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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11121966 No.11121966 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11121978
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No. The latest technological developments are always literally God. And great thinkers have always known this -- from leibniz to godel to Terry to big yud,

>> No.11121985

So by god you mean becoming aware of symmetries and patterns embedded in the laws/fabric of reality?

>> No.11121989

simulation theory is an IQ filter. only low IQ people are stupid enough to believe in it

>> No.11121990

Couldn't this have been posted in one of the six other garbage simulation threads up?
Or better yet >>>/x/

>> No.11121991

No, that is called schizophrenia.

>> No.11121992

It's a different question

>> No.11122108

my guess is that for some it's just a convenient answer to questions they can't otherwise find any answers to, so they take it no matter how lazy or ungrounded it is

on the other hand for others it may as well be theism WITH dogma

>> No.11122142

that's giving it too much credit

it's just nonsense

>> No.11122158

>minus theology and dogma
Simulation "theory" is nothing _but_ dogma.

>simulation theory
It's not even a theory, I would expect better from anyone who posts on this board, Opie.

>> No.11122167
File: 136 KB, 630x630, TIMESAND___1y898c316c86c98bntn668g2izz1e1orwssw24411dllmrypbwp0yr0vvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think simulation theory says that there are fake cities simulating real cities like in Dark City, The Truman Show, Synecdoche NY, etc...


>> No.11122169

Yes, it's an idea more than a theory, but the idea is called "simulation theory".

>> No.11122213
File: 48 KB, 312x500, 9WUFpjB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the idea is called "simulation theory".
Go jerk off with the Christ-tards that want to call an absurdly literal interpretation of Genesis an "alternative theory".
In SCIence, a theory is a thoroughly-tested hypothesis that's been proven (or at least not dis-proven) and fits well with other scientific knowledge.
You do the whole world a dis-favor by helping murder both the English language and the credibility of the scientific community.
I hope you step on a Lego.

>> No.11122280

Lmfao dis nigga a 5th grader or sumthn talmbout legos and shit ahahaha

>> No.11122351

Lets say we are a sentient NPC character in a video game.
Is the developer of the game our god? Is the Xbox our god? We can never know anything outside of our virtual reality, and it's guaranteed death is the end. But eternal recurrence you say? You have no way of knowing otherwise.
-Albert Einstein

>> No.11122535

unfalsifiability is an argument against something, not for it

>> No.11122551

Your daily reminder that we probably do not live in a simulation.



>> No.11122632

Atheisim is unfalsifiable

>> No.11122978

good thing im an agnostic then

>> No.11122993

yes it is. as soon as you show proof of deities existing, you falsify atheism.
agnostics are the ultimate retards

>> No.11122999

>nobody has any actual evidence
>the only people honest about that fact are the retards

>> No.11123016

thats not what agnosticism means you retard. even worse, you are too unintelligent to understand basic logic like burden of proof

>> No.11123029

i know exactly what agnosticism means, and find it laughable you think i don't despite not even having a picture of what i think it is

take your butthurt meds anon, it's spilling over into your shitposting

>> No.11123031

No not really, it's supposed to based on logic not faith but the logic is hand wavy at best.

>> No.11123084

Actually it's a stealth argument that high fidelity brain emulation is probably impossible.

>> No.11124550

based assertions

>> No.11124593

Simulation theory is most likely correct. It also explains superposition.

>> No.11124603

Simulation theory is a mixture of schizo thoughts and incels hoping that their shitty life isn't "real".

>> No.11124605

>t. brainlet who doesn't understand simulation theory

>> No.11124610

its just an idea/possibility, you dumb fucking nerds.

>> No.11124620

>hurr durr you don't understand my shitty pop science from the matrix

>> No.11124949

>you can never know anything
>except this one thing is guaranteed trust me bro

>> No.11124955

>hurr let's say we are sentient [buzzword insinuating lack of sentience]

>> No.11124960

>calculus is God