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11122932 No.11122932 [Reply] [Original]

Are nurses smart?

>> No.11122937


>> No.11122940

Some of them are, most of them really aren't.

>> No.11122943

The ones that move into management or other non-standard positions are.
Women are generally very lazy though.
My gf went to med school for a year and then quit to become a nurse because med school was too much studying.

>> No.11122948

I did Anatomy and Physiology and Pharmacoloy without a problem and am pretty interested in health and get along well with people but overall I am really not that smart and hear a lot about nursing school being hard. I am thinking maybe just vocational nursing over registered nurse might be better to go into first

>> No.11122950


>> No.11122955

If by smart you mean whores then yes

>> No.11122969

>because med school was too much studying.
Most people quit med school because it's a shitload of memorization. More can go wrong with the human body than goes right.

>> No.11122985

I met a smart nurse once. Most of them are dumb as rocks.

>> No.11122994

i'd say most people get through med school by the same merits. modern doctors are unhelpful mental midgets. it's all about how much cock you're willing to suck to get the grade.

>> No.11123001

I really want a milf nurse big titty mommy to milk me

>> No.11123009

The smartest girl I know works or at least worked as a nurse while studying in med school. My friend's gf is also pretty smart and she went from nursing to teaching.

On the whole I guess nurses are pretty dumb tho, it's basically the female equivalent of being a construction worker.

>> No.11123025

Theyre the most femenine though. "Smart" women are almost always exclusively ugly or annoying.

>> No.11123061

>Theyre the most femenine though.
This anon gets it.
You need a woman that is feminine, likes pink, handbags, wearing dresses, likes children, likes taking care of others, and other stereotypical hyper-feminine traits. My nurse gf is the most feminine woman I've ever met and I've met a few.

>> No.11123077

How did you get to meet her?

>> No.11123105

At school

>> No.11123106


>implying grades matter in med school

*laughs in Pass/ No Pass*

>> No.11123132

Nursing is a brutally stressful / overworking-prone kind of job with a massive need and a perpetually too small pool of applicants.
This means you definitely can't say nurses in general must be smart because there's a need to hire and use almost anyone willing to work that job who has the bare minimum of credentials for it.

>> No.11123153

There's levels to it, though.
My gf has had her company pay for an MA in management, and only spent about 3 years working as a nurse, and has been in management ever since. But she also has very good social skills, unlike me, I'm an autist.

>> No.11123155

>t. brainlet who doesn't know how med school works

>> No.11123175

And even though demand greatly exceeds supply, the salaries are totally stagnated because the profits of these nursing companies aren't really dependent on the welfare of the people receiving nursing or the nurses themselves (i.e. the nurses just work more and harder w/o much if any benefit)

Unless a lot of countries adopt some form of a sensible minimum-amount-of-staff laws and/or raise salaries, the problem is gonna escalate really fast now that boomers are getting old and sickly as well

>> No.11123200

every nurse i have ever seen in the US was extremely overweight

>> No.11123210
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>wanting thin women

>> No.11123328

No, most of their job revolves around reading your vitals, giving you meds, injections and calling the doctor when they see a problem, they just do the stuff the doctors don’t want to do.

>> No.11123420
File: 274 KB, 400x492, TIMESAND___n6l8lf6ib64gjrtv7prehy35u6bi5000pa3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nurses smart?
Not the ones who joined ISIS' al-Nurse front.

>> No.11123456

They didn't fall for the stem meme, and have a stable job so yes

>> No.11123458

The smart ones are depressed. It’s a bad idea to go into that career as a high IQ.

>> No.11123513

Its a very rewarding job if you enjoy helping people. You need to have an uplifting personality to not want to kill yourself.
Plus you need to be ready for people to throw cum, shit, needles and for people to attempt to injure you. However I don't consider them smart.
Every nurse I have met has told me "I know more than what the doctors know yet I get paid less and I get given the dirty work." I usually say, if that were so... Then why don't you start studying to become a doctor? And that usually makes them upset.

>> No.11123872

you shouldnt be an asshole to nurses, they´re some of the nicest women youll ever meet in your life

>> No.11124071

In general most nurses I have seen in my life have been dumber than rocks.
My wife is a respiratory therapist and every single day she comes home with a new story about what some nurse said that was retarded or something completely stupid that she did

>> No.11124121

>Want to become nurse
>Get boat load of money from government debt free to become nurse as they need more nurses
>Comfy knowing you already have a job in place for the NHS after you graduate


>Go into STEM
>Get yourself in tens of thousands of pounds in debt
>Get stressed trying to understand concepts as it's impossible to memorize anything after a certain level
>Become NEET
>Or work a shitty office job working alongside liberal arts graduates making nowhere near as much money as you thought.

Those in STEM might be smarter intellectually, but not so much with life.