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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 86 KB, 1064x898, units.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11069872 No.11069872 [Reply] [Original]

Brainlets will debate imperial vs metric, but which system do real /sci/entists use?

>> No.11069875

plank units

>> No.11070064


>> No.11070992


>> No.11071006
File: 97 KB, 500x335, 7170466681_e07591946e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English or nothing, bitch. I will not live in a world without BTUs per poundmass-Rankine, or without the elegance of a slug per second. Don't even get me started on acre-feet.

>> No.11071010
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Impressive that they got to the moon with this shit.

>> No.11071011

>SI is not arbitrary

>> No.11071019

Why do so many physicists like to do away with the constants ?
They are useful for dimensional analysis.

>> No.11071030

SI or Planck units depending on the subject. For modern day physics most commonly the latter.

>> No.11071034

As shitty as imperial are for science and engineering they are probably more useful in daily life.

>> No.11071061

I wouldn't care if everyone just used metric going forward, but the way in which the US displays dates is superior. It arranges dates in order of importance, knowing the month gives you the most immediate information, knowing the day of the month is less important but is useful for various circumstances, and the year is of course irrelevant in most daily usage but needed every so often. It is arranged in the order that imparts the most useful and relevant information first for daily use. Of course if you have an archive, it may be better to arrange with year first, but that is a niche case. Doing day first is utter nonsense, the day of the month is practically meaningless unless you first know which month you're talking about.

>> No.11071104

Why is imperial shitty?

>> No.11071112

In what way is it a disadvantage for daily life to have units with easy and logical conversions? What is the advantage of imperial units for daily life?

>> No.11071116

I use my fingers.

>> No.11071117

how so?

>> No.11071127

>What is the advantage of imperial units for daily life?
they are based

>> No.11071183

The one most suitable for the job, as can be seen in the table.

>> No.11071186

All scientists everywhere use metric, even the US

>> No.11071199
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>> No.11071202
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>> No.11071638

Imperial units are better sized for the scale of objects and processes you would normally want to describe. This is especially clear with measurements of temperature. The main reason you would care about a temperature in day to day life is to know what clothes would be most comfortable to wear (pants vs shorts, so I need a jacket etc). With the farenheit scale, just knowing that the temperature is, say, in the 70s is enough to tell you what would make sense to wear. The value of a degree is such that it is convenient for normal usage. Not so with celsius, where each degree of temperature is large enough that you need 2 sig figs worth of information for it to be useful. The difference is less notable in other areas, though feet are definitely a more convenient unit for a lot of things compared to meters, which are kind of too big.
There's a very good reason for having 12 inches to a foot, which is that 12 is easily divisible my several factors (2,3,4, and 6) whereas 10 only has 2 and 5. This makes division into whole number parts much more convenient. 12 is legitimately a better number base than 10 assuming you don't need to use your fingers to count. I wish we used base 12 instead of base 10, I know some societies used to.

>> No.11071646

>all these brainlets using SI

>> No.11071774

Set all constants as equal to 1. Problem solved.

>> No.11071785

Ew. No thanks.

>> No.11071788


>> No.11071789

so do you set h or h bar equal to one? do you set bolztmann's constant or the universal gas constant equal to zero?

>> No.11071793

>slug per second
>mass per time

>> No.11071799

Based and kikepilled.

Cringe. Go shill somewhere else Shlomo.

>> No.11071805

you've...never heard of mass flowrate?

>> No.11071835

pure mathematician
mass flow rate, is that like how fast im filling stacy’s ass with baby batter?

>> No.11071842

yeah. imagine an imaginary surface that encloses your father's colon. mass flow rate is the limit as delta t goes to zero of delta m/delta t where delta m is a very small amount of my cum squirting into his rectum.

>> No.11071844

imperial is useful for quick daily non precise measurements, an inch is a really convenient length same with a foot.
SI units for anything precise

>> No.11071849

how is SI any more precise?

>> No.11072458

imperial > metric for structural engineering stuff

>> No.11072582

At first you say that celsius scale is uncomfortable because you need to be more precise about temperature to know what you should wear (which I fully disagree, no one needs that much precision to wear a jacket) but then argue that feet are better than meters because it has more factors? I mean, for practical purposes 10 / 3 = 3 and 10 / 5 = 1.5. 10 / 4 = 2.5 which is "intuitive" because it is a quarter.

Also, using centimeters along with meters makes measurements like 2.5 m and 1.5 m very comfortable since it's very easy to figure out that half a meter is just 50 cm. You can even keep dividing without much hassle. Math is not that hard...

>> No.11072604

sci is an ashkenazic board.

>> No.11072631

> Sometimes I hear proponents of the Metric system complain about old-style Imperial units with comments like: "They don't make any sense; they're not based on units of 10".
> I claim that these are two separate considerations.
> Yes, the Metric system is ideally suited for making simple translations, and excellent for use in the sciences when your scales may need frequent conversions.

> But the Imperial units "make sense" to a greater degree in that they're intrinsically scaled to people, and are more intuitive if you need to quickly and roughly estimate things on the fly.
> For example: a "foot" is about the length your foot.
> A "hand" is the size of your hand.
> A "league" is about how far you can walk in an hour.
> Temperature of 0 degrees fahrenheit is very cold (about where blood can freeze), 50 degrees temperate, 100 degress very hot (about where blood is in a living person).
> And, one "stone" is about the amount of weight that will get your attention when you try to carry it.

> - Dan "Delta" Collins

>> No.11072643

Base ten was a mistake.

>> No.11072647
File: 126 KB, 634x617, 1514136285224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imperial is like dlc for metric, and it's good dlc

>> No.11072648

Counting to 12 on your phalanges is less comfortable than counting to 10 on your fingers.

>> No.11072659

Sacrifice is worth it when I can count to 143 on my hands.

>> No.11072664

You can count to 1023 on your fingers using binary but it would be extremely painful.

>> No.11072683

00110100 01010101

>> No.11072692

it's simply easier to change between scales which greatly reduces error rates

>> No.11072695

Good one.

>> No.11073130

How many more times did you ask yourself "what month is it?" compared to "What day is today?". If you regularly don't know what month it is, you have some serious problems.

>> No.11074289

metric (CGS)

>> No.11074313

You only think like that because you grow up with them.

>> No.11074426

Oh shit, fucking curve ball right there. It seems the hebs have corrupted the truth. Who the fuck knows which is non-kosher now

>> No.11074507

SI is suicide incoming. classical metrics are based on real things and SI is entirely self-referential. Were anything to change, so would every metric in SI such that it becomes completely worthless and wrong.

>> No.11074509

if march isn't the first month of the year of whatever calendar you use, you're wrong regardless if the month in a date comes first or second.