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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 587x420, math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11092575 No.11092575 [Reply] [Original]

I collected as many books as I can but now the problem is how can I set a curriculum for myself.


I'm a Third Year Computer Science student who has always struggled with maths, as a result, I barely passed every maths course that was in my curriculum.

Now it's been haunting me and now I want to sort of redeem myself in Mathematics where I felt short, my plan is to pursue a online Maths degree while I work full time as a Software Developer.

Can /sci/ please help me sort out where to start with pic related subjects? I appreciate the help thank you.

>> No.11092581
File: 46 KB, 308x445, 1571057805962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf do you need that much for? You're not a math major

>> No.11092597

1) are currently a student
2) want a Maths degree
3) want to work full time
Mate, you can only pick two and even then you won't be able to fully realize yourself in both.
If you plan on working full time, you won't have time for anything, believe me.
You are a CS student, you don't need math. Just basic calculus and linear algebra cover almost anything in CS.

>online Maths degree
Had a good laugh from this one.
By the way, your choice of topics implies you are interested in applied maths, you should have stated that somewhere. Maybe there are fancy "online degrees" nowadays that teach Caley manifolds, cohomologies, and derived functors, who knows.

>> No.11092607

>all that shit
>algebra and precalculus are on the list
That's where to start, but, yikes, dude. Just brainslave for Khan Academy desu.

>> No.11092662

Can you upload your maths folder, OP?

>> No.11092674


>> No.11092749
File: 971 KB, 1659x2560, 917ct-dleyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pick up where you left off and follow the standard curriculum until you can specialize

>> No.11093164
File: 1.17 MB, 282x354, 1571760519593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest starting with algebra and then precalculus like >>11092607 says. Btw could you create a mega folder or something similar for other people here to download all that stuff? Or at least list everything you have organized by folder. Would greatly appreciate it.

>> No.11093198

>I collected as many books as I can but now the problem is how can I set a curriculum for myself.
You've spent the last 2 months downloading pdfs and have learned absolutely no math at all.
God I hate "muh curriculum" fags. If you actually had any interest in math you'd pick up a fucking book and read it instead of downloading enough reading material for 6 years of full-time study and meticulously organizing it all into a linear sequence before you even start.

>> No.11093291

upload this shit, im in literally precisely same situation and would love to get my ass in gear regarding math

>> No.11093298
File: 1.37 MB, 1140x4777, official mg curriculum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11093326

not op but i dont understand a single thing in this psuedointellectual over-complicated meme chart

>> No.11093732

>not op but i dont understand a single thing in this psuedointellectual over-complicated meme chart
it's a list of topics put in a reasonable order. that's all it is.

>> No.11093967

>self teach myself
Start with grammar before moving to more difficult topics.

>> No.11093985

start by brushing up on everything with khan academy. then a intro to proofs book like book of proof or a transition to advanced mathematics. then you can finally start, any intro to analysis or algebra book will provide you with the basics of set theory & logic you need to continue but that'll just be a review at this point since you've already been exposed to it.

>> No.11094010

except it's completely unreasonable. fuck off with your pseud meme shit.

>> No.11094044

>pseud meme shit
verbitsky is a good mathematician.

>> No.11094966

t. Brainlet

>> No.11094989
File: 44 KB, 680x723, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all unreasonable. Standard curriculum is for pic related.

>> No.11095082

Drop a mega file nigga

>> No.11095101

gib curriculum and i will

>> No.11095116

bumping for this

>> No.11095140

>he thinks he's hardcore smart by cramming a bunch of theorems and subjects into a year
>is often redundant
>studies everything out of order
>throws in a bunch of dead fields for no reason
>takes 5 years to graduate
>no encompassing theories/subjects to guide the student into a math relevant career
>just a bunch of jargon and formulas
>galois theory in high school, but no differential galois theory in the end
yeah, your curriculum is trash

>> No.11095152

Never said that the pic curriculum was good or well ordered. Just that learning that amount isn't unreasonable for a motivated student.

>> No.11095171

Once you are comfortable with precalc read Introduction to Calculus and Analysis Vol 1

>> No.11095181

thats like telling someone who wants to learn to play guitar how to micromanage a fucking orchestra because 'its not unreasonable for a motivated musician'

>> No.11095477



>> No.11095480


>> No.11095506
File: 429 KB, 1080x1207, 1571634811427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give me a curriculum based on everything I posted on the OP dawg

>> No.11095512

im a brainlet like you i just want your pdfs so i dont have to hunt them all

>> No.11095516

Then we'll just have to wait until someone else makes a curriculum

>> No.11095519

do them in the order you have written, you subconsciously created the perfect curriculum. hand em over

>> No.11095521

Can you put this up for download please OP

>> No.11095523
File: 17 KB, 421x399, 1569137978052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they're alphabetically arranged

naisu try

>> No.11095533

lmao youre the biggest faggot on /sci/ right now

>> No.11095535


How do we even know you're OP and not some cheeky faggot?

>> No.11095539


not op, but if op is the anime poster hes a snowflake lazy faggot and deserves being a brainlet

>> No.11095547
File: 237 KB, 800x600, 1568126544176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11095557


>> No.11095561


>> No.11095574

Upload the books and share so I can go through and I'll tell you the perfect learning tree for them

>> No.11095602

I'll bite. How much do you know and what's your end goal? Is there anything you want to specialize in? Applied or Theoretical? Do you have a superiority complex?

>> No.11095620
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, 1569641926636.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some general knowledge in maths required for a CS Major like Discrete math, Algorithms, Automata, Probability and Physics.

However I only barely passed those subjects while I did very well in the programming parts of my course. I can't retake those maths courses again sadly but I want to be better at them.

My endgame goal is to have a solid foundation in Mathematics for a Computer Scientist within two years and then know everything a Mathematician should know within four to six years.

I may or may not, I do however have an grudge I want to get rid of by getting an Online Math Degree where possible.

>> No.11095663

Algebra, geometry, pre calculus, calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, real analysis, abstract algebra, complex analysis. Then specialize into what you wanna do. Like all matters of the heart, you'll know when you are there. Khan academy is great, it has all the way to analysis, at which point other YouTube channels have it. Also brilliant.org.

>> No.11095667

Topology near the end too, after or before complex anal

>> No.11095670

uPload the fucking books already you cunt on I'll come over and really teach you some complex anal involving numbers in the neighbourhood of inifinity

>> No.11095880


>> No.11095884

Just do problems, dont sit down with guides that explain shit and copy it out. Look at a worked problem and then do 20 problems by yourself using that concept. Check answers, if you get them all right, move on, if you get one wrong, find another twenty problems. Repeat untill you get it 100%.

>> No.11096070


>> No.11096502

Just Khan Academy it, nig

>> No.11096544

>galois theory in high school, but no differential galois theory in the end
Differential Galois theory is a niche, not particularly useful topic that very few people know or care about.
Galois theory is one of the fundamental pieces of modern algebra that literally anyone past the first semester of graduate studies knows.

>> No.11096581
File: 634 KB, 460x460, 1541009643199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw live in Russia and can have good maths education for free
The only good thing about this shithole.

>> No.11097202

Gib tution

>> No.11097208

yo anon, upload your collection to mega and post a link. I'd be forever indebted to you.

>> No.11097248

Hopping on this threas:

Is a PhD in Data Science worth something?

>yes/no, why

During my MSc degree (agricultural and food economics) I got very interested in statistics and econometrics. Was thinking about making a "career/study switch" and apply to a data science phd. Would it be worth it? Or are they scam?

>> No.11097272

>be OP
>create a bunch of empty folders
>name them after fields of math

>> No.11097280

>Or are they scam?
Any graduate program that will pay you a stipend to study isn't a scam. Anyone that doesn't fund you and/or wants tuition from you is a scam

>> No.11097291

But is it worth it?
Nowadays everything has "Data" or "Big Data" in their name to be more appealing. Was wondering if a phd in data science can give me solid knowledge ( programming,math and data manipulation) or if it is just another buzzword to scam people in losing 4 years of your life. Also wondering about job positioning afterwards

>> No.11097308

look at yourself
unironically, the best advice i could give you is bee yourself

>> No.11097352

>tfw doing an online maths degree
is it really that much of a mistake?

>> No.11097367

most of them are 3 year and aren't really math degrees, you'd get a bachelor of science with a focus on mathematics. not a mathematics degree

>> No.11097376


>> No.11097378
File: 46 KB, 634x433, Chad-Lady-Getter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bee yourself
this anon knows how to get all the bitches

>> No.11097457
File: 1.62 MB, 2560x1440, guidefora300kstartingsalaryjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of retard gets the books first?
you know you don't need to read ten different linear algebra books to figure out linear algebra, right?
you know this yeh?
try googling loser, literally infinite information on it, and it gets posted non stop on here, you could have just looked at the threads or archive.
why do you find the need to be an attention whore?
or pic related
>psuedointellectual over-complicated meme chart
weak bait from a code monkey
anon why are you so obviously upset?
it's just a chart
>a guitar is equal to the field of mathematics.
dude you posted cringe and you're going to lose subscriber.
you could have done this yourself by literally looking up any school's curriculum. Don't get upset for people posting their opinions that are relevant to the subject.
If you want to learn simple elementary maths then do it.
axler precalc, axler linear algebra, simmons calculus, differential equations just grab a book there are a millions.
bam you are done with your elementary lessons, you can read other elementary level books in other areas like combinatorics or number theory if you want.

>> No.11097809

Sounds good to me

>> No.11097873

please OP, I'm begging you, post the books

>> No.11098149

I will, just post a curriculum dawg

>> No.11098705

You don't need one

>> No.11098810

I know most of those things, where's my neuro-physics gf?!

>> No.11099245

getting hot babes requires you not to be a fucking loser. maybe should have spent less time with doing elementary math and instead getting bitches
I say this as also a math fag with no numerologist gf.

>> No.11100395

just bee ur self

>> No.11100603

>windows 7

>> No.11100610

rape is illegal anon

>> No.11100626

You want to get betyer at math, yet you have shit like algebra, number theory, real and complex analysis, and topology on that list.

You've gotta think small and work small and work on your fundamentals precal and calculus until they are completely solid. Then put a ton of time into linear algebra.

I know there are lots of memes saying you're a brainlet for not worrying about this stuff, but it's terrible. Take it slow and make sure you're very good at what you've done before taking your next step.

Then think about the bigger subjects.

>> No.11101032

Not where I'm from :^)

>> No.11101047


>> No.11101063


>> No.11101086

There used to be a mega torrent for different science fields. I think I've got a good chunk of Math and Physics in my old hard drive.

>> No.11101160

This is what it had

>> No.11101205

>Ramanujan's note books kek
you're a child
bro I'm white how will I do over there?

>> No.11101218

As a matter of fact, I was a child when I downloaded it, yes. Another thing you wanna add, asshat?

>> No.11101268

you’re a fucking idiot

>> No.11101274

Not sure if it has the full gamut of /sci/ books.
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:488eb9134190440bbf1e77929754321c85a24c72&dn=The+All-Embracing+Library&tr=udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80&tr=udp://open.demonii.com:1337 Has a lot of /lit/ stuff as well

>> No.11101280

OP if you did badly in maths courses at uni when your fluid intelligence was at its peak and excelled in you computerfaggotry you won’t finish even half of an undergrad math education without external incentivizing and instruction.

>> No.11101294

>or pic related
You haven't read a single book on that schizo's list. It's not even complete, if you look at his original webpage.

>> No.11101305

>Analysis by Zorich
Stopped reading there.

Garbage list made by a physicist.

>> No.11101322

HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHHAAA that's so fucking funny, you had downloading that shit when you where a child and are now asking as an adult on /sci/ for a fuckign curriculum.
anon...tell me i'm wrong, please. Prove me wrong because this is too retarded to be true. It's good laugh but I must just be misunderstanding.

>> No.11101331

>but I must just be misunderstanding.
I'll start my posts with "not OP, but" from now on I guess.

>> No.11101335

thank GOD anon. that was a riot though. I was seriously concerned for you.

>> No.11101368
File: 54 KB, 557x519, 1570852888541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I'm gonna upload the folder but Idk where, help me out

>> No.11101388

Use mega.co.nz

>> No.11101409

Okay, expect it in 8 hours, I'm having classes right now

>> No.11101482

Thanks for being bro, OP. Good luck with your classes.

>> No.11101498

I can't, I did very badly on my math courses and I'm expecting myself to graduate with a GPA of 2.5.

I think I'll be stuck being a code monkey forever. I like coding and all but I feel guilty I never put in more effort to my math courses.

>> No.11101509

Nonetheless, I still believe in you. You can do better, I support you fully. No homo. I'm doing compsci as well, but I'm a second year. I feel like shit all the time, trying to balance my shitty call center job with uni. Good luck to you anyways, no homo. Gosh bless.

>> No.11102180

After self-studying math up to hs level for 3 months, I procrastinated for a whole year and forgot most of it(luckily I studied some proofs). Now I'm studying Rudin with no calc background, and somehow I can understand most of the material, and can do some of the exercises.

>> No.11102220
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 1571106856632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hay guys, here it is


Enjoy :)