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11062811 No.11062811 [Reply] [Original]

What is this cruel joke?

"Don't major in something stupid like art, or history, or gender studies! Don't be a starving artist! Major in STEM!" they said.

I love chemistry, I used to play with chemistry sets as a kid. So I major in chemistry and make straight A's. Now I'm in sophomore year, finding out that chemistry is like the gender studies of STEM, despite being one of the hardest majors. Having a BS in chemistry doesn't make you any more successful than Chris Chan. Internships are hard to find, and research is competitive because of all the Asian/Indian biochem pre-meds, so grad school might not be easy to get into. After graduating college with a BS in chemistry, you are lucky if you can get a job at mcdonalds. Maybe you can try using your chemistry knowledge for entrepreneurship, e.g. manufacturing fragrances, if you can get enough money to pay for an industrial space so that chemical suppliers will ship to you. But it's still bleak, because 1) big companies like Dow chemical already make everything like shampoos, plastics, etc, and 2) consumers these days are chemophobic and will only buy your fragrance stuff if it's 100% natural.

>> No.11062813

Perhaps you can make money by cooking MDMA, if you have lost hope in any other options.

>> No.11062816

Just get a certificate as a pharmaceutical process technician, then use the degree to become a higher up at the plant.

>> No.11062824
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There's always the drug trade.

>> No.11062826

Just switch to ChemE

>> No.11062827 [DELETED] 

>Internships are hard to find, and research is competitive because of all the Asian/Indian biochem pre-meds

they're not that good you dumb bastard. just go to grad school, christ.

>> No.11062829
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The most common precursor to MDMA is safrole, from root bark of the sassafras tree. dont know how easy it would be to find trees by looking around in creeks and wetlands, so I don't know how MDMA mass producing labs get large amounts of safrole if they don't grow a sassafras orchard. I think it may be possible to start from piperine in black pepper

>> No.11062836

Alternately, you can dry the leaves in your oven at the lowest setting and once dried you can make herbal tea out of sassafras.

>> No.11062894

There is no job in that too, my advice is to drop out rather than doing ChemE

>> No.11063255

>facial hare

>> No.11063263
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All the ChemE's I know can get jobs in Pharmaceuticals, batteries, regular chemical plants, etc. You also have a wide variety of PhD research you could pursue, from molbio to physical chemistry. As someone interested in biotech and pharmaceuticals, I wish I had more of a background in chemistry. Instead, I have to learn things on my own as I go along, since my curriculum doesn't have that much space in it.
If you're in your sophomore year, you still have a lot of time to plan your career path. If you have straight A's, a solid PhD program or MD/PhD is still an option for you. You could also go for a Master's with more focus on engineering/method development. I'd say about 80% of the jobs in pharmaceuticals development are chemistry related, rather than bio. Make sure you talk to professor, network with your peers, and meet people from industry. If there is a chapter of a pre-professional association like ISPE, consider joining it. You can also get an industry professional mentor through the ISPE mentorship program.
Don't get discouraged just because you can't get an internship in your sophomore summer. It's very hard to land an interview, and I only got mine in the past through connections of a professor.

>> No.11063352

You want to know why? Immigration law is a big part of why its so hard to get a job. STEM shortage is a big fat lie. We're talking MILLIONS of foreigners displacing US students. There are three groups of people who benefit from this and you aint in the club: Big companies often multinationals with enough capital to pay off politicians, politicians and their lobbiest hangers on, and the people greasing the wheels to make it happen. Good fucking luck, you're up against 1000 asians and indians and africans willing to work for crumbs while living in an apartment with 10 other visa workers.

>> No.11063357

it has never been easy to emigrate to the usa ever under any president or whatever so this can't be why there's a stem shortage if there is one

>> No.11063378

There are so many US students who majored in STEM who arent getting jobs because those jobs go to immigrants that are abusing immigration law. There is a ton of information out there about this go look it up. There is no a shortage, more like a shortage of cheap immigrant skilled labor these companies want.
And its been getting easier to immigrate by the year BTW. All the legislation is done without a hearing, without public access, behind closed door lobbying groups and political special action groups blowing politicians.
You ask your typical western born STEM worker and they dont know they're getting fucked. Their wages could be higher, more jobs available to them should they want to change, etc.
STEM shortage is a lie to allow companies to import more and more despirate immigrants willing to live and work in sub standard conditions.

>> No.11063398

>through connections of a professor
How did that work? Did you just show up to office hours and ask if he could hook you up?

>> No.11063402
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Grad school isn't hard to get into sperg. You won't end up making fragrances - you'll actually do something interesting hopefully. Calm down.

>> No.11063408

all of that is implying it's easy to get in
the immigration is long and the road is hard, no-one gets into america the legit way without donating some of their soul

>> No.11063424

DUDE legal immigration is SUPPOSED TO BE HARD because there are limited resources. The US is spectacularly wealthy but we aren't exactly living in paradise here.
But the reality is that the immigration system, even with its limits, is BEING ABUSED at this very moment. And guess what, THEY"RE ASKING FOR MORE AND MORE EVERY FUCKING DAY
look at this:
These people know they are abusing the system but they still want more. And they're willing to hide behind the skirts of 10 year old girls and cry racism just to get their way. Despicable.

>> No.11063462

No, he was starting a co-op program at my university and sent out an email to the department advertising his class. I took it, and expressed a lot of interest to him about getting an internship after class, and acted engaged with guest lecturers.

>> No.11063468

To add to what I've said, you should look for REU sites at your university, and others. Those are Research Experiences for Undergrads, and they are funded by NSF grants. The money is required to go to things like stipends for undergrads to work over the summer.

>> No.11063497

At least you didn't major in biology. That aside, you should not underestimate the impact your skills can do with entrepreneurship. Having a business surely is no easy task, but if you are really good at doing chemistry ( not just getting A's) you should be able to make quality products that people will want to buy and no, I am not talking about drugs. Otherwise, if research is your thing you should have not problem at all signing in into a master's or PhD; what I've heard is that fields like materials, nanotechnology among many others will be getting really interesting very soon.

Really? I've applied for internships in many companies in the USA (I'm not American) and they've always rejected me for not having a work permit or visa. How the Indians and the Chinese get inside so easily?

>> No.11063640
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>How the Indians and the Chinese get inside so easily?
There are many institutions set up in both which provide services to help these people get into the US. Indians are particularly bad. There are degree mills, trafficing farms, lobby groups, etc. Indians literally risk their lives to get into the US to work for wages that are less than half what a US citizen would get.
Its fucked.