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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11065925 No.11065925 [Reply] [Original]

How many are we going to lose?

>> No.11065933


>> No.11065938


>> No.11065944

>a hurr durr I wanted another le fuck women thread xD

>> No.11065957

>on leashes
as it should be

>> No.11065959

Astronauts on that walk? None, unless some freak accident occurs like orbital debris hitting someone or the station.

>> No.11065963


>> No.11065969
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>historic all-female space walk

>> No.11065985

can you imagine a hypothetical saving private ryan movie in which all the characters were women instead of men.
women getting their legs blown off etc.
or the characters in brave heart
women having their arms lopped off and heads bashed in
its unnatural

>> No.11066001

now i'm [math]horny[/math]

>> No.11066003


>> No.11066011

ya some people would totally fap to that movie
not me though
i believe women are delicate beautiful flowers that need our love and protection

>> No.11066123

In 2019 who the fuck cares? Even invertebrates like tardigrads and ants already did that.

>> No.11067617

That thing ain't female

>> No.11067620

Holy fucking shit anon. Merciless. I like you.

>> No.11067624

It's not unnatural. It's just unnecessary. Women, or XX, or perhaps just nature itself, created males as a weapon that gained experience points and saved game periodically by having offspring. Never forget. They did this to us.

>> No.11067629


>> No.11067645

best post itt

>> No.11067670

Women are much better at psychological warfare than men.

>> No.11067674
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Would be funny if we lost them all.

But honestly - why does this matter. It was more important that a dog went to space. This is stupid and I hope their shuttle gets columbia'd

>> No.11067680

curb your psychopathy

>> No.11067687

yfw it explodes mid atmosphere


>> No.11067708

i wonder what your relationship with your mother is like

>> No.11067712

>This is stupid and I hope their shuttle gets columbia'd
The Shuttle is retired.

>> No.11067730

I would wager the same as it is with you and your father.

>> No.11068141

>Implying he cares at all about space at all

>> No.11068156
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>mfw monkeys beat everyone to space

>> No.11068229
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>> No.11068252

t. beef flaps

You'll never be as good at science and mathematics as the best men are.

>> No.11068296
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>he thinks more sex=bigger labia
we gotta real expert on female anatomy here lmao

>> No.11068302

toasty roastie is triggered by facts and opts for deflection

>> No.11068305

FACTS and LOGIC lmfao so you must be really good at physics and math, huh?

>> No.11068310

actually, yes

>> No.11068311

Whats your major/year, anon?

>> No.11068317

I have a PhD in physics.

>> No.11068326

Damn, impressive you've avoided pussy this long. What was your dissertation on?

>> No.11068343

I've had sex, and that doesn't suddenly mean women are capable of the same feats of genius as the most intelligent men are.

My dissertation was about some mathematics related to condensed matter theory. Don't want to get more specific for obvious reasons.

>> No.11068345 [DELETED] 

If you've had sex, why do you not know how vaginas work?

>> No.11068350

If you've had sex, why do you not know how vaginas work?
>implying you have a phd
>implying you are doxxing yourself by giving the topic of a thesis

>> No.11068355

You're the one who brought that up. Turns out memes aren't always reality. Women being worse at science and math than men is reality, though.

>> No.11068362

Im flattered you think Im a woman~

>> No.11068365

It was related to Berry curvatures and topological material properties generally.

>> No.11068372

No, you're probably not after further examination. You're just a white knight.

>> No.11068702

go back

>> No.11068709

This is a complete abuse of LaTeX.

>> No.11068713

No shit anon, buttercup over there isn't going to be psychologically treading on people's toes, let alone warring.

>> No.11068724

Where do you think you are

>> No.11068751

not on /b/

>> No.11068755


>> No.11068781
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Absolutely devilish. Hehe

>> No.11070100


>> No.11070119
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None. Space walks have been done many times before and are basically routine activities now. While the danger of a black swan event isn't zero, the base danger level is quite low.
If you need a sexist angle to this, you could say men take the risks developing these types of activities and once they become safe and routine, women start doing them which leads to activists treating the now routine activity the same as if it were a new activity with a high of unknown level of danger.

>> No.11070320
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>> No.11070873

Do not conflate agrarian corpus mentality with naturalism.