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11101105 No.11101105 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why shouldn't we use genetic engineering to reverse dimorphism of humans and live in an amazon utopia?

Answers like "I'm a woman and I don't want that" don't count btw.

>> No.11101126

Im a man and i dont want that
i prefer tiny girls :^)

>> No.11101140

because I'll never be a small nigga.
I won't be able to be dominated because of my large physique. Life is so fucking unfair.
I hate tiny women, what kind of insecure faggot like that shit?
I want a bitch to pick me up and press me, what that shit called? I saw it on /gif/ where the women takes charge it's so fucking hot.
It might be hard because my dick point at an extreme angle basically parallel to my chest and curved in wards.
:( I just wasn't made to be dominated by cute giantess babes.
short, scrawny men are lucky.

>> No.11101151
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>> No.11101172
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>i prefer tiny girls :^)
nigga you need help

>> No.11101353

Oh fuck off

>> No.11101362

This is basically the moral thing to do.
You're talking about creating more adept humans.

Imagine you wanted to create someone with disabilities. Most people would agree that is immoral. This is just going the other direction on that morality scale.

>> No.11101383

the only good pedo is a dead pedo.
I'm going to create a virus to shirk everyone's penis, so they don't contract aids.
thank me later.

>> No.11101387 [DELETED] 
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because women are objectively weaker and inferior lovers as compared to men. it is against the natural order.

>> No.11101400

>t. gay furry

first experience a woman and their sexual primordial energy before posting

>> No.11101402

Try experiencing a man before you think women hold a candle.

>> No.11101405

try not being gay, fag

>> No.11101429

its not like gay men would stop existing in the amazon utopia

>> No.11101431
File: 625 KB, 831x1122, enty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your submissive manlet fetish cope is personal to you and not generalizable to the greater population.

>> No.11101435

>We shouldn't do anything as long as not everyone wants it

>> No.11101439
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>We should do something most people don't want

>> No.11101443

>Stop liking what I don't like

>> No.11101449
File: 201 KB, 953x988, 1425505520635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop being normal

>> No.11101454

There's a reason things didn't turn out that way. You're a genetic dead end as you should be, for the good of the specie.

>> No.11101455

So not a scientific reason then, just sociological? Doesnt fit the criteria, anon.

>> No.11101456

>posts anime rxn images on a mongoloid glass lapping instructional online seminar blog

>> No.11101457

>Normal is being an insecure beta who hates strong women.

>> No.11101458

>Scientifically speaking
>anime shit image
Ah yes, yet another shitty off topic thread

>> No.11101461

I'm far more attractive and less of a "genetic dead end" than you anon, lmao.

>> No.11101472

post proof.

>> No.11101475
File: 16 KB, 315x333, 1570677024993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The best part about strong women is being stronger than them.

>> No.11101477

>asks me to post proof without even posting himself, and acts as though that means anything
You're a stupid faggot.

>> No.11101493

>The best part about strong women is being stronger than them.
And you're a weak fag. Both mentally and physically. I can tell. Gives you limited options.
You are also dumb. Possibly mentally ill.

>> No.11101502
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Whatever helps you sleep at night snookums.

>> No.11101505

sorry didn't know you were insecure.

>> No.11101510

You're the one calling random people "genetic dead ends" without knowing anything about them then not posting yourself

>> No.11101539

I wasn't that other guy were talking to lol.
I just saw you saying some confident shit and said to post yourself.
I didn't know you were insecure about being insecure. I'll leave you alone bro.

>> No.11101544

Please keep the immature shit to the other boards.

>> No.11101605

oh, welcome new friend. I hope you enjoy your stay.

>> No.11101610

You already live in a gynocentric society, do you really want more just in the hope it will probably (not) satisfy you giantess fetish?

>> No.11101650

because the very same faculties that make women pleasant to look at ALSO make them unable to dominate, or primally desire, other people in a sexual manner.

Being submissive as a male is unnatural, it is essentially your body recognizing that you lack the status/resources to mate normally, so it makes you more "feminine" in an attempt to pass under the alpha's gaze and possibly impregnate a woman one time.

>> No.11101675

Heh, you don't get what this fetish is about at all.

>> No.11102083

With reverse dimorphism all that will change is that essentially every social problem between men and women goes away.
Its not like small men can't sexually dominate large women, but they can't actually physically dominate them. So then all the domestic violence, fears, and even the very need for feminism in the first place, vanishes.

No one is giving actual reason, just insults. Give a real reason why this wouldn't work. There is nothing about the modern environment that's the same as the enviromment we evolved in, there is nothing about out modern evolutionary state that matters in the long run, there is no reason to respect how things are now. Why shouldn't we upgrade the species like >>11101362 said?
It's the moral thing to do.

>> No.11102089
File: 68 KB, 590x350, Model-603660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just need to be taller.
Make the average female height be something like 6'2, and the average male height 5'9", and we're good.

>> No.11102151

>because the very same faculties that make women pleasant to look at ALSO make them unable to dominate, or primally desire, other people in a sexual manner.
This is straight up bullshit, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.11102154

You should look into the figures for domestic violence from women,
they're about as violent as men

>> No.11102164

patriarchy >>>> matriarchy
there's a reason no successful matriarchal society exists
wanting to be dominated by a woman is an extension of wanting to be protected, no matter how much one may try to fool themselves men must fulfil their roles as the alternative is that women will replace them with those that will

>> No.11102174

You're full of shit. Cite a study

>> No.11102178

Betina Arnt the australian social sex scientist
and the woman that founded the the womans' shelter charity in the UK
the form the violence takes is often different but none the less present, they're also more likely to abuse their kids.

>> No.11102202

this. Fucking this

>> No.11102286

Except there are many mammalian species with female larger dimorphism that are highly successful. In most cases they are monogamous as well and cohabitate for reproduction and raising offspring.

Why the fuck should we continue to be a patriarchal male larger tournament species in an environment without scarcity and where we are effectively acting as a monogamous pseudo-herbivoric R-selective species?

Arbitrarily claiming that women won't like the men in a genetically reprogrammed species doesn't make sense. You genetically program them to prefer it (there is also a social component to this) in which case your hypothetical doesn't ever even take place.
This is why I stated that saying "I'm a person who wouldn't like this" doesn't work. The engineered people would be engineered to like it.

It would increase productivity and social cohesion while also actually minimizing resources cost to run civilization, it eliminates domestic violence and probably even wars.

It's literally the one thing that fixes everything problematic about the human species, and the only counter arguments are "but it's weird!" No shit it's weird, that isn't an argument.