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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 400x504, newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1113795 No.1113795 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ what do you think about newtons occult research, how much retard he was, i mean believe in magic, thats just stupid, so he must have been an idiot, amiright?

>> No.1113808

In the past, most people were dumb.

>> No.1113816

uh, kind of.

>> No.1113819

Newton was genius - read Einstein. Einstein approves Newton.

>> No.1113817


>> No.1113825

What the fuck am I reading?
Oh , I was going to feed the obvious troll =)
Don't post in this piece of shit

>> No.1113826

Newton got lucky

>> No.1113828

Stop idolizing people so much.

Even the greatest geniuses in one aspect can be utterly retarded in another. See: pascal's wager

>> No.1113850

from wiki:
>Newton's scientific work may have been of lesser personal importance to him, as he placed emphasis on rediscovering the occult wisdom.
how fuckin stupid was he? the occult please, its all fairy tell non-scientific bullshit, amiright?

>> No.1113858
File: 91 KB, 456x604, 1275188307640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, you're misusing "0/10" and "WTF am I reading".

>> No.1113859

Being the greatest genius who ever lived is not proof of sanity.

>> No.1113868

if only he knew science... maybe that would clear his full-of-shit head.

>> No.1113875

Must have been a wig made with some psychoactive substances.

That made him do science.

>> No.1113890

'I'm >>1113858)

Seriously, Newton's irrationality is a cautionary tale for true /sci/ducks. We may be blinded by some foolish beliefs that will be considered foolish only in the 22th century.
Newton IS the greatest physicist who has ever lived, hence we better take this seriously.

>> No.1113902

It's REALLY easy to turn out retarded if you're not brought up with science. He was no more wrong about reality than any religious person is today. Back then, no one was really educated well scientifically, so they all developed stupid beliefs.

>> No.1113901





Kids these days, get the fuck out and show some respect, we arent even the 1% of the genius Newton

>> No.1113907

yea he was such a fool

>> No.1113921

its not his fault he had retarded ideas, back then science wasnt that popular, hence ppl were stupid.

>> No.1113928

yes, because you spoke to him and knew him personally right?

>> No.1113934

Newton for understood how the light works put probe(made of ivory) to his eye and pressured with it to back side of eye so he saw bright multicoloured picture and so he understood that light pressure on retina.

>> No.1113939
File: 19 KB, 313x233, whoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1113946

>implying that the whole 20th century wasn't about unfucking Kant's false sense of rationality

>> No.1113953

>Implying he's even top ten

>> No.1113992

what has that do with anything?

>> No.1113998

>It's REALLY easy to turn out arrogantly foolish if you're not matured religiously.

Most of your arguments are moot given you don't quite know what religion really is yet something I surely don't reciprocate with science.

>> No.1114005



>> No.1114037


I'm beginning to suspect Newton's life was one big lie interspersed with plaigerism.

>> No.1114044


So let me see.

What do you people know that Newton didn't?
What makes you so sure you know best?

>> No.1114047

Y'all aint got shit on Newton

He gave a formula for MOTHERFUCKING GRAVITY

We use that shit to get stuff into space, not general relativity, you hear me?

>> No.1114058


how do i know? Please; magic and ghosts? thats just fuckin stupid.

>> No.1114062

Magic exists. Your definition is flawed.

>> No.1114064


And you are aspiring to become a scientist?

>> No.1114094
File: 45 KB, 458x319, 1274034358355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

magic is real? AHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.1114120

>>/sci/ what do you think about newtons occult research, how much retard he was, i mean believe in magic, thats just stupid, so he must have been an idiot, amiright?

Judging by this post, I think you may be a retard, but Newton sure as hell wasn't.

>> No.1114146

Mindset back then

"All this shit everybody's talking about, think I'll better do some research and look more into it"

Mindset today

"What? If it's not in textbooks, it's bullshit and not worth my time"

>> No.1114182

>Magic, sometimes known as sorcery, is the practice of consciousness manipulation and/or autosuggestion to achieve a desired result, usually by techniques described in various conceptual systems.
Magic exists. Programmers conjure the spirits of the computer with their spells.

>> No.1114184


>> No.1114213

Did you pass that through a translator 50 times? Please, stop posting. Your post gave me a headache.

>> No.1114208

fuckin miracles

>> No.1114207

>Implying you would know shit without the internet

>> No.1114226
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>> No.1114251

Why should he be?

>> No.1114256
File: 137 KB, 1200x706, 1275189322381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're misusing "0/10", but I guess that's the mark of the sightless kind of /sci/fag.

>> No.1114258

in 400 years they will be laughing at us about string theory. Magic seemed viable back then, so of course a scientist would want to understand it.

>> No.1114269
File: 224 KB, 568x720, szzcszsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying writing programs is magic

>> No.1114297

ofcorz its not viable now; it cant be, right?
they obviously would tell you if it was.

>> No.1114329

Just because we understand it doesn't mean it's not magic. We understand computer programs even though we use them in the same way as magic spells were imagined back in the day.

>> No.1114364

yes it does means precisely that; its not some magic shit that makes the computer run.

>> No.1114372

You act like a sorcerer would not understand the spells he is casting. That's just silly.

>> No.1114390

you act like sorcery was real

>> No.1114458

Fine. You act like a HYPOTHETICAL sorcerer would not understand the HYPOTHETICAL spells he is HYPOTHETICALLY casting.

I thought I could leave out the qualifiers because I assumed a reasonably basic intelligence in you, but I will take care not to make that mistake again.

>> No.1114468

The not-stupid stuff is much more important.