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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11133423 No.11133423[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If there is no incentive to cure disease under capitalism why has not a single country in the rest of the world who all have socialized medicine?

>> No.11133433

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.11133439

Socialized medicine is used to mark people psychopaths and give people free way to remove people.

Do you want to be sick?

>> No.11133448

if we had a vaccine or a cure against dental caries
as it stands now, 99% of dentists would be out of work overnight
haha imagine that haha

>> No.11133525

Time to sleep it off pal.

>> No.11133733

why hasn't even a not country would have not?

>> No.11133735

thats not how it works. smart and self motivated people would apply their skills elsewhere. medical or not.

>> No.11133743

American socialists are conspiratards on the same level as any lizard people believer, and that kind of world view needs severe americentricism to function.

>> No.11133760


Have you read the book the giver? Well as you try to find stuff to meet your desired standard of performance by taking it for granted. You’ll realize in theory they haven’t changed for the past 70 years or so or have revolutionized. It’s just static. Everything we are or could be measured from its principle.

From this permissive point first world countries are war zones trying to find third world countries to be backed by. The general rule that applies is you shall only see within the paradigms it has set so things or people are not taken for granted. Nor they too shall see their loss. We are in a state of war and competition, there are remote copies, truths, lies, pays and wages; broken hearts along this battlefield. General sympathy: If you say you love me why do you recreate me, if I loved you for yourself. Death is not a forgiveness, to say you shall murder is to believe you forgot. Make them cry for everything they miss.

>> No.11133787

US leads the world in medical research. Socialized medicine is good when it comes to ensuring access (and by this I mean universal healthcare, not single payer). It is not so good in funding R&D, tough.

>> No.11134448

Time to lurk moar pal.

>> No.11134464


>> No.11134503

Because they don't have a substantial underclass who don't pay taxes so they can afford it ... for now.

>> No.11134509

Also, the U.S. basically pays for their defense through NATO.

>> No.11134554

that's true but it also does some bad things

>> No.11134583
File: 179 KB, 800x908, The US spends more on healthcare per capita than any other nation but gets awful results because the system is terrible and riddled with graft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US leads the world in medical research. Socialized medicine is good when it comes to ensuring access (and by this I mean universal healthcare, not single payer). It is not so good in funding R&D, tough.


>> No.11134617
File: 98 KB, 240x240, Tomoko_anime_first_appear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$0.05 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for supporting United Healthcare! For every ten dollars you raise shilling, you will be sent one (1) executive boot of your preferred flavor!

>> No.11134625

If this is AI, not bad. It could be easily confused with a confused human. Otherwise, for your own sake get help.

>> No.11134627

What the actual fuck does this have to do with science or math?

>> No.11134705

way to carefully select the range and the scale so
a 2 year difference looks like half life

>> No.11134709

What the fuck are you trying to say

>> No.11134718

What the actual fuck does this have to do with anything? What is anon even trying to say???

>> No.11134727

Maybe you should lurk less.

>> No.11134730

Never seen this comeback. Nice, good one.

>> No.11134732


>> No.11134823

These posters are zoomers.

>> No.11134846

This poster is a faggot.

>> No.11134868

the ussr's 'unprofitable' bacteriophage research is what will save you when capitalist antibiotics stop working

also head transplants because seems like a good idea to central commttee tovarisch `\(ツ)/'

>> No.11134885

What is a zoomer?

>> No.11134906

It’s new “4channel lingo” which means someone who can run really really fast

>> No.11135089

Not funny.
It is one who loves animals.

>> No.11135255

Remember that time the Polio Vaccine was suppressed because it would destroy the iron lung industry. Fucking capitalism.

>> No.11135298

Based /pol/tard

>> No.11135396

somewhat misleading, americans lead VERY unhealthy lifestyles

>> No.11135414
File: 500 KB, 1944x1400, WhiteNationalists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no incentive to PUBLICLY release cured diseases under capitalism
Do you think the rich donates hundreds of millions to hospitals just for funsies?
If a cure for cancer required full genome sequencing, advanced nano technology, intensive monitoring by top rated scientists and multiple physicians costing several millions that 99.9% of the population could not afford, why would they release it? It would cause overnight riots and instant collapse of society.

>> No.11135465

>no incentive to cure disease under capitalism
competition. *true* competition will force firms to create better solutions than their competitor.
this is economics 101 level basic stuff,
op should be ashamed

>> No.11135466

>Heehehehe if you don’t hate your government with rage you are a boot licker

>> No.11135468

It would probably happen tpoday

>> No.11135471
File: 3.38 MB, 2002x4354, TIMESAND___TheTruthAboutJesusChrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Cow! Lambkins Jesus got that thread deleted in about 0.00001 seconds, neh?

>> No.11135490

opiate shill, fuck off

>> No.11135586 [DELETED] 

Opiates are geret, you know?

>> No.11135656

A capitalist society is the reason a polio vaccine was discovered in the first place.

>> No.11135661

How will bacteriophage therapy work within the human body, which would presumably see the phages for what they are -- invading microbes?

>> No.11135690


>> No.11135722

>smart and self motivated people

>> No.11135795

give examples of which countries you're talking about. Capitalist countries can also have socialized medicine (see all of Europe) so I'm not sure what you're referring to.

>> No.11135806

Came here to say that most of big pharmas spending in the US goes toward marketing. Not even really R&D

Past pharma employee here. Terrible field. 0/10 would not do again.

>> No.11135845
File: 130 KB, 1200x911, sedf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even really R&D
the only reason they spend so much is because they were forced to pay billions to socialist governments to bribe them to allow their product on the market so it's no surprise they have to shill it as hard as they can because they automatically have to spend billions


pharma companies USED SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT to block reversible vasectomies to protect hormonal birth control profits


many of the same meds that cost hundreds of dollars in america are nearly free in mexico because they have a FREER MARKET

>> No.11136131

>literally free research paid for by tax payer money
>regulations avoid yome jewery that can kill thousands of people
>most profitable industry on earth
>exploit people with privatization of healthcare
>still finds a way to complain and lie by saying other's market is freer and socialism is responsible for monopolies while companies in the US are literal textbook examples of monopoly in capitalism

>> No.11136227

Here in Canada all the socialized health care is good for is going in for check-ups and getting broken bones fixed. Still have to pay for hospital beds, ambulances, medications, full physicals, anything dental, and anything that counts as a meal if you're in the hospital for a procedure, among other things. The incentive of making money isn't there for physicians either (clinics have a small patient maximum per day), and desu my motto is along the lines of "if something's seriously wrong with you in canada - you're mostly on your own"

I don't think any of the taxes go towards research.

>> No.11136414

most research is done in universities, ie public funding.

>> No.11136418

[citation needed]

>> No.11138045

>there is no incentive to cure disease under capitalism

>> No.11138104

took note.

>> No.11138119

Are you a retard?

>> No.11138129

capitalism is literally the only reason people cure diseases.

>> No.11138131

Thanks dudes. I don't know why one should be proud of thousands of hours of 4chan practice.

>> No.11138137

99% of cavities are due to sugar. Archeological evidence shows that even ancient peoples had better teeth than a lot of modern ones just because they didn't have access to processed sugar. If you drop it entirely, you can probably just brush once a day for the rest of your life and never get another cavity

>> No.11138144

Forgot to mention potatoes too. I love potatoes, but the starch in them is just as bad for your teeth

>> No.11138177

so the irish must have had great teeth?