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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 558 KB, 1071x843, Women in science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11130439 No.11130439 [Reply] [Original]

>four stories about scientists and engineers
>first one is about the architect who invented the rubiks cube for him and his students to think and design in three dimensions.
>second one is about a group of mathematicians autistic obsession with the correct chalk to write their theorems
>third one is about a psychologist who found ways to manipulate flavour using sounds
>fourth one is a woman who wears designer shoes and does demonstrations to schoolchildren

Why are women in stem such a fucking joke?

>> No.11130440


>> No.11130446

But feminine scientist gfs though... Or do you only want tomboy scientist gfs?

>> No.11130451

why the fuck would you want a scientist gf? all she will ever do is whinge about not understanding something, or if she does, just consider herself a master at it but be really mediocre and expect endless praise lumped on her.

Best match up if you are in STEM is a med/nurse/law gf

>> No.11130456

>feminine physically
>masculine mentally
this is what i want, this is what every healthy man wants
t. another anon

>> No.11130458

>Why are women in stem such a fucking joke?
I saw the clip and what? Was that it? THAT'S what make "women in stem a fucking joke"?
Why do people always go far, far out of their way to be cunts?

>> No.11130463

compared to the rest she is effectively a high school chemistry teacher. She had nothing of value

>> No.11130465

>Best match up if you are in STEM is a med/nurse/law gf
Med gfs work too much.
Law gfs work too much.
Women should be taking of children, not working all the time.

>> No.11130467

>>feminine physically
>>masculine mentally
Not possible.

>> No.11130480

women are a joke full stop. the only reason they are taken seriously is this species' evolved gynocentric predisposition due to the value of eggs being reproductively greater than sperm because supply/demand.

>> No.11130481

Disagree with both of these my girlfriend is a child psychiatrist and is the best partner I've ever had. It's a breath of fresh air to be able to hold serious conversations with your partner without having to explain things or just giving up on more abstract concepts.

The only downside is that we see each other maybe 5-10 hours a week max due to us both working long hours. Kinda lucky we're both pretty young so my son can stay with either grandparents a lot and doesn't miss any affection.

>> No.11130482

All the stories were about teaching. What makes you say, judging from this 10 min video, that the last one "adds nothing of value" rather than say, the guys talking about ethereal chalk ? Aside from the fact that you might know the names of these mathematicians

>> No.11130486

They are obsessed with something that makes their teaching easier and more accessible.

Her schtick was just sploshuns and shooz hehe gurrrrllllsci

>> No.11130502

Same thing for her. The thing is, it's a completely different context. She was doing outreach work and they were teaching advanced math at university.
I have also been working with kids on math diffusion. You think you do that on a blackboard ?
No we did decoupage, card games, numbers games and things like that, we had fun and they learned a thing or two about math in the process.

>> No.11130503

>masculine mentally
Borderline homosexual of you, not just that it is gender prejudges. What does x gender mentality even means?

>> No.11130505

>my girlfriend is a child psychiatrist
>we see each other maybe 5-10 hours a week max due to us both working long hours

>> No.11130507

What about social development, i am with anon. It isnt healthy working all the time. Not healthy for the relation not healthy for the child. What are you even doing having only one kid. single child kids grow up anti social and miserable

>> No.11130508

So I'm guessing your purposely missed the point. Her shoes have importance to her teaching if you paid attention when she said her goal: "I want to show anyone can be a scientist". By putting a high emphasis on shoes - that are perceived as a highly feminine interest in Western culture she is conflating the ideas of femininity and societies interpretation of science and what scientists look like.
I'm not saying you have to find that impressive, drop your jaw in awe and give her a round of applause but understand you are butchering her image with your flawed generalisations of her character and teaching ability as a whole.
Understand that in most people having a dislike towards people is embedded in irrationality, you are proof of this. Accept this fact and decide for yourself if you want to continue this irrational decision - you are not obligated by anyone to like certain people or their lifestyles however if a contributing factor to your discontent is your own ignorance your just an idiot. There is no way around it. If you can't possibly force yourself to gain a discursive view on the opposing view you dislike then you have highlighted your biggest personal flaw; being a retard.

>> No.11130510

To end this once and for all - are there any studies that show superior male cognitive abilities compared to women? Not just in humans but in animals? If not, then shut the fuck up.

>> No.11130513
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>> No.11130516

He means a girl who is way more agreeable, thinking in a simar manner to a boy.

>> No.11130522

That's not showing cognitive levels is it. Those are tests that can be highly influenced by millions of other factors.

>> No.11130525

Almost the opposite is shown in rich european countries. In scandinavian countries the amount of women graduating from universities is now so disproportional that they actually started a "affirmative action" program to make it easier for men to enter university.

Something crazy like 80% of university graduates are female and while countries like the US lag behind they are having similar growing rates as scandinavia had in the 1990s meaning the US is only a couple of decades behind before women will dominate academia as well.

last decade people still thought that while this is true most of the female graduates are in other areas such as humanities so it didn't matter. However now women dominate in EVERY field. Even STEM and IT. It's a big problem in EU, Russia, China and Japan.

Men can't keep up with the rapid improvement women are making in the career field. I wouldn't be surprised if by the 2030s the US will have affirmative action for men as well.

>> No.11130529

Yeah, that doesn't exist.

>> No.11130545
File: 436 KB, 1052x849, sat_composite_by_asvab_iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the main one is cognitive ability.

>> No.11130550
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women graduating from universities is now so disproportional
in dipshit programs, yeah.

>> No.11130563

Not in 2019 anymore. Now women graduate more than men in every single field. Even in STEM fields like mathematics, physics and computer science. The male based affirmative action program has been started 4 years ago and men now need a lot lower grades to enter compared to women and women are still growing while it seems like men have given up on tertiary education.

>> No.11130577

that is factually incorrect. as of 2019 STEM programs are still lowering the bar for women.

>> No.11130588

Yeah in the US which is behind the curve but experiencing similar trends as western EU did in the 1990s. In the EU women are severely overrepresented in every single study including STEM. Same in Russia, China and Japan. USA is behind the curves because until recently it was still the norm that one parent would do the child rearing. Which in EU/Russia/China/Japan was done by grandparents allowing women to commit to education earlier.

Give it a decade or two and women will dominate STEM in the US as well unless the US puts affirmative action for men in place right now.

>> No.11130590

men are more disagreeable though

>> No.11130592

that was australia. and you have not provided one bit of evidence for male affirmative action anywhere.

women won't dominate in anything but dipshittery. quit being delusional.

>> No.11130598

If it weren't for men holding society back we'd be a space faring species by now.

>> No.11130601

ok now i know you're trolling.

>> No.11130609

what now /sci/?

>> No.11130621

Jealous much?

Jealous that there are women out there who are smarter than you?

In Europe more women graduate from unversity than men in any field in a 2019 study, and studies have shown no difference in their ability to understand math or science compared to men.

Picking a video from the Internet and then making a conclusion on an entire group of people just shows you are retarded

>> No.11130627

>watching videos is the same as doing math
>because the same parts of the brain light up when watching these videos they have equal ability
>boys and girls arithmetic is the same as adult mathematics
lol nope

>> No.11130628
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>"I personally can't get laid therefor all women are stupid, society is corrupt and will collapse."
Sure blame all your personal problems on Women, Feminists, SJWs, Niggers, Jews or whatever you come up with next that isn't yourself.

Instead of getting hot and bothered about how other people live their lives what about some introspection to realize that your biggest flaw has been your own passivity.

How about you iron out your own flaws before funneling your sexual frustration in the form of a severe (fox and grape) hate of women.

>> No.11130630

>In Europe more women graduate from unversity than men in any field in a 2019 study
[citation needed]

>> No.11130636
File: 124 KB, 728x1030, KOLwsEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11130646

Seriously anon... Please leave /sci/ and never post here again.

>> No.11130648

cope harder

>> No.11130650
File: 11 KB, 204x247, 1b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11130653

I work with lots of women at my stem job. They almost all Indian

>> No.11130762

Nobody said anything about sex you worthless cumm retard why are you posting on a science board go post on a porn board.

>> No.11130767
File: 208 KB, 276x395, 130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else can you expect from these gynocentric cumbrains? Their entire lives revolve around worshiping pussy.

>> No.11131117

Because the high stealetto rates.

>> No.11131310

t. soon to be millionaire

>> No.11131317

no way women are graduating with more engineering and math degrees. it's 30% at most and that's with AA. the reason women graduate more overall is because school is a measure of conformity, submission and conscientiousness, all of which females score higher than the average male in

>> No.11131324

She's a nigger because of her designer shoes and you're a nigger because you make designer posts that takes you 30minutes to type up to defend her.

>> No.11131326

>Women should be taking [care] of children, not working all the time.
What if there are no children, or if they're grown up and on their own?

>> No.11131356
File: 188 KB, 428x546, 1460375032945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fourth one is a woman who wears designer shoes
Ahhhh noooo! A person who pays attention to what they look like ahhhhh!

>> No.11131360
File: 61 KB, 645x614, aaECOiJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11131366

this is some kind of psyop to throw off people that don't know better
maybe im just stupid but some girls are egokillers so why is this women in stem thing a thing at all?

>> No.11131422

Wow, your gf spends more time with annoying spergs than she does with her own son. Pretty sad, DESU

>> No.11131423

You make think you make the other person seem dumb by posting those fucking retarded shit pictures, but you are actually just making yourself look like the disgusting retard you are.
That is all.
Also sage

>> No.11131427


Women don't dominate any industry. You conflate enrollment in undergrad programs with "domination" which is not true

What fucking country are you in? The only ethnicity with a lot of women in STEM in my school (US) is actually middle easterners. I'm pretty sure they come to the US because their own countries don't want them, though

>> No.11131437
File: 99 KB, 541x590, d099fa13a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You couldn't be more wrong. The less gender equality, the more women in STEM

>> No.11131449

Some men have their own dumbass obsessions too, e.g. vidya, anime/manga, figurines, and the list goes on and on. Many such men happen to be in STEM, too.

>> No.11131979

>feminine physically
>masculine mentally
category theory gf

>> No.11132044

most girls in STEm i've known were pretty plain janes, many seemed autistic, and none would've been into this 'girly' shit,... except for one woman i know who made it to a top faculty position in a top university...

>> No.11132057

fuck you hagoromo chalk is best.
non y'all niggas can compete with my big teddy farm breed gf

>> No.11132075


Who lied to you? Seriously, who do you think Marie Curie was? The element CURIUM is named for HER. SHE named Polonium. She has TWO Nobel Prizes. Physics. Chemistry. In 1903 and 1911. Were you SLEEPING in class? There was JUST an all-woman SPACEWALK conducted by NASA. The first American woman in space, Sally Ride, did it in 1983.

There's EVEN an actual MOVIE about how NASA couldn't have made the moon landing if it weren't for the mathematical acumen of black women. It's even Oscar nominated.

You must have WILLFULLY ignored everydamnthing in your quest to think that women are idiots.

And that is just fucking pathetic.

>> No.11132088


>fourth one is a woman who wears designer shoes and does demonstrations to schoolchildren

I'm not sure how that's supposed to make women in STEM a joke, if she wants to wear designer shoes that's her goddamn business

>> No.11132096

you must be an idiot to not understand the concept behind "the exception that proves the rule"

her discoveries were mainly in the realm of empiricism, anyway...

>> No.11132126

Is this the new "have sex" pasta?

>> No.11132153


You obviously watched the video but forgot the part where she is an associate professor at UT Austin, PhD from UT Austin, and published in Catalysis Sci & Tech. You're posting on this board while she's teaching and inciting the love of science in real students.

>> No.11132171

women are pussies
physics is not for pussies

>> No.11132172

d i l a t e

>> No.11132206


>> No.11132236

Did you really just compare owning expensive shoes with being mentally ill and yelling at your students because they had to use specific chalk to write equations,
So you would have more respect for that woman if she had serious mental health problems?
Also Carl Sagan taught school children all the time, that's how he inspired Neil degraded Tyson to be a scientist,
You have gender dysphoria and seem unable to process basic data.
That's why you are so confused, boys are supposed to like girls ;) not mentally ill old men.
Do you see the pattern OP?

>> No.11132347

>we see each other maybe 5-10 hours a week max
Sounds horrible

>> No.11132505

The point wasn't to defend her but I can't get mad at you for missing the point when I cover my point in layers of cement. I should've had a td;dr - it's on me.

>> No.11132567

trap tier

>> No.11132584

>Dating a nurse

Yeah ok have fun with your gf that enjoys handling dudes dicks every day you cuck

>> No.11132587

>I work with lots of women at my stem job. They almost all Indian
are they cute? post some pix mayne

>> No.11132588

have sex

>> No.11132603

>she is an associate professor at UT Austin
I'd be impressed if she wasn't likely hired for her gender, like most female profs in the last 5 years or so

>> No.11132604

how is that noteworthy or impressive or taking actual effort?


women are a joke

>> No.11132606

Roasties are retarded

>> No.11132607



>> No.11132609
File: 109 KB, 691x458, 153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11132612
File: 33 KB, 590x394, Maryam Mirzakhani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cri evrytiem

>> No.11132616

looks like someone needs to have some coitus.

>> No.11132618

t. gynocentric cumbrain

>> No.11132644

Does that invalidate her PhD and other contributions to the field of science?

>> No.11132651

>Child psychiatrist mom is also largely unavailable to kid
Seems like if she were so into child psych she'd quit to be a stay at home mom to her young child
But fuck do I know, she's the psychiatrist lol

>> No.11132653

Is the whole chalk thing real? Thinking about getting a box as a gift for one of my professors

>> No.11132654

One of the PhDs I work with mentioned his cohort bought some together because it really is nice chalk.

>> No.11132655

6/10 roast. You torpedoed yourself pretty hard with the edgemaster nigger calling though.

>> No.11132657

No, but those accomplishments aren't nearly as impressive in any case. Most people can do those things.
Getting an assistant professorship, particularly at a school like UT Austin, is like winning the lottery. Or would be if most other applicants weren't disregarded simply because of their sex.
Also, she graduated from that place. I never hear about this happening. Usually, you go down in prestige from your grad school to the university you're hired as faculty. That's another thing that smells fishy to me -- gotta be part of the political push for women in STEM that's propping her up.
Yeah, she deserves credit for what she's done, though you can't be sure what part of that is purely because of her sex. You have the current political climate in STEM to thank for that

>> No.11132717

Nobody works more than nurses though. They literally do 99% of the work at hospitals. If they are doctors then they just travel around and diagnose people and send people to tests, they don't give medicine, wash and deal with patients.

>> No.11132875


>> No.11132899

I think you mean western women? Here's a real woman in STEM:

>> No.11133043

>being this insecure
Go look at working hours. Doctors work 15-20 hours longer. You'll never see your doctor gf and your kids will be shipped of to some day care.

>> No.11133057

Men don't care what education or qualification women have. This is what these trendy middle-class women don't get. They waste their lives working or studying to improve their careers, get close to 40, and struggle to find a man. There's an endless amount of women in the 35 - 45 range now with no family or husbands, still "dating".
The only thing men care about is looks, femininity, an agreeable personality, and some intelligence (which is not the same thing as education). Most men don't even want their women to work, so having a fancy degree is literally pointless.

>> No.11133066

Yes, you are right about STEM.
But he >>11130525 is right about the total university attendance.
Women dominate total university attendance.
Women attendance has dramatically increased, and men attendance has slightly dropped.

also, Women seem to be falling for the 'useless degrees' problem. They have something like 80% of student debt.

>> No.11133072

I can hear _soyboys seething.
The boy of onions the modern white knight.

>> No.11133073
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 1571022965304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead of getting hot and bothered about how other people live their lives
Sorry but there are people with guns pointed at me, forcing me to assess and interfere with the rest of society.

>> No.11133074


>> No.11133266

This isn't true in civilised countries