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11057562 No.11057562 [Reply] [Original]

Let's just say, hypothetically, that technology was discovered that allowed warp bubbles to be created with relatively small amounts of energy-what would the consequences be? Would you expect that the whole space revolution would accelerate 100 fold and we'd have full blown colonization within a decade at most? I would worry about destabilization-would a warp bubble ship potentially destablize MAD and potentially trigger some ugly international political maneuvering?

I feel like this is a real life Outside Context Problem-it would hit our societies like a brick. All the systems we have now for space are totally incapable of dealing with the pioneer rush that would explode outward.

>> No.11057571



They won't be humans left by the time this thing pops up.

>> No.11057575

that shit already exists, it hasn't been released to the public but that's a different issue

t. john titor

>> No.11057598


This exists, as does relativistic travel. But it will never be released because you can't have Ackmed slamming his prayer mat into Earth at 0.8c

>> No.11057603

I invented an accoustic "warp drive" which would allow vehicles reach supersonic speed without causeing drag. So far I haven't convinced anybody it could work.

>> No.11057605


It's a planet killer.

>> No.11057611

people would start using it for stupid shit, it can't be released to the public, it's dangerous.

>> No.11057612
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Would require solar-system levels of energy in a space the size of a sky scrapper

Wold require "Negative Energy" and "Negative Mass"

Although not "FTL", it could still raise paradoxes including time travel.

Still pretty neat though.

>> No.11057614

What's the patent number? So we can look it up.

>> No.11057618

just negative mass to reduce energy input

>> No.11057620



Negative mass would allow perpetual machines.

>> No.11057629
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fucking kek

>> No.11057636


Not necessarily. Newer models and few tweaks in the design reduce significantly the energy requirements and might even be possible to build one without negative mass.

>> No.11057654

About the whole time travel thing-would that actually happen to someone in this since there is, as far as I can see, zero time dilation effects on you in the warp field? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyonic_antitelephone#Numerical_example_with_two-way_communication

It seems like the paradox in this scenario is resolved if the people aren't experiencing time dilation effects, but are essentially "at rest" with each other.

>> No.11057658
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>The energy requirements have come down
>From several solar masses to the size of a single large gas-giant

>> No.11057668


Later refinements in the bubble geometry brought this down. Thicken the walls of the warp field and you get the negative/energy requirement down to maybe the Moon or even an asteroid. Rapidly oscillate the warp field, and you hypothetically soften the fabric of space via higher dimensional effects and this brings mass needed down to kilograms. Given that we're just making up solutions to the Einstein equations we could even shrink down the warp bubble while expanding internal volume, Tardis-style, which could get us down to needing only miligrams of negative mass. If the bubble is small enough, then we may not even need negative matter at all. Quantum scale manipulation of vacuum energy a la the Casimir effect may be enough. Still, if it's even possible, it'll take several centuries at minimum.

>> No.11057704

....so it'll be done within 5 years.

>> No.11057707

Earth becomes a dump in a few generations. As the smart people get the fuck off world and resettle. Leaving behind ideological driven idiots who fights for dominance over holy terran. Then the refugees from a ruined earth come to the colonies.

>> No.11057715


>t. American.

>> No.11057930

>it could still raise paradoxes including time travel.
How so?
Time dilation, sure. But time travel?

>> No.11057952

>shit zipping around at ultra relativistic speeds

>planet busting weapons that arrive without any warning whatsoever cuz of speed of light

I strongly doubt that it would even be allowed to be created.

>> No.11058017

All this discussion is kinda of moot because
>technology was discovered that allowed warp bubbles to be created with relatively small amounts of energy
Is only going to be discovered after the technology to do so with high amounts of energy. Our first taste of it isn't going to be some sudden ultra cheap shock but an extremely expensive luxury that only govts/private space companies can afford, much like space expo now. By the time it has become cheap society will have adapted to whatever changes it brings

>> No.11058057
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RKVs would become trivial. We could blow up a planet with relative ease. (pun intended)



>> No.11058075

>Just surf spacetime, bro.

>> No.11058100


>> No.11058829

28H7dehg7746 kiss my ass

>> No.11058842

Diagram an FTL journey from the perspective of an earth bound observer and someone on your FTL rocket.
By going out, pulling a U-ey around a star, and heading back you could arrive home before you left.

>> No.11059742

Why would you assume I have a patent number you fucking retard?

>> No.11060354

Except you don't. Only information would.

>> No.11060783

“Patent number does not exist”

>> No.11060870
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>magic wands would cause chaos in human civilization on a vast scale
>"Let's just say, hypothetically, that technology was discovered that allowed magic wands to be created with relatively small amounts of energy-what would the consequences be? "

>> No.11060892

>Let's just say, hypothetically, that technology was discovered that allowed warp bubbles to be created with relatively small amounts of energy-what would the consequences be?
>what would the consequences be?
Murica will use it to bomb poor people in the middle east. Let's not sugar coat it.

>> No.11060942

Theoretically could we use the hawking effect to create negative mass? As I understand in its natural form it works like this:
>vacuum fluctuation creates a particle-antiparticle-pair
>it happens to be directly on the event horizon of a BH
>the two cant recombine to give back the spontaneously used energy
>the energy is equalized by lowering the spacetime curvature therefore removing some mass from the BH
Now just do the same thing without a black hole.
>be in a vacuum in an almost flat spacetime bit in interstellar space
>pair is created
>separate it artificially (through a magnetic field or something)
>spacetime loses some more curvature
>eventually the curvature will become zero and then negative
Would this work?

>> No.11061106

Nice. That's two birds with one stone.

>> No.11061177

What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.11061200

The first part of your reasoning sounds approximately correct. The black hole loses mass i.e. energy i.e. the space-time curvature reduces to make up for the energy in promoting the virtual particles to real particles. The problem with the second part is that somehow -you- have to provide the energy needed to separate the virtual pair. If negative masses were possible, say a black hole that keeps on going into negative mass instead of dissapearing, the process could technically continue on ad infinitum and that's just physically not very enticing.

>> No.11061243

The information of you coming back would return before you did. Basically before you leave you would foresee your future self returning (but no physical aspect, purely energy).

>> No.11061262

The energy needed to separate the two would just have to be lower than the combined rest masses of the particle pair. I dont know if there's any theory on what actually happens though. Im sure that if you apply a magnetic field maybe that itself would be used up to repay some of the energy, but especially for heavy particles it should easily be much lower energy than their mass if it just needs to give them enough momentum in opposite directions (which would be easy for tau antitau or another pair thats oppositely charged) on the order of maybe a few keV as opposed to the GeVs of mass they have.
I suppose its not given that the energy would be taken out of the curvature given our lack of understanding of quantum gravity, but from what we see in black holes it might just happen.

>> No.11061293

Warp drive doesn't impart any real momentum. If you hit a planet the warp bubble collapses and you just stop dead, only dumping the energy in the actual bubble.

>> No.11061346

No, murica would use it to hold a sword over the world while it used conventional weapons to bomb the middle east.

>> No.11061355

Only if peasants aren’t allowed to have it.
The threat of the WARP drive comes from the big tech oligopoly outlawing it for everyone else by scaring the public with what could be done with it in the “wrong hands,” so only the real wrong hands will have access.

>> No.11061359

Could the translucent sphere within the cube UFOs USAF pilots see regularly (more and more) be using a sort of “slow” warp bubble, which is why they don’t need to be aerodynamic, can make any impossible maneuver, and stop instantly from high speed?

>> No.11061530

I think the problem with that reasoning is that the particles in this virtual pair are not "on-shell" to begin with i.e.they do not satisify the energy-momentum relation. You have to provide the energy needed for them to become "real" particles by say, running a high enough current through a wire to generate a magnetic field to separate them in the first place. In principle, extracting particles from the vacuum is fine, I think, but you're the one who's going to be paying for them. The ground state, or vacuum, is in constant flux but by definition of the ground state you cannot extract anything without having to pay for it one way or another.

>> No.11061581

>you cannot extract anything without having to pay for it one way or another.
Well yeah thats what Im thinking you could abuse. That "one way or another" in the hawking case is the black hole that looses mass and I dont think we have any clue of the mechanism and of how exactly that happens, besides the fact that energy needs to be conserved in the end and the fact that the space gets uncurved a bit.
What Im thinking is that this process is universal in that if you somehow separate them (which I think shouldnt even be that hard), the energy always gets sucked out of the curvature, and if there is no curvature, either it goes negative (however that would work) or something even more exotic happens. I dont know if theres any research ongoing in that sense but the setup might not even be that complicated save for measuring the gravity field accurately enough which might need something at least as big as ligo.

>> No.11062325

The problem is that, at least as GR is understood right now, the mass/energy of an object causes the curvature of space-time. In the case of Hawking radiation you lose mass of the black hole or equivalently energy to put the fluctuations on-shell. Space uncurves because less mass/energy is present and it seems unlikely that you can somehow create particles and have space-time pay for it. Negative curvature is not a problem in GR, for example hyperbolic spaces are actually studied objects. It really has to be the energy of the method you're using that compensates.

>> No.11062446

Nope, I still don't get it.
Notice the post said
>Although not "FTL"
If it's not FTL, then timetravel is not is not the case

>> No.11062737

The trip to proxima Centauri and back, at c9, would still take a day or two. The observer sees red and blue shifted images of the ship. The ship arrives after it left. Though images of the ship's journey could be observed from earth for a 8.5 years after the journey was made.

>> No.11062807

Quite likely. It sounds like something ayylmaos would do.

>> No.11064402


>> No.11064425
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Pls be my gf Titor

>> No.11064540

Not if maintaining the effect requires energy

>> No.11064845

>he believe his reality isn't a simulator testing the impact of futuristic science on a pre-fusion civilization
Have fun when those technology become public, cause that's when we will pull the plug and you'll cease to exist.

>> No.11064849

You'll have to be more precise,
I can imagine thousand of fictional warp drive rule that don't threaten human, at least not without another superior civilization

>> No.11064901

The time perspective of both the person riding the warped space and the observer is nearly identical since the person in the warp bubble isn't "accelerating" at all-my watch and his watch would show the exact same amount of time,roughly speaking, had passed since i left. Since our watches are always ticking at the same rate, we would agree that it took me 3 hour to go to alpha centauri-he would of course see light echos of my ship's warp bubble that seemed to do strange things,but these are just that-echos of warped space, which can move as fast as it wants. Since there is no time displacement, concerns about causality are meaningless-we will always experience a linear flow of time and agree, with minor discrepancies due to him being on a rotating body, on the order of events.

>> No.11064915
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thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.11066440

Like Cloud atlas, should be the best way. I'm hip, take me with you thanks

>> No.11068183

A terrorist (or a drunk) gets their hands on it and proceeds to kill the world by crashing into it at FTL speeds.

>> No.11068189

Warp bubbles to travel around earth
DC to Cali in 15 mintues sounds like a fucking dream

>> No.11068325

I don't think anything can crash at ftl speeds anon. That would violate physics.

>> No.11069140

No it wouldn't. If said FTL drive existed which is capable of compressesing space in front of the space ship thereby allowing the ship to move effectively faster than the speed of light, there is literally nothing that stops said vessel going effectively faster than the speed of light from crashing into a planet resulting a collisions of two entities which collide at velocities in excess of the speed of light. Yes this would break the modern laws of physics, but that is the whole point of this stupid drive.
>Lets make negative mass yo!!
If you can have negative mass, then you can also have collisions with effective velocities greater than the speed of light.

>> No.11069218

This came almost verbatim from a PBS Space Time episode lol

>> No.11069285

not true you fucking retard, john white found if you changed the field shape you only need 700kg and if you can modulate the field you would need even less than that, and the natario drive would need even less

>> No.11069935

harold white i mean

>> No.11070045

>I 'm lying and I didn't invent shit

>> No.11070910

i think it would be really hard to instate a "space interpol" and time would be all over the place, nothing would make sense

>> No.11070939

No one cares, the ability to move interstellar distance is more important than whatever simian crap you spew.

>> No.11070941

For who? The masters or the slaves?

>> No.11072529


>> No.11072545

>Anywhere to Cali
>A dream
Yes, a nightmare, why in the fuck would anyone want to go to commiefornia?

>> No.11072628
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>Warp drive would cause chaos in human civilization on a vast scale
shall we change that to WHY would Warp drive cause chaos in human civilization on any scale

>> No.11073178

If any spaceship have the ability to genocide a world, even accidentally, it won't bode well.