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File: 27 KB, 500x375, francenuclear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11131498 No.11131498 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like France figured out how to stop carbon emissions a long time ago. This is not a tirade against solar or wind. They have their merits too

>> No.11131505

There are two reasons we have climate changing:


-(Far-)Right wing politicians

>> No.11131508

nature is why we have global warming

>> No.11131511


In the United States, the political right tends to support Nuclear Energy. (According to gallup polling)

>> No.11131516

Maybe he meant right economically not politically

>> No.11131518

Nuclear emits GHG

>> No.11131537

>This is not a tirade against solar or wind. They have their merits too
Like actively being funded by the fossil fuel industry, and lobbying to get nuclear banned? In addition to clearing out hundreds of thousands of acres with limited generative capacity plagued by intermittency?

coal baby coal
Wind and solar are the future
nuclear bad
nuclear should be part of the energy mix but so should renewables!
>140 IQ
Renewables are a meme
>160 IQ
Renewables are harmful for the environment and Renewable advocacy is dangerous and undermines the nuclear adoption.

>> No.11131544

>200 IQ
Space Orbiting Advanced Fusion Power Reactor

>> No.11131546

yeah but water isn't so bad, it just falls back down from the sky

>> No.11131557

Get out.

>> No.11131592

The greens hating on nuclear isn't based on logic, it's based on extending their "heroic" fight against the evil polluters because the moment they admit that nuclear is the answer and the solution becomes so easily-implementable is the moment their grand crusade ends and their messiah identity is finally retired. Their entire lives and careers are built on top of that so you can pretty much sign it off as a possibility, and furthermore, if a legitimate new solution comes up tomorrow, be it thorium or fusion, they'd still find reasons to complain and sabotage it just so their lives retain their delusional meaning and their social circles keep patting their backs for being such brave saviors of humanity.

>> No.11131614
File: 384 KB, 3315x2150, 2018_AQAL_Group_variwide_chart__Worldwide_Co2_emissions_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the world we'd be living in had Napoleon won.

>> No.11131617

>Seems like France figured out how to stop carbon emissions a long time ago
France has no coal or oil like the rest of the western world has coal and oil.

>> No.11131639

>-(Far-)Right wing politicians
Lmao. What a brainlet. Bet you haven't heard of ecofascism

>> No.11131645

There are actually both oil and coal in the French metropolitan territory. The zone right at the east of Paris is famous for its oil fields for instance. Not even to mention non-conventional oil.

>> No.11131690


Ok does anyone have any good academic resource that goes into further detail about this?

>> No.11131693
File: 90 KB, 512x694, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not blaming politicians of both sides

>> No.11131713

I'd say the sun is, but yeah, people that don't understand nuclear fear it, only agree with them that old plants should be fazed out, which they are
new nuclear is safe

>> No.11131722

> 250 IQ

Maybe, just maybe, never-ending greed is wrong and we should consume less energy?

> 300 IQ

>> No.11131746

>350 iq
time cube

>> No.11131770


Germany and Italy, who phased out or are in the process of phasing out Nuclear power, are getting natural gas from Libya or Russia and are paying a lot more on their energy than France

>> No.11131774

>400 IQ
Creating a utopian simulation using TempleOS

>> No.11131794
File: 22 KB, 490x274, trialpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hysteria is a tool used by the global energy cartel

they will do it with fusion by spreading alarmism over the miniscule amount of transmutation waste that fusion produces

so i guess we have to develop aneutronic fusion then?

>> No.11131795

>This thread.

>> No.11131797

>500 iq
we are living in a simulation run by Terry Davis

>> No.11131804
File: 102 KB, 531x675, frcfusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11131814

Back to r*ddit mouthbreathing retards

>> No.11131974


Do you have any evidence that energy lobbies against nuclear power? I've heard that many electric companies that operate nuclear plants also operate fossil fuel plants

>> No.11131978

>This is not a tirade against solar or wind
then why post a picture of nuclear mogging on them

>> No.11131995
File: 53 KB, 1024x512, IMG_20191110_022338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why people push renewables so much is beyond me.

>> No.11132299

they claim to but they don't actually support the level of subsidies, and or complete socialization of the energy sector which nuclear power requires for widespread adoption. Right wing support of nuclear is virtue signaling with zero action.

>> No.11132304

The fact that France is on track to produce 50% of electricity from renewables by 2035 and close 14 reactors in that time frame is a little awkward for your agenda

>> No.11132307

No one needs to lobby against it, shit just isn't profitable and is a nightmare to operate. Corporations want nothing to do with it.

>> No.11132312

30 cents vs 20 cents really isn't that bad

>> No.11132318

>30 cents vs 20 cents

A 50% increase in price is HUGE!

>> No.11132326

Where the fuck is new sea land???

>> No.11132351

Barely effects quality of life or even industry. Especially considering Germany has a considerably stronger economy by pretty much every metric.

>> No.11132353

>the fact that France is on track to
Hypotheticals and conjectured potentialities are not facts and cannot be offered as fact. The same people used the same language for Energiewende yet the promises have failed to achieve reality. You should kill yourself.

>> No.11132357

>yeah bro, let me increase your bill and fail to reduce carbon emissions.

>> No.11132361

Fission generated electricity can be offered at under 5 cents per kWh.

>> No.11132364

yet it isn't anywhere on the planet, funny

>> No.11132365
File: 39 KB, 977x541, nuclear_reg_vs_OM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Based on a review of publicly available 10-Ks, the American Action Forum (AAF) found $15.7 billion in regulatory liabilities for the industry, or $219 million per plant.

fucking dumb af to the point where the regulatory burden disincentivizes new plants being made so there are old af designs like fukushima still ticking

perfect example of bureaucratic hell and cartel behavior.. the elite want to make sure that entrepreneurs cant access super cheap energy and have to buy their patented jew solar cells and batteries

note that with pic related the reason the maintenance costs are high is because no one can build new reactors with less maintenance burden

and tree huggers protest underground waste storage so unironically the waste is kept onsite right next to their dumb libtard hell hole cities

>> No.11132367

considering France is installing tons of solar and wind while their last nuclear plant was a huge over budget delayed piece of shit definitely shows their money is where there mouth is.

>> No.11132371
File: 215 KB, 1024x583, china-nuclear-plants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their last nuclear plant was a huge over budget delayed piece of shit

perfect example of why nationalized utilities suck

meanwhile in china they run their government like a business and are nuclearizing half their economy

>> No.11132378

>note that with pic related the reason the maintenance costs are high is because no one can build new reactors with less maintenance burden
no one wants to build new reactors, there's a difference. After vogtle
which is 10 years late and 11 billion over budget. literally no one is stupid enough to want to build a new reactor in the US.

>> No.11132382

>literally no one is stupid enough to want to build a new reactor in the US
only because government

>> No.11132386

>Following the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan, China froze new plant approvals,[27] followed by a slow down in the programme. No new approvals were made during 2014.[38] In 2015 the EPR and AP1000 builds were reported to be running over two years late, mainly due to key component delays and project management issues.[38] However these delays do not necessarily put the overall programme to 2030 in doubt.[38]

>However, from 2016 to 2018 there was a further hiatus in the new build programme, with no new approvals for at least two years, causing the programme to slow sharply. Delays in the Chinese builds of AP1000 and EPR reactors, together with the bankruptcy in the U.S. of Westinghouse, the designer of the AP1000, have created uncertainties about the future direction. Also some regions of China now have excess generation capacity, and it has become less certain to what extent electricity prices can economically sustain nuclear new build while the Chinese government is gradually liberalising the generation sector.[49][60]

China's nuclear program isn't going anywhere.

>> No.11132396

Even with all those they will only be at 20%.

>> No.11132397

well they are communist so that point is only a tangent and i dont even believe you

>> No.11132403

yeah that 200 million compared to 14+ billion in construction costs is really the problem.
Not to mention if you read the source, the lions share of regulatory costs come from decommissioning, waste disposal, and security requirements, all of which are essential.

>> No.11132405

Sorry reality doesn't fit with your childish fantasies.

>> No.11132527


China is becoming a leader in Nuclear, unfortunately they're building a lot of new coal plants too, don't take my word for it but I've heard they're building coal plants faster than nuclear plants

>> No.11132529


Tell all the chinks who are gonna die five years too early from pollution that fossil fuels don't effect quality of life.

>> No.11132533

>pollution that fossil fuels don't effect quality of life.
what is carbon capture?

>> No.11132542

>anti-nuclear hysteria


>> No.11132591


No technology alone is going to make climate change or pollution go away. We need to use nuclear power, solar, wind, and carbon capture

>> No.11132608

no we haven't. Nuclear energy doesn't pay for itself, way too expensive.

Solar and wind are the future, sorry shill. Go get your paycheck somewhere else

>> No.11132629


And what happens if it's cloudy and calm for a month? Wind and Solar are good but they cannot be the backbone of any environmental plan

>> No.11132669
File: 57 KB, 710x274, cc_virtuousCycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free fuel

>> No.11132691
File: 124 KB, 1280x840, Projected_LCOE_in_the_U.S._by_2020_(as_of_2015).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. The price is more like 10 cents per kWh for nuclear, using old technology and disposing of waste in the traditional way instead of using it in a breeder. Five cents is a good ballpark for the cheapest it could get if we were really smart about it.
You'll see wind actually beats nuclear in this chart. Sounds great, but these prices don't scale well. When your grid is double digit percent wind and solar, the costs for then go up drastically. This is due to having to provide stronger generation promises to meet demand, which is done with overbuilding and battery. Doing this makes costs rise sharply.

>> No.11132701

it's globalism. it doesn't matter how much alternative energy we build when we let our companies go to third world shitholes and pollute instead. The effect is global.

>internationalist marxist-driven anti-nationalism is right wing
shut up until you form your own opinions rather than regurgitating Twitter celebrities.

>reactor reaches end of life
>don't protect it from natural disasters because it would cost some money
>blame it on nuclear power as a concept
Start hanging executives who endanger their countries by doing shit like this and it will stop real quick.

>> No.11132715
File: 126 KB, 1157x840, Screenshot_2019-04-09 Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis—Version 12 0 - lazards-levelized-cost-of-energy-version-12[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey look here's actual LCOE in 2018 literally ANYTHING beats nuclear

>> No.11132718

long range transmission makes this a non issue, it's physically impossible for a continent to be simultaneously cloudy and wind free.

>> No.11132720

more expensive than not emitting it in the first place.

>> No.11132729
File: 90 KB, 1203x884, cc_mwprice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11132736

It's widely unprofitable. EDF would have gone bankrupt had it not been for it being allowed to separate nuclear reactor design and plant construction into Areva (now renamed Framatome after another bankruptcy and state capital injection) and have the French state rescue it with billions of Euros in public funds every 10 years or so.

>> No.11132760

>believing politics
t. frog

Also people are scared shitless about having a Chernobyl event here, I would say the only thing more "evil" than Hitler in the collective mind of westerner is the nuclear industry

>> No.11132768

>Solar is 4 cents per kWh
lmao someone tell the Germans they're getting fucked over by their lying government. It turns out their solar is actually absurdly cheap.

>> No.11132771

Yes kikes want to slaves us

>> No.11132852

What if it's cloudy you fucking retard? More pannels = doesn't matter if it's cloudy. Light still comes through

>> No.11132975
File: 494 KB, 1278x1920, segfgsregr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14+ billion in construction costs
That's not per fucking reactor you fucking retarded fucking bug eating fucking libtard nigger. That is like the cost of ITER which is severely inflated because of government. The 200 mil is per reactor though and the construction costs are only expensive because economies of scale cant take hold because the regulations prevent any sizeable development.

this is the average IQ of bootlicker alarmists everyone

>> No.11132980

no actually it does.. the chinese are communists and still able to outcompete the socialist EU and USA, sad!

>> No.11132993


Coincidence? I think not!

>> No.11133008

>We should consume less energy
eat my ass, we should consume everything no matter the cost

>> No.11133011


Wtf? France's energy production more than doubled between 1980 and 2005?

Did they suddenly ramp up the manufacturing of croissants?

And what caused the sudden but temporary dip in 2008?

>> No.11133016

Population growth, growth in personal power use such as driers, electronics, air conditioners. Not just personal, industry too.

The economy uses power.

>> No.11133039

France pop in 1980: 54 mill
France pop in 2005: 61 mill

>> No.11133046

>Nuclear shills absolutely btfo

>> No.11133055

Anti-nuclear hysteria is the reason why global warming is a crisis instead of a mild inconvenience.

>-(Far-)Right wing politicians

It is the left that tends to oppose nuclear. Depite their empty rhetoric, the Left has done more to exacerbate global warming than the right.

>> No.11133161

See >>11132353

>> No.11133233

>Hypotheticals and conjectured potentialities are not facts and cannot be offered as fact
France is in fact doing all those things. You can pretend your brain is fried and argue semantics all you want, but when you have to pay for Flamanville EPR you change your mind real quick.

>> No.11133393

>what dip in 2008
are you fucking kidding me