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11096577 No.11096577 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too late to save the planet?

>> No.11096588

No. It's going to be "not to late" until it's too late.

>> No.11096590

the planet will be fine

>> No.11096592

I mean the planet as a habitable place for humans

>> No.11096783

we have between 8 years (1.5 °C*) and 26 years (2.0 °C*)

*global avrage temp rise at current co2 output.
there are quite a few doomsdayclocks witch are backed by sicence like this one:

>> No.11096797

The fact that people are STILL anti-nuclear leads me to believe the problem is overblown.

>> No.11096815

Alright let's assume not much changes for any national policy for the next 25 years. What then?

>> No.11096821

What's wrong with being anti-nuclear?

>> No.11096830

>What's wrong with not caring about climate change?
This is what you sound like.

>> No.11096840

not economical compared to renewables

>> No.11096846


this shit gives you nightmares

>> No.11096848
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>Is it too late to save the planet?
No, that Solar System is good until CleftaSunder '24 per Signed and Sealed Agreement.

>> No.11096852

Renewables don't work without energy storage, and economic comparisons never compare energy storage (if they did, even old nuclear would win)

>> No.11096857

lansner and pepke pedersen 2018 --> i do not have access to this paper; can anyone provide infos about this one?

>> No.11096866

1. the effect of co2 and ''greenhouse gases'' have been severely overestimated

2. climate models are flawed, based on weak assumptions and over-extrapolation of equations and correlations

3. climate change will happen due to natural phenomena, humans are only accelerating it

>> No.11096882


>> No.11096896

we should worry about saving ourselves during the new climate era and forget about '''saving the planet'''

>> No.11096907

Only academics and liberals care about climate change. Geopolitics cares about a zero-sum game that is in Nash equilibrium when no one handicaps themselves to save the others. Climate change will make Siberia arable, so China and Russia want some of that. Africans are first to die so Europe will close their eyes and kill everyone who tries to cross Sahara. No country in their right mind will weaken themselves today to save the planet in the next 50 years. We need some sort of superhuman universal agreement to happen which only deluded liberals believe it's possible cause muh human rights. No one cares. China won't stop their industry and democratic leaders won't care about issues that are well beyond their term. Stop being ridiculous tree-hugging hippies. Climate change won't stop. We'll just develop infrastructure to try to survive the effects, colonize the space, or die.

>> No.11096927

>Climate change will make Siberia arable,
hypothetically, yes. the forrest fires in recent years (especially this summer) tell us a different story

>> No.11096946

There is a lot wrong whit hindering nuclear power development and power plant construction. Currently nuclear power is the only means of power generation that doesn't pollute (in the traditional sense) and doesn't emit co2 during its operation plus its land foot print is way smaller then any other "renewable eco" source of electricity.
The only draw back is nuclear proliferation and waste management but the second one is on the way to being solved whit reactors who can use waste for secondary processing of the waste to lover the radioactive decaying do safe levels. Plus all the money that is spent on meme solar could be spent on fusion reactor development

>> No.11096958

You won't be able to do that in even if you tried especially whit heat waves hot enough to melt the plastic of any vehicle
Just look at Qatar this year we saw melted cars how do you think people who are 30years behind the rest of the world managing to cross a dessert of hell. Most of migrants are from the middle east and west africa not from central or south africa

>> No.11096967

Why would you want it to be habitable for humans? Are you trying to protect it or protect humans?

>> No.11096972

>we have between 8 years (1.5 °C*) and 26 years (2.0 °C*)
Same was said thirty years ago.

>> No.11096987

Great source

>> No.11096988

>but heatwaves
>but uncertainty
>but cambodia
This is the type of hippie talk that no political leader will ever listen to. Maybe you should try studying some history instead of science.

>> No.11097017

Who said they will listen I'm stating the fact that niggaz in africa will get roasted and no one can do shit about it even if they wanted to move its impossible for them to do so. Plus even whit out the muh co2 and heating we are facing a air polution problems that in some parts of europe are so bad that its making china look like a vacation place to get some "fresh" air.

>> No.11097019
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Climate change is actually a terraforming programe.

>> No.11097027

t. Newfag

>> No.11097028

climate change is N O T REAL

>> No.11097180

saw that movie as a kid,
those backward knees freaked me out

>> No.11097188

just remove the "N O T" from you're post and you'd be correct.

>> No.11097189
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yeaah bud, loved that film

>> No.11097201

We live in a society complete driven by science...

Yet, we aren't having academic debates between scientist aired on live TV with further debate and policy decision behind closed doors.
Fuck. this. shit.

>> No.11097209

what is there to debate? The research is crystal clear.

>> No.11097353

Russia finds 5 new islands after glaciers melt...I would love to build a mansion on one of islands

>> No.11097662

Don’t value it on the basis of human stupidity. Politics is to science what religion is to reality.

>> No.11097678

Yes and saving OURSELFS is by not letting the planet get fucked. Because....wait for it. We are everywhere on this planet and use goods and services throughout the planet. Every country will be severely stricken by other countries effects. Just see how fucking simple the Economies of countries got fucked by an unscrupulous lending system.

>> No.11097692

>"My source is experience on 4chan"

>> No.11097780

we save ourselves by imagining a new socio-economic existence that does not rely on banks

how will you survive the inevitable great war, where computers and banks will be completely forgotten.

Create a vault, save up all the tools, books and knowledge you can. It will give you an advantage amongst the savages

>> No.11098256

are you a virgin?

>> No.11098279

>Is it too late to save the planet?
That's misleading in two different ways.
Firstly, the planet doesn't need saving - we do.
Secondly, "too late to save" implies there's a single threshold before catastrophe occurs. Climate Change isn't like that. Any amount of warming will cause some harm, and more warming will cause more harm.

>> No.11098334
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The planet does not care. But we might be in trouble.

>> No.11098779

>have no more than 2 children
So """""climate change""""" is an NWO ploy. No wonder Soros shills it so much.

>> No.11100966

Yes, but I've sucked more dick than you ever will

>> No.11101306

Banks are just conduits for transfer of values. No matter how you try to ”reinvent” we are still subject to nature. Potential and need.