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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 34 KB, 500x349, crop Circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1108792 No.1108792 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

You guys have a reason for Crop Circles? and now I don't mean the retarded ones make by hill billys with a night of beer and a lot of free time.

The ones I talk about are the ones like the picture posted. They have a perfection about them and display a design thats almost Mathematical in creation. I get the idea of Aliens doesn't sit well with a lot of you guys but considering that a human being couldn't do this in one night and that the crops look liked they were weaved into the ground (not burn or crushed or cut) what could be a scientific explanation for these events?

>> No.1108801

Simple: Assholes
Complex (like in your picture): not sure. It's fun to say aliens for the fucks of it though.

>> No.1108810

Numerous college students have admitted to making complex ones.

>> No.1108815

>what could be a scientific explanation for these events?

People Make them.

>> No.1108812

Crop circles like you just described don't exist.

>> No.1108823

They're intelligently designed!

>> No.1108826
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, Fractal_Broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, BORED people make them with sticks and string

>> No.1108828
File: 37 KB, 434x505, japan-rice-crop-art-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People do it. They use to do them as pranks, but some people get artistic with it.

>> No.1108829

There's nothing stopping people from using common tools to create very precise works.

>> No.1108840

search google images with the word "crop circle"

>> No.1108841

They are also probably felony destruction of property. That unusable wheat ain't free.

>> No.1108844

You: Sauce.
Them: Prove you made them and tell us how.

>> No.1108846

In one goddamn night? No.

>> No.1108850
File: 29 KB, 320x280, pyramids-giza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because people aren't capable of complex, mathematically perfect structures.

>> No.1108854

>Implying they are made in one night
Yeah, and I'm batman.

>> No.1108856

those are made by planting the rice at different times, not flattening it, you probably knew that but imma just sayin' yo.
I'm very sceptical about this but, there's still unexplained shit out there and if you can't acknowledge that then you're not a /sci/entist

>> No.1108861


>> No.1108864

There's nothing that makes that time scale impossible. You underestimate how much shit bored college kids can get up to, or PR agencies for that matter.

Corn and wheat is essentially worthless in our economy. We have farms flattening swaths of their own crops just to make tourist attractions:

>this shit can't be explained, therefore I can explain it

>> No.1108865


Get a group of intelligent, bored students and yes, they could pull off an intricate crop circle in one night.

>> No.1108868

They are.
They can't.

>> No.1108872


>Corn and wheat is essentially worthless in our economy

>Implying corn, or a corn based product isn't in almost every single thing we eat.

>> No.1108877


>implying the pyramids were made by man

>> No.1108874

Documentary's have been done of people making complex as fuck ones in one night.

>> No.1108884

>>this shit can't be explained, therefore I can explain it
wait what, I didn't even attempt explain it you moron. i'm sceptical of stuff like this+stuff happens in the world that has not yet been explained=/=IT WAS DE ALIENZ HURP DURP

>> No.1108886

and so the nature of the beast is revealed.

>> No.1108888


>Corn and wheat is essentially worthless in our economy


>> No.1108895

I've seen guys doing complex ones as the one shown in own night. The next day you were able to watch idiots from all over come to it and telling everybody that they feel some kind of special energy while standing inside of them.

Those things are low-level trolls.

>> No.1108898




>> No.1108905


gtfo out of here with your bullshit

if you're going to start a thread about extraterrestrials you better bring you god damn A game because crop circles are childs play.

>> No.1108906
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>> No.1108911

Not only are they made in one day, this is almost always how fast it's done because it would lose its impact if someone noticed it before it was complete (and they would, given the size).

Each year the government pays many farmers to NOT grow corn and subsidizes those remaining that do. If they didn't do this, the overproduction would collapse the market because the product value is less than production cost. They're staples, and yet they're worthless. So either the paid-off farmers grow something else or they make an attraction out of the land.

>implying aliens made it

>> No.1108922


Grow up.

The first corn circles were created in England and the people that did so admitted it was a prank.

In fact it's fairly easy to create corn circles and even complex ones can be created in a short time provided that you have enough helpers.

Now it is possible that aliens who were flying by saw how fun creating these things was and decided to do some of there own. However that is massively unlikely.

>> No.1108929

I didn't imply shit, but unless you can prove in every case that they were created by X, we cannot assume they were made by X or Y or even Z. Kinda like that story about the cat in the box.

>> No.1108932

You can find a million videos on the internet of something like 3 people making these in just one night.

Also it, you know, makes sense and all and space ships that flatten corn instead of just landing on it makes no sense. The space ships also don't flatten anything else, just crops.

>> No.1108944


Yeah we can, given enough data on likelihood. It's probably more likely that all 7 billion humans on Earth except you are in on some massive joke and we're all laughing at you for falling for it even more than if you were just some regular bimbo believing in something with no evidence and then trying to defend it on a science board.

>> No.1108950

The cat in the box was actually an attack on the theory people falsely attribute to being a supporting example. You can't even begin to imagine why that is for reasons that directly related to your arguments from ignorance thus far.

>> No.1108967

I do not know what created these circles and nor do you just like I do not know if there is a God and nor do you.

>> No.1108972

>>1108967 I do not know what created these circles

Well that's really more of a problem with you than anything.

>> No.1108998

do you?!? Do tell...

>> No.1109007


They must be cheating somehow, I know. Or maybe they're aliens in disguise.

I know advertising agencies, students, affluent pranksters and even the tourism industry make them. You on the other hand are willfully ignorant, but that's a deficiency which is really not my problem.

>> No.1109048

THOSE crop circles ARE made in one night by a group of college students. But do you really think anyone would be able to weave an intricate design without breaking the crops, magnetise it, and not be noticed? In one night?

>> No.1109056

They're all made by hill billys, these ones are just made by slightly smarter hill billys

>> No.1109069


>> No.1109130

They demonstrate and explain how to do exactly that.
PROTIP: Avoid using flashlights.

Well, except the magnetism part. That's another part of the hoax that's false. You threw that one in there because it's an unsubstantiated myth and were hoping you could avoid having to provide verifiable evidence for your claim.

But science doesn't work that way and you are on the wrong board.

On a related note, the commonly held belief that the DNA of the flattened crops is altered is in fact true. It's altered in exactly the same manner that DNA denatures after the plant dies when being bent breaks its xylem, even if the stalk itself does not break. You don't need intense heat (or whatever the bullshit rationalization was) to cause that kind of cellular damage.

>> No.1109149


Naw man, definitely dem aliens man.
Also, I was abducted

>> No.1109181
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>> No.1109252
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>> No.1109260

argument from ignorance

>> No.1109280
File: 31 KB, 450x600, 1272026546395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite examples of this, is the documentary where the two guys who STARTED it are explaining how they did it to some nut who was convinced that aliens were trying to communicate in some spiritual/magical way. Said nut was wearing a wheat laurel on his head and jumping up and down and crying that his whole fantasy was crashing down around him on film.

>> No.1109359

You have the name of the documentary? I would seriously love to see that.

>> No.1109368

i shat my pants

>> No.1109369

The more complex ones have been shown to require surveying equipment and GPS; or at least according to the people who have come forth to making them.

>> No.1109375
File: 15 KB, 468x270, sand drawing2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a reason for going to another PLANET and drawing in the dust? and now I don't mean the retarded finger doodles made by kids in preschool.

The ones I talk about are the ones like the picture posted. They have a perfection about them and display a design thats almost Mathematical in creation. I get the idea of art doesn't sit well with a lot of you guys but considering that a human being couldn't do anything more IMPORTANT than this. and, the sands look liked they were brushed into the ground (not burn or crushed or cut) what could be a scientific explanation for this?

>> No.1109393

People made them. Deal with it.

>> No.1109408

That makes sense to me.

>> No.1109412

Crop circles: Attention whoring taken to a whole new level.

Also, /x/ is this way, please take this shit there now ---> >>>/x/

>> No.1109447

Hey asshole the question wanted a SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION, If it was a general discussion id agree with you but you just fuckin failed.

>> No.1109472


Are you seriously suggesting that man can't make something like this?

Are you retarded or are you just assuming that everyone else in the world is?

>> No.1109492


All it takes is a long piece of string and some basic sand castle making tools to create something like this. Of course an understanding of mid level mathematical concepts and an artistic side helps.

So pretty much anyone can do it if they have the time.

>> No.1109541

There are groups of people (more sophisticated than farmers) that get hired to design and execute these crop circles, they get payed well because the farmers get lots of publicity.

>> No.1109617

I cant remember who said this, I there was a quote about crop circles I enjoyed (I'm paraphrasing because like I said, I forgot who said it)

Let me get this straight these aliens built mighty starships capable of crossing the fucking galaxy, thousands of fucking light years to get here, and then what do they do when they get here? They make funny patterns in our corn and then go hide.

>> No.1109628

I'd laugh, not sure about the rest of humanity.

But yea, they're man made until some aliens show up and take responsibility. Why did I have to type something so retarded.

>> No.1109645

This is what happens when math geeks get board

>> No.1110228
File: 59 KB, 500x316, aliencrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All it takes is a long piece of string

>> No.1110242
File: 31 KB, 273x300, getaclue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1110244

I bet there's a code in that circle.

>> No.1110249

Scroll down... a lot. "Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged Word). There is GOOD out there.We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL SOUND)".

>> No.1110251

An axcess of nitrogen in the soil would allow plants to grow but eventually cause them to tip over... in the pattern that you spread the nitrogen around in.

>> No.1110252

That wouldn't happen all at once.

>> No.1110253


Ever heard of UFO tourism?

>> No.1111014
File: 181 KB, 973x772, whodunnit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
