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11121972 No.11121972 [Reply] [Original]

How do I scientifically cope with death?
How did 200 IQ people like Newton,Einstein or von Neumann or whatever coped with death?
How did they find the meaning and purpose, did they literally see the world differently than us?
I cant take it

>> No.11121974

This is funny

>> No.11121976

do you really want to live forever? life eventually wears you down. most people around the time their late 70s roll around almost welcome the sweet release of it. something tells me you're under 20.

>> No.11121983

step 1: >acquire 200+ IQ
step 2: I'll tell you when you provide evidence for completion of step 1.

>> No.11121986

What's your problem with death?

>> No.11121996

You attain freedom from suffering in death. Freedom from being and becoming. There is nothing to fear about death just as there is nothing to fear about sleep. You simply cease to be. You didn't exist for 13.8 billion years before your birth and it didn't matter to you because there wasn't a you for it to matter to. Death will be they same.
Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo.

>> No.11121998

Einstein knew death was relative to his perception. He saw the flying anus and the speeding vaginas! So he wasn´t afraid of it!

>> No.11122000

"Life" doesn't wear you down, aging does. Of course no one would want to live like that. Most people that is, I'm not talking about those tired of living in their 20s.

>> No.11122002

im 28
i've been around old people, like very old 90 years old, nobody wanted to give up
only mentally sick people want death, the others do not by default and naturally we should not welcome the end, ever no matter how edgy someone is

honestly im more afraid watching dear people going away than my own death
its so like permanent and forever, nothing matters at those moments, not the whole lifetime spent together ,our memories etc.

i really understand the people who believe in afterlife, after all what else can you do but hope, everyone would like to see their loved ones again...

>> No.11122004

>You attain freedom from suffering in death. Freedom from being and becoming.
so the creation, the existence is suffering? its a bad thing objectively? after all it is more painful to be than not but i dont know for sure
its just that whole dread and coldness and roughness of the universe and existence scares me, not in a sense what will happen to me personally but to all of us, to everything, why did it have to be this way, pain and suffering, fear and agony

>> No.11122027

The first noble truth of Buddhism is that life is suffering. I believe this to be an overstatement, although life often does often involve suffering and dissatisfaction. In death we are free from these things. We can no longer feel joy, but we are free from pain also. It is a neutral state.
As for the general existential despair, I like to remind people that the truths of how we lived will remain true for all time. The fact that we interacted with one another on a Chinese footmassage forum remains true for eternity. As will the fact that those elderly people were loved and loved others. Death does not take these truths away. They will always be so.

>> No.11122031

>von Neumann
He converted to Roman Catholicism on his death bed. He demanded a priest, one came, and converted him.

>> No.11122035

That's why you exericse, lift, and stay away from drugs

>> No.11122037

its just that, maybe im stupid, but to me if im not there to experience it its the same as if it never existed
i fear that those truths you speak of are gone after us or rather when nobody remembers them any more e.g. all references and connections to them are cut

are you fucking serious? i cant believe he would do that , maybe his brain was old and fucked so he didnt think straight
i dont know what to take from that

>> No.11122038

so you can die healthy ? nice
i mean i actually do all those things but not because i believe it renders me free of diseases and dying

>> No.11122039

>are you fucking serious?

>> No.11122040

He went mad trying to prove the afterlife was real
>von Neumann
He cried like a bitch
Was only like 115 IQ anyway

>> No.11122042

Death is just what happens.
But you can still enjoy old age by taking care of yourself and staying active.

>> No.11122044

i always knew that Newton was the only based scientist out there
maybe because he was a fucking magician at the same time who knew there has to be more than just crude physics

>He cried like a bitch
but why, i mean he probably was the smartest man to walk the earth

>> No.11122045

>still clinging to the illusion of permanence
Aren't you getting a little too old for this?

>> No.11122047

Trust me when i say you won't care about death once you age past 70. Everybody you love will slowly perish before your eyes and each passing day you will become more lonely, and the world you once knew will no longer be recognizable.

Either that or you will be begging to die because you will be in so much pain.

Happy living :)

>> No.11122057

I'll enjoy life playing vidya, going on walks, and looking at porn. It will be great, with a nice retirement check. No responsabilities sounds perfect.

>> No.11122063

Truth is mind independent. If sentient life had never evolved but the universe still existed it's existence would be a truth despite no one being around to perceive it, would it not? The truths of your existence may indeed be forgotten one day but they will still remain truths.
>if im not there to experience it its the same as if it never existed
This is demonstrably untrue. It is different because life did evolve, regardless of its permanence.
I think of life as all the more precious due to its brevity.

>> No.11122073

i cant trust you because i've seen it to be different
also, for me, one of the things that somewhat keeps me going is curiosity to see what will happen next in this world

>it's existence would be a truth despite no one being around to perceive it, would it not?
i actually dont know an answer to that question, it feels like "yeah why wouldnt universe exist if nobody is there to experience it" but at the same time it feels untrue or rather unprovable
what good are those truths if nobody is there to validate their existence

>> No.11122103

You will be too cognitevely eroded to play vidya, really old people struggle to read books and maintain a real conversation.
Your sex drive will be long dead too.

You guys should go visit a retirement home some day, most people there are sitting idly or watching TV.
Try playing a game of UNO (a game that even a 5 yo can play) with them too: they will take 30sc to put a card and it will still be the wrong card.

Old age is like a shipwreck, the best which can happen is that one morning you just don't wake up.

>> No.11122106

>How do I scientifically cope with death?
u arent special nigger

>> No.11122120

All wrong. You're taking worst case scenarios of boomers who didn't care of themselves as a norm.
Go look at old people who have a good diet, lift, exercise, and stay active intellectually, they're all doing great.
We have all the data available now, that other generations didn't have, to stay vibrant during old age.

>> No.11122131

>We have all the data available now, that other generations didn't have, to stay vibrant during old age.
other anon here
like what exactly? i always thought that food is most important, i mean i've seen some 100 year olds smoking for their whole lives never to have problems with it

>> No.11122132

>what good are those truths if nobody is there to validate their existence
Now you're using your noodle. This is a good question. I would say these truths are valuable because they are valuable to us now. We know now that they will remain true for eternity and this can give us comfort, but perhaps our intuitions diverge here. They don't need to be validated in the future because we can validate them now.
Maybe this is of cold comfort to you. Another idea I have toyed with is that human beings may have successfully passed the great filter and humanity will continue into perpetuity. This is perhaps unlikely but it is possible. In this case you may actually be remembered forever if you do something remarkable. I like to think about the Wikipedia pages I will leave behind (assuming I make something of myself) and this comforts me also. In failing to make a contribution to humanity, or even if I manage to and humanity becomes extinct, I can still take comfort in truth being eternal. It will forever remain true that human beings fell in and out of love, invented iPhones, and ate ice cream sandwiches. Perhaps only for a time, but what a time it was.

>> No.11122137

They read eastern mysticism books to sleep. Literally, read shit from eastern religion/philosophy. There's Bhagavadgita from Hinduism, Dhammapada/Bardo Thodol from Buddhism, and Tao Te Ching from Taoism. Thousands of years of wisdom deals with issue of human nature, human role in society, how to face death, and human mind distilled into simple to read books that you can find online for free. You have to read them seriously, 5-10x for each book. Once every few months, monthly, and once a year and so on. The lessons are to be learned after you gain experience, contemplate and reread for more wisdom. Each book contains ton of general wisdom so you will only ever get small bits of piece per read and there's multiple levels of reading for each of the book.

>> No.11122196
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>implying time started with the big bang.

>> No.11122197

God destroyed death bro dont worry

>> No.11122199

and all that eastern wisdom led them to be soulless cat/dog eaters and shitting in the streets lol

>> No.11122206

>It will forever remain true that human beings fell in and out of love, invented iPhones, and ate ice cream sandwiches. Perhaps only for a time, but what a time it was.
dont forget the elite pedophiles leading this species through that great filter, children sacrifice, beheadings, torture and organ harvesting
good times indeed

>> No.11122223

Smart people don't do irrational things.
It's irrational to worry about thing that are out of your control.
Death is out of your control, it can be somewhat postponed but not avoided.
Do not worry about death. Maybe the manner of your death if you like because that's within your control to an extent, as is the timing, up to a point.

>> No.11122230

>Smart people don't do irrational things.

>> No.11122271

Albert Einstein said "whatever I've been a good person" and died refusing medical treatment
Von Neumann cried like a baby and resorted to religion for hope, only to die of ass cancer.
Do whatever you want.

>> No.11122286

>Von Neumann cried like a baby
where do you guys get this

>> No.11122292

Most of these people avoided thinking about death by burying themselves in work

>> No.11122348

>Smart people don't do irrational things.
>Father Strittmatter recalled that even after his conversion, von Neumann did not receive much peace or comfort from it, as he still remained terrified of death.
Try again.
Probably the above.

>> No.11122367
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I guess they studied and crammed for death like everyone does for an IQ test or any test.

>> No.11122387

The question presupposes a grounds upon which you feel justified in asking it. In other words, the reason you fear death is because you (erroneously) think too highly of yourself. Get over yourself and you'll feel better.

>> No.11122401

>elite pedophiles
This is a conspiracy theory. Yes there are actual elite pedophiles like Eipstein and Catholic Priests but they're in the minority
>children sacrifice, beheadings, torture and organ harvesting
Note that these things are much more prevalent in the past. Yes these things still go on, organ harvesting in China for example, but things are generally improving.
I assume your point is that all the terrible truths of human existence will remain for eternity and you're right. This is all the more reason to ensure that things continue to improve. I think most people on balance live lives that they regard as net positive. We do need to do some serious work to increase the number of people that feel this way however.

>> No.11122434

Just asking this question and thinking about it is a good thing, I'm sure most people just tuck it away. You can tell from some of the responses here that a lot of people have had trouble coping with death and just project.
I don't know if you want to ponder about a potential afterlife or something, but just know that science can only explain so much. It's a constantly evolving thing and questions of higher dimensions and consciousness can't be fully answered.
In addition, those that do believe in an afterlife still ponder about death. Memento Mori and all that. It's a good thing to do. Read about existentialist philosophy and the Stoics.

>> No.11122445

Chill out and enjoy life while it lasts my guy no point in fearing the inevitable cross that bridge when you get there

>> No.11122466
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Check this shit out, nigger.



>> No.11122499

just crispr your rna to reverse age you low i.q. bumpkin.

>> No.11122522
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>> No.11122526

>How do I scientifically cope with death?

Why do you even need to? I don’t care about it because of how distant it is. By then, I’ll just turn into a robot or something.

>> No.11122531

>do you really want to live forever?

Eliminate suffering through neural manipulation.
Maximize pleasure through neural manipulation.
Remove physical restraints through genetic engineering and cybernetics.

>> No.11122532

What a retard lol

>> No.11122534
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>> No.11122545

>because of how distant it is

>> No.11122547

By my calculations the average human today has about 300 years to live
Mechanical Astral Projection will be fully developed by then

>> No.11122594

von Neumann started dying
he didn't like it
called in priests on his deathbed, taking a gamble on getting into an afterlife
he died w/o ever coping with it. It just happened anyway.

>> No.11122649
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death is your rebirth into your immortal form.

>> No.11122687

disgusting death worshiping faggots
religion is the apotheosis of evil

>> No.11122699

Memento mori isn't worship of death

>> No.11122705

You either
>Cope with death, because you can't cope with living
>Cope with living, because you can't cope with death

Pick one.

>> No.11122739

mellow out nutter and cope.

>> No.11123412

>just as there is nothing to fear about sleep
How exactly does consciousness in relation to sleep work? You genuinely lose consciousness or what?
I know this is rather unrelated but I know jack about how it works in your brain.

>> No.11123432
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The only way is to cope. Anyone who says otherwise either hates life or is lying.
My method of coping is by clinging on on to the hope I'll live long enough to benefit from radical life extension technologies.
Otherwise I'd spiral down a pit of nihilism and despair.

>> No.11123444

scientist before were very religious, you can try there

>> No.11123450
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>How do I scientifically cope with death?
Donate to SENS so that you can reach longevity escape velocity

>> No.11123461

>My method of coping is by clinging on on to the hope I'll live long enough to benefit from radical life extension technologies.
thats an expensive cope
must be good to be richfag

i already have long hair and beard
need to learn about SENS and longevity escape velocity

>> No.11123543

Newton was religious, von Neumann kinda panicked into it on his death bad (had most of the bible memorized by the way), Einstein did not believe in the christian god, but was spiritual nonetheless. Science is at its core a tool for knowledge production. For stuff concerning things you cant measure or proof, you gotta use other tools.
Philosophy is fine, I personally I find the God described by Jesus quite convincing. If you explore that route, make sure to read smart stuff, not the unreflected shit evangelicals often say.

>> No.11123573

the christianity story is fascinating to me because of one concept
that the literal immortal eternal God went into mortal human body so he can die for us
i mean its the most beautiful thing ever , be it true or not
the eternal love story

>> No.11123575
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Good and pure posts

>> No.11124466
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Read The Death of Ivan Ilyich.

>> No.11124507

>How exactly does consciousness in relation to sleep work? You genuinely lose consciousness or what?
You do from your subjective point of view. The brain still keeps processing information and controlling your autonomic functions. I'm not a sleep expert however. There's an interesting public intellectual who specialises in sleep doing the rounds presently. I suggest you look into his work.

>> No.11124510

Matthew Walker is his name

>> No.11124511

>so you can die healthy
so you can enjoy and reach your limits, i accidentally crossed the limit a lot of times but i survived, barely, because my body was in great shape.

>> No.11124576

Those people with high IQ know that they are not special, and they never will be. Them coming into existence didn't matter that much and them going out of existence won't really matter. They are not like entitled brats like you, OP. They realized that in the end, nothing ever really matters. Einstein said "One life is enough for me". It's just that most people don't understand the concept of infinity properly. They think it just means "for a long time" whereas it's much, much much more than that. Immortality (being eternally conscious) is the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to one. Buddha had it all figured out 2500 years ago.

>> No.11124734

>Immortality (being eternally conscious) is the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to one
how can we know for sure

>> No.11124956

n-n-n *buuuuuurp* nothing matters Morty!!

>> No.11124971

>How do I scientifically
Heh tricked these jannies... I added "scientifically" to my dogshit offtopic post and now they will think I made a thread related to this board... So is anybody gonna answer my shitty life problem related question I could have either asked on /r9k/ or /adv/ or with the help of Google? Oh yeah started a circle jerk... my devilish plan worked... Oh, what's that? Time for dilating.

>> No.11125459


>> No.11125476

>>Father Strittmatter recalled that even after his conversion, von Neumann did not receive much peace or comfort from it, as he still remained terrified of death.
That's not surprising, considering Von Neumann was Jewish and had done all kinds of bad shit like the Manhattan project, etc.

>> No.11125998

why was that bad

>> No.11126001

what happened anon

>> No.11126060

But you don't. You get reborn as whatever in what feels like an instant to you.

Find a cure for it.

>> No.11126561

>How did 200 IQ people like Newton,Einstein or von Neumann or whatever coped with death?

Why would you need to cope with something that you are adamantly accepting of? I believe such was the case, assuming they maintained their sanity.

To not die would be to defy the laws of nature, to spit in the face of entropy--whatever one's idea of "god" is--why would one desire to claw their way down such a forlorn path?

>How did they find the meaning and purpose, did they literally see the world differently than us?

They figuratively saw the world differently than us.

>> No.11126710



>> No.11126865

Facing the timeless void and your impending doom can be nasty as shit- it's kind of hard to fault people for yielding to comfortable alternatives.

>> No.11126919

>being so schized out by the thought of death that these losers made what are likely timeless discoveries that will be remembered forever

>> No.11126971

Take the quantum immortality pill and you'll be hoping death is real.

>> No.11126993

Read the denial of death

>> No.11127624

God is an unknown. And intellectual position would be to say that there is no evidence for or against God. Therefore you cannot rule out it’s existence.

>> No.11127675

until our galaxy and all traces of mankind are wiped out

>> No.11127682

>all traces of mankind are wiped out
thats impossible to achieve
there will always be the light thats traveling from our planet to the great beyond

>> No.11128348

why would i let someone else reap my sins and disallow my soul from evolving

>> No.11128391

you are evolving by putting your trust
it is the eye opener

>> No.11129064

>In the Apology of Socrates (written by Plato), after Socrates is sentenced to death, he addresses the court. He ponders the nature of death, and summarizes that there are basically two opinions about it. The first is that it is a migration of the soul or consciousness from this existence into another, and that the souls of all previously deceased people will also be there. This excites Socrates, because he will be able to conduct his dialectic inquiries with all of the great Greek heroes and thinkers of the past. The other opinion about death is that it is oblivion, the complete cessation of consciousness, not only unable to feel but a complete lack of awareness, like a person in a deep, dreamless sleep. Socrates says that even this oblivion does not frighten him very much, because while he would be unaware, he would correspondingly be free from any pain or suffering. Indeed, Socrates says, not even the great King of Persia could say that he ever rested so soundly and peacefully as he did in a dreamless sleep.
Food for thought

>> No.11129116

Also food for thought: Why do we think time "moves forward" and history gets somehow destroyed? For all I can reason every moment exists simultaneously. The moments where you're alive and the moments where you're dead. So your moment of death essentially means nothing.

>> No.11129124
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today we hide death away, it has become an extreme taboo. Death of the animal happens in slaughter houses, the house animal dies with a veterinarian.
When a relative dies you call other people that you pay for to take care of it.
Be with someone when they are dying, look death into the eye repeatedly every day, go so far that you fetishise it at a point as a death drive.
You can find some solace in God.
You were born into this world, standing upon so many who have already died. If you were alone you would be no one, if you would have appeared in a forest you would have died. You are simply not only yourself, you are part of an entirety and that will not go when you die.
You can also find solace in this quote.
"Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me, and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death." - Von Braun
You can also think about how little you really know about what this is. How weird it is to have become and to be, to be alive and to understand that I am I. Life happened once for you, it may happen again and if it won't it will still stay in this time frame. A place where you are.

>> No.11129139

I think a lot about the last lines, away from any other point. I am now so I will do my best to be me, do my best to do what I find important and enjoy looking at a tree or something.

>> No.11129145

That quote from Von Braun is neat, he was quite religious and believed in the afterlife/soul from what I know.

>> No.11129186

Another good quote:
>Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and when death is come, we are not. It is nothing, then, either to the living or to the dead, for with the living it is not and the dead exist no longer.
The writer, Lucretius, was an Epicurean.

>> No.11130372
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>April 18, 1955—Albert Einstein dies soon after a blood vessel bursts near his heart. When asked if he wanted to undergo surgery, Einstein refused, saying, "I want to go when I want to go. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go.

>> No.11130382

Those already exist if you have money.

>> No.11130408

I have a roommate who fancies himself an intellectual and he is petrified of death. he's also the type of guy that cares about looking smart/telling himself he's smart.

If you really want to not care about death then do philosophy for awhile. You're unlikely to be very smart since you care about these things, but maybe one day you'll crawl out of your own asshole.

god speed anon.

>> No.11130460

fuck off kid, grown ups are talking

>> No.11130464

You already came into existence at least one, and while you're not alive/conscious time seems to pass instantly, so in your perspective you are reborn as soon as you kick the bucket. Maybe as a worm, or alien, or god, or another human because humans are special. Or then quantum immortality is true and you live forever. Enjoy the heat death of the universe in that case!

>> No.11130492

maybe they were too busy to think about it

>> No.11130697

No, Dean Winchester did that dude.

>> No.11130987

Not really. Still in trials.

>> No.11131128

> von Neumann
In 1955, von Neumann was diagnosed with what was either bone or pancreatic cancer.[205] He was not able to accept the proximity of his own demise, and the shadow of impending death instilled great fear in him.[206] He invited a Roman Catholic priest, Father Anselm Strittmatter, O.S.B., to visit him for consultation.[18] Von Neumann reportedly said, "So long as there is the possibility of eternal damnation for nonbelievers it is more logical to be a believer at the end", essentially saying that Pascal had a point, referring to Pascal's Wager. He had earlier confided to his mother, "There probably has to be a God. Many things are easier to explain if there is than if there isn't."[207][208][209] Father Strittmatter administered the last rites to him.[18] Some of von Neumann's friends (such as Abraham Pais and Oskar Morgenstern) said they had always believed him to be "completely agnostic".[208][210] Of this deathbed conversion, Morgenstern told Heims, "He was of course completely agnostic all his life, and then he suddenly turned Catholic—it doesn't agree with anything whatsoever in his attitude, outlook and thinking when he was healthy."

>> No.11131169

It's very likely he had never truly pondered what eternal death would mean and that's why he was so afraid.

>> No.11131183

how was it possible to for such a intelligent man and philosopher and scientist to never think about death
there was something else here at play
probably mental breakdown, he wasnt himself anymore due to his body sending alarming signals everywhere constantly

>> No.11131192

I feel like if he was so focused on other things his entire life it might never have crossed his mind. At least not that deeply, otherwise he would already have made peace with whatever he thought to an extent.
But of course that isn't the whole story. The time at which it happened (middle age) is certainly a big reason why he was so afraid I think. He had a lot ahead of him, at least in his eyes. Very contrary to Einstein here >>11130372

>> No.11131515

I am a nihilist pessimist and it helps! Life lost all meaning for me, it all seems to abstract, short and meaningless that death is no different. For me, life and death are the same. I will just watch anime, study maths, fap and play games until I either get bored and suicide or die from natural causes.

>> No.11131563

not them but one time I fought 3 dogs at once and won. they wernt pits or anything but 2 meduim sized mutts and some shepard mix. without my homo sapiens inyellect and my massive quads and forarms i wouldnt have gotten out with full functionality of my limbs.
dogs only have their mouths so they try and latch onto your arm or legs and pull. trained dogs are different, these werent trained to attack. what you have to do more importantly than anything else is to stay calm to that you can react instead of letting you body react impulsively. you may want to run, or cover your face in the fetal postition, but neither of these options will have good endings for you.

dogs can jump really fucking high. 1 dog jumped and grabed right above my left sholder while the other mutt and sheperd went for each of my legs. never forget yoyr body weight and how much momentum youll have when you jump towards concrete. Not only th at but the impact is almost completley plastic. i jumped/fell towards my left arm and crushed the first dogs chest while flailing my legs to keep the other two occupied. It didnt help becaude one immediatly started going for my chest and neck area. My coat saved me, and with the time it bought me I started to wail at whatever dog was in thr direction of my arms or free leg. it was just a series of contacts w8th lanving pain amd i really dont remember the specifics of this poiny.t. at the end i was limping, one dog was barely breathing with crushed lungs, one ran away, and thr othrr just sort of limped away.

NEVER capitulate and NEVER freak out and work out. Then you can defeat at least 3 dogs.

>> No.11131698
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>> No.11131703

How would you cope with the death of the universe, or do you expect to have a vessel to traverse out of the universe at that point?

>> No.11131706

Greg, man. Come on, man.

>> No.11131818

I tell you what, Greg. I am interested enough in hearing your story from your perspective that if you don't kill yourself and you tell me what you saw, and then I decide to kill you, I won't do worse than kill you on the spot. I am the Lord.