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File: 77 KB, 1300x957, very-hungry-man-starving-broke-long-piece-baguette-two-pieces-eating-one-looks-brutal-weird-isolated-113658552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11095658 No.11095658 [Reply] [Original]

I plan to kill myself through starvation, can you any of you guys give me some advice to suppress my biological urge to eat?

>> No.11095664

Protip: if you kys first you'll have no temptation to eat, if unwilling don't be a fat American bitch and just don't eat.

>> No.11095671

I want to specifically end my life by letting myself go and withering out from the lack of nutrition. I seek advice to reduce hunger and the pain that comes from autophagia so I don't give up midway through.

>> No.11095691

Be a vegan, you lose brain mass first and then being malnuritied is simple

>> No.11095694

Fuck off /pol/tard, I'm looking for actual good informative posts here.

>> No.11095706

Why would I be a Polack? It was a genuine response if you cut your B12 and K let alone your protein it will cause brain atrophy and it will make anything that's self destructive easier

>> No.11095716

when you feel hungry shoot yourself in the head and it should subside a little

>> No.11095718

Meditate and normalize yourself to the sensations that come with not-eating. There are diaries written by people who an hero'd by starvation but I could never find the original diaries myself. It should take 40-50 days for you to die.

>> No.11095721

>40 to 50 days
Do you think OP is a landwhale?

>> No.11095725

Also just to add, you could induce head trauma instead but it would be more immediately noticable and won't be a natural feeling gradation into retardation which might make it harder

>> No.11095728

For an average 5'10 male of 150 pounds it should take them 40 days before they run out of fat and start burning muscle.

>> No.11095729

>some advice to suppress my biological urge to eat?

No such thing that can be done without drugs.

>> No.11095732

If any information is of help for estimates I'm 221 lbs and 6' 1''
Sedentary lifestyle, relatively slow metabolism, don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs.

>> No.11095734

Go vegan for a month first, cut off the essential amino acids for your brain to function and maintain size or retard yourself first. If you're going to kill yourself anyways you may as well also pick up a drug habit while doing it anyways will also make it easier

>> No.11095736

Just to have a source
Cahill states the 70kg(154 lb) male has 110,000 kilocalories worth of adipose triglycerides.

>> No.11095738

>I plan to kill myself through starvation
Just move to Venezuela

>> No.11095745

>suppress my biological urge to eat?
Or go with the super model diet, heroin and cigarettes.

>> No.11095749 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself already
Thank you

>> No.11095752

I wasn't OP, I was trying to help you kys. Are you vegan? Maybe that's why you're not thinking straight and want to starve to death, try eating some meat, especially something nutrient dense such as organ meat and maybe you'll regain your ability to think like a not-faggot. Best of luck anon

>> No.11095753

Kill yourself already
Thank you

>> No.11095758

look, m-

>> No.11095761

That’s a dumb idea, primarily because dying of thirst will do it MUCH faster.

> if you cut your B12 and K let alone your protei

All of those nutrients are available in excess while vegan.

>> No.11095770

False. Look up bioavailabiliry of B12 in plants you retard. Also vitamin K. Also all animal based amino acids necessary for your brain. Do it quick before you lose the ability to use your brain properly

>> No.11095812

>False. Look up bioavailabiliry of B12 in plants you retard.

B12 is produced only by bacteria, not by animals or plants. Some animals are able to extract B12 from their digestive system because bacteria synthesize it inside of their gut. Others have to obtain it by consuming their feces or other animals, or even dirt. Vegans and vegetarians are able to obtain B12 in excess by simply consuming fortified foods or nutritional supplements. The amount required is rather minuscule, on the scale of micrograms.

> Also vitamin K.

Vitamin K is plentiful in plants, and plants are the recommended source for acquiring it in general, so no idea what the fuck you’re talking about lol

> Also all animal based amino acids necessary for your brain.

There’s only nine essential amino acids, meaning ones we can’t synthesize ourselves, and all are available from plants or plant-based supplements in excess.

Is this, like, a new meme you’re trying to push?

>> No.11095892

Subtle anorexic thread

>> No.11095898

Tried it. I don't advise it.
Find a less painful method. The suicide board in the infinity chan has some.

>> No.11095905

hasn't that place been shut down for like 2 months now

>> No.11095909
File: 8 KB, 271x247, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, like eat something to suppress the hunger

>> No.11095922

Shotgun and suffocation with some inert gas reign supreme.

>> No.11095927
File: 48 KB, 1000x1000, yosho-says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11096209

Do cocaine for a month straight u wont have a single meal and the sleep deprivation will help u die quicker

>> No.11096262
File: 206 KB, 497x600, Thats+goo+you+sick++keep+your+grids+to+yourself+_af3c325c464949b2350d06a6751b6534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serve as the receptive partner in homosexual acts until you too succumb to their peculiar wasting illness

>> No.11096556

He already said he's homosexual a few times in this thread

>> No.11098138

lock yourself up and throw away the key. chances are you'll die from organ failure before anything else though