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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 398 KB, 2218x1663, greta-thunberg-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11076617 No.11076617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you stand with Greta?

>> No.11076623

Yes but only because we’ve run out of time.

>> No.11076627

i will if she lets me sniff her cunny

>> No.11076629

Environmentalists in 1960: "We're fucked in 10 years"
Environmentalists in 1970: "We're fucked in 10 years"
Environmentalists in 2020: "We're fucked in 10 years"

>> No.11076637

I agree with her but stomping your feet and demanding everything change overnight is beyond petulant, if she was smart she would be in school working on solutions not demanding them.

>> No.11076645

Unironically asking, is she inbred? Something about her face is off

>> No.11076647

She's counterproductive.
She polarizes the debate, not rallying anymore people from the other side to her cause.
If she really valued scientists and their work she wouldn't ask children to skip school.
But I don't hate her. Far from that, I pity her for being manipulated by green industries and her fame-hungry parents.

>> No.11076653

She looks way younger than she is at least. A 16 year old girl (a 16 year old boy not necessarily) would normally look pretty much like a young adult.

>> No.11076681
File: 144 KB, 1313x666, gretaalcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is almost certainly a fetal alcohol baby. Her mother is a big drinker and likes to party. Once you look into what Greta's mother is like the whole Greta story starts to make sense.

>> No.11076682

>She polarizes the debate
There is no debate.

>> No.11076683

we're already fucked, we're just trying to limit the fuckery.

>> No.11076690

just imagine how different the world would be had al gore won he elections. we only the rural inbred republican'ts to blame

>> No.11076695

That's not fetal alcohol syndrome, not that you'd be able to tell from a cartoon anyway, armchair doctor

>> No.11076708

Yes it is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder

>> No.11076711

No it's not, Dr. Armchair

>> No.11076716

Except that polarization polarizes zoomers against the boomers. Future belongs to those that are young today, not to the boomers.

>> No.11076721

97% of physicians surveyed agreed that Greta is most likely a fetal alcohol victim.

>> No.11076726
File: 8 KB, 183x275, gretamother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, her mother is a huge alcoholic. Just look at her crows feet and how terribly she is aging. Her parents are no different than than any other self-absorbed narcissistic couple that moves their kid out to L.A. to force them to be an actor so they can go on living like they did when they were in their twenties and pursuing their dreams of fame and fortune. Only instead of acting they pushed their daughter into political activism.

>> No.11076754


>> No.11076761

Not really. She offers no solution. Anything these fucks propose only serves to cut your standard of living down just kick the can down the street another 10 years till you have to cut the standard of living down again. Population control is the only permanent solution.

Also Wednesday wore it better.

Yes, if only Al Gore won. He would've wrangled Xi Jinping to spend his Paris Accord billions on green fuels instead of steel factories. He would've made those developing countries see their erroneous ways in catching up to Western societies instead of caring for the earth first! He would've prevented 9/11 and the fallout wars and the fallout oil exploitation. Do you pray to your Al Gore shrine every Saturday too?

>> No.11076766

aren't we though? the world seems pretty goddamn fucked to me

>> No.11076767
File: 1.14 MB, 1200x900, 考える.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that interesting? Why has so much more energy and resources been dumped into her publicity than into immediately actionable solutions?

>> No.11076772

yeah i know, that why a 16yo autistic retard is your spokesmen

>> No.11076804

>rural retard coiling in self defense

>> No.11076807

I'm already doing everything she wants and I still hate her.
Been vegan a decade now. I reuse bags. I recycle. I walk or take public transportation when I can. I even wear that hippie deodorant that isn't tested on animals.
But somehow I still hate her and her handlers for promoting this hysteria.

>> No.11076819

what hysteria?
what claims has she made, and which ones are promoting baseless hysteria

>> No.11076831

She's right, but terribly unlikeable.

>> No.11076837
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Children do not have opinions worth devoting any real thought to. Her parent's opinions are equally uninformed and worthless and hearing them shouted through their retarded daughter doesn't make them any more compelling. She should probably start going to school like a regular kid again.

>> No.11076839

The world isn't ending. Yes, we should stop treating the ecosystem like shit and yes, manmade climate change is a thing, and yes, vegetarians really do have the moral high ground on that one issue, but she's pushing this crazy hysteria and drama that's bad for everyone.
Also, the climate change agenda is just a boogeyman they use to sell socialist economic policies.

>> No.11076842

>vegetarians really do have the moral high ground on that one issue
Vegetarians are never, ever right, except about factory farming. I love meat and will never stop eating it, but producing mass amounts of it can be done more humanely than just shoving a hundred chickens in a shoebox or cramming a million pigs shoulder-to-shoulder in shit. Veal is pretty fucked up too, tasty though.

>> No.11076858
File: 79 KB, 1280x1280, 1570480040953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is there any proof that the current temperature is some kind of Goldilocks? while warmer temperature can cause some problems, it will also bring many benefits, the pros will outweight the cons

>> No.11076893

>I'm already doing everything she wants
It's not about individual behaviour, you silly.

>> No.11076908

The world is ending because if we go beyond a certain temperature threshold the temperature increases will snowball out of control.

>> No.11076930
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>> No.11076935


This is exactly why nobody takes this crap seriously anymore.

>> No.11076938


This so much. If some autistic kid is screaming at you you are only going to go "fuck you" even harder.

We won't save the planet by going vegan for fuck's sake. It's just going from one lobby to another.

>> No.11076949

Give proof. It was hotter during Medieval. It was hotter during Rome. It was way, way hotter during thermal maximum.

The only real argument is "millions in poor countries will suffer". And nobody fucking cares since they wouldn't suffer if they stopped breeding in the first place.

>> No.11076983

except everyone does and you're either lying or living under a rock
you cannot deny the irrefutable evidence of change. you can argue about time frames all you want, but that doesn't matter. 10 years or 50 years or 200 years, someone's still in big trouble. why not put in a tiny tiny amount of work and inconvenience to ease those people's (maybe your) apocalypse?

>> No.11077003

>It was hotter during Medieval.

>It was hotter during Rome.

>It was way, way hotter during thermal maximum.
That was tens of millions of years ago, before humans even existed. So if that's your standard for what's acceptable, I guess human extinction is fine.

>The only real argument is "millions in poor countries will suffer".
You'll suffer too.

>> No.11077007

No. She's mainstream, so I must oppose her

>> No.11077009

Gosh I can't believe people on /sci/ actually believe this.

>> No.11077013

>If some autistic kid is screaming at you you are only going to go "fuck you" even harder.
She's not screaming at you to go vegan though. She's screaming at politicians to make policy changes.
Seems like you bought into the victimization complex that industrialists sell you.

>> No.11077017


We are too late.

>> No.11077025

Temperature is on a lag, this is a known fact. It takes time for what we are doing now to impact the global climate. Increasing temperature depletes ice sheets, our biggest temperature reflectors on the planet. If they all disappear the ocean will just be one big ass heat sink that will stalwartly prevent the temperature coming down for centuries.

>> No.11077030

But all she does is demand and talk shit. "You stole my dreams" LMAO.

She encourages people to take a day off school so that they get even dumber which makes the finding of a solution even harder.

>> No.11077038

>But all she does is demand
Well obviously. Whatever she can do herself with her friends won't make a difference, so all that's left to do is to demand stuff from powerful people.
Nothing wrong with that.
>and talk shit.
You're one to talk.

>> No.11077045


>> No.11077048


>> No.11077057

You are retarded. All you do is read paper by (((climate scientists))) reviewed by thousands of other (((climate scientists))). How about you actually ask real climate scientists and not thousand of bullshit professors who just hop on the bandwagon for money for their institutes and circlejerk about their own papers who all left out neccessary data.
There isn't even a single experiment proofing that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. That shit doesn't even make up 1% of our atmosphere. It doesn't make sense that CO2 is the devil, it's not even distributed like a "shield" in our atmosphere, so how the fuck should it be able to make a significant change, if any, to our temperature.

Also it has been proven that ice sheets during the existence of our planet melted and grew back many times. Ever thought of it being a natural process? I guess the great ice times and reheating can be overlooked now, this MUST be a manmade problem.

>> No.11077058

There's an element missing from our predictions that could make things even worse: Methane. Unlike with Carbon Dioxide, we have no models for knowing the full impact of it. It could be a thousand times worse.

>> No.11077062

this is just the beginning

>> No.11077071
File: 19 KB, 545x478, 1524844953322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how come he doesnt yell at powerful people from china

>> No.11077076

Pretty much

>> No.11077087

You don't think what she is talking is complete bullshit you're retarded.
She is just a little girl who read about climate change in a shitty school book and got an overreacted panic attack that she might die in 20 years and that her dreams now got shattered. The media took the opportunity to push their agenda. Because who the fuck wouldn't listen to a little girl scared for her life?

She demands solutions, but does nothing herself. The funnierst thing is, she doesn't even know what the solutions even are she is demanding.

More ironically, she is a vegan, and I bet my ass she eats bananas, avocados, pineapple, kiwis or any other exotic fruit out there. How about eating regional and local foods? A fucking avocado takes 70 litres of water and is then shipped from the side of the earth into er local supermarket EVERY goddamn DAY. First stop eating bananas, maybe then I will listen to her concerns.

>> No.11077093

All climate activism is an offshoot of the 'back to nature' school of thought. The idea that all of societies problems are caused by us living in an unnatural state. This is why no one talks about geo engineering or carbon removal, it would be against the natural order of things.

>> No.11077095

>You'll suffer too.

So far I'm having a better life due to higher temperatures.

>> No.11077106
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Shit, we doomed. I guess I need to eat plants and worms now. Thanks Greta.

>> No.11077110

Lol. That's not her or her parents opinions. It is all Al Gore and his swedish lap dog.

>> No.11077112

Are you fucking retarded you worthless fucking shit stain?!?!?! You can lazily lap up all the propaganda like a good little brainless bleeding heart nigger but cant actually look up and face real contradicting evidence. Ice cores have been legitimately used for decades to learn about the atmosphere in the past. They have shown the mentioned warm periods anon is talking about you dumbass. Everyone agreed with them until climate hysteria hit and morons try to save face by denying that evidence. Google historical warm periods. You'll find articles and some graphs. Then do yourself a favor look up the ice core studies that made the graph possible.
It's funny how bleeding heart climate "revolutionaries" treat bandwagon climate scientists like psychics or time travelers that lived in the past for decades to know for sure, without any doubt in the world, 100% certainty, that measured the heat rates globally over decades and centuries to know what "proper" heat rate rising should be.

>> No.11077121


>> No.11077123

Yes it is, Greta

>> No.11077129

Imagine believing in something that is being shilled by a Jewish lich

>> No.11077140

could you label on the graph where human civilization has existed? thanks

>> No.11077145

Bruh, go take your meds or something. You provided no proof beyond "lol look it up". A claim was made, burden of proof on the claimant.

>> No.11077167
File: 389 KB, 1280x961, 1280px-2000_Year_Temperature_Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ice cores have been legitimately used for decades to learn about the atmosphere in the past. They have shown the mentioned warm periods anon is talking about you dumbass.
Please explain how ice cores show global temperature.

>Google historical warm periods.
I did. The first result for medieval warm period has this picture which clearly show the medieval warm period was cooler than now and is completely dwarfed by global warming. The Roman warm period doesn't even show up globally. Take your own advice next time.

>It's funny how bleeding heart climate "revolutionaries" treat bandwagon climate scientists like psychics or time travelers that lived in the past for decades to know for sure, without any doubt in the world, 100% certainty, that measured the heat rates globally over decades and centuries to know what "proper" heat rate rising should be.
This is funny considering the only one who made claims about past warming in this thread are you deniers, and you immediately got BTFO. If you can't even get facts about the climate right, why should anyone listen to anything else you have to say?

>> No.11077169

You do realize the greenhouse effect is proven by very basic physical chemistry right? I did the calculations myself. The science that predicted this was completed the first time in the early 1800's. The experiments were completed before the 1900's. The people who did this were very well respected physicists like Arrhenius and Fourier. If you are gonna bitch about something don't choose such a low hanging fruit to disprove.
Also nice "no true scotsman"

There were also supervolcano eruptions, that doesn't mean it will be healthy for anyone if one were to explode right now.

>> No.11077173 [DELETED] 

Climate alarmist scientists
>> nah nah the sun is my homie, we gucci. I always be knowin when its supposed to be fire hot or chill. For real, right now im scared dude. It aint supposed to be this hot this year. I always know what the sun is supposed to do, trust me. I'm a scientist dude.

>> No.11077183

Take my cock out your ass you fucking faggot. Take your anti faggot pills for once nigger. Imagine the time wasted when someone always had to go out of their way to provide the evidence to retards. Faggot retard enabler. Gtfo.

>> No.11077189

It is not probven that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and the reason for a greenhouse effect on out earth. I never said the greenhouse effect doesn't exist in our atmosphere, but reason for that is definetely not CO2. The greenhouse effect on the venus for example is definetely not made by CO2. The greenhouse in my garden doesn't work because of CO2. I don't know why people believe this bullshit.

>There were also supervolcano eruptions, that doesn't mean it will be healthy for anyone if one were to explode right now.
Yeah and? What you gonna do about it? Obviously it's a natural thing to happen. You really think nature gives a fuck if we reduce our CO2 but that small amount? There is nothing humans can do about what our planet wants to do. Deal with our go extinct. Simple as that. But to give natural processes as an argument for a manmade climate change is ridiculous.

>> No.11077197
File: 48 KB, 800x466, 1792fc434aa70f6eda72e5bde0359e07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11077112 (You) #
Climate alarmist scientists
>> nah nah the sun is my homie, we gucci. I always be knowin when its supposed to be fire hot or chill. For real, right now im scared dude. It aint supposed to be this hot this year. I always know what the sun is supposed to do, trust me. I'm a scientist dude

>> No.11077204
File: 148 KB, 595x600, 595px-Atmospheric_Transmission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally calculated the infrared radiative spectrum for CO2. It is a greenhouse gas, I had to pour my blood sweat and tears into that code and math.
>actual greenhouse
Oh god you are trolling, I was scared for a second.

Considering CO2 has pretty much doubled since the start of the industrial revolution, yeah there is a lot we can do. That's not even including the other stuff we pump into the atmosphere. I bet you would have been against banning CFC's because "the hole in the atmosphere is already there, we can't fix it". But look where we are now! It's the smallest it has been in decades.

>> No.11077208
File: 83 KB, 900x900, dxl2ui5v2r611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not probven that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and the reason for a greenhouse effect on out earth.
It is. You can directly observe the greenhouse effect from CO2 with radiative spectroscopy.

>I never said the greenhouse effect doesn't exist in our atmosphere, but reason for that is definetely not CO2. The greenhouse effect on the venus for example is definetely not made by CO2.
It definitely is. https://www.universetoday.com/22577/venus-greenhouse-effect/

>The greenhouse in my garden doesn't work because of CO2.
Wow, you're a fucking retard. Greenhouses don't operate according to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is just a name based on an analogy with greenhouses.

>You really think nature gives a fuck if we reduce our CO2 but that small amount?
How exactly is doubling the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere a "small amount?"

>> No.11077209
File: 87 KB, 740x725, bfcec0c0-8699-4523-81e4-544e2d5a0bc3-sex4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd happily stand behind her

>> No.11077210

wait until climate rapefugees come for you

>> No.11077214
File: 16 KB, 620x266, paleo_CO2_2017_lrg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not probven that CO2 is a greenhouse gas
It absolutely is, it absorbs light at long wavelengths and transmits light at short wavelengths it's by definition a greenhouse gas.

>The greenhouse effect on the venus for example is definetely not made by CO2
are you retarded? it's atmosphere is 95% CO2 and makes the planet hotter than Mercury? How are you so ignorant?

>The greenhouse in my garden doesn't work because of CO2.
Yeah it's fucking glass, are you saying that a building isn't the same as a planet? Shocking revelation.

>You really think nature gives a fuck if we reduce our CO2 but that small amount?
it's an utterly massive amount, our atmosphere now has the highest concentrations of CO2 it has had in over 5 million years, entirely due to human emissions over less than a century.

>There is nothing humans can do about what our planet wants to do.

completely incorrect. humans are entirely responsible for current climate change

>> No.11077215

i'm not racist so that's not a problem for me

>> No.11077216
File: 63 KB, 800x533, Sunspot-activity-observation-dec6-e1544118001987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sun does not operate according to predictable cycles
>solar activity cannot be observed and measured in real time
Awwww, it's retarded.

>> No.11077217

Now calculate the change in temperature CO2 is guilty of. How cares about absorption and reflection spectrum of a gas if a resulting temperature change from that gas isn't there.

>> No.11077223

If humans are responsible for climate change, who was responsible for all the other climate changes throughout the history of our planet?

>> No.11077225
File: 21 KB, 275x744, Climate_Sensitivity_Summary.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now calculate the change in temperature CO2 is guilty of.
About 3 degrees C per doubling of CO2 once the climate reaches a steady state.

>How cares about absorption and reflection spectrum of a gas if a resulting temperature change from that gas isn't there.
But it is there. What do you think a difference in energy leaving vs entering Earth results in?

>> No.11077226

>no scientific credentials
>no talents in anything
>no oratory skill, whines like petulant child
>fetal alcoholic, autistic and probably inbred
>wholly incapable of understanding the science of climate change and incapable of rallying people to do something about it

Why is she famous again?

>> No.11077227

>100 years

Oh no, it's retarded.

>> No.11077232
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>if Billy is responsible for a murder he must be responsible for all crime
>this is impossible so Billy must be innocent

>> No.11077233

God obviously.

>> No.11077238


looks like fake graph, you telling me global temperature has not deviated by more than 1 degree over the last 2000 years?

>> No.11077241
File: 671 KB, 1070x1903, 20191020_140707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked retard.

>> No.11077242

Doesn't rule out the possibility that it is entirely natural like all the other climate changes before.

>> No.11077245

global average temperature is extremely stable well, if you ignore the past 100 years, we're at +1C over the pre industrial baseline already

>> No.11077248

What lines of evidence do you have that suggest the current warming is natural?

>> No.11077249

More EnvironMENTALalists

lol amirite?

>> No.11077250

I'm doing the best I can by being vegetarian and doing all the super eco conscious things. People call me a faggot all the time for not wanting to waste things or over consume. I don't say anything anymore. I'm just waiting until humanity realizes they fucked up and then I'm going to have the smuggest face ever.

>> No.11077252
File: 85 KB, 400x734, adv3z6lk95v01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I think someone is lying about CO2 levels in the atmosphere. They have always been in line coordinated with temperature. All of a sudden graphs show CO2 is astronmical the past decade or some from a sloping rise to a big spike. YET, it's not insanely hot as one would surmise from temps and CO2 being even for so long so what the fuck? Yeah. Climate hysteria is bullshit. I think we should start culling everyone trying to spread this shit already.

>> No.11077265

Basically this >>11077106
In this graph I see that the temperature of the earth always and many times went up and down. And it makes sense to me that th etemperature is now slowly rising because we are coming out of an ice age.

What I wanna see is a correlation between CO2 and temperature in one graph.

>> No.11077268

>And it makes sense to me that th etemperature is now slowly rising because we are coming out of an ice age.

we've been out of an ice age for 10k years, what do you think is driving this increase in temperature?
>What I wanna see is a correlation between CO2 and temperature in one graph.
here you go dude

>> No.11077273

no, but i do agree that humans are a major contributor to climate change. i just don't see it as a problem since i don't and won't have kids.

>> No.11077280

Temperature is on a lag. Heat capacity is a thing.

Why are you on /sci/ if your first instinct upon seeing something you don't understand is to exterminate the people who have tried to understand it, instead of you know, using science to understand it yourself?

>> No.11077289

Yeah. I'm not a retard.

>> No.11077296
File: 50 KB, 600x385, tmpXbXQ4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Awwwww fuck my aaaass . I'm a disingenous faggot.
Fucking faggot tard. You inbred or something cause youre the only being an "it". Funny how you cocksuckers can bring up solar cycles the same way we do but not admit past warm periods were hotter then now. And every warm period did not correlate in any precise measurable way to the sun's activity dipshit which was precisely my point. And there is still no empirical method to deduce what is a "right" level of temperature rise we should be at here now you fuckin faggot. Go fuckin die.

>> No.11077301
File: 221 KB, 800x1184, 1563242297903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I agree with her true, secret message about genocidng third world polluters, shes right

>> No.11077309

do you care if millions of people die because of increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather, flooodings and draughts?

>> No.11077315

These arguments are pretty incoherent and violent. Why is this causing you to become so angry? Why can you not engage in a calm and level-headed manner on this subject?

>> No.11077316
File: 105 KB, 1005x930, Screenshot_2019-09-24 co2-emissions-per-capita png (PNG Image, 1005 × 930 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah nuking America is the only way to save ourselves.

>> No.11077319

oh nonono absolutely not

>> No.11077321

>Honestly I think someone is lying about CO2 levels in the atmosphere
if you make accusations against the concensus you at least have to show compelling evidence

>> No.11077330

>show compelling evidence
nigga where do you think you are?

>> No.11077336

There's quite a bit of compelling evidence posted on /sci/ why can't you provide any?

>> No.11077337

Cause he doesn't have any

>> No.11077347


richer you are, more co2 you generate

>> No.11077349

She cute

>> No.11077361


you have terrible taste in women

>> No.11077363

>nigga where do you think you are?
Hey man don't be like that! This is a very important thread. I'm a policy maker for a G7 country and am basing my entire platform on the arguments made here.

Everyone keep going I really need the help here

>> No.11077367

>looks like fake graph
Looks like a fake post.

>> No.11077368
File: 35 KB, 518x189, file-5c59d52d07a90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>thempathor iz ong lag-guh
Fuck off you fucking pretentious little shit. You little hero wannabes using false facts for this shit need to fucking die wasting everybody's time. It's anoying going over all the science again and again and proving your cult wrong. I'll do it again right now. You say there's a lag? Then why the fuck do infographics show the temperature rise BEFORE the CO2 does? Riddle me that fagman. Fuck all you motherfuckers.

Look to the right of 350,000 and see temp rise before CO2 for just one example.
Any graph showing temps and CO2 together will show this. You bitches just can't help yourselves desperately trying to save face. You're wrong! Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.11077369

Post your ideal puppetfu then

>> No.11077379

I say we wait until we see her cuncun.

>> No.11077382

karim karim karim koran
abdihl abduhl abdibullah

>> No.11077413

explained in detail here, >>11077268
in summary, it's because that's an antarctic ice core, and increased solar irrradiance from changes in orbital eccentricity causes ice melt and small localized temperature increases which release co2 and other greenhouse gasses, which are what causes the entire planet to warm, and the inter glacial to begin.
If reading isn't your style here's a youtube video that explains things nicely