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File: 68 KB, 760x437, 1D274907370160-einstein-pipe.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11132572 No.11132572 [Reply] [Original]


what draws the greatest minds of our time to tobacco? does it really boost the cognitive process?

>> No.11132576

Compare how many of them are autismo.
Did they all drink coffee?
Lots of different correlations to draw from anon. You should know better.

>> No.11132580

Compare the average person in Einstein's day to a non-smoker. The difference is that a lot of people smoked back then.

What makes people "smart" is really just how they are taught.

>> No.11132589
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“I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs,” -Einstein

>> No.11132619

>A Chinese study on how tobacco use damages the brain has also stumbled upon evidence heavy smoking can boost concentration and imagination - something scientists say could shed light on why many writers are attracted to lighting up.

>But the researchers won't be pursuing this finding, they say, as it is "politically incorrect".

>The study, conducted by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, found heavy smoking damages the brain overall, reducing the ability to process information and respond to it.

>But two areas - one in charge of visual data processing and the other determining concentration levels - saw smoother communication among neurons after tobacco was used, according to Lei Hao, the lead scientist for the study, which was published in the academic journal Addiction Biology last month.

>"Information is passed around in these areas with higher efficiency than in non-smokers," said Lei, a specialist in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

>Lei's team compared the brain activity and associated changes in blood flow of 31 heavy smokers against 33 non-smokers. The heavy smokers had an average age of 50 and had smoked for 25 years, consuming at least two packs a day.

>The more they smoked, the greater the efficiency among neurons observed in the two regions.


>> No.11132641
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>> No.11132642

Do I smoke? Yes. Do I try and validate my poor decision making by comparing myself to scientists of a different time, with different AQI, diets, and healthcare? Nah.

>> No.11132661

Guys I know the answer to this.
Tobacco quality over the last fifty years has lowered to the extent it's basically something else altogether.
Modern tobacco manufacturing involves extracting the nicotine and other alkaloids (plants have an "alkaloid profile" which is all the pre nicotine chemicals on there way up the biosynthesis pathway to becoming nicotine, there are normally several other active alkaloids present and different ratios give different effects, that's why we have different marijuana strains),
Then just the nicotine is sprayed back on the denatured tobacco, to make the 16mg, 12mg, 8mg etc tobacco strengths, and some "tobacco" is just cabbage leaves sprayed with nicotine.

Commercial tobacco is of a similar grade to when prisoners spray tea leaves with their Nicorette inhalers , it's trash.

Even if it's real tobacco it's still GMOd for maximum nicotine content with insane additives added to mask the terrible quality.
Actual ceremonial grade traditional tobacco is a completely different thing, it's like comparing caffeine to cocaine.
I tracked down some organic heirloom variety tobacco and grew it at my house on organic mushroom compost and it was nothing like what you buy in stores and I have smoked all the "organic" varieties.

It had strong mood uplifting effects, sharpened your vision, strong anti anxiety effects, gave you physical energy etc, I had all my friends try it and it was the same.

If you have never smoked home grown tobacco the way it was grown when smoking was popular, you have nothing to compare it to.
But you are smoking prison tobacco.

>> No.11134399

Where's the correlation != causation meme?

>> No.11134419

I want to caption that on a picture of euphoric fedora smoking a pipe

>> No.11134451

You forgot

>your mom
smokes (my dick)

>> No.11134526

Most of them smoke(d) because weed eases the mind after tough work and sometimes opens new mental pathways.

>> No.11134564

I'm sure this is true. Got some indian shit that was powerful. I read that there was more than one thing that they called tobacco. I think one was "mountain tobacco." Can't remember others. I got this from reading native stuff and google isn't helping.

Tolstoy talked shit about smoking.

Who else?

>> No.11134688
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The only arguments against him are ad hominems.

>> No.11134992
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But he doesn't seek to meld himself to the standards of the society that it is his destiny to destroy. Like... what an autist schizo, amirite?

>> No.11135534

Yes but pipe smoking
Ffs I love smoking my pipe and I swear it makes your mind sharper.
There's something about it that lets you concentrate what you're doing and enjoy it. Doing math whilst smoking your pipe is peak comfy.
I find it strange tho, as you're not supposed to inhale the smoke.

>> No.11135561
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Stimulants are stimulating

>> No.11135570

I guess.

>> No.11135583

>tfw want to smoke a pipe while reading and contemplating
>don't want to smell like shit and have cancer

>> No.11135595

thats it im picking up smoking

>> No.11135597

Really? Did you read the thread?

>> No.11135607

>Smell like shit
Pipes smell fantastic, get an aromatic blend.

If you dont inhale and limit smoking to once or twice a day, cancer will be very unlikely

>> No.11135621

not really, thank you for encouraging me to go back, i saw a post about legit tobacco vs capitalist shit, so let me amend my statement:

im gonna pick up smoking REAL shit

>> No.11137303

Smoke complex... With today's stuff available on the net...

>> No.11137307
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>> No.11138903

my deadbeat dad smoked

>> No.11138907

I smoke pipe tobacco. It removes the anxiety effect of caffeine, makes me feel good and focused at the same time.

>> No.11138916

Pipes don't smell that much, the smell goes away after a while. Don't inhale though. You won't fuck up your lungs, run out of breath and develop lung cancer smoking pipe, but you can develop mouth cancer, that's all.

>> No.11138982

It's a known nootropic, that's not even controversial
The issue is it kills you