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File: 702 KB, 908x850, tesla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11142846 No.11142846 [Reply] [Original]

was nicola tesla schizotypal?

>> No.11142851

I'd say that day he was just feeling like being a dick.

>> No.11142859

>Tesla thread

>> No.11142861

Fbi took everything, tesla death beam proposals would in no way fit into a box.

>> No.11142876
File: 133 KB, 1200x1165, Rest+in+cia+n_07d51e_7316495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking glowwies

>> No.11142897

Wait until you look up who the businesses was the FBI brought in to examine Tesla's research. Oh and then he went on to become one of the most influential radar technicians of World War II.
I'll give you a hint his nephew became the president of the United States.

>> No.11142900

Physicist*** damn predictive text

>> No.11142927

That's NOTHING look up The Edison Conglomerate and their relations to The Masonic Orders.

>> No.11143080

Tesla was a based autist who made cool shit and was faithful to his pigeon waifu. He's an inspiration to us all.

>> No.11143086


>> No.11143361

>paid an overdue hotel bill

Wait, Hotel New Yorker? That's a crock of shit since Westinghouse Corporation paid him consulting rates and his living expense till the day he fucking died. He never had hotel bill to pay, let alone pay late. OP is unsurprisingly a lying faggot and yet another butthurt anti-tesla shill. Like we need any more on /sci/.

>death beam

No you moron. He never fucking called it that. It was "Teleforce" and it had nothing to do with death. That was a name that New York Times gave it after completely misunderstanding it. Yes, even back then they were fake news.

>> No.11143366

>a hurr durr they misunderstood a box of scrap thrown together by a mentally ill engineer

>> No.11143367
File: 218 KB, 1800x2550, Fucking_Genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRILLIANT, pay your hotel bill by convincing the gullible hotel owner that you have a "death beam" in a box, but they can not open the box to see it or "bad things" will happen.

>> No.11143370

He was teaching the pandoras box method. And if we kept that box closed, and if it fell into the possession of another, and they did not desire to open it, then the secret would of passed to another.

>> No.11143375
File: 74 KB, 720x434, TeslasBrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah little niggle was a genius in touch with the divine

>> No.11143406
File: 72 KB, 960x733, 1573622661162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr he had bills to pay even though he never had bills to pay and I'm lying through my greasy hangnail bitten fingernails

>> No.11143408

>tesla never had bills to pay

>> No.11143847

>implying it is a bad thing to be schizotypal
uuu bigot

>> No.11143853

Correct, Tesla towards the end of his life became fairly aware of the celestial entities's existence.

I believe entity #7 contacted Tesla.

>> No.11143860

Tesla towards the end of his life became fairly aware of the celestial entities's existence.

I believe entity #7 contacted Tesla.

>> No.11143965

Yes, anyone who says no is buying into the “there’s a fine line between genius and insanity” meme

>> No.11143995

But there is.
Everything which is genius would sound insane without evidence. That's why science evolves so slowly, because nobody wants to give anything a chance besides what their boss wants to see happen.

>> No.11144032

Well yes that’s the difference, you can point to the math/research when an idea is genius

>> No.11144057

Just a prank, bro.

>> No.11144073


Yes it is a thin line though.

Especially because concepts,

if someone (and they did) thought that atoms or something quantum existed in the ancient times, there was no evidence so nobody cared, but their conceptual understanding proved right in the end. And if somebody has evidence and conceptual understanding and maybe more than that, it's just science.

>> No.11144081

Yes but what I’m trying to say is that you can have “crazy” ideas without being severely mentally ill.