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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11089875 No.11089875 [Reply] [Original]

Cutting dogs -edition

Last thread hit bump limit.

Do not engage the clamp poster (https://pastebin.com/aYNv0zFc).).

Don't start discussing pro- and anti-vax shit because it degenerates and takes a lot of replies.

>What's the best spec for research?
Path, onc, anesthesia, etc.
>Best spec lifestyle wise?
Psych, ophtho, derm, rad onc, family medicine
>Best spec if I like technology?
Radiology, rad/onc, optho, ENT
>Will radiology be taken over by A.I?
No, please stop.

>> No.11089891


Everything will be taken over by AI. Don't be stupid, OP.

>> No.11089899

Nigga, when AI takes over my job, the only job left in the society is to suck on that sweet UBI/die from starvation.

t. doc who works on meme learning

>> No.11089912

You can probably remove the clamp poster in the OP since he hasn't showed up in months.

>> No.11089914

Nice try

>> No.11089982

>be me
>have pediatrics presentation today
>all students in the theater waiting for the professor to show up, he said we will be discussing a "cool" case
>30 mins go by
>nobody shows up

I just got up and left, I hate it when 60 people wait for one old fart to come in for a fucking presentation. Piece if shit.

>> No.11090121

I saw him on /g/ last week

>> No.11090476
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I have a question about statins and type II diabetes.
My LDL is high, but I'm pretty healthy otherwise. Age 33, 6'0", 170lbs, don't eat shitty fast food, lift weights 3 days on 1 day off, etc.
I had some bloodwork done and my HDL came back at 30 and my LDL at 137. I was told to talk to my doctor about getting on a statin. I decided to learn more about them before just heading off to the dr's office and found this:

>those taking statins for more than three years were three times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

So I guess I'm just wondering -- is this because most people who get on statins are already fat fucks who can't take care of themselves, therefore they are already more prone to develop type 2, or am I really going to subject myself to potentially getting diabetes just to control a slightly elevated LDL?

>> No.11090520

>Romanon here. This is aimed at US students. Why do you guys hate midlevels?
>From what I've searched on Google, yes, they do have a fraction of a training of a doctor, but you don't need to go to medschool to treat pharyngitis, a NP can do it just as good.
>Speaking about them practicing independently, it's kind of a double edged sword from my POV. It's okay to let them do it to treat minor stuff and monitor patients with chronic diseases, but when it comes to diseases that manifest in a non-specific way such as cancer in early stages or the debut of a chronic disease and they just shake it off, it's kind of a disaster.
>All in all, I wish my shithole had these roles to help out physicians, but I don't understand the hatred towards them. What makes you despise them as much as the internet shows? I've seen some heated discussions on different forums and they just bash the midlevels like there's no tomorrow.

Copying romanon's question, because it interested me.

>> No.11090602

It's Schrodinger's mid-level. On one hand you have a bunch of whiny residents and med students saying they'll steal all the jobs and on the other hand you have those same people saying mid-levels have no knowledge. They're basically upset some PA told them they were doing something incorrect and feel like someone with less experience shouldn't talk back to them

There's actually nothing wrong with mid-level's, and I haven't really seen any hate toward them from attending's since they allow them to see more patients, make more money, etc.

>> No.11090881

Your average person on statins is a fat fuck who didn't succeed with the diet route.

>> No.11090901
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>> No.11090914
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>> No.11090930
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>> No.11090961
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Any endocrinologists here? Riddle me this. Got my IGF-1 hormone level tested last week. I'm not sure if their "normal range" is realistic, considering that I'm in my late 20s and many sources I could find online list my normal range slightly above 300 (the upper limit), but even then, I'm more than 2 standard deviation away from the average for my age, in other words my IGF-1 levels are higher than 97% of people my age which sounds worrisome.

I had this exact test done 2.5 years ago and then I was at 421 ng/ml, so it has lowered a little by now. Last time I went back a week later because I suspected acromegaly, for which I show a few slight symptoms, and done a glucose suppression test and that went alright, so I probably don't pituitary gland tumor. But if so, why are my IGF-1 levels so high? Is it just genetics? Should I visit a real endocrinologists and ask for opinion? But even then, what could he do if I don't have a tumor?

>> No.11091004

How reliable is the QuantiFERON test in diagnosing LTBI? I'm totally okay with undergoing the treatment regimen, but I don't want to do anything unnecessary.

I've gotten two tests in the past 3 months due to administrative shenanigans. The first was indeterminate, and the second was positive. Yesterday's CXR NAD.

I've read some recent literature that recommends actually discontinuing use of this specific assay because of how common false positives are in low-risk populations.

>> No.11091069

Do you recommend rads as a speciality? I'm trying to decide between that and surgery.
Also, what do you think is the most autistic speciality in the hospital?

>> No.11091079

Not that anon but I'm pretty sure the most autistic one is path followed by rads.

>> No.11091278

Nice and crunchy gangrene

>> No.11091377


>> No.11091541
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>chu' say about path?

>> No.11091573
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Just a filthy M1 here but I suggest going to an actual endocrinologist for further tests and exams, IGF-1 is only used as a proxy measure for GH, since GH fluctuates throughout the day, but there are ways to directly standardize a measure for GH. Do you have any other endocrinology results? Like cortisol and androgen levels. Also post picture of hands if possible

>> No.11091608

if I wanted to learn greatly about the body what's a good beginner's book to read

>> No.11091735

Check the /sci/ wiki book recs.

>> No.11091805
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>Why yes I do work in a private hospital! How could you tell?

>> No.11091888


Could use a bit of advice here bros. I’m a non trad/non science student with a less than stellar GPA (like a 3.6 with a bunch of withdrawal classes and stuff). Long list of employment history/volunteering but that doesn’t matter much I don’t think. I’m studying for the MCAT right now and taking an anatomy class. I have never taken chem, biochem or physics. I’m planning on applying to schools that have no prerequisite requirements (mainly Aus/CAD schools). What am I in for if I get accepted? I have heard about people doing this but not sure how common it is.

>> No.11091937

I go to an Aus school with a Math background. I did few bio/chem subjects though, it helped a bit but I think you'll be fine. They value applicants from diverse backgrounds if you are good at what you do.

>> No.11092081


Interesting that’s good to know, thanks. I’m Canadian and looking at U Syd, Griffith, Queensland and Wollongong. Are any of these schools better than the others or should I just go with the cheaper ones? Btw I probably want to stay in Australia after so grad and do family medicine or psychiatry.

>> No.11092204

In terms of prestige
USyd > UMelb (but has prereqs iirc) > UQ > ANU = Wollongong = Griffith = others. In terms of actual education I don't know I suggest going to a forum called pagingdr or medstudentsonline.

I should also tell you that if you plan on staying in Australia, keep in mind that there is a bit of an internship crisis for international students, its becoming increasingly difficult for international students to find internships in Australia as soon as they graduate (for most domestic students, internship is government guaranteed), so you should probably pick a school that would give you a best chance at internship. Another thing is that UQ has a syllabus that's probably closer to US MD/USMLE programs since UQ has some segment of their cohort that specifically come from Canada/US so UQ might be a good option for you.

If you can get into a Canadian school though you should definitely stay there (which I assume you know).

>> No.11092261

Mid levels are a socialist and MBA scheme to reduce costs in healthcare.

1. Cheaper care means it looks better as a policy for socialist fags
2. Cheaper ‘physicians’ ‘dentists’ ‘psychiatrists’ mean hospitals can have less overhead

The initial pitch was these mid levels would go to rural areas with no doctors and work. That they would lower the cost of health care. That they don’t compete with doctors.

1. They stay in cities and big towns just like doctors
2. The big hospital or private practice charges the same fee regardless of wether you see a physicians or a nurse or a dental therapist, or a clinical psychologist.
3. Healthcare costs have only gone up
4 reimbursement doesn’t go up as fast as you would think partly justified becuase more Hosptials have NPs and PAs and can sign up for shit reimbursement becuase NPs and PAs dont to my knowledge usually get paid based on collections.

You are a genuine idiot if you actually think lowering the standard of care and value of healthcare at the same time is good for anyone except people who want to make money off of healthcare. Anyone who doesn’t see straight through this lie clearly not paying attention .

Why do med students hate them? Most of them are dumber than the modern mes student yet just as cocky.

>> No.11092264
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>deadlift 280 kg before shift
>blast W.A.S.P in the ward
>throw a junkie at the wall
>flirt with new nurses
>no real patients for the whole night

>> No.11092265

In USA you won’t even get an inter
view without a high science GPa. I doubt they even look at an app without 3.5 or higher. Unless your not white.

>> No.11092353


Thanks for the advice. Yeah if I get into a Canadian school I'll definitely go but it's tough to get in here to say the least. But I think Queensland has the best situation for international students who want an internship. I've heard that Western Australia is pretty bad

>> No.11092397


the metabolic syndrome has yet to ripen and the statin therapy is to stave off ASCVD risk. so eat better and get your LDL-C under 100 or if genetics is be like it is but so, then you might need a low-intensity trial. don't worry....

liberty medical has operators on standby

>> No.11092399


the 1031 pieces of flair.

>> No.11092403

>Most of them are dumber than the modern mes student yet just as cocky.

yet you post

>The big hospital or private practice charges the same fee regardless of wether you see a physicians

and type like a fucking retard. reimbursement rates are different. regardless, you smell like a premed that got his ass handed to him by an RN while you were "shadowing."

fuck off

>> No.11092584

It's considered a gold standard.

>> No.11092623
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>GH fluctuates throughout the day
Yes that's why I had the glucose thing done and it went bellow 0.05 ng/ml so I should be fine, although I guess it could have been false negative?

>> No.11092625
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>Do you have any other endocrinology results?
Only pic related which are testosterone, free testosterone and SHBG, respectively. Although SHBG is in the normal range, it's still pretty low which could also mean acromegaly.

>> No.11092658

Your tat on the back of the neck is shit

>> No.11092668


That’s pretty creepy how do you know he has a tattoo there anon?

>> No.11093422


I said it last week and I'm gonna say it again.

I fucking hate OMT this shit should be a 1 unit, 1 ~2 block course. Waste of fucking time.

>> No.11093507

I have now taken enough amphetamines to power Demi Lovato for a week and I'll be wasting it on memorizing retarded shit for retarded exams.

>> No.11093575

I feel. Awful, am I going to die?

>> No.11093768

Pretty perplexing, I'd go to an endocrinologist, even if you don't have a tumor he can prescribe a somatostatin analogue to suppress GH release. But more importantly he'd be likely to come to the correct diagnosis and management plan

>> No.11093792

>have IBS
>have had flu-like symptoms since yesterday (body aching and headaches, feeling like shit in general, no fever as far as I can tell)
>today I've had mild diarrhea and my bowels/stomach are more painful than usual, feel bloated and a bit nauseous (no vomiting though)
Is this just the result of some kind of flu fucking with my IBS or do I have gastroenteritis?

>> No.11094225

>>those taking statins for more than three years were three times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
This is bad statistics. Who takes statins? Fatties. Who gets diabetes? Fatties.

>> No.11094230

Because midlevels practice outside of their appropriate scope and fuck shit up. I just had a guy admitted to the hospital bc a midlevel at urgent care gave him a heavy antibiotic for friggin sinusitis

>> No.11094238

Do NOT do surgery. Just don't.
Rads is most at risk of being diminished by computers.
Pathology is extremely autistic.

>> No.11094241

Do you want anatomy or physiology?

>> No.11094245

Buzz off back to bebbit, premie

>> No.11094693

Drink orange juice, you dumb fuck

>> No.11095098

Bros I've had the runs four times in the past two hours and the last time it was pretty much water, should I be concerned? Still no vomiting though, no blood in the "stool" either
Feel like absolute shit though

>> No.11095175

lads, fetal circulation.
from the umbilical veins, why does the blood have to pass through the liver?
i've been told the liver adds more O2 into the blood is this true or am i getting memed on?
if its true whats the process called?

>> No.11095239

>Why does it pass through the liver
You know that the fetus needs to eat too, right?

>> No.11095244

yes? isnt that the point of the placenta to give the fetus the nutrient rich blood? and if you mean to give nutrients to the liver, wont that just be part of the systemic circulation?
the prof in the review class didint really elaborate on as to why the umbilical vein has to go through the liver when the Ductus Venosus exists. just curious for myself

>> No.11095255

anyone got medical dictionary for hunspell? it ends in like .sox?

>> No.11095266


Honestly anon I loathe traditional premeds. I’m not wanting to pursue this path for vain reasons. I’d be glad to take a primary care specialty somewhere rural even. Memes aside I’d appreciate any genuine advice as to what to expect/handling an M1 course load. Thanks.

>> No.11095278

>Rural FM
Pretty based desu.

>> No.11095285

Do you guys thinks tablets will soon become doctor's and student's primary tool ?

>> No.11095292


Rural FM and psyc seems very underrated.

>> No.11095362

Stop taking that shit ffs, americans.
Probably enteritis. Stay hydrated.
They're big and clunky. I use one to study, but I can't imagine doing work on it.

>> No.11096419

T. Butt hurt PA

Kys, you’re a leech destroying the healthcare system becuase to were too incompetent to pass organic chem with an A

>> No.11096425

You’ll be poor and barely able to pay off loans anon

>> No.11097053


>you'll be poor and barely able to pay off loans anon

Better than being 40 years old and working the same desk cuck job I have now. I'm 24 now and can barely stand it. Truly what else would I do with the money? Nothing of real value ultimately. Buy a condo, get another gf, pump out a couple miserable kids? I want my life to have some purpose.

>> No.11097165

You're no better than pre-meds by trying to take the moral high ground. You're doing this for selfish reasons as well. Get a grip, you pretentious fuck.

>> No.11097460

Nah, if I need a movable computer, it'll be a laptop. Can't write with a tablet at any reasonable speed, even with a good stylus.

>> No.11097468

It's on the side.

>> No.11097607


It's like undergrad except roughly twice as fast.

Course load is like taking 5 upper div bio classes a quarter.

If you want a head start and are starting M1 next year, the best way to prepare is took start watching Boards and Beyond videos and doing Zanki or Lightyear anki cards (find this on plebbit) every day.

You'll definitely be a bit more prepared. Not entirely necessary though. Otherwise it's not bad, you'll be studying about 60 hours a week on top of going to class and lab anyway.

>> No.11097657

lmao. so naive if you think being a robotic MD is going to give you purpose. THats why everyone hates pre-mis here, clueless retards looking to make up for being faggots nobody likes by getting some hard to get job.

>> No.11097666

Why do so many spoonies try to get diagnosed with POTS?

>> No.11098093

Post op testicular swelling?

>> No.11098105
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What /med/ Think about Tcm
gualou guizhi

>> No.11098121

I honestly don't give a shit.

>> No.11098143

You're more of a pretentious twat than him

>> No.11098178

I basically wrote "lol get off your high horse you're no better than premeds." You ok bro?

>> No.11098375

The point is unless you're a sociopath there's no good or bad reason to do medicine
Med students in general are way too self righteous about their choice of career. If the guy wants to become a doctor because he thinks it'll give him a sense of meaning, that's fine. As long as he's good it doesn't matter

>> No.11098415

I'm getting an MRI of the head. Can I have metal zippers on my pants or would that be a problem? Google doesnt give a concrete answer idk.

>> No.11098425

Did you even read my fucking post? That's literally my fucking point minus the white-knighting.

He shouldn't be acting all high and mighty thinking that he has a better reason to pursue medicine than anyone else.

>Honestly anon I loathe traditional premeds.
>I’m not wanting to pursue this path for vain reasons.

What a pompous asshat.

>> No.11098429

Any respectable place, even in my gypsy land, will strip you naked and give you a gown, doesn't matter which region it is scanning.

>> No.11098454

Oh ok I guess I'm retarded, carry on

>> No.11098733

I got an appointment for next Tuesday. Do you think I should get a skull MRI done before that and bring that with me? Because if I see this doc and then she tells me to get an MRI before she can tell me anything then I'm wasting a lot of money and time.

BTW I'm Euro and this is a private clinic. I got an appointment from the """free""" public hospital in late January so fuck em.

>> No.11098834

Because their now dead idol did, and it gives them an excuse to ride around in a wheelchair and be visibly special while never taking any responsibility.
Got any fun stories?

>> No.11098860

Should pedophilia be destigmatized? Do pedophiles deserve help?

>> No.11098875

im going for my masters in electronic engineering (overseas but US citizen). i still need to finish 1 more year of uni in the US (i got my associate's in the US but they require 3 years) and an Ochem course. im trying to find hospitals to volunteer at while doin an electronics internship atm. my grades are first class, which is the highest it goes (although I'd consider it the same difficulty as getting a 3.6-4.0 depending). im president of the engineering society at my uni.

i have three questions: i'd be probably like 26-28 by the time i started med school. do I have hope of getting in (don't care if it's MD or DO), is being older a disadvantage, and are there any specialties that my backround would actually help in?

>> No.11098989

Someone should add
>Is x too old to start studying medicine
to the OP because this question is getting old.

>> No.11099016

i know it's not too old, rather i said disadvantages, in other words i wanted a 4ch-esque anecdote from someone who has been in that position

>> No.11099184

It should be destigmatized to the point that these people seek help. Most of them realise it's wrong and know they can't act on it, but then what?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOb493ued-g This guy puts it pretty well.

>> No.11099297

Got someone close who seems at risk for diabetic foot, last time he checked (could have been 4-6 years ago) he was at risk diabetes. His glucose levels often reach 300 and they seem to be unrelated to what he eats, though he has a bad diet and is overweight and on denial we did attempt tests time to time, unfortunately he never took my advice to try staying 1 week at the hospital with their diet to see how it work out.

He takes insuline, like 50 units in one day and he still has a terribly high level of sugar in its blood stream. The only thing that seems to make it go low is for him to go on starvation.
Also he has no thyroid or gall bladder.

I don't know what to do, we had a couple of medics try to write him a diet but he never cared to follow such thing and then he bitches at me like is my fault, like I am not doing enough.

>> No.11099341


By that I mostly meant money. Why are you getting so mad and whiny? Settle down princess.

>> No.11099346


Thank you for this a lot anon

>> No.11099390

Should pedophiles be incarcerated in a facility to prevent them from abusing children?

>> No.11099408

Med students/residents/docs, what do you consider to be the most respectable medical profession aside from physician/surgeon?

>> No.11099417
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Penor or Testicle Syndrome :DDD

>> No.11099469

A colleague had a cancer patient whose latest analysis results looked like they came out of a healthy person just died this morning, how?

I don't have the analysis, I will see if he can send them to me?
And most of all, as we are a private hospital (though we did not conduct said analysis) I still feel guilty, we just had like Friday a dinner with the daughters reassuring them and now he is dead, how am I going to look at them in the eyes or anyone, I could boost that nobody had died under my hand or the hands of my colleague so far.
The guy when we took him had been "kicked" out of the hospital because they could do nothing more for him, this was a month or so ago, he was getting better, just tired, I don't understand and I feel responsible.

>> No.11099490

>should pedophilia be destigmatized
Well, if you are referring to ALL minors when you say pedophilia, I think there's a fundamental difference between pedos and ephebos. Pedophilia is wrong morally, legally AND naturally; in other words, it's a mental perversion. Ephebophilia on the other hand makes perfect natural sense but it's morally wrong. Personally, I almost find a person convicted of ephebophilia to be somewhat more vile because, while I can relate to their inner desires (I see hot 15 year olds every day), a convicted ephebophile is a mentally normal person that lacks self-control and either a sufficient moral code or empathy. A pedophile is a mentally perverse person that lacks self-control and either a sufficient moral code or empathy. In other words I think they both deserve help but convicted pedos actually have a real, fundamental mental problem (outside of just being pieces of shit) that needs to be addressed. Convicted ephebos are just normal people but pieces of shit (in most circumstances). So, in general, I can sympathize more with a pedo.

>> No.11099657

We’re reaching levels of autism that shouldn’t even be possible

>> No.11099702


Traditional premeds are some of the worst people in the planet. You’re just butt hurt because you are probably the epitome of that sort of neurotic faggot. I can tell just by how autistic and enraged you become at literally NOTHING. Was the nurse mean to you today or something you dumb fuck?

>> No.11099794

guys I'm considering psychiatry as my life career, I'm very passionate about it but getting a degree takes 10 years here where I live (first you study medicine for 6 years and then you specialize in psychiatry for 4) and the only thing bugging me is the uncertainity of the state of psychiatry in 10 years
how do you think will psychiatry's relevance and the demand for psychiatrists change in 10 years?

>> No.11099807

Are you fucking kidding? Psych is THE spec that'll gain the most relevance in the coming decades, alongside interventional rad maybe. The demand will most likely increase. Specialize in depression and/or anxiety disorders and you'll be golden.

>> No.11099839

>Psych is THE spec that'll gain the most relevance in the coming decades
why do you think so?

>> No.11099844

Because it’s the pet of the Jews

>> No.11099929

All this projection.

>> No.11099973


And all this denial. Get fucked son.

>> No.11099988

Because mental disorders are becoming increasingly prevalent, especially in urban centers, while at the same time, more attention is being paid to mental health in general.

>> No.11100113


I want to specialize in depression/mood disorders. Can you do that if you do a residency in family medicine or does it have to be psychiatry?

>> No.11100152

i respect people, not the profession

>> No.11100159


Because society has become more and more fucked due to materialism.

>> No.11100178

As a wise man once said
>"The rise of psychiatry parallels the rise of poverty in industrialized societies. The reason you see psychiatry in the U.S. but not in Sudan isn't because there's no money for it in Sudan, but because there is not enough money in the US to make some people feel comparatively like they're not in Sudan. Hence Zoloft. It is the government's last resort to a social problem it may or may not have created, whatever, but has absolutely no other way of dealing with. Predictably, world psychiatry will also be the temporary solution to world poverty until the aliens return to see what became of their 6000 year experiment. So invest in Pfizer, it will only go up. It has to."

>> No.11100878


hahha pre-premed thinks he has a chance getting into a medical school program. look at him and laugh! something, honestly you're quite familiar experiencing.

>> No.11100880

Ok stop there. Is it going to be more relevant, sure.

But you realize that schizos, bi-polars, depressed, borderlines, retards, and other mental disease patietns have no money, and no fucking hope.

YOu'll be taking medicaid fees for exams for dick heads who hate your guts and want meds. You'll make dick cleaning up societies undesirables until they murder, molest a kid, rape, or suicide to prison or hell.

Do not go into psych. You are taking advice from Pre-mies. Ignore them.

>> No.11100884

nobody likes asshole surgeons or MDs, and they obviously are the faggots who go into for prestige.

>> No.11100903

You don't have to loathe traditional premeds. That's loathing most doctors.

>> No.11100908

i wanna be dr house

>> No.11100993


Based. Med is meant to be a humanistic profession lads. You care for many vulnerable people. Yet the profession attracts narcissists, cunts and many other demented despicable human beings. There is nothing wrong with hating premeds most are garbage people and a lot become garbage doctors. Since when did wanting to be a decent person and actually care for your patients become grounds for ridicule on /sci/? Or has autism always existed here?

>> No.11101040

>calling your colleagues narcissistic, demented, despicable cunts
>generalizing an entire group of hopeful kids who have their own dreams and reasons for wanting to study med
>decent person

>> No.11101314


Many of them are. Also this is 4chan I can generalize premeds if I want to, pre med faggot.

>> No.11101380

which healthcare profession is the most insecure?

>> No.11101382

Retail pharma

>> No.11101406

Med schools value different people, and having a masters in engineering will show them that you're smart and make you stand out to all the pre meds. I'd say you probably don't have to worry, but I don't really know that much just what I've researched

>> No.11101419
File: 1.81 MB, 864x1390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Essential Hypertension"

>> No.11101426

Accurate. Add diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and a fucked up liver function and your good.

>> No.11101428

Essential hypertension is high blood pressure that doesn't have a known secondary cause.
The joke is: this is the face of essential hypertension imagine telling her that you don't know the cause of her hypertension.

>> No.11101451

In obese patients there is usually a cause for the hypertension, but now I get the joke. Fuck me, I'm a retard.

>> No.11101453

yea the cause of hypertension in obese people is: obesity

>> No.11101514

Well yes but actually no. It's the other diseases that come with obesity, but at the same time you can put all of them in the obesity problem.

>> No.11101637
File: 112 KB, 1080x1350, av8f8RK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is cleaning out your rectum with sanitary wipes (i.e. 'butt wipes') harmful?
I know the colon is quite fragile. Also, my ass frequently bleeds. not sure if I should continue doing this (been doing this for a few years).
scared I will cause cancer or something from the repeated tearing of my faecal tract

>> No.11101702

how deep are you penetrating your anus? if you are not going deep enough to be considered a homosexual then I'm sure you'll be fine

>> No.11101717

Why? They got a sweet deal. Great hours, decent wage, some degree of prestige even though they don't have many responsibilities
In Europe at least

>> No.11101870


"What do you do for a living?"
"Selling aspirine at Kaufland, why do you ask?"

Reeks of prestige, senpai.

>> No.11101886

These people are oblivious of their own health. I believe this is a large portion of patients. Fuck them.
No, wtf?
Psych will probably be the most developing specialty in the coming years.

>> No.11102016

Wet rales are the trickiest shit when diagnosing somebody.

>Be me, pediatric rotations
>9 month old gets admitted for fever, febrile convulsions, shortness of breath, doesn't want to eat, apathetic
>Basically this kid is in a pretty rough shape
>Go on and do consult
>Pulmonary auscultation
>At first I thought there's just some rhonchi because her nose was literally filled with mucus
>Clear the nose, rales still present
>Look into her throat
>Just a bit red right near the tonsils, nothing major
>Coughs while I looked in her mouth
>Decide to auscultate again
>No rales

I know that wet rales are present when the alveoli are filled with a quantity of mucus, there's the sound of bubbles bursting, maybe she needed to cough in order to get it out. I'm now waiting for the x Ray and an ENT consult.

>> No.11102835

I’m a doctor in pp what are you ? Clearly some allied health prick with his ego on the line

>> No.11102842

This is why we know you are a premi. You just have no clue what goes on in the real world and everything is grays anatomy to you.

>> No.11102852

Ortho surgeons. Usually because they are purely motivated by prestige and don’t realize they have no friends and destroyed their family all to be a retard screwing bones together. Not hard but they literally destroy their lives to do it. Talk about insecure

>> No.11102871

Actually oral surgery is the king i change my mind. They’re from dental school so they’re already assuming they’re being judged. Then you add in that Plastics ENT and ortho all dabble in facial stuff and compete for facial trauma.

I was doing anesthesia for a mandible fracture and the ENT doc made some sarcastic comment about the Oral surgeons reduxtion and I mentioned it to the OMS resident later and he had a meltdown. I thought it would go over as friendly banter. In reality the reduction was good and the ENT actually was just retarded at his dental anatomy.

They OmS guys are always prestige faggots and always cocky assholes trying to prove themselves. It’s like Ortho mixed with the fact they are a dentist and they feel like they have prove themsleves to the other staff.

The irony is they make way money doing wisdom teeth then fractures but they willingly take the pay cut to be cleaning up drunk bad fight retards in the hospital.

>> No.11102896

>No, wtf?
Most people believe pedos should be locked up for life if not outright executed

>> No.11103127
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Yo, med students.

I'm curious about how prevalent equations/calculations are on the MCAT v. just answering 'word' questions. Anyone care to chime in?

Id rather spend a bigger portion of time learning concepts and their facts rather than banging out tons of equations.

>> No.11103170

I'll second this. The insecurity is so enormous that it spreads to their children.
>"I've got this. My dad's a DOCTOR."
Yeah, bitch, and you just botched the dissection. Maybe he didn't pass down medical school and residency in his jizz.

>> No.11103295

Do you guys have enough free time to pursue other passions? Was trying to find a degree with a good work/life balance. I would love to major in philosophy but it would probably be dangerous career wise, so I'm considering stuff like CS and Econ. I don't think I'm especially talented for med, nor do I have an extreme passion for it... but that's the same for the rest of the stuff. I heard there are some writers who were doctors, it seems pretty flexible.

Also, how do I know if I would like it? Is there any way to tell in advance, since there's a lot burnout? I'm in EU btw

>> No.11103411



>> No.11103452
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My neurologist measured my brain and said that the increased brain volume may indicate a mutation that predisposes me to depression and anxiety and that this explains why I have memory loss.

I am very very concerned because I have had memory loss and general Dementia for 5 years now. I can no longer study in college, work, or drive. And I rarely leave the house because the Dementia is developing apathy and anhedonia.

I seriously consider going in front of a train my only problem is I don’t think the subway moves fast enough and I think they can stop the train if somebody steps on the tracks.

I don’t claim to know why it’s happening but my memory loss is very similar to Dementia Alzheimer and other diseases of senility.

I think it must be neurodegenerative maybe my large brain explains why nobody has noticed cognitive decline.

It is documented that larger brains may increase cognitive reserve in Dementia.

>> No.11103473

I noticed that my grammar is getting much worse and I have trouble forming good sentences, guess I should just go in front of the metro which is kinda slow.

>> No.11103488

He's a piece of shit. Let shit rot.

>> No.11103547

You consulted ENT for a cough? Check your head m7. It's pneumonia vs uri vs bronchitis. Exam and cxr to dx

>> No.11103560

Fuck off you retarded psycho. Even the neurologist told you it's your mental illness. YOU DO NOT HAVE A NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASE.

>> No.11103618

Internships, shadow a doctor or med student to find out what the job is like and what the schooling is like

>> No.11103728
File: 107 KB, 702x687, 6C55C826-BB5E-4A34-B9FE-36EF22376AFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for complimenting on my brain, I guess my brain is too big and advanced to ever get Dementia.

Lol my brain is immune to brain damage because it is more advanced than yours.

>> No.11103850
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>tfw when you get dementia and nobody can ever believe you because your brain is so vastly more advanced.

>> No.11103949

>nobody has noticed cognitive decline
Maybe you just were stupid to begin with?

>> No.11103990

>doctor in pp


>> No.11104126

Stupid people get hit harder by neurodegenerative diseases, when you start off with a high IQ you get diagnosed later because of cognitive reserve theory.

“The concept of cognitive reserve originated in the late 1980s, when researchers described individuals with no apparent symptoms of dementia who were nonetheless found at autopsy to have brain changes consistent with advanced Alzheimer's disease. These individuals did not show symptoms of the disease while they were alive because they had a large enough cognitive reserve to offset the damage and continue to function as usual.“

>> No.11104663

that's just 4channel syndrome

>> No.11104679

What does higher IGG and IGM in mycoplasma pneumoniae and chlamydia pneumonia mean?

>> No.11104683

How do I get better at patient communication? My supervisor keeps getting up my ass about building rapport and conversing with the patients, but I can't think of anything to say that isn't related to the medical stuff. Half the patients are either drugged to hell or just nervous boomers who can't hold conversation.

>> No.11104723


Try smalltalk, about everyday stuff, their family, animals, stuff like that.

>> No.11104747

It feels like every time I try this they lay some heavy shit down, like how their pet/husband/baby is dead and shit like that. I have no real response except saying I'm sorry because I don't want to upset them further.

>> No.11104756

IgM = primary/early/intense infection, diagnostic
IgG = chronic or past infection, previous exposure

>> No.11104822
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What's wrong with me?

>> No.11104860

Bacterial infection most likely. Hard to tell without additional tests and symptoms

>> No.11104874

I don't have a cold or a fever or anything. I had a previous CBC six months ago and my RBC, hematocrit, and WBC were elevated. Platelet count was normal though.

>> No.11104979

The cold is usually viral, no fever kind of rules out any infection but that wbc is kind of tricky. Have you got any imaging done? Get a chest x-ray or at least tell me if you had any symptoms, gastro intestinal or urinary.

>> No.11105016

MD PhD year two here. the residency i want to do only accepts two people a year. how can i get this?! tier one medical school.

>> No.11105028

Were you dehydrated during these tests? Are on medication that involves steroids? Were you subject to severe physical and emotional stress? Any long term symptoms you might have forgotten?

>> No.11105114

Dehydration would've showed up in his hematocrit

>> No.11105134

Just be yourself

>> No.11105136

i'm fucking asian.

>> No.11105257

Just be yourserf

>> No.11105272

Imagine the smell haha

>> No.11105292
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Gonna lift so I can fuck nurses in the on call room

>> No.11105502

Chest x-ray and urinalysis from six months ago were both clear and yet my WBC count then was 14.9.

Not taking any steroids. Only medication I'm taking is BC for PCOS. Won't the thrombocytosis increase my risk for getting clots? As for long term symptoms, easy fatiguability I guess.

>> No.11105619
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Is it possible to avoid dementia if you are really smart? I have been losing my memory for 5 years and I had to leave college because I cannot focus good enough to study anymore.

I read that when geniuses get dementia they may never exhibit symptoms because of superior cognitive reserve.

should I just start brain games I play the new call of duty but it isn't very intellectually demanding it is just hand eye coordination.

even more strange I can't focus for long enough to finish a tv show most of the time and I have become apathetic.

I can still read books especially if I have read the book in the past then it is easier for me to understand the storyline.

>> No.11105621

the neurologist said I exhibit symptoms of dementia and that she believes it is caused by depression, simply because there is no evidence for a neurological disease.

the neurologist said I need to keep my mind active daily or i will deteriorate.

>> No.11105680

Got my finals in December. 8 subjects. Got any strategies guys?

>> No.11105727
File: 9 KB, 250x219, 1372306914622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/med/, is there a term for when the following sxs happen?

>seem to lose all depth perception very rarely and it's paired with an incredible weird and unpleasant feeling of tunnel vision, usually late at night and when I'm looking at one thing for a long time, I am very short-sighted in one eye and while I seem to see things in 20/10, I get the feeling my brain turns off vision output preferentially based on whether I'm looking at things closely or at normal range
>the most quiet noises seem to be a lot louder than normal, almost overpowering, like a sensation of sorts just pushing in on the edges of where my depthless tunnel vision is focusing on
>the smallest physical sensation is also the same, and grows to be gradually completely unbearable, to the point where things seem to be spinning kinda

I had this happen in a few dreams for some reason and I have this further sensation where even though I've lost the feeling of depth perception, it feels like I'm in a very large space and everything is just crushing me

>> No.11105729


>> No.11105784

dementia guy here and I can't go outside without sunglasses or else my vision will become very impaired and disoriented. even with my sunglasses my eyes are still very sensitive to the light.

I read online that certain very rare neurological conditions cause the eye to be unable to adjust to light.

it has been this way for an entire year, last summer I suddenly developed autonomic dysregualtion and I cannot exercise because my autonomic nervous system is damaged. I was diagnosed with POTS.

I am also very sensitive to the heat and get sick from going outside.

I want to buy an ice vest and better sunglasses I will look like a freak but I will be able to go outside.

what diseases cause the nerves controlling the eye to lose ability to tolerate sunshine?

>> No.11105846

An hero

>> No.11105915

Study a lot.

>> No.11105971

The end of my semester will be in January. Got peds, emergency peds, ENT, hematology, peds surgery and onc.

Literally the hardest semester I've ever had and so far is great. What exams do you have s3npai?

>> No.11106003

If I never had a gf before will getting into med school pretty much put the nail in the coffin regarding my dating life?

>> No.11106056

I actually got a dating life in med school from having none before that. It's filled with losers so you might stand out if not a turbo autist.

>> No.11106097

In general things will continue in med school as they were before it.

>> No.11106101

Marry the plain daughter of the respective chief. I ain't even joking.

>> No.11106893


>> No.11107304
File: 66 KB, 399x382, 4A95B79C-3E1C-402F-A65C-17DEE03B48BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you forget to die when you jump in front of train??

>> No.11107308

Doesn’t matter. “mMhhm” is the best answer you can do in situations like that and as long as they know you are listening to them they don’t give a shit most of them don’t even want your opinion on it just wanna vent and shit.
>situations where answer “mMhmm” doesn’t work: “doc am i dying?”

>> No.11107309

Get an opinion of psychiatrist too

>> No.11107312

do EEG

>> No.11107329

Ask a nurse who isn't a cunt to give you tips as it's part of their job to be good at communication. Or google active listening and just eavesdrop on how normies talk.

>> No.11107404

Not that guy but holy shit this is cringy and neurotic, get therapy

>> No.11107702

Back at my house to relax for a long time again, and I promised myself that I'll spend this time to convince myself to continue med school.

Will we ever have time for ourselves in the next 10 years? Will I ever get back to playing games again or to get into other hobbies again? What are your personal experiences and what convinced you guys to continue medicine in spite of the daily hassle and endless studying that you face every single day? Did you fall in love with medicine eventually?

>> No.11107947

No such option where I live. Also, do you have free time? How much?

>> No.11107980

Literally climbing back up on the SCII ladder as we speak.

>> No.11108077

What year level are you? How'd you find the time?

>> No.11108254

Oral med & radiology, public health dentistry, oral & maxillofacial surgery, prosthodontics crown & bridge, periodontics, endodontics, peds and orthodontics

I'm a final year dental student

>> No.11108342

I am simply a young undergrad so I have quite a bit of free time. I live in the us.

>> No.11108376

5th year (6 years here, no premed). I've always had time, I spend maybe 40 hours in total per week for school.

>> No.11108748

this earth is hell

>> No.11109110

Have you taken any antibiotics recently? Does your shit smell god awful? If you don't have any risk factors for C. Dif I wouldn't worry too much. If you can't get yourself off the toilet consider going to an urgent care.

>> No.11109112

Don't wear any metal, you'll probably be put in a gown anyway

>> No.11109115

Every doctor worth their salt cares for their patients well being.

Except for some surgeons who just care about the quality of their work, but if they do a good job it's fine.

>> No.11109129

Do ENT's or Plastics do facial fractures and reductions? I just had a tripod fracture by my Zygoma and had the hardest time finding somebody to do my reduction due to my insurance putting everyone out of network even people in the hospital I work at.

>> No.11109152

I'm a nurse so I have the benefit of spending all day doing patient communication plus I have a background at a grocery store so I have plenty of techniques in the book. The best thing you can do if you just want to open up communication is let them talk, ask questions that invite them to open up. If you really want to make small talk ask them about their kids, family at bedside, the game on the tv etc.

The best doctors I see sit down, invite the patient to open up, and listen. Often the best thing you can do is sit back and listen (if you have the time of course). Everyone in a white coat is a tad bit intimidating, it does wonders for a patients comfort when a doctor is open and inviting. Ask open ended questions, make small talk, just be open to them. The more you know about them the easier it is to tailor the convo. I know you are absolutely strapped for time and have a ton of patients to see, but patients rave about the doctors that pull up a chair and listen.

Of course if you do the above you better develop appropriate tactics for politely disengaging from the patient as well because many like to ramble. I can't stress this enough we are all strapped for time, if you're going to talk to the patient you have to know how to get out of the room

>> No.11109240
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Damn I just got rejected from medschool again. This is the third time I reached the final stage and got rejected because I failed at the interview stage. I just needed to be average cause my academic scores was already above the median. I must be a full blown autist for me to flop so hard at the interviews.
Now I have to deal with not getting to med yet again. It just hurts when I'm such a fucking brainlet. Seriously considering just giving up cause if I'm struggling to get in now, it probably doesn't bode well for a potential career as a doctor.

>> No.11109537

>I’m a doctor in pp


third world generalist fuck


>> No.11109540

It is nothing to worry about, there’ll be no artifacts if you are only going to have mri of the head. And it also won’t be pulled by the force or anything. Just wear it its not a problem.

>> No.11109541

>What does higher IGG and IGM in mycoplasma pneumoniae and chlamydia pneumonia mean?


g= gone
m= this minute

>> No.11109543

>i'm fucking asian.
so srorry. dont wanky your yanky and go find grandpa car!

>> No.11109658

How the fuck do you do it?

>> No.11110311

I just got a patient that was resistant to lidocaine.
Two 2ml shots were administered to the superior dental plexus on the same spot and it did total of fuck all.
The guy is a 20yo soldier in top shape.
This is not the first time happening to him.

Resistance to local anesthetics is really rare.
Im open to any suggestion on why is this happening.
I asked him if he was on some meds in case something causes antagonistic reaction but he denied.

>> No.11110434

Propofol should do the trick.

>> No.11110556

What went do bad with the interview

>> No.11110899

labs dont mean anything

>> No.11111171

Would a biology or a chemistry degree be better for medical school? I like chemistry more than biology but I'm pretty worried about having a lower GPA from that though.

>> No.11111226


Take a couple days learning how to do simple trig and log equations in your head. Practice those problems enough and you'll be good.

>> No.11111229

It's that time of the week again. A time to take a deep breath and scream,


>> No.11111687

>best spec
What does surgery falls into?

Regardless, the actual question, does anyone has a comprehensive LIST (not a freckin' image) of blood supply to muscles & organs laying around somewhere?

>> No.11111712


Unless it's optho or ENT, there's nothing good regarding their lifestyle.

>> No.11111745

>nothing good regarding their lifestyle
Is it something like this:
>Sipping scotch on rocks while waiting for his next flight in the airport bar. Thinking about getting himself a sturdy rope next Christmas. Always in between hospitals, never home. Kids grow up away from his sight. Wife's acting suspicious lately... It's all so tiresome...

>> No.11111841

Nope. It's pretty much

>Got the money
>Don't have the time to spend it
>On call most of the time
>Almost no time for family
>Free time is when they attend a conference of some sort

Literally kill me.

>> No.11111994

It's pretty much the same thing, anon-kun.
Well regardless, I hope you find balance in your life or it finds you.

>> No.11112109

I want to do pediatrics. I'm on surgery rotations now but I wanna KMS because it's fucking exhausting.

>> No.11112217

it's okay buddy it'll pass

>> No.11113014

As long as you have the pre reqs you can choose any degree you desire. You could do history

>> No.11113254

Yeah I know that but I feel like a Biology degree would prepare you more for the MCAT/medical school? I'm not sure.

>> No.11113307

It probably would but I think you should do whatever you like

>> No.11114207

Don;t give up anon. I applied twice before getting in (Canada), and I'm doing just fine now in my 2nd year. I still remember the day I got rejected, how shitty that felt. I think about that day when I'm stressed out now. I think about how thankful I am I didn't pursue something else.

The selection process is far from perfect. Keep going

>> No.11114442

I'm so happy i live where I am
The way you get into med school here is straight out of highschool, If you get ranked high on the national high school exam you get in if there are enough seats left by people scoring better than you
top 500 generally can get into med
No interviews, no applying, no nothing
Just fucking score good and also college is free

>> No.11114850

Nigga here you even pay for residency

>> No.11115484
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How should I explain any low grades /med/? Obviously, I do plan on retaking classes to boost my GPA.

>> No.11115564

Guy from Sudan here
There's no fucking Support for psychiatry Here because people can't even get treated for simple shit like Malaria.
Patient will be lying on the floor because most Hospital don't have enough beds.
There's a massive USP shortage. this shithole cannot afford to support psychiatry or mentally ill people.

>> No.11115589
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Scam people and get out of that shithole
Even staying in Egypt is better

>> No.11115627

>low grades
Some people think 3.5 is low, some people think 3.7 is low, some people think 3.3 is low. Define "low."

>> No.11115633
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I should have around a 3.5-3.6. I'm fucked right? I-I still have podiatry school though I guess.

>> No.11115645

No. Take this with a grain of salt since I'm only a premed, but from what I know 3.5 and up is entirely workable. Your MCAT, letters of rec, extracurriculars, personal statement and other factors like background and courseload will also factor in. Mostly GPA and MCAT, though. Upward trends are good.
Basically, it all depends, but no, you're not screwed with a 3.5-ish GPA and an otherwise solid application. You're not a shoo-in anywhere, but people get into med school with stats like that.

>> No.11115652
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Thanks anon. I hope you're right.
>Upward trends are good.
I never understood how this is possible. Certainly a GPA should go down as more advanced classes are taken? I started off with a 3.67 and I have a 3.59 currently. I expect my GPA to go down too :(

>> No.11115662

Because your study habits improve. If your low grades were caused by shitty work ethic or bad habits or lack of experience, but you improved those, that's a workable excuse for having a crummy GPA at first.

>> No.11115670

medpill me on VCOM

>> No.11115674

it came two before XCOM

>> No.11115676

Yeah that makes sense. I guess I have some self reflection to do. Thanks anon, I hope we both make it.

>> No.11115687
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We're both gonna make it, Anon. I believe in you.

>> No.11115710

I had a 2.67 in undergrad. I had to do a lot of work to fix it, but I'm in a US MD school now.

YMMV but hope is never lost.

>> No.11115718

Wow, that's amazing anon. What was your GPA when you applied to medical school? What did you do to improve?

>> No.11115729
File: 33 KB, 450x300, 29F304B8-0FD8-4823-B66F-EE838664440F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neurologist diagnosed me with pseudodementia, and said if I had real dementia I would be unaware of it and wouldn’t be able to study college.

So basically I just have dementia with a high IQ and a big brain.

What do you do when you have high IQ dementia? Doctor said I need to start exercising and go back to college. Is it possible to live in organic chemistry classes with dementia??????

>> No.11115752

>not going for the Roman numeral joke instead
This is why you didn't get into Harvard.

>> No.11115766

radiology may not get taken over by AI, but you sure can pay pajeets a lot less to look at pictures all day

>> No.11115882

And I thought gypsy land is shitty lol

>> No.11115958

Not if you don't let them in the country.

>> No.11115974

>look up video on some condition
>Indian accent starts
>Immediately close the video

Why do pajeets are so insufferable? It's so fucking hard to remain calm and actually listen to whatever the fuck they're explaining.

>> No.11115986

I did some community college retakes, but didn't do outstanding in those either (A's and B's). Did a graduate degree in an unrelated field and was successful in that for a while before I couldn't resist wanting to try again at medicine. Did a one year postbac and now I'm here.

All told my uGPA got to ~3.2 with an even lower sGPA. MCAT 514 but a history of high achievement in everything else.

>> No.11116087

I don't understand this.

You have 2 drugs. X succinate and X tartrate. X succinate in XR form is better for heart failure than X tartrate shorter acting. The only difference between succinate and tartrate is tartrate has 2 extra hydroxyls. How can you explain that structurally?

What gives? Better absorption? Binding affinity? Formulation? Combination?

>> No.11116134

>in the ER
>Some random volunteer says "Such a slow day"
>In the next 10 minutes ER becomes full

Why does this always happen?

>> No.11116163

It's the turn for someone there to be the protagonist and they needed that joke because the universe writters are a bunch of hacks who can't come up with something good

>> No.11116342

Come to tunisia my fren

>> No.11116344
File: 229 KB, 750x731, deathgripspepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god this fucker is gonna make me add the word dementia to my filter

>> No.11116345

Look at your nearest camera and play some scrubs music

>> No.11116354

Stupid question but here it goes.

>Be me
>Miss every pediatrics emergency class
>You can only miss 2
>I missed my 8th today

I want to go to talk to the professor tomorrow about how can I still get into the exam (considering I have all the PowerPoints with her presentations but apparently, attendance is obligatory). I know she will be upset and will probably bad-mouth me in front of the whole class, but I can't tell her "I'm a lazy fuck, didn't want to come to your classes" because it's generally a bad idea. Wat do?

>> No.11116426

First there is a good chance you're shit out of luck there considering the attendance and acceptance into exams could be managed by the uni rather than the professor meaning you can't influence her in any way to enter
Second, please don't talk about this in fornt of class
Third and finally, go read up on the best way to be polite and sociable and how to ask for favours if you believe you can talk the professor into accepting you. I recommend getting a good excuse but not relying on it. You should rather mention your excuse but follow it up with this is entirely my fault and there is nothing that excuses my wrongdoing and I hope you could look over my mistake

>> No.11116582
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2.8 GPA science here, 2 MD interviews at state schools lined up. Also white, that being said...
>4.0 in Master's
>508 MCAT first attempt
>Hundreds of hours of shadowing
>Thousands of volunteer hours in medical and non medical fields
>25 and not getting any younger

>> No.11116604

He a red-head?

>> No.11116611

No he is a regular white guy

>> No.11117989

You stupid dip. Practice talking to people while drunk. Then just emulate that in an interview.

>> No.11118360
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>> No.11118375
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I like pedagogy
Which neuro science on the side will enhance me to go from level 2 crook to mr miyagi

In an unrelated note a piece of plastic in my keyboard just broke and flew and almost my eye while typing this. spooky shit

>> No.11118487

my girlfriend is freaking the fuck out about her first med school exam. She did well in the first exam only because it was on public health stuff thats easy enough to learn but she insists that she just isn't grasping a mastery of the subject that the rest of her classmates seem to be proficient at. How tough is the very first exam anyway? Are her fears realistic in any way?

>> No.11118783
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If you want to be a great sensei you don't need to go study it in books, just master what you're teaching and you know... be cool
No one likes nerds

>> No.11118791
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I hate people like this
don't worry dude she'll get like top 3 in her class
Thing is about most med students is they will go on and on about "oh no this so hard oh god i'l never gonna be a doctor" but then you remember that they actualy GOT into med school and if they actually managed that they'll probably be fine
And If you confront them afterwards they'll make excuses like they got lucky
I remember my first year of med school where I thought Imma be the top of my class when saw all the crying happning after the tests. I got top 25% and the people that cried the most scored the best

>> No.11118812

>loose limbed
>ankles constantly roll when walking
>never built muscle well, difficulty keeping the bar in the right position doing a light weight bench press because my wrists start to bend
>fractured a vertebra doing a light lift, due to really flexible joints and the back muscles not switching on like they're supposed to
>have always had tons of difficulty sitting on stools or anything without back support (all of my back muscles immediately flip their shit and start to massively overcompensate)
Is this low muscle tone or hypotonia? That's what it looks like to me, but I'm 22 and the only stuff I've ever been able to find for hypotonia relates to kids

>> No.11118821

That just looks like magic marker. Id prescribe better hand washing. But we can cut it off now and then you wont have to worry about washing it.

>> No.11118837

Go on reddit.

>> No.11118841

most of the classic physics and chem equations are good to have on hand. But maybe 1/8th of the test will need actual equations.

>> No.11118907
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How the fuck do I develop some empathy? I think I may have fucked up working in healthcare given how genuinely frustrating it is working with patients with chronic conditions and just general stupidity. The types that make a big fucking deal about having to lie on their sides for a procedure (always fat boomers), or the ones that require 5 minutes of explanation on how to even lie on their side because they can't comprehend. I genuinely enjoy working in emergency medicine far more because a lot of the patients are either victims of genuine misfortune rather than their own poor lifestyle choices, or at least unconscious or sedated.

>> No.11118916
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the fuck are you working at? People that come to the emergency are some of the most annoying pieces of shits of all time. People with actual life threatening emergencies are the minority there

>> No.11118975

Emergency is pure heaven compared to ortho

>> No.11118991
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I am pretty uncool, which is why I am compensating with more sciences

>> No.11119001
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It's okay then try to be cool but then fail and look kinda cringy
Remember if the students can't laugh with you they sure can laugh at you. And laughter is better than an empty classroom
or you know you could be that one strict professor with a rocking presentation that involves a lot of videos and intuitive schematic that further help the student to understand, but hey where's the fun in that? If by chance you're gonna be teaching anatomy look up Dr Acland's DVDs, they're masterpieces of teaching in that field. Looking at what other professors do through videos is a valuable resource

>> No.11119008
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Actually is for research as well
I want to work in some papers for ADHD kids and get them published in whatever filthy Journo it's desperate enough to publish me
Which is why I am trying to think which other career I can piggyride to augment my knowledge and depth in pedagogy

there are like a gazillion

>> No.11119023
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I personally respect psychiatry the most out of those and I find that it's the one that gives the most general idea on all these subjects and prepares you the best for them but everyone has their own opinion
In this short article from the nejm
They say that linguistics are the single most important asset when it comes to medical pedagogy

>> No.11119030
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My lymphocyte count was flagged as unusually low. Not very far out of the 'normal' range but enough that my GP wants to follow it up in a month.

In the mean time, what are some potential causes that I can read about to get myself irresponsibly worked up for laffs?

>> No.11119033


I should add: no recent overt infection

>> No.11119043

Go get good qualification abroad if you can and then return back in your homeland to help rebuild it in any ways you can

>> No.11119044

How do I land a comfy public hospital job in Australia? Seems like new grads in most medical fields have to suck dick in private for a few years before moving on to public and actually having basic worker's rights.

>> No.11119045

Sauce on image?

>> No.11119047

Devil never sleeps

>> No.11119049

/med/ needs flavor of the month psycho, its ‘dementia’ nigger this time. But you can always learn my friend, you can learn from anyone.

>> No.11119051

Send her to trip to belize, try luck with next one.

>> No.11119053

Are you kidding? Emergency is also full with that type of folks. When body can’t compensate anymore thats when those people get in emergency dep.

>> No.11119214

I recently fell in the rabbit hole of neurology (I was always bad at it and thought it was time to fix my weak notions), there is simply so much content I'm wondering how the hell will neurologists cope with the exponential expansion of the knowledge base and not break into even more subspecialties.

>> No.11119345

The majority of their patients are made up of Parkinson's, strokes and epileptics

>> No.11119382
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What the FUCK

>> No.11119499

>The majority of their patients are made up of Parkinson's, strokes and epileptics
Because everything else can't be treated and is dumped on psychiatrists.
As the two fields converge (and hopefully treatments do) things will change.

>> No.11119758

I don't remember ever feeling an improvement in my mental state by drinking coffee
Am I drinking coffee wrong, or do people describe the effects of coffee with exaggeration or maybe I could somehow be resistant to caffeine somehow (which I doubt)?

>> No.11119770
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>> No.11120069

Why is it that the start of the jejunum wider than the end of the ileum (3cm diameters compared to 2cm)? I can't remember the reason. I know there was one but I can't recall if the explanation was a physiological or a embryological one

>> No.11120091

It's the kinds of people that get below a 95 on a test and act like it's a 20

>> No.11121245

I think we all can agree GP's are overworked

>> No.11121352


don't drink if you're pregnant and the shit won't happen, fucking irresponsible roasties

>> No.11121356

what a fine day to say, once again, FUCK OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE

I'll be back again in a week

>> No.11121455

What's the risk of tetanus from a knife that was left out on my bathroom sink for a few weeks? I was using it to cut open a plastic clamshell packaging and I accidentally stabbed the palm of my left hand, the knife penetrated about 3mm into my flesh and i've already disinfected and dressed the wound. It stopped bleeding within 10 minutes and is now just a small cut with a scab but it hurts intensely if I press on the area.

I've heard that tetanus is actually very rare and is more typically found on outdoor objects, is that true?

>> No.11121490

You got the big gay

>> No.11121506 [DELETED] 

likely an infection

>> No.11121511

Yeah from my anecdotal experience tetanus is usually from jumping a rusty fence and cutting your hand open on it or shoving a rusty nail into your flesh. Basically you're probably fine

>> No.11121528

I've been having this debate with my friends, is there conclusive evidence to suggest that smoking a cigar or cigarette seldom will have negative effects on your body?

I also have been wondering if Natural American Spirits will have the same effect conventional ones will since they're additive free

>> No.11121603

i'm a sophomore college student who took some time off after failing some classes due to mental health issues last quarter. i've decided that i want to do premed and a neuroscience major w/ a linguistics minor, though i'm feeling a little behind. once i retake the classes i failed, all humanities/arts, my gpa should be back up around 3.5 at least and i'm confident i can get it farther up once i start the premed track & my major.

will those fails ruin my chances of getting into a good med school? i'm also anxious about volunteer hours bc i didn't concretely decide this until fairly recently, is it reasonable to expect that i can eventually catch up? any insight is appreciated, thanks

>> No.11121658

I thought holoprosencephaly was caused by a SHH mutation.

>> No.11121662

I already checked with my GP and got a manual count which had better results. I ended up getting a cold.


>> No.11121664

>linguistics minor
I don't really know anything about your circumstances or personality, but I did the same thing and the linguistics fucked me over. Most of the cohort is retarded roasties trying to become speech pathologists (one of the most redundant careers on the planet) who have major sticks up their asses. Would not recommend at all.

>> No.11121677 [DELETED] 

I just read something that said it can be caused by drugs such as cyclopamine... the name makes me think they knew what they were doing.

>> No.11121752 [DELETED] 

If I inject Percocet will the Tylenol bypass my liver? Side note: will that make it okay to drink with it?

>> No.11121776

nah you're right, the student body of ling is shit and i have no interest in pursuing something related to it career-wise. i'm just doing the minor bc i took a couple intro classes as gurs and took a year of chinese which qualifies me for the minor so i might as well take it

>> No.11121789

Funny how you can tell how much of a cunt a nurse is going to be just by their amount of makeup

>> No.11121809

never drink while taking drugs.
You never know which one will mess up the mechanism for alcohol disposal and fuck you in the ass.

>> No.11121859

Practically nonexistent, would still get shots to be sure though, whats there to lose?

>> No.11121861


>> No.11122009


>> No.11122740

What's the best spec for fucking a lotta hoes ?