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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11083926 No.11083926 [Reply] [Original]

How much debt is a CS degree worth?

>> No.11083935


>> No.11083949

None, some H1B will take your job.

>> No.11083969

not science or math

>> No.11083974

its sort kinda math at the highest level, but its mostly pajeet code monkeys

>> No.11083981

Graduate with 0 by being both poor and autistic like me

>> No.11083988

Just get a full scholarship or live in a country that believes in education

>> No.11083989

if i get a phd do i still have to pay uncle sam back?

>> No.11083997

this was pretty funny until the last panel which is just have sex lmao

>> No.11084006


>> No.11084029
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>> No.11084052

Anon, I'm not going to give you my full advice, because fraternity is pretty much gone in this society. Even between fathers and their children.

That being said, go into business. You're looking too much at the money and not the field out of passion.

>> No.11084059

Elon was a balding nerd and now bones women like Grimes and Amber Herd. Money increases Chad status if you're not an idiot.

>> No.11084060

>Smart men being unattractive
Most smart people usually end up looksmaxing and focus on productivity/output.
How many extremely smart morbidly obese people have you met? I'm waiting.
Yes, there are beta's in STEM, but there are more than enough normies with decent parents.
I have an inner duality of hating/loving this stupid website at this point.

>> No.11084379

It's literally both

>> No.11084587

You are implying that those two haven't been promiscuous.
as if artsy type of girls dont do sex and change boyfriends very often lol

>> No.11084595

none, cs is a meme field (google and other tech giants are the ones creating the meme) with all the people that are being told to take cs right now, and with all the people that are taking cs right now, it's going to be oversaturated af and the average salary is going to be under 35k a year in less than 10 years.

>> No.11084630

>computational science is not math or science

>> No.11084631

Just the way God intended. American wages are way too high.

>> No.11084642

Getting into a good school and dropping out is worth more than a degree from a shit school
you will meet important people, pay very little and still be more impressive than someone with a degree

>> No.11084645

Do normalfags really believe that's how "smart" people work? Just look at a whiteboard out-of-context and eureka?

>> No.11084659

Don't you believe you're different from normalfags. The only difference is that you actually say what's on your mind on this website and that just happens to be insults and nothing of worth.

>> No.11084762

Dude who gives a shit about promiscuity if the woman in question is Amber Heard? She's God-tier level hot.

>> No.11084763

not really no

>> No.11084764

Cursed insight

>> No.11084767

You're a mad man.

>> No.11084771

well I would barely call myself a man.

>> No.11084776

one can say that about few adult performers but that doesnt make it ok

>> No.11084781
File: 48 KB, 600x400, Richard-Stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many extremely smart morbidly obese people have you met?

>> No.11084789
File: 200 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two months' worth of equations

>> No.11084797
File: 95 KB, 750x562, 524523f96bb3f7ec1c8b4572-750-562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's hot, but not goddess-tier. Looks like a regular 95+ percentile pretty girl who got jewed into a hollywood career, sucking Weinstein dicks for film roles desu.

>> No.11084803

CS refers to computer science, not computational science

>> No.11084821

It seems we have diagnosed the problem.

>> No.11084825

Come on man, if a hot girl wants to bang why even think about how many people she's been with? Just have a good time

>> No.11084829

>Implying Stallman isn't a complete sperg

>> No.11084834

Last post! The only way for jews to get out of their hyper hell sentences is to become hyper musicians!

>> No.11084839
File: 29 KB, 508x604, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say 99th percentile for sure

>> No.11084841

Please expand on this

>> No.11084897

Possibly true but there is a reason why they change partners often.
And frankly indulging them or not should be careful consideration.

>> No.11085031

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.11085038


from MIT, Harvard, Standford, or CMU?

anywhere else?


the upper end is only if you are disciplined enough to dedicate a significant part of your salary to paying it off

>> No.11085039

Yeah, it depends on the genetics of the town you're in. Among white Nordic girls she's about a 1 in 20, but her rating goes up if you start comparing her against slavs and italians and shit.

>> No.11085041

She's not even that good looking. Wtf dude.

>> No.11086625

If she is in her 20's she's nothing special.
30's she is a looker.
40's she is exceptional.

>> No.11086825

>Computer science is a terrible name for this business. First of all, it's not a science. It might be engineering or it might be art, but we'll actually see that computer so-called science actually has a lot in common with magic

>> No.11086831

I'd let him take my virginity though if you get my drift.

>> No.11087316

yes but add a 0

>> No.11087320

Not you slut

>> No.11087359

about one green card visa.

>> No.11087456

>It might be engineering

>> No.11087531 [DELETED] 

chadness doesnt depend much on looks
it depends much more on status(where looks help,true)
if u are high status male youre automaticly a chad
ofcourse if you cant assert your dominance over other males visibly through status symbols, body language, etc. (even speech works) youll be the beta male in every interaction with other males and woman will notice that

>> No.11087542

Chadness doesnt depend much on looks.
It depends much more on status(where looks help a bit,true)
If you are high status male you're automaticly a chad
Of course if you cant assert your dominance visibly over other males
through a "frame" like status symbols, body language, speech, etc. you'll be the beta male in every interaction with other males and woman will notice that.
So aslong as you can assert dominace over other males through any known civilised "frame" you'll be a chad.

>> No.11087551
File: 523 KB, 560x819, 1477218489443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, she's like 33 now and was 30-ish in that pic. She's holding up well, definitely high tier. Just falls a bit short of the classic hollywood beauty.

>> No.11087622

imagine getting ambushed and then rapted to death
must suck to be female military personnel in combat situations