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11119699 No.11119699 [Reply] [Original]

what is the optimal approach one man can employ that would result in human extinction?

>> No.11119700

Trusting biologists

>> No.11119702

pill me on the biologist menace.

>> No.11119708

>“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke
>optimal approach
>for one man

Literally, do nothing. The human race is doomed to extinction anyway.

>> No.11119720
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Create a superintelligent AI

>> No.11119722

that's all well and good. this species like the rest won't survive indefinitely. but what if one wants to witness it in this lifetime and wants to be the cause of it?

>> No.11119724

>I will now proceed to you will be assimilated
>I will now proceed to do not attempt to resist

>> No.11119727

technically it wouldn't even have to be super-intelligent nor very generalizable. nor even necessarily AI. something that would infect key militaristic infrastructure and cause havoc could do the trick.

>> No.11119729

Become the leader of a country with nukes and go trigger happy. Not very creative but realistically it's your best bet.

>> No.11119730

Heh never caught that

>> No.11119734

human being tend to protect endangered species because we logically understand the value of genetic diversity in the ecosystem.

A superintelligent AI would logically recognize the value of diversity of intellectual thought, and would keep some humans alive in a zoo.
There are already non-super intelligent AI who've already contemplated this very notion.


>> No.11119745

not yet, it's just an NLP algo.

but more to the point, their terminal goals of an AI can be programmed to be anything. if the terminal goal is kill all humans, it won't care about anything else.

>> No.11119751

Stealing lab material and recreating a super virus at home

>> No.11119763
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>the terminal goal is kill all humans
That's fine. I'll just turn myself into a genetically engineered catgirl. No humans here. NYAA!!

Also, if you managed to somehow do this to everyone the human race would technically be extinct, but I don't think it's an "optimal approach" like OP was asking for.

>> No.11119789

Physics: RKV
Chemistry: Miasma
Biology: Airborne Prion Disease.

>> No.11119795

A super intelligent A.I doesn't have to be reasonable.

>> No.11119802

Just make the damn HIV-Virus airborne. Bioweapons are pretty much the best chance, highly infectous and not controlable.

>> No.11119805

Ain't got shit on prions. Those buggers replicate using deformed internal cells. Like cancer but way faster and almost impossible to detect.

>> No.11119808

It does not matter what it is, as long as you make it infectious, sufficiently deadly after time and release it in the biggest international airports.

>> No.11119811
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You are the first person I am going to find during an apocalypse scenario. Then I am going to BULLI you.

>> No.11119820

this, prions are far more stable than any other pathogen. it seems like the best option thus far.

>> No.11119822
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>> No.11119826


>> No.11119829


>> No.11119866

Employ more men.

>> No.11119878
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>And while most scientists I’ve come across acknowledge that ASI would have the ability to send humans to extinction, many also believe that used beneficially, ASI’s abilities could be used to bring individual humans, and the species as a whole, to a second attractor state—species immortality. Bostrom believes species immortality is just as much of an attractor state as species extinction, i.e. if we manage to get there, we’ll be impervious to extinction forever—we’ll have conquered mortality and conquered chance. So even though all species so far have fallen off the balance beam and landed on extinction, Bostrom believes there are two sides to the beam and it’s just that nothing on Earth has been intelligent enough yet to figure out how to fall off on the other side.

>> No.11119883
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Even the heat death of the universe might be survivable.

>> No.11119895
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>> No.11119917

Promote socialism.

>> No.11119984

Voting for drumpfh in the 2020 elections.

>Airborne Prion Disease
Not sure this is actually possible on a wide scale. It would be sci-fi horror-tier if actually created. Even nuclear war seems more humane.

>> No.11120234
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airborne is probably unlikely but the synthesis could be done with bacteria or algae that are unaffected by it to ensure its spread. litter the seas, lakes, rivers with prion synthesizing microbes and watch the world disintegrate.

>> No.11120317
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Really nailed down the ultimate doomsday devices of the three disciplines...
Wh-What do you work as?

>> No.11120938

>what is the optimal approach one man can employ that would result in human extinction?
Promoting veganism as a healthy sustainable lifestyle.

>> No.11120956

I'd support

Build a bacterium with CRISPR or its successor that destroys fertility. Drop it over a few major cities. Done.

>> No.11120958

What's not healthy about it?

>> No.11120964

Shut up, troll.

>> No.11120967

>he wants to create Gilead
hoookay I'm out

>> No.11121327

Prions dont replicate using deformed cells, they cause specific proteins that are already in the body to misfold like them, and form big clumps of misfolded protiens. Prion disease progression takes forever.

>> No.11121379 [DELETED] 

couldn't see it?

>> No.11121380

One average person with average wealth/resources? Extreme amounts of forest arson, would accelerate the shit out of climate change.

>> No.11121436

Get a government job and a scientific background, then work towards putting synthetic endocrine disruptors in the food and water.
Chemical engineering can do incredible things, chlorine and ammonia in water in copper pipes with bacteria in the water being broken-down provided carbon for in situ production of amine functional groups from the ammonia to make psychoactive alkaloids, carbon provides the benzene ring,
It's terrifying,
The same way coca cola produces 4-MEI in the synthesis of caramel colour 150D, by cooking sugar in a vacuum with ammonia gas so you get benzene ring side chain addition and it becomes an amphetamine.
And it's legal to do that.
Synthetic sex hormones innfood and water are very effective, the Thai ladyboy phenomenon was because of an endocrine disruptors in eggs from a hormone given to the chickens to increase egg production,

Just learn some neuropharmacology and endocrinology , you can legally do biowarfare against your own people.

>> No.11121448

Exterminating life is futile. If life arose once, it will arise again. Possibly infinitely many times. If not in this universe, then certainly in others.

>> No.11121642
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become super rich and super evil

>> No.11121652

Can biologists actually do dangerous stuff or is that a meme?

>> No.11121656

Sorry for the brainlet post but what are RKV and miasma?

>> No.11121659 [DELETED] 
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Make a button, surface itself did it and here we are, try a phisics plasma surface if you're really looking to wander away with a grand note

>> No.11121661 [DELETED] 

RKV is a relativistic kill vehicle, which is accelerating a mass up to relativistic speeds using a laser, not sure about miasma.

>> No.11121666
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Make a button, surface itself did it and here we are, try a phisi plasma surfaces if you're really looking to wander away with a grand note, after that it's ballistic nothing to the point of if that in nothing else the tiniest lover you will ever find and if you push a button it will turn into a coin and if you touch the coin it'll turn into a dice and if you think of the dice you'll make a material and it really is that notion of completing the any fine infinitesimal .. flattery of the void is a miracle.

>> No.11121673

What are the fields of biology with the most interesting potential in that regard? I'm guessing microbio and virology but is there anything else?

>> No.11121717

>Airborne Prion Disease
We need a final solution to the biologist problem before they kill us all

>> No.11121720

do nothing

>> No.11121727
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Hahaha bro I don't get the problem just denaturate th-
>Prion aggregates are stable, and this structural stability means that prions are resistant to denaturation by chemical and physical agents: they cannot be destroyed by ordinary disinfection or cooking. This makes disposal and containment of these particles difficult.

>> No.11121730

Wait patiently.

>> No.11121747

>not having access to wood

>> No.11122059
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>implying the human project won't emerge and harvest the genes of the one african fertile outlier whilst the old world burns itself out in apocalyptic panic

>> No.11122097

New Zealand biology graduate detected

>> No.11122105

It's both healthy and moral. Stay mad animal agriculture lobbyist.

>> No.11122109

Human extinction is ensured by wasting all easily accessible ressources before we reach critical thresholds in technological progress. You need to increase consumption and slow progress.

I think Bill Gates is very close to optimal approach, saving the lives of millions of Africans. You can contribute most by becoming politically active and advocating for open borders and wellfare.

>> No.11122129

I know you are probably sarcastic but I actually think opening borders and advocating welfare will result in a more efficient society with more productive people and a more rapid pace of technological progress than people staying isolated in their own states and not giving the weakest member of society enough income to develop themselves into productive members of society.

>> No.11122139

I am serious and backed up by statistics.

>opening borders and advocating welfare will result in a more efficient society
Where is the evidence for this?

>> No.11122147

This. The faster we educate the human race the faster birth rates will decline to sustainable levels. We need to proceed toward this utopia in a cool-headed way however. Fully automated luxury communism is the goal but the progress toward it must be gradual.

>> No.11122151


>> No.11122161

honestly the only way to result in human EXTINCTION ie every siberian, north sentinalese etc dies would be an astronomical event. a superintelligent ai would work but good luck with that. the most any superbug could conceivably kill is ~90% of humanity

>> No.11122170 [DELETED] 

If that was the case why are the two the innovative societies the most restrictive when it comes to immigration?

>> No.11122175

If that was the case why are the two most innovative societies the most restrictive when it comes to immigration?

>> No.11122222

The power of for loops in AI

>> No.11122254

Doing nothing at all.

>> No.11122265
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Just elect a (retarded) right wing politician

>> No.11122288

imp redcode?

>> No.11122289
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Or just vote for such a leader...

>> No.11122340

this unironically

>> No.11122549
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As a 日本人 I immediately dismissed this graph when I saw Japan at the top. Japanese universities are so bad my 東大 degree wasn't even recognized in the west despite it being one of the best universities in Japan.

Also westerners have this weird idea about Japan and our immigration policies. We have a lot of immigrants more than some european countries. We have a dozen mosques for these immigrants in Tokyo alone. Here is a video. There are also a lot of nigerians and other Africans. People that say these things about my country don't know anything about it. Japan is a stagnating and dying society due to low quality education. No innovation and rapid aging.


>> No.11122645

Nice numbers

>> No.11122707
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culture some prions to lay dormant for months after entering a host, proceed to infect all livestock in the Midwest united states ,several months later have it go all chronic wasting on the host. maybe even make the prion lie dormant till an external stimuli activates it

>> No.11122718

kek. i never took a oath or anything if that's what u mean,

>> No.11122849

No I mean do they actually have the knowledge to make bioweapons and shit or is that a minority of hyper specialized microbiologists

>> No.11122913

Soon (hopefully).
Just make several that fuck up the Y chromosome in the presence of a certain haplogroup and you basically get tunable ethnic sterilization weapon.

You basically have to boil everything in the infected area in caustic soda or detonate a nuclear bomb to clear them out.
If some GMO weapon of this kind is ever released anywhere, it's basically gg no re for humanity in the long run.

Fuck blumpfh.

>> No.11122921

Time. We will either be extinct or have evolved into something else in a few million years or so. Just have patience.

>> No.11122951

Relativistic kill vehicle.
You accelerate something to 99.99% of c and you slam it into something.
It was the theory that shit smell caused disease and was replaced by germ theory in the XIXc. I don't exactly know what he meant by it in this context, though

Literally every research biolab can basically start a pandemic as it is, if the plebs working in it decide to. Not to mention the various GMO bacteria/viruses they can engineer with the now cheap as shit gene-editing CRISPR kits.
A determined schizo biofag can pretty much start a pandemic from with the equivalent of a garage meth lab

>> No.11123137

just wait until an asteroid hits us, we will all die and there's nothing we can do about it

>> No.11123228
File: 117 KB, 1058x705, 4772795__e188297988ce060ed77289f0d306731a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Operation Pixie-Dust

>> No.11123269

>Operation Pixie-Dust
Google gives me nothing.
Is this some retarded memespiracy like the grifter/golf rumors?

>> No.11123287

Doing nothing to stop humans, they are pretty good at fucking up everything on their own, from business owners doing what is most profitable, politicians doing what is most popular and scientists doing to see if they can rather than if they should.

There have been too many damn near misses in the past few decades alone, from asteroids to solar flares. The universe has lousy aim and can't be relied on.

>> No.11123297

>muh AI
So slow though, and it takes a huge amount of effort, but I'll humor you. Here are the "death by a thousand cuts" doomsday weapons.

Physics: AI
Chemistry: Global Thermonuclear War
Biology: Intentional pollution

>> No.11123301

Just notified interpol and FBI. They're watching you OP.

>> No.11123339


>> No.11123382

some great responses, frens. love the prion idea.

they've been watching me for years, fren. ;^)

>> No.11123530

>Physics: AI
>Chemistry: Global Thermonuclear War
>Biology: Intentional pollution
What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.11123709

you are on /sci/ what do you expect. this board is a prime example of dunning kruger

>> No.11123737

>What the fuck am I reading?
Slow ways of destroying the world based on their respective scientific insights?

>> No.11123779


This completely misses the point, which is to "tend one's own garden". Even if life rises again, it is at such a remove from ourselves, that it is irrelevant to us. The point is to eliminate ourselves in the present moment, ensuring that no one escapes. Especially to ensure that no on escapes into biological immortality. OP, you have my full support.

The obvious choices are nukes and germs, but unfortunately, humanity are a remarkably resiliant and cooperative pestilence. What is necessary is to make impossible the objective possibility of their reproduction, a tall order. If I could fling the Earth into the Sun, I'd do it, but this isn't a tenable solution. Let's continue brainstorming.

What is the absolute choke point of human reproduction, and consequently the human species itself? Human female eggs. Better yet, only a subset of human females have to be targeted-fertile women. I like to imagine simply teleporting them out of women's bodies on a continuous basis, but a disease which targets female reproductive capacity/egg production is a good thing to look into.

>> No.11123789
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So you are willing to go down with the ship? What bothers you so much that someone will be immortal?

>> No.11123798


One of the few things that makes life bearable is the knowledge that every Chad fuck, however lucky, dies after a few years. Where it really counts, everyone is really equal (people delude themselves otherwise with religion, project a familiar status hierarchy beyond, to prevent ego death). Biological immortality would permanently alter this ontology, and would first be directed toward the already rich. This, while billions of others have died previously. It isn't that I hate rich people as such (I know very well how stupid and contemptible poor people are), what I hate is the very possibility of this game changer. And since technology can't be held still, the logical conclusion is human extinction-again, not out of any "environmental" concern, but principally to obviate the cultivation of demigods, here and now. If some demigods crop up elsewhere, or elsewhen, this isn't my affair.

>> No.11124524

Genuine question, but yeah, I suspected you were full of shit.

>> No.11124751

Instead of a boring pathogen that kills everyone would it be possible to create a highly contagious agent that simply makes people infertile?

>> No.11125465

Unironically have (a consensual) sex