just going to university since they see an employer and a paycheck. They don't really give a shit about anything they learn. Most of these types also get defensive when you confront them with it, fucking normies. Why do people find it awkward to say they only do it for money? It's def the case in my field (Information systems) which just got a boom in people trying to make money in recent years who will just probably get employed at some javascript sweatshop or as a consultant.

>> No.11140256

Publish or perish just makes people very lazy about the process in general. A lot will just rush their statistics to be what they want. Sometimes even just adjusting measured variables just to match the hypothesis (if it's close enough to significance or if you want better power measurements). I'm not sure how this affects math and physics (nonsense papers). But considering I study information systems it's aids. When I look at algorithms and papers that did something fancy with machine learning there is often no code supplied at all and often not even a dataset. Which makes it impossible to replicate results. Even if a dataset is provided usually you can't replicate the results of the research paper or come to much different conclusions. Most do not wish to see it changed (e.g. make it mandatory when publishing to have supplied code + dataset or a sample of the dataset) since they can currently keep milking this for papers. In social science sides it's even worse since all they do is just collect data, then do statistical testing on their surveys collecting significance metrics, power, effect sizes. Which is just very easy to manipulate and abuse if you want to without ever being detected. Since you'll always have plausible deniability.

As long as you as a researcher have some degree of plausible deniability as to why your results happened you can always publish. Probably nobody will find out. There are paper with 800+ citations in the algorithm side that are not reproducible at all and probably even made up science. I think everyone in this field just realizes this at some point during their master and if not when they proceed to their phd. The only natural reaction is to lose faith in the field and in science. Doesn't mean that there aren't any cool / novel and new applications but, the majority it just bullshit.

>> No.11140302

Based and Icelandic-baby-smoking-a-pipe-pilled

>> No.11140322

I fully agree with what you said. Our department lost many good people because of that disappointment.
Currently there's talk and even money for a state-wide system to co-publish code and data in such a way that other researchers (or anyone really) can easily verify the results and transfer data to other researchers. I think that's an absolute necessity, especially since we're funded by public money.

>> No.11140326

I don't deny bullshit papers but the majority being bullshit? Why so cynical?

>> No.11140350

>The only natural reaction is to lose faith in the field and in science. Doesn't mean that there aren't any cool / novel and new applications but, the majority it just bullshit.

The issue with this however, is by the point you come to this realization, you're already too committed--the blue pill of academia swallowed long ago--and to bail at this point would bring nothing but shame upon you.
While the gilded nature of academia may now be clear to you, the only logical response is laissez-faire, as ousting your fellow peers can't be done without the credentials to back it up (credentials you are unable to gain unless you accept and continue this very feedback mechanism that brings you dissonance).

By the time you gain such credentials, you'll be complacent with the very system you helped perpetuate.

>Time to call for a purge of all pseudosciences

>> No.11140362
File: 649 KB, 3484x1921, Screenshot_2019-11-12 Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It can be proven that most claimed research findings are false

>> No.11140386

>A cancerous person - someone obsessed with humanity itself seeking understanding through economical extremes, capitalism, communism, nazism, etc. Believing space colonizations is the greatest goal of humanity or something else like that. Often simply an underdeveloped person with potential.
Just fyi you radical centrist chicks make terrible conversation but to your credit at least you're easy as fuck to pump and dump.

>> No.11140392

the swallowpill

>> No.11140413

What purpose did the previous world have that we dont? A need for manual labor. I belive that going forward we simply wont need all of the people that we have now. Instead of going for quantity, we'll need quality. With a fully automated production, people can either work in the service industry or work in fields that require high levels of abstraction that computers are not able to compete with.

In the times we live in we've started to see a large part of production shift into automation like you said. Since all of our exsiting governments are set up as ponzi schemes that require more people with every generation, the greatest challenge for us is reorganizing our social welfare systems and governments so that each generation is self sufficient. The big glaring issue is the people living now that have worked blue collar jobs their who life that got the rug pulled out from under them by automation. I think the only way to give these people 'purpose' is to have a sort of UBI set up. Not nessisarily with money, but with housing, medical care, and all the other needs of life. Let them work a service job for 20 hours a week or more if they want, but the goal is to give them financial stability and give them pleanty of free time to work on their passions.

>> No.11140421

>and give them pleanty of free time to work on their passions.

so pizza, netflix, instagram, tattoos, weed and rick and morty?

>> No.11140430

The reason is societal not medical fucktard

>> No.11140448

You missed the most important point though, namely that the procreation conditions for rats are entirely different. Autists rarely have children, and if they fuck they fuck prostitutes with condoms because of some lewd charity organisation. Presumably the issue in the rat population was the lack of selection, which though more obscure is still very present in human society

>> No.11140458

>People are getting fatter
Shitty food is too easy to get.
>fewer people interested interested in Science
Shitty "insights" about the world are too easy to get.
>everyone is hooked on Instagram
Shitty entertainment is too easy to get.

>> No.11140465

The issue with the rats was overstimulation and lack of privacy.

>> No.11140606

It's not laziness, it's low IQ. The weaker the brain, the worse its intellectual ability, the harder it is to study. And people don't like hardships. That's it.

>> No.11140627 [DELETED] 

There is literally nothing wrong with having no motivation to do anything for free or with your free time and personal resources.
I mean I wanted to build a cyclotron in my garage but I can't with limited resources in my disposal.

>> No.11140918

Instant gratification is like a drug, you need to increase the dose with time to get the same level of 'high'. So it is only instant when you have very basic needs. And at some point you realize you've tried everything within your price range and the next level is $$$ you can't afford. Like traveling to Venus. And imagine being a zoomer. They were born into a highly technological society and the instant gratification means nothing to them since they have had everything they wanted since early age. How are they going to get gratification as adults? They have every gadget in the world but what they don't have is a gf.

>> No.11142920

since when 4chan is a chinese pottery forum?

>> No.11143117

Sorry was it Mongolian basket weaving? I get my boards confused.

>> No.11143248

You idoit! This is obviously a Timorese gardening forum.

>> No.11143268

I am a unit of labour

i exist to produce shareholder value

please entertain me during my off hours

>> No.11143288

Why does that image look so disturbing somehow?

>> No.11143806

Teaching is rad dude. The money isn’t great but it’s an honorable job with great perks, plus you get to work with young people all day. Beats some shit corporate job

>> No.11144015

>on average humanity is more educated than ever before
yes, because literal niggers have education now. the west is getting dumber and dumber and so is every educated cunt.

>> No.11144023

>wahh black people getting an education makes me stupider.

>> No.11144108

people eat too many carbs, too few animal products and the ones they do eat are heavily contaminated with vaccines, hormones, antibiotics, agrochemicals. Also, lack of exercise and too much blue light exposure.

Check out

Frank Tufano
Ivor Cummings
Dr. Darren Schmidt

>> No.11144152

You see, anon. Intelligence is a finite resource that is shared among everyone. You see that with 8 billion people in the world, the more educated they are the more intelligent they get, and the more intelligent they get the less intelligent others must be to keep the amount of intelligence in the world constant.

>> No.11144178

most people are just retarded, it's always been like this, they just didn't have internet back then


>> No.11144886

Peasants used to work less.

>> No.11144890

But that's not how it works.

>> No.11145057

>using baits as evidence

>> No.11145138

Yeesh, that's sounds pretty bad annone

>> No.11145432

>You see, anon.

This ladies and gentlemen is known as a bullshit marker; when you encounter it, you can be 100% sure that all that follows it will be nonsensical and speculative

>> No.11145569

I tested your hypothesis with a sample size of 2 and found 100% correlation in my data set. You're on to something there.

>> No.11145667
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That’s some interesting lore, care to explain more?

>> No.11145730

That's why the whole 'depressed' meme came to being. A lot of those self diagnosed people are experiencing anhedonia due to overstimulation and only part of them eventually comes to the conclusion that hedonism isn't really sustainable long term, which motivates them to do something challenging

>> No.11145768

Science, technology, culture, the entire world is stagnating. There's no good reason not to be lazy.

>> No.11145790

Dumb people reproduce younger and in greater numbers, every civilization is created by intelligent people, over time the intelligent ones pursue novelty and forgo having large families (because they are interested in novel activities) and dumber people just keep at it (because they don't chase novelty, dumb people have no sense of curiosity or wonder), over time the smart ones go extinct and the dumb ones grow larger. It's quite sad, the Romans talked about this.

>> No.11146308
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h o e s m a d

>> No.11146323

This. Absolutely based

>> No.11146430

You tell me, I want to do so many things but my attention span won't allow me. I used to be able to concentrate for long periods of time in childhood, but afterwards video games fried my dopamine receptors.

>> No.11146442

>We ventured out from Africa
You're aware this is a theory which hasn't been proved, right?
>but old fossils in africa!
Does this prove there aren't sufficiently old fossils elsewhere?

>> No.11146448

Anon, this is a science forum. At least learn some introductory science.

>> No.11146460

You're talking of it as if it was established fact, I'm not the one who needs to do some reading.

>> No.11146461

Maybe for a select few, but in my experience people are not genuinely happy doing that sort of thing for their whole lives. NEETs are almost always depressed as hell, unless they strive for self betterment or to build skills, in which case they would naturally end up seeking a career or societal role once those skills reach a high enough level. There could even be some form of infrastructure that, though not necessary for production to sustain the population, could provide training and fulfilling careers in the arts and sciences for anyone with the will to do so.

>> No.11146533

>some lewd charity organization
How can I get in contact with this organization please? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11146929

>You're aware this is a theory which hasn't been proved, right?

Theory was proven a long time with DNA and many other forms of evidence.

>> No.11147236
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>> No.11147244
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>one word kills the Africa theory
>wait for it .... giants


not to mention rh-

sorry anon... wrong

>> No.11147381

No, I'm talking of it as of you didn't know what theory means. I stand by what I said. You're uneducated.

>> No.11147511

I wouldn't say 4chan is wholly cheap media. I believe that there is a social cost to consuming certain media depending on the standing zeitgeist, see vidya. For the infamy perpetuated by its user base and the absolute state of /b/ and /pol/, perusing the Korean Basket Weaving Forum is frowned upon right now. There are other places to go to consume content, hell even this content see youtube and reddit, that would do less damage to your social status. At the end of the behavioural sink, all that remains are creatures of no social mores, of no mark or scar and wholly incapable of child-rearing. Consuming 4chan content contravenes social mores and for that one may receive social repercussions, but one still consumes. It is not a lazy thing to come on 4chan.