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File: 55 KB, 982x242, Male dominated UoE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11116599 No.11116599 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11116618

this species just caters to every fucking whim of its females.

>> No.11116774
File: 137 KB, 670x377, wtf am I listening to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skip to random time in the video
>"an often-overlooked subtext of The Matrix is that some people are actually happier not being saved"

>> No.11116789

the first half is more informative to the point, the second is an explanation of why men voluntarily make rods for their backs.

>> No.11116796
File: 33 KB, 517x524, 1469485628309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes 20 minutes to explain the surface themes of a children's movie
>the identified theme is: everyone is dumb except me
Sorry bro, it doesn't get more bluepilled than this.

>> No.11116797

>replace the gallery of the man who solved the Riemann hypothesis
I fucking hate political activists

>> No.11116800

idk where you come to that conclusion but he doesn't say that at all. he states his values are at odds with everyone else even though it hurts them they will continue down that path.

>> No.11116810
File: 25 KB, 219x344, yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't say everyone is dumb except him
>he says everyone is dumb except him

>> No.11116818

if you're just gonna take him outta context without watching the video idk what to tell you, fren. he isn't saying he is the only smartypants in the world. also he isn't saying he is the only one with these values, he states there are others who hold them too but we are the minority.

>> No.11116826
File: 14 KB, 225x225, (JPEG Image, 225 × 225 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most blue-pilled possible view is that you people who disagree with you are stupid or dishonest, and that you yourself are not. Especially if you watch some droning youtube fag and take him at face value as he mumbles on for 20 minutes about a children's movie of all things

>> No.11116830

>The most blue-pilled possible view is that you people who disagree with you are stupid or dishonest, and that you yourself are not.
and he isn't doing that.
>Especially if you watch some droning youtube fag and take him at face value as he mumbles on for 20 minutes about a children's movie of all things
rated R and he is discussing the movie in context of everything else which is the actual focus..

>> No.11116834

This is an 18+ site.

>> No.11116844

Why do Jews do what they do?
Why can't Jews just leave us goys alone?
Why Jews not content with just being powerful?
Why do Jews need to make sure everyone else can't succeed?

>> No.11116845

Because you goyim have it too easy. In Israel, you need to serve the military and it is only finishing your service that you get to go to university. In the US, all you dumb goyim need to do is get a loan. All we want is that your education be proportional to the barrier of entry. I.e. shit.

>> No.11116855

Why are you obsessed with a religious minority making up 0.2% of the population?

>> No.11116859

>Why are a religious minority making up 0.2% of the population obsessed with imposing an ideology they don't even follow themselves to 99.8% of the population?

>> No.11116863

>an ideology they don't even follow themselves

>> No.11116870

when have you seen a Jew willingly give up a position to a minority?
None of these policies will affect Jews since they already hold the highest faculty positions. No Jew will face discrimination when their boss is a Jew.

>> No.11116891

Usually the obsession revolves around the fact that American media companies are disproportionately run by Jews. Oil companies are generally run by white protestants with engineering degrees from Texas schools, but people pay special attention to media outlets of record. They expect e.g. the staff of The New York Times to be representative of the entire U.S. or at least its state. In reality it's representative of its hometown, Lower Manhattan, which is at least 20% Jewish by the strictest definition and has been for over a century. The disconnect between a country being 2% of something and its largest cities being 20% leaves room for conspiracies, especially when that minority is capable of passing as white.

>> No.11116908

>Despite being 0.2% of the population...

>> No.11116964

You mean racial minority you fucking kike.

>> No.11116967

Judaism is a religion, and its adherents are Jews. LIke Christianity and Christians.

>> No.11116976

Judaism is a racial ideology disguised as a religion.

>> No.11116989

It's a mixture of Zoroastrianism and Canaanite paganism.

>> No.11116994

>Pictures being moved from one place to another in a Scottish university is the working of Jews somehow
Goyim were a mistake

>> No.11116997

Err i'm planning on doing my masters there next year :(

Maybe i could do a computer science related masters instead, although i doubt it.

>> No.11117033

Deuteronomy 23:19-20
>Do not charge a fellow Israelite interest, whether on money or food or anything else that may earn interest.
>You may charge a foreigner interest, but not a fellow Israelite, so that the Lord your God may bless you in everything you put your hand to in the land you are entering to possess.
Their holy book forbids exploiting one other, but encourages them to exploit others.

>> No.11117101

fuck off stormnigger