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11064660 No.11064660 [Reply] [Original]

Scientists don't need girlfriends. R-right guys?

>> No.11064668

you do, not having sex makes you retarded.
Also a scientist doesn't have the time to chase women so a stable relationship (gf) is what we need.

>> No.11064678
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god I hope so. I wish I had the power to just get totally absorbed in my work and just depersonalize myself. But alas it is not so. Hopefully I can learn this power, and then be truly free from human social compulsions.

>> No.11064689

>not having sex makes you retarded
On what basis?

>> No.11064702

no we dont NEED a gf
but we do all need love though :(

that pizza + sprite looks good desu
also i'd pet this cat

>> No.11064721

nobody needs a 3dpd gf
take the 2dpill

>> No.11064731
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>sleeping on pizza
>not eating pizza
This is why we need genetically engineered catgirls.

>> No.11064769

You must still be young. As the years pass, you come to terms with your reality and it stops bothering you as much. You start to see it as a hinderance and wouldn't want things to change even as you once might have wanted it to. You'll pass through phases going back and forth. Temporal perception accelerates as well with years flowing past you. Give it time for your psychology to settle your biological imperative with your reality.

>> No.11064785

Speak for yourself, faggot. The older I get, the more I regret not fucking easy undergrad bitches while I had the chance. I get erections multiple times per day because I'm not an impotent mangina. I have sex at least once per two days, usually much more often.

Keep being impotent though."You be you" as the saying goes.

>> No.11064802

>not having sex makes you retarded.
it doesn't lol, actually it's the opposite
actually having lots of sex means you invest a lot of time in it
1. socializing
2. looks and hygiene
3. dating
time you could be spending studying and improving yourself when you still have the chance since intellectually it's all downhill after 25

life is too short to learn and appreciate it all, I wish I could

>> No.11064809
File: 73 KB, 640x426, stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

internet dating, pussy
you can get laid in 10 minutes plus travel time if you're not an ugly faggot

>> No.11064877

You haven't untied yourself from the biological impulses. Not to say that's necessarily a bad thing.
>The older I get
How old are you?
>Keep being impotent though
I'm not sure why that is