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11109944 No.11109944 [Reply] [Original]

Have you hit your cognitive ceiling? I fear I'm getting close.

>> No.11109958
File: 46 KB, 480x320, 54ac944d580ef_-_elle-leod-lgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na, that's cope.
If instead of 1 hour you spend 1.3 hours on learning or thinking or reading or whatever you do, you will see a shift of perspective and understanding.
Taking a new subject when all the low hanging fruits of insights were had, looking at people who are good and concluding they are just better is denying the time they spend/wasted on it. You just don't have the willpower to get into it deeply - and I think that shouldn't be viewed as a deficit. nobody knows the meaning of life and periodically you'll come around asking you whether it's the fuck worth getting as deep into things than others who don't seem any more happy either.
Literally nobody is capital H "happy", so it's a matter of enjoying the process.
tl;dr there's plenty of room at the ground and you can go there if you find it's worth it.

>> No.11109970
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lol you're just complacent. And funny as it is, your complacency is convincing you that you know shit. You fucking don't. Put your fucking hands back to the grindstone and work nigger.

>> No.11109982

Yes, back in high school.

>> No.11110084

You have not hit yours yet it seems. Believe me, you will know once you do (and you will).

>> No.11110106

I hit it all the fucking tiem, you step back do something else recharge and get back at it

>> No.11110118

The ceiling is a fundamental, structural constraint of your brain. You can't go beyond. There is only so much software optimization that can be done before hardware limitations become unavoidable.

>> No.11110122

You need to provide examples. I permanently live in mania/psychosis. While i hit walls and limits all the tiem, they are only temporary and usually very short-lived

>> No.11110128
File: 53 KB, 1000x675, multiple_personalities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of me knows far more than I even can conceive.

Another of me knows that I know more than I can conceive.

If you believe QM, then the mind is beyond infinite and you are God, and you are already omniscient.

>> No.11110214


How can i be at this state more frequently tho

>> No.11110222
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Pain. Misery. Grief.

>> No.11110225

Who tf thinks like this?
Keep thinking about that fear at ur peril. Thoughts become reality.

>> No.11110231

No, a "growth mindset" won't let you go beyond your cognitive ceiling.

>> No.11110241

hurr durr growth mindset bad
defeatism good
i bet any of the giants whose shoulders we stand on would side with me.
you think we have the human mind and “eureka” discovery all mapped out ? hahahah cute

>> No.11110244

>cognitive ceiling

>cognitive floor

>> No.11110330

Well you do hit your cognitive floor when you bust a nut. It takes some time for your brain to recharge to normal thought levels.

>> No.11110338

A software developer can develop as many programs as he wishes

>> No.11110346

But a program cannot exceed the limits of the machine it is written for. That is the point of the analogy. Did it hit your cognitive ceiling?

>> No.11110351

The brain-computer metaphor is just that, a metaphor. If you legit believe that our brains are "organic computers" please take an introductory biology lesson.

>> No.11110355

This. It's usually CS-tards who think like that.

>> No.11110377

It is certainly not a von Neumann machine nor not even a computer as such (Turing machine) (cf. the Chinese Room argument), but nonetheless it is also not a magic device with unlimited and universal comprehension abilities.

>> No.11110404

im deteriorating mentally since high school :(

>> No.11110410

Who cares, just learn new shit. If you forget other shit in the process, look over your notes when you need to come back to that topic. Accept your brain's physical limitations and work around them. Joy should come from the process of learning. If you're struggling with a topic, then you just aren't motivated enough to completely throw yourself into it or you have dementia.

>> No.11110478

They are though, they just operate according to very different principles.

>> No.11110479

I did when I was around 12.

>> No.11110499
File: 12 KB, 225x316, Magritte_TheSonOfMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 24, the meme of biologically peaking at 25 has loomed in my head for at while. Am I really this close to the downhill section of life?
Fortunately, I choose not to let anecdotal or statistical theories interfere with my sense of worth, as no two people's development are exactly the same.
A better question is, are you still curious, or have you chosen to see nothing of interest left to be discovered?

>> No.11110510
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With a little tuning, our fractal antenna can receive any frequency.

>> No.11110545

>Just keep trying!!!
The 10 000 hour rule has wide spread consistency
There IS a point where you won't improve any more
Just do something else once you hit the ceiling

>> No.11110572

Man this thread is filled with excuses. Didn't know this was /r9k/

>> No.11110580
File: 49 KB, 992x744, 23423443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are.
No one gets out alive.

>> No.11110585

its honestly amazing the number of tards that thing IQ = processing power, or horsepower of the brain