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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11130373 No.11130373 [Reply] [Original]

What are some biological causes?

>> No.11130380

mass immigration of niggers and inbred goatfuckers

>> No.11130381

an increase in racism

>> No.11130388
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>> No.11131104
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White racism, immigrants aren't walking into france and then immediately taking IQ tests like /pol/tards believe.

>> No.11131214

African immigration in France is much older than in the rest of Europe. It began during the post war and ramped up over the decades.

>> No.11131218
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Questions on IQ tests are generally about finding which number or shape belongs in a given place. It sounds like in France, nobody knows what belongs where.

>> No.11131252
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You can't stop us from revealing reality, schlomo.

>> No.11131261

Fluoride in the water guy might have an idea.
but really it's probably the immigration of people that are naturally not intelligent in white skills.
so you're still racist. IQ is racist

>> No.11131270

>Dutton and Lynn report secular declines in Fullscale IQ evaluated using WAIS of four points a decade in France between the years 1999 and 2008–9. It is posited that the trend may have a partially biological cause, stemming from dysgenic fertility and, to a lesser extent, replacement migration. Given that these, and other biological phenomena are associated with the Jensen effect, it is expected that if they are the principal causes of the IQ decline then the secular change should also be associated with the Jensen effect. Furthermore if it can be demonstrated that the vectors of secular IQ decline, g loadings and the vectors of other biological indicators share variance, then the case for biological causation will be strengthened. Using the method of correlated vectors and error disattenuation, the secular IQ declines are shown to be associated with a high-magnitude Jensen effect (ρ = .833). A multi-vector common factor comprised of the vector of g loadings along with the vectors of three biological variables (subtest heritabilities, dysgenic fertilities and simple visual reaction times) was found to load substantially on the secular IQ decline vector (λ = .723). These findings indicate that the French secular IQ loss likely has a primarily biological cause.

Whats the IQ of someone who doesn't read the fucking abstract?

>> No.11131278

Doesn't migration affect the statistics of biological causes?

>> No.11131344
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>Alt-right thinks anyone is interested in their psychobabble

>> No.11131567
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You have a very boring and sad life.

>> No.11131646
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>> No.11132599

>dysgenic fertility

So immigrants and the least intelligent whites have the most kids. Fair enough