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11091566 No.11091566 [Reply] [Original]

>only got an 85 on my College Algebra midterm
there goes my 4.0 GPA

>> No.11091568
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>in college

>> No.11091579

>College Algebra
you had a zero (0) percent chance of graduating with a 4.0 gpa

>> No.11092502

can you either change your course to pass/fail instead of graded? can you change your course to audit/hearer status and then retake the course next session? can you drop the course entirely and re-take it next session? Those are 3 big options to protect your 4.0 gpa.

>> No.11092576

>college algebra
Do you mean linear algebra, abstract algebra, algebraic geometry, or high school algebra?

>> No.11092727 [DELETED] 

college algebra

>> No.11092731
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>> No.11092737

High school algebra. Yikes.

>> No.11092894

Some one i know completed his math Bachelor with 1.0 and his masters with 1.3 in Europe.. how the heck is this possible...

>> No.11092987

>europoor education

>> No.11093192

Yes, miles ahead of American math Programs from what ive Seen on 4chan.

>> No.11093196

college algebra = abstract algebra

>> No.11093217

Not at American universities. College algebra is a term for adults taking highschool math that makes them feel better. Abstract algebra will be named abstract algebra, modern algebra, introduction to abstract algebra, etc.

>> No.11093267

The class is piss easy. I got two answers wrong because how the teacher described two problems (calculate a rate based on a starting point of zero) isn't how she graded it on a test (starting at a second point). Another I just made a dumb transposition error.

I'm actually almost done with the book and am going to jump into precalc and skip that class so I can go straight to Calc

>> No.11093331

You need to expect your gpa to dip at places for a bit if you’re doing mathematics as a major. It’s alright - I got a b in a calculus class, but never got less than an A in remaining calculus nor any analysis classes I took afterwards

>> No.11093338

My only real concern is as I take harder classes, the GPA will dip like you said. And I get a discount on my tuition (40% off if I stay above 3.70 cumulative gpa) so I'm trying to save that.

>> No.11093503

what textbook is this?

>> No.11093511

Did you have to write an essay to apply for that discount?

I am in a similar position right now, 4.0GPA and would like to apply to some scholarships, but dam I don't know what to put on my essay when applying to these types of financial aid. Please help.

>> No.11093551

No it's just part of the program from the community college I'm transferring from. If I keep my GPA above 3.7, I will end up spending about $20k for uni in total.