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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11072572 No.11072572 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11072583

thats a yikes

>> No.11072586

>college precalculus

so that's thing

>> No.11072590

Wtf even is precalculus

>> No.11072593 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 1024x950, 1571021087918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine unironically being a brainlet lmao

>> No.11072610


>> No.11072637
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You're stupid, oh well, study more than the average person to get along just as much.

>> No.11072638

Running start is generally better than advanced placement but whatever you were up to in high school you should have gotten at least part of calculus out of the way before college.

>> No.11072642 [DELETED] 

Perhaps you just go get a political science degree.

>> No.11072820

You've really just gotta practice out of your textbook a lot and for a long time

>> No.11072920

Trig is harder than calculus.

>> No.11072939

Just study lol what else do you want from us

>> No.11073039


>> No.11073072

what do u want us to do. like if you fail precalc its pretty obvious that u didnt study or practice enough

>> No.11073186

precalc is easy af. kys brainlet

>> No.11073229
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I am in college pre-calc, what Are you talking about, dud ?

>> No.11073282

When I took it it was Algebra for the first half of the semester and Trig for the second half

>> No.11073292

This >>11072820
You might have always just "got" many concepts in high school but that won't last forever. Eventually you're going to get to a stage where you're going to have to really practice and reflect on a concept a lot before you finally get it. You might even need to have someone else who gets it do their best to explain it to you a few times and go over examples and practice questions with you. There is nothing wrong with saying you don't understand something and looking for help.

>> No.11073319

i failed high school maths. you can do it anon

>> No.11073322
File: 683 KB, 751x684, 199F9340-CF87-4DDF-925F-92E126A85E98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>havent even opened my book for Differential Equations yet
>test is in a week
How do you even muster the energy to do this shit, i feel tired after even one problem

>> No.11073333

Welcome to CS

>> No.11073358

I cant ask for help. Going to a tutor or office hours makes me feel like a retard, its impossible

>> No.11073397

Get a load of this faggot

>> No.11073639

Everything that has to do with functions and is easier than limits 101.

>> No.11073644

Unironically this.
Analytic geometry feels like witchcraft because of its counterintuitive way of handling curves and tangents, and all the sine and cosine shit feels like the result of messing too much around with degrees instead of just using rational fractions.
fuck the babylonians/indians and fuck descartes.

>> No.11073660

Limits by definition, chain rule, and the fundamental theorem of calculus are all easier than College Algebra or Analytic Geometry.

>> No.11073661

just study harder

>> No.11073666

agreed, hardest part about basic calculus is the algebra if you can't use a calculator

>> No.11073681

You are supposed to memorize the steps the instructor uses to solve the problem, so you don’t have to pump much effort in

>> No.11073690

Maybe it's because I'm retarded or autistic, but I feel like proofs in mathematics, infinite series, and so-called mathematical "induction" are examples of deductive reasoning that can only demonstrate relations between particular propositions or arguments as shown in specific cases, as opposed to trully discovering what a "thing" trully is in-itself.
Anything which atttempts to describe a totality of beings or a universal truth regarding everything which is contained within something may only be said to be an approximation or guess, lest it be a finite set whose members are all known about.

>> No.11073705 [DELETED] 

this nigga be paraphrasing first cringe kant on /sci/. epic cringe bro

>> No.11073748

Usually for people who fucked up in highschool. Usually, they give "precalculus" for the first week of calc1, but for extreme brainlets they dedicate an entire class. Its basically basic algebra followed by functions and trig stuff. Its just the basics needed to understand and work calculus problems.

>> No.11073756

OP, just at least get a 60. It's probably not highly credited and theres no need to blow your brains out or worry about it too much, it will only make it worse. Just make sure you do all of the problems given and that you understand everything.

For the bad news, usually they hold your hand pretty well for precalculus. And the problems are similar to practices. In actual calculus classes, the problems on exams will be much harder and some of them you will have not seen a problem very similar before. Get your shit together fast.

>> No.11073764

Only encouragement I can give you is that I know quite a few brainlets who did good in college through sheer work. This includes pajeets who got through by doing literally every single problem set available, and also a girl who struggled to get a mere 76% in calculus 1 who became a doctor, in a fairly competitive place.

If pajeets and women can do it, you sure can. Just get the help you need, get medicated if necessary, and if all else fails, become humanities undergraduate and start doing drugs.

>> No.11073794

might i suggest becoming a business major?

>> No.11073796

>humanities undergraduate and start doing drugs.
can recommend

>> No.11073813

take it again no biggy

>> No.11073819

get off the fuckin' internet and fuckin study. go over your lecture notes and make a list of things you don't understand, then on monday go to your professors office hours or go to your campuses tutoring group and get help.

Failing classes is a MASSIVE waste of time and money and completely unnecessary becasue college courses are designed for you to succeed.

I'm sure you know what you have to do to pass the class, you just don't want to do it.

when I took precalc it was basically advanced algebra and at the end of the semester you dabble in the basics of integration.

>> No.11073847

wtf is college algebra
it's fucking middle school algebra, whether you take it in middle school, high school, or college
college algebra is groups rings fields

>> No.11073851


>> No.11073989

Get good skrub
f'(x) = x^3 - x^-1
f(x) = ?
f''(x) = ?
not hard

>> No.11074001

>wtf is college algebra
>proceeds to explain what college algebra is

>> No.11074042

My instuctor is a fucking pajeet who uses weird ass-backwards methods to solve shit and doesnt explain anything. I literally didnt even get told what differential equations was about until I googled it on khan academy. The only reason im passing this class is because im basically doing it solo without lectures.

>> No.11074156

f(x)= x^4

>> No.11074220

Bruh u just failed where tf is log|x|

>> No.11074443

You're thinking of abstract, you dumpling

>> No.11074482
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Explain pic related, I'm mathematically retarded.

>> No.11074492

study up on your rules for algebra. If you can manipulate algebraic equations properly its ez pz. The problems you get in precalc are very mechanical, there's seriously hardly any thinking involved

>> No.11074531


>> No.11074707

The kind of stuff that's in my College Algebra textbook are determinants, matrices, imaginary numbers, mathematical induction, polar coordinates, and infinite series. It's mostly stuff that's left out of high school-level Algebra over here in my shitty third world country (Mexico), and that sort of overlaps with Linear Algebra and Calculus.
The book we use is a translation of some old textbook written by an American college professor back in the 1960s, hence why it might not correspond to whatever undergraduate Mathematics students in America learn these days.

>> No.11074732

nobody calls algebra "abstract algebra" except engineers and high schoolers

>> No.11074751

There's more people out there with non-Mathematics-related degrees who never learned any Mathematics beyond Calculus than people who've taken Abstract Algebra classes.

>> No.11074762

sure, but there are more people who learn abstract algebra than there are that know of it and don't learn it

>> No.11074771

Nah, I'm pretty sure there's a fair number of people who know about Abstract Algebra through Youtube videos made by that kind of channels (y'know which ones I mean) that have mass appeal. For the average person, Abstract Algebra is one of those things (similar to what Hegel's writings would be to philosophy-oriented people) that only high IQ intellectuals are capable of handling.

>> No.11075041

Not sure why they wrote it out like that but

Q [math]\cdot[/math] 0.5 [math]\cdot[/math] 1.1 = (900,000 [math]\cdot[/math] 1.2) + (Q [math]\cdot[/math] 0.3)
0.55Q = 1,080,000 + 0.3Q
0.55Q - 0.3Q = 1,080,000
0.25Q = 1,080,000
Q = [math]\frac{1,080,000}{0.25}[/math]
Q = 4,320,000

>> No.11075092

something OP should have taken in middle school

>> No.11075120

I'm taking college precalculus and have a 96, I'm a midwit at best OP. Just study more.

>> No.11075175


>> No.11075340
File: 977 KB, 1700x900, algebra table of contents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in College Algebra currently. Despite being that "smart kid", I became a NEET and ended up dropping out so I didn't get past Algebra/Geometry.

My (community) college requires me to do:
College Algebra
Calculus I
Calculus II

pic related is the table of contents for my textbook.

My plan is to finish the book by the end of October, then do self study and test out of trig/precalculus.

>> No.11075348

Damn, those topics bring me back. But I wonder, historically, when did this become called Algebra? Because in Gauss' time, all of this was under "Arithmetic", and in today's time Algebra means something else. So where did the education system get the idea to name all of these things algebra? It's so bizarre that I do not know the story of how this happened despite having a degree in mathematics.

>> No.11075378 [DELETED] 

It's probably easier if you split it up into sections and just plug/chug. Hopefully this LaTeX works:

Q * \textbf{(0.5 * 1.1)} = 900000 * 1.2 + Q * 0.3
\textbf{(Q * 0.55)} = 900000 * 1.2 + Q * 0.3
0.55Q = \textbf{(900000 * 1.2)} + Q * 0.3
0.55Q = 1080000 + \textbf{(Q * 0.3)}
0.55Q = 1080000 + 0.3Q
\textbf{(0.55Q - 0.3Q)} = 1080000 + \textbf{(0.3Q - 0.3Q)}
0.25Q = 1080000
\bf{(0.25Q \div 0.25)} = \bf{(1080000 \div 0.25)}
Q = 4320000

>> No.11075382 [DELETED] 

It's easier to split it up into sections and just plug/chug, going through the problem methodically. Hopefully this works:
Q * \textbf{(0.5 * 1.1)} = 900000 * 1.2 + Q * 0.3
\textbf{(Q * 0.55)} = 900000 * 1.2 + Q * 0.3
0.55Q = \textbf{(900000 * 1.2)} + Q * 0.3
0.55Q = 1080000 + \textbf{(Q * 0.3)}
0.55Q = 1080000 + 0.3Q
\textbf{(0.55Q - 0.3Q)} = 1080000 + \textbf{(0.3Q - 0.3Q)}
0.25Q = 1080000
\bf{(0.25Q \div 0.25)} = \bf{(1080000 \div 0.25)}
Q = 4320000

>> No.11075384

It's easier to split it up into sections and just plug/chug, going through the problem methodically. Hopefully this works:
Q * \textbf{(0.5 * 1.1)} = 900000 * 1.2 + Q * 0.3

\textbf{(Q * 0.55)} = 900000 * 1.2 + Q * 0.3

0.55Q = \textbf{(900000 * 1.2)} + Q * 0.3

0.55Q = 1080000 + \textbf{(Q * 0.3)}

0.55Q = 1080000 + 0.3Q

\textbf{(0.55Q - 0.3Q)} = 1080000 + \textbf{(0.3Q - 0.3Q)}

0.25Q = 1080000

\bf{(0.25Q \div 0.25)} = \bf{(1080000 \div 0.25)}

Q = 4320000

Goddamn the latex support here is awful

>> No.11075387
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fuck it I give up

>> No.11075411

kek that's fifth grade shit

>> No.11075608

i'm sorry to hear that, anon
best wishes on the next go-round

>> No.11076205

code for elementary algebra, expect it should cover all elementary functions.
I don't know why OP called it "college" precalc, because that just means it's precalc but in a college. which is meaningless because it's the same material as if it were taught in a middle school, which is were it is usually taught. I mean impinge if it actually took people 8 years to learn precalculus and 4 to learn a cusp of elementary algebra.
that's a laugh, because there is no such thing as a place that retared, I doubt even the Americans are that dysfunctional.
read axler, the book is a perfect review.
oh yeah, and turn in your fucking homework you degenerate
>you should know calculus to take calculus
what a fucking retard you are.
I know some of you engies think calculus is hard but honestly one should just skim through a simple equation sheet with minor notes and go right to analysis.
>algebra related to circles is harder than algebra relating to average rate of change
this is why I don't visit this board daily anymore.
still funny to see the smooth brains. in fact this is the only reason I come here at all. If I wanted a intriguing conversation I'd talk to my professors or my peers.
honesty is the best policy
just pick five and do them, not that hard.
read analysis 1 by terry tao, you'll thank me later.
>testing out
always best.
why even fuck take a class if you already know the material.

>> No.11076238

>I don't know why OP called it "college" precalc, because that just means it's precalc but in a college. which is meaningless because it's the same material as if it were taught in a middle school, which is were it is usually taught.
do you honestly expect me to believe they taught binomial expansion in your standard placement public middle school?

>> No.11076443

>can get right answers in math
>extremely slow
I am destined for failure

>> No.11076472
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>pajeet professor
>hes the only professor and this the only class on campus
Do i just give up on my math major now or what

>> No.11076577

Literally all that shit is covered within the first 150 pages of my College Algebra textbook. Contemporary textbooks really are fucking terrible and full of filler, aren't they?

>> No.11076597

Not in middle school, but I remember being taught about binomial expansion to the second and third power in high school, even though I can't remember getting taught about the binomial theorem and Pascal's triangle till I took my College Algebra course, which couldn't have been done earlier on, since we'd never really seen taught about factorials prior to that.

>> No.11076608

Plugga bättre du skämmer ut ed

>> No.11076612

>Nonlinear functions
>Nonlinear systems
Oh, so that's where the "College" part of College Algebra is.

>> No.11076651

Is the nonlinear systems stuff in your textbook this sort of stuff over here
or this
If it's the latter, then I'm surprised it'd pop up in what's supposed to be an elementary algebra-level textbook. If it's the former, I feel like it should've appeared earlier on.

>> No.11077308

I'm not sure desu. My College Algebra class is only going to 9.4

>> No.11077401

Do you know if you're at least gonna see Conics in some other class?
For me, conics were helladang difficult when I first saw them in Analytic Geometry (especially problems about finding circles inscribed inside of parabolas, or finding lines that are tangent to an ellipse and that touch some other point), but it's possible to get through them by brute forcing them, and also attempting to work your way backwards through problem solutions, theorems, etc.
One thing that my experiences with language learning taught me that translates quite well over to mathematics is that doing or at least seeing something very often (like, at least every 2 days) is more important than doing the same thing many times in a row.

>> No.11077630

> college
> precalc

>> No.11077727

I once met a Theology major who got accepted for some reason or another, and claimed he got extremely high points on the reading sections of the entry exam, but was so bad at math that he had to take remedial Algebra classes.
This was in a top 20 university in a third world world country btw.

>> No.11077733

a 3rd world countries top 20 university... sounds pretty shit

>> No.11077743

Precalculus is genuinely harder than Calculus.

>> No.11077745

At least it's Mexico and not Burundi

>> No.11077918
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how the fuck am I supposed to pass all these hard as fuck math classes AND do the other classes for my degree (CS)?

>> No.11077952

Any good College Algebra book will introduce you to everything from addition and substraction to combinatronics and infinite series. It shouldn't take more than 6 months to get through all of that.

>> No.11077955


>> No.11078352

>his school mates couldn't handle a simple algorithm.
you're right they didn't but they did have a library near by where I would hang out as my mom would get drunk with allen and they'd hang out all night, and until the morning, as I'd walk myself to school.
so yeah mate, sorry I knew how to read.
in high school I got a laptop from my uncle for classes, I started downloading pdfs of textbooks.
libgen, become familiar with it.
>hurr durr americans are too stupid to understand n*(n-1)*...

>> No.11078366

retarded newfag

>> No.11078380

Lang is a meme and is fucking terrible.

>> No.11078386

you sound insufferable

>> No.11078431

Arent pajeets as smart as chinks? I always thought of them as smart but it could just be the work ethic

>> No.11078440

You're so fucking pretentious, it's hilarious. You don't even sound cocky or arrogant, but as if you were trying too hard to act like the smartass you aren't. The funniest thing is that guys like you are never hot shit. You're probably an undergrad student in some B tier school without many significant achievements, but still you spend your free time trying to shit on strangers in a mongoloid cartoon imageboard by pretending that everything is soooo easy to you. I'm not even mad at you, anon. I pity you.

>> No.11078446

>Failing precalc
Just quit STEM at this point la
This shit ain't for mouthbreathing brainlets

>> No.11078495

You can make more money as a plumber. Not to worry.

>> No.11078524

I failed it 4 times. It's easier the 5th time

>> No.11078549

based idiot

>> No.11078564

based reply

>> No.11078875

It's where you learn the unit circle.
Honestly can't be bothered to remember much else of it.

>> No.11079040

its not log x its ln|x|, brainlet.

>> No.11079079

When you just start doing math, and some numbers start to come out, but its just a little bit and you still keep going.

>> No.11079080

log usually means natural log when the base isn't specified

>> No.11079092
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>test is only going to be second order ODEs with complex roots
i-is this cheating? It can't be this easy

>> No.11079114

you see them again in multivariable calc but in 3d

>> No.11079118

log means natural log in pure math contexts, base 10 in many engineering contexts, and sometimes base 2. it's clear the pure math standard is better but the reality is that log often means base 10

>> No.11079122

Just use natural log and stop giving me aids.

>> No.11079142


>> No.11079147

that's not even possible considering you need precalc for calculus
also precalc is easy as fuck. I didn't even need to study and was stoned for every lecture

>> No.11079931
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Nvm just had another practice lesson I'am brainlet too

>> No.11079998

kindergarten math

>> No.11081649


>> No.11081668
File: 7 KB, 200x195, mygfisimaginary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happen to have no clue what you are talking about. Basic math by lang, how to solve it, then analysis 1 by terry tao, this is just correct.
no, I write with an insufferable tone. I sound great.
lol, you're funny anon. You'd make a good girlfriend, I'm doing auditions btw ;)
pity me harder cutie
no he just needs to pass and that's enough for being a code monkey.
they are like accountants but worse, adding numbers all day but sat alone at lunch in high school
wait no that was me...im a math major. :(
learning from your failures, signs of a true genius. Best to be wrong faster to correct yourself sooner.

>> No.11081857

desu if all you do with your cs degree is some full-stack meme job you're a failure as that is so beneath the knowledge you acquire in a CS degree.

>> No.11081891

>Maybe it's because I'm retarded or autistic, but I feel like proofs in mathematics, infinite series, and so-called mathematical "induction" are examples of deductive reasoning that can only demonstrate relations between particular propositions or arguments as shown in specific cases, as opposed to trully discovering what a "thing" trully is in-itself.

I think it's the former, you're retarded.

>> No.11082093

Check out Sheldon Axler's book on precalc.

>> No.11082582

Are you using velcro instead of shoelaces? Do you wear a helmet when outside? Are you allowed near sharp objects?

>> No.11082640

same here brother. Brainlet unite

>> No.11083219
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>> No.11083261

I’m taking precalc to but have a 70%. I still have a chance right? I’m still new to this college thing.

>> No.11083286

why do these retards overhype calculus? seriously it is so ridiculous

>> No.11083289

Calculus is one of the hardest classes an undergrad can take, retard

Math 55 at Harvard is the hardest math class ever made and it's calculus.

>> No.11083315
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>Calculus is one of the hardest classes an undergrad can take,
according to social studies students?

>> No.11083466

At my school the course is called abstract algebra

>> No.11083941

Your own fault for not taking precalc until college.

>> No.11084160

how do you even fail college pre-calc?

>> No.11084178

>College precalculus
Those two words have no right to be in the same sentence.

>> No.11084188
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>> No.11084327

>Math 55 at Harvard is the hardest math class ever made and it's calculus.
Math 55 is LA, Real & Complex Analysis, Group Theory, Topology and some other topic depending on who's teaching the class.

>> No.11084376

I think I nearly failed precalculus once as a sophomore in high school, but even then it was like only a C- not technically failing. I had to kick it into gear when I did Calculus my Junior year of HS. Why are you even taking these in College, it is meant for children in high school. When you arrive at college you shouldn't be doing Calc at all. Maybe multivariable calc would be reasonable but they offered that in HS as well so it is still kind of cringe to be taking courses like this at Uni.

>> No.11085566

>going to a tutor or office hours makes me feel like a retard
You’re never going to make it. It has nothing to do with your intellectual capabilities. It has to do with your character. I went to office hours from calc 1 to algebraic topology. Lose your shame and ask your questions

>> No.11085572

Pajeets are smart, especially American born south Asians, and represented in stem because of particular cultural pushes. It’s that they’re mixed in with not so smart people, just like any other population

>> No.11086413

This. My ego can go suck a chode I need to actually learn shiz

>> No.11086646

Any info on the class that's available online?

>> No.11086957

>be me
>brainlet in math
>manage to pass pre-cal subjects even though learning nothing in senior high
>having thoughts what to take in college
>med, compsci, or eng
>be a dumbfuck and chose engineering
>already a 2nd year
>an irreg since I failed calculus
Fuck me

>> No.11086971

Some anon said in an another thread that its more effective to study analysis first then study calculus
Can anyone confirm?

>> No.11087172

yeah I'm that guy, probably, I mean I do say that a lot.
proof? you don't actually need to know calculus, which if you knew what the word calculus meant you'd have a different opinion, to know analysis.
If you're not an engineer you're wasting your time, just look at a formula sheet and be done with all of calculus.
get to the real shit.
Apostol is a good stepping stone. There are better books, MUCH better, but I need not enrage the rudin/apostol whiners.
Oh anon, there are better cash careers which require much less.
But you don't seem like the intelligent type so I won't hold it against you

>> No.11087346

>only got an 85 on my midterm

>> No.11088032

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/55023596