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11062082 No.11062082 [Reply] [Original]

Is this just some speculative conspiracy bullshit or is there some merit to it?

>> No.11062087

i hate space fags so much reeee get off the board

>> No.11062297

The facts:
>Billion (not sure on money amount but intended as hyperbole) dollar experiment taylor made to scoop up dirt, test it for life, cook the dirt, and see if it ‘died.’
>Experiment goes EXACTLY as expected in the case of life being present in the soil until it’s cooked.
>suddenly, since it didn’t throw a negative, the parameters of the hypothesis and abstract are suddenly declared invalid after the fact.
>”””Unknown chemical reaction;””” is the explanation given because they can’t say life.

>> No.11062301

>No rover ever allowed to scoop the dirt and check for life again.

>> No.11062311

Imagine the social implications of life on another world, even bacteria. Imagine flat earthers but 1000x crazier

>> No.11062334

Wont have to imagine for long.

>> No.11062350

Isn't this extremely unscientific?
I can't see any reason for them to deny any further experimentation

>> No.11062360

They thought it was scientific as proven by them sending a space ship to Mars and having it do it.
It only wasn’t after it didn’t yield the expected result of no sign of life.
Grabbing dirt and checking it for life is incredibly pragmatic but it was banned after this experiment.

>> No.11062379

Right, the highly acclaimed scientists of the era were ignorant of modern science, only a “non scientist” would think to take a chunk of Mars and check it for life as a way to check for life.
It’s unreasonable to believe their “check for life on Mars” experiment had so little consideration, after all it’s still talked about to this day and it was at the peak of space race glory days. Everyone wanted to know if there was life on Mars there’s famous songs and movies and books about it since before we went to space.

>> No.11062384

These were JPL/NASA scientists who weren’t allowed to be dumb because they were successfully sending rovers to Mars and making in scoop dirt.

>> No.11062436

People are right to ask for a repetition and enlargment of the original experiment, but mind that:
>But Nasa’s experiments failed to find organic matter: the physical stuff of life itself, not just the indications of microbial respiration that the LR experiment discovered.
>That meant that Nasa concluded that the LR results came from a substance that was mimicking life but was not actually life itself.
There's no better alternative explanation than microbial life so far, but the evidence isn't enough to be 95% sure there is life on mars. So we need more experiments.

>> No.11062463

>Former Scientist
Stop falling for clickbait headlines you morons.

>> No.11062482

Also, you've got to think that there have only been a handful of landers sent to mars to date. There are a lot of competing priorities for landing sites, and going back to a place you've already been would be a hard sell when there are other places.
It isn't like they don't have instruments designed to detect life on EVERY fucking thing that goes to mars orbit anyway.

>> No.11062490

>it’s not made of the same stuff so it’s not alive

>> No.11062494

>detect life
That’s the thing, this experiment detected non carbon-based life. It’s the only ‘good’ life detection experiment they’ve ever done and it detected life but the rules were changed for what it meant to do so only retroactively after it did.

>> No.11062497

>this experiment detected non carbon-based life
Claims "former scientist."

>> No.11062499

The primary source (JPL/NASA) is linked in the article. Read before you comment, cancer.

>> No.11062505


>> No.11063672

I blame the stupid cold war for this shit.

>> No.11063757

I am not a conspiracy guy, but idk why NASA likes to fuck around so much with the complex experiments for soil and paleo microbiology.

Just build a damn thing that can act like a 100% clean Petri dish, add some Mars soil samples with different nutrients, and see what fucking happens after 48 hrs. I am sure they can even build a damn microscope into a rover for a more complete microbial analysis.

>> No.11063986
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>> No.11065775

It's more political than scientific.

Like, "Hey you know that guy everybody hates but somehow he got his lab experiment on the Mars rover? Well he just proved life exits on mars. That one douchebag beat us all to the punch and now we'll never get to visit mars in the future. Lets blackball and sandbag his research. Nobody liked that guy anyway"

And then they have to maintain the lie because of sunken cost fallacy and literally "alien conspiracy"

>> No.11065817

This. Basically, this is where Sagan’s Fallacy came from. What makes a claim extraordinary? What is extraordinary evidence?
The Labeled Release experiment is evidence for life on Mars and it has never been refuted and no one has really tried to confirm it.

>> No.11065898

>Imagine the social implications of life on another world, even bacteria.

literally zero. People would care for a week and move the head exploding goal post to macroscopic life.

>> No.11065949

Probably, but lots of spacebux would disappear from the budget because there was no longer that discovery to be made and Redditors would slacktivate their pants.

>> No.11065954

All this life on Mars bullshit is timed propaganda to get people to legislate against anyone ever building anything of use on Mars.

>muh precious bacteria
>muh pristine ecosystem

>> No.11067279
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>> No.11067302


NASA has found LOTS of evidence of life on Mars, but will not announce anything untill it has indisputable proof.

>> No.11067342

Life detection equipment gets blackballed for the same reason that desert varnish experiments get blackballed by micro biology departments.
Literally a group tries to get funding for a desert varnish study every single year at my university and it never gets approved because the department wants to use that money for tenure nonsense or women in STEM programs

>> No.11067458

And just hope it likes agar?

>> No.11067479

>making the discovery of the century would reduce the budget of the ones making the discovery
Are you fucking retarded? Nwvermind. I know the answer.

>> No.11067702

>mimicking life but was not actually life itself

Or maybe life on other planets is different than Earthen life fucking retards

>> No.11067757


Realistically at this point is we did NOT find life on Mars, it would be weird.
There is lots of evidence for life, but it COULD be strange chemical reactions that give the evidence we have found, BUT at this point Mars would have to have some of the freakiest insane chemical reactions scientist can imagine, the MOST likely answer is life.

>> No.11067823

Isn’t RNA/DNA a weird chemical reaction, as well?

>> No.11067887

If it's non-carbon based life as this suggests, there's absolutely nothing to worry about in terms of contamination. There wouldn't be a question about it potentially coming from earth, no matter how much of our shit gets there with us.

>> No.11068548

I think it’s you friendo. If we discovered life on Mars there would be a rush to never send anything there again

>> No.11069293
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>> No.11069591

Yeah OP, I bet there's life supported by geothermal energy still surviving in aquifyers burried deep down into the surface, at least 3-5 miles down on average. The most probable candidate locations for life imo are the northen parts of syris major and the caves of elysium mons underground cryosphere complex, there are lots of seasonal methane outgasing events going on in the surroundings, that's the main reason why the NASA is focusing all the recent and future landing efforts in those areas of interest.

>> No.11069650

Why do faggots think there is life on mars?

If the conditions were proper the entire planet would have been green billions of years ago

>> No.11069658

Are you kidding? Just the thought of it makes me anxious. Imagine the galaxies teeming with life constantly surrounding us. Terrifying.

>> No.11070604

Poorly written headline because it suggests conservative ideology leads to enough success that people can lay on couches and watch tv and eat pizza.
The alternative of being a buzzing drone slave for Zuckerberg types seems shittier.

>> No.11070614

It’s just like on Earth anon, it’s silly that people think it ends there.

>> No.11070619

>Conservatism leads to flat screen TVs and lazy fat people.
>Socialism leads to encampment. enslavement, and your needs and wants discarded for whatever the elite say is for your own good, with a “do you NEED a flat screen TV? If you can’t prove you do you can’t have one.” mentality.

>> No.11070624

>Haha look at those grapes, who would ever want to eat those?
Said the fox to the giraffe.

>> No.11070637

Pure bs

>> No.11071548

If the microbes there have any metabolic cycle like the ones on earth, they should, but we could try different things based on the most probable scenarios for mars.

>> No.11071553

Because IQ threads are better?

>> No.11071917
File: 67 KB, 960x960, 0907C6F7-3D6C-4376-8651-64F8BE1FB537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refute the LR experiment then, Anon. Hard mode: no Sagan fallacy.

>> No.11071927

>vast deserts, absence of homeless people

>> No.11071935

this is a tabloid

when the fuck people will learn to recognize tabloids and not take them seriously

>> No.11071956

The original article is in Scientific American you fucking faggot.

>> No.11071991

Mars is pretty cold and geologically dead outside of some settling.
The only place you're going to get sub surface heat is going to be from radioactive decay.
The liquid water they think might be under the surface are kept liquid by being salty as fuck.

>> No.11072004

Is this true?

>> No.11072020

Yes read the SA article or google labeled release

>> No.11072025

The fairy fucking godmother generated those results then? What’s the more likely explanation? Contamination from earth?
Fine. Do it again. But just saying “nah, that can’t be right” isn’t science.

>> No.11072157

Nobody cares anymore, the time when people would freak out because of this type of thing is long gone, technology has rotted the brain of the people who would, and the people who would get excited are too busy worrying bout the real implications of countries like China having control over extremelly powerful ai

>> No.11072179

The test isn't magic either there are tons of factors that could cause false positives.

>> No.11072205

I agree, but why not run it again? It’s politics not science.

>> No.11072448

It's one reason to doubt the conclusion. And it's not like they found evidence of complex self-replicating structure or some kind of living architecture formed differently from those on Earth. They just observed emissions that are similar to what bacteria would have produced on Earth, but nothing beyond that.

>> No.11072461

Or maybe it looks like life but isn't. Again, just more experiments. There was a time when people thought they were canals on Mars because they saw patterns that looked like canals.

Petri dish are not a suitable environment even for most bacteria on Earth. It would be a nice try but nothing guarantees Martian bacterian are going to tolerate it.
Anyway I agree we should just try a lot of things and see what sticks. I see no problem with directing a lot of spending towards this end.