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11141140 No.11141140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is going to sound really fucked up but considering female physiology, what is the fastest wat to beat up a girl?

Do you punch her in the tits? Kick her in the pubic bone? The reason I'm asking is my sister got herself into a fight and she got fucked up by those hair pulling types off campus and they're going to get her again at school. Human physiology is scientific. I want my little sis to be able to drop those little cunts without hitting them in the head and them hitting the tile floor and killing them. I want her to be able to knock them on their ass. Staff will do nothing and she has until 8:00 am tomorrow to git gud. What are some movements and key points even a lanklet pleb like her could do and hit them without them being badly hurt and where she will exert maximum force? I decided to make this thread to get scientific information on human physiology for her. She will likely be shrekt tomorrow afternoon.

>> No.11141477

Poke their eyes out, probably. Pretty easy to do.

>> No.11141492

A punch to the jaw, the same as you would if trying to knock out a man. Only problem is, girls throw punches with a crooked wrist and will likely break their hand if they use any real force.
My advice is to not be a nigger and avoid fights.

>> No.11141502

I had a road raging bitch break her hand on my jaw.

>> No.11141506
File: 56 KB, 770x590, Womens_fantasies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is rape an option? but chances are she'd like that.

>> No.11141535
File: 329 KB, 941x848, gsdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The annual stats from pronhub are a bit of an eyeopener.
Women are the biggest consumers of "forced" or "rape porn" also gangbang stuff

>> No.11141558

Yes. Misguided feminists like to claim it's incel made nonsense, but the thing that often makes rape so disturbing for its victim is that they came, many of them for the first time in their life. Why are woman bodies programmed like that, I don't know.

>> No.11141563

The trick is that all the force should come from the legs. Good footwork and squatting power makes for forceful attacks.

>> No.11141564

lel you will never know anything about women except what the internet tells you.
t. roastie.

>> No.11141582

the internet is full of guys who've had experience with women saying the same shit as incels.

>> No.11141586
File: 125 KB, 960x720, 1480205954209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy you're replying but to understand women you only have to understand what is popular for them.
50 shades of grey, twilight, etc.
Under that there are the women's magazines that are chok full of fluf and passive aggressive slander against other women.

>> No.11141598

it's funny roasties will point to those magazines and claim it's patriarchal culture conditioning them to be useless whores forgetting the sexes of the authors of the articles in those magazines.

>> No.11141611

Magazines either sell or they don't. That's what decides what goes into their content, what sells more copies.

>> No.11141618

exactly, just like the toys monkeys pick up.

>> No.11141620

yep it's definitely that simple and obtuse.
literally all women buy all women's magazines and are primarily interested in what we are conditioned to, didnt you know? o shit seems like you did what with your big man intellect.
you're pathetic.

>> No.11141631

I've heard it hurts a lot of you punch their boobs but I'm not sure

>> No.11141641

> what we are conditioned to
whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.11141830

>primarily interested in what we are conditioned to
Fuck off. You're driven by emotions and instinct, like the rest of us.
There is no secret cabal of men conditioning you into being a fluff brained, self centered, passive aggressive idiot. A man can inject estrogen and get the same effect.