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11110451 No.11110451 [Reply] [Original]

why are stds so much more likely to affect women? are diseases fundamentally sexist?

>> No.11110455

Which is more likely to get dirty? The inside of a hose or the inside of a bucket?

>> No.11110496

Someone archive the article or post paragraphs, not giving this shit clicks since it's probably some """"""""roastie""""""""" bitching that more women get STDs than men because STDs are "sexist" and totally not because women are whores who sleep with countless men and don't use protection

>> No.11110530

And males are more likely to be ill with things like hemophilia

>> No.11110534

Don't compare my ladyparts to a fucking bucket you rape apologizing patriachist.
Male reparation taxes NOW.

>> No.11110539

They're just whores. Women are much more selective than men in choosing sexual partners

>> No.11110540

not just women, faggots too

>are diseases fundamentally sexist?
cause the male gender being the weak gender is just a meme

women are the ones getting cucked and vaginal diseases

>> No.11110544

More promiscuous with dangerous males.

>> No.11110696

Maybe is due to the fact that women are having far more sex than males these days.

>> No.11110720


>women go for Chad
>one person gets an STD, if a woman, she infects Chad who then infects multiple women, if Chad, he infects multiple women

>> No.11110736

Because women have a hundred times as much sex and dozens of times as many sexual partners as their male counterparts?

>> No.11110737

>totally not because women are whores who sleep with countless men and don't use protection

this is it, a friend of a friend had a positive smear and had to have part of her cervix burnt off in her mid 20s through being a complete slut at university. She thought she was being empowered at the time and even wrote down all her lays in a book which later on when she'd settled down her poor boyfriend found (hasten to add this wasn't me)

>> No.11110757

I didnt read the article because at best its pop sci half truths. But Its probably talking about how the symptoms of stds tend to be more severe for women than for men. The rates are pretty similar for heterosexual men and women. men generally are asymptotic or have minor complications from alot of common stds. Women have much higher rates of loss of fertility and reproductive issues from std infection as well as more obvious symptoms. Calling that sexist is definitely click bait but lets all calm down with the all women are whores for just a second because there is a fundemental differnce in the biology and that results in these infections being more severe and more easily contracted.

>> No.11110785


>rates are pretty similar for heterosexual men and women

Except they aren't.


Chlamydia and gonorrhea has women being infected between 3x and 5x the rate of men depending on age group. And that's including bisexuals and gays.

The only place where men lead the way is HIV, because of the gays, and syphilis (only narrowly since infection rates are about 5.8 to women's 3.6).

>> No.11111007


>> No.11111010

this reminds me of a manga about a guy that died and went back in time to save his life but basically involved not fucking anything that moved and stopping some girl becoming a whore

>> No.11111039

Maybe if modern women weren't all whores, you wouldn't get whore diseases.

>> No.11111076

Maybe women whores, maybe vagina just get infected easier.
More research needed.

>> No.11111095
File: 271 KB, 567x841, 1572255411644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is woman.

>> No.11111667
File: 19 KB, 500x375, kurtgdelstud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol im funny laugh at me
dilate tranny freak
men are less likely to go through the effort of getting a new fuck buddy, since women are selective.
meanwhile women can literally fuck anything they want without effort.
let me make a comparison.
there are 12 needles, 4 are infected, and a person injects themselves with only one, that's a 1/3 chance. now the other person is a fucking degenerate and injects themselves with all the needles, that a 100% chance.
and now all the needles are fucking infected.
Bro protect yourself, just fuck silicon replicas, much more sanitary.

>> No.11111670

Why do you post the picture of someone who had a wife and didn't fuck silicon vaginas?

>> No.11111674

there's only two rational ways to think about it. either women are promiscuous and get std's more often because they have sex more often, or women inherently harbor diseases as a natural phenomenon of merely being a woman.

the irrational belief is that men are somehow responsible for infecting women or men are immune to the diseases.

truth is, women go after chads. chads have lots of sex and lots of std's, women get std's from chads. chads make up a smaller percentage of the overall male population, but have a larger percentage of the sex.

>> No.11111676

both are fine. but I doubt wife material is common anymore. now a days the next nest things is a silicon vagina.
all real men seek wives, do the math odds are the best will get first picks. No point in even trying, i'm just not THAT retarded

>> No.11111827
File: 514 KB, 606x640, LOSERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made it less /sci/entifically inaccurate

>> No.11111828


>> No.11112832

That's quite the analogy.
I approve

>> No.11113340

What goes dirty faster, the tap or the sink?

>> No.11113488
File: 75 KB, 660x302, women dating s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya its the rate women have sex which is instantly accessible for them and that most refuse condoms themselves. Otherwise women have always lied about being whores with ancestry test now common people are finding out their grandmas and great grandmas cheated with the brother,boss or family friend enough times to get pregnant.

>> No.11113546

Checking those digits.
I'm at the point where I'm seriously considering just fucking a bunch of women and making lots of bastards.

>> No.11113649


There is the small matter of the large hole which bleeds regularly and communicates all sorts of fluids.