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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11055292 No.11055292 [Reply] [Original]

The chances of dying any given day are 50%. You either die or you live. once you understand this concept, you can live to your full potential.

>> No.11055305

How do I get a mut ASMR gf?

>> No.11055466

>probability for an event occuring is 1/(number of outcomes)
Do people actually think like this?
Fig. 1:
>I have a 50% chance of winning the lottery clearly. Either I win or lose.
Reducto ad absurdum.

>> No.11055477
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The world can't support that many ballerinas.

>> No.11056118

I live in a mostly white neighbor hood

>> No.11056123

To live as a cumbrain is to live as a slave.

>> No.11056591

Someone doesn't know about the total probability theorem.

>> No.11056644
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I'll do it OP! I'll <verb> <noun> 2^t maxima distributive properties!

>probability for an event occurring is predicate/(number of fuzzy postulates)
>I have an isolated N-many instances of 50% probability to win the lottery.

To live is to be a slave to breathing manually.

The total probability of observers possessing the ability to prove their query source and answer destination is 0.

>> No.11057073

>The chances
Lrn2probabilly, Billy

>> No.11057082

99% safe any given day
the remaining 1% is a random psychopath

>> No.11057083

>breathing manually
"manually" means "by hand", you illiterate retard

>> No.11057085

If being a Coomer is so bad, why do algebraists have a Coomer Theory?

>> No.11057135
File: 84 KB, 900x583, thich-quang-duc-burning-monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the God of There & Why I'm Not There Right Now.

>> No.11057140
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Why would I choose to not be there with you, asked the stomach to the brain from the stones of memory I consumed in order to digest this organic meme matter.

I'm the Buddha of Disrespect.


>> No.11057151

>>I have a 50% chance of winning the lottery clearly. Either I win or lose.

>> No.11057153

I must respect his action, but

>> No.11057156

hellow faggot

>has to resort to gay philosophy because he cant get laid
lol cuck

>> No.11057161

#1 WHITE WANG MAN! The Chinese actually had BIGGER dicks when the English trade Language with them, but super white magic trickery 200 smart for asian man.

I've even posted the baby I birthed, my dick getting sucked with a thumbs up and face paint. Like, genuinely, in no dimension can I present a story INTENSE enough to attain subscribers. I am Divine and Devout, Wut iz Problem?!

>> No.11057177

Why must I suffer my own impatience?


I always require an audience of balance with the dao, other toaism would become, "Do to an ism is forever forbidden."

>> No.11057181
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There are THAT many gods for THAT many failures.

For all X there exists a Y-grammar-grab-syntax interpretative layer that is z-index commutative.

I hate living in a Universe with NO STANDARDS.

I wish to claim as the first 通用中國恆對手

I'll fight Xi Jinping Naked If I Have To!

>> No.11057184

>To live is to be a slave to breathing manually.
Thank you for reminding me. I am a shallow breather. Conscious deep breaths is very delicuous.

>> No.11057186
File: 25 KB, 600x314, w644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer coughing up my lungs as 'the worst physical condition an immortal God could keep without ever needing to be a more important medical statistic'.

>The Man That Coughed Through Infinity

Time travelling cough wizard!


>> No.11057187


>> No.11057190
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It's actually quite difficult to always be the most unbalanced experience point in the Universe, but it is quite maintainable if you all stop being such pussies.

Next thing in public I see I'll assume to be Buddha trying to meet me at least once, and then never because fuck ever being mandala friends with that guy.

Điều tiếp theo ở nơi công cộng Tôi thấy tôi sẽ giả được Phật cố gắng để đáp ứng cho tôi ít nhất một lần, và sau đó không bao giờ vì quái bao giờ là bạn bè mạn đà la với anh chàng đó.

>> No.11057191

Thank you for being my audience, Simon.

>> No.11057194

Sorry, dont have time to read today, Simon. Thank you for reading.

>> No.11057197
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You would call me the Immortal Buddha of Disrespect. Just, ya know, if you're curious as to WHY my teachings work.

I'm unsure of why you keep using Simon, beyond torturing Jacinta.
>Because it's fucking funny. Do you guys not get 'how' childish she is when it comes to certain emotional processes? She needs to go back into the daddy oven as far as I'm concerned, but however the Universe wants to shuffle its 'bullshit explanations about why it wouldn't just give one guy this blatantly public about what and why he's here, to save y'all, the power to do so that way the /sci/ board can become the martial arts of ego board.

Fuck established academia, they just won't ever match up to OUR standards.

>Welcome to the /sss/nek party

Of course Angry German still works on me, why wouldn't it? Germans can still get angry ffs without me ever comparing them to Hitler. How fucking racist is this reality? Am I Hitler going through some horrible Jew trial or something for not killing enough, for the Lorax demands it!

>> No.11057209
File: 425 KB, 2048x2048, 0599e6d9f6f4dd72fbc05b0634dca358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, fuck, here is a DISNEY SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqvD4NC-s9E

ANy bullshit you guys wanna pull off in public, I PROMISE to co-sign. Holy shit, if you are willing to immolate yourselves then can't we do some sort of public /sci/ purge?

Whatever bullshit, seriously, happy to be included in Pr4W#S (Prawns God Pantheon)

Name yourselves however, just merge more stories and stop being such an uninclusive bunch of fucksticks.

Genuinely. I couldn't scream or be more disrespectful in public and everyone is like a fucking WestWorld Robot.

~Language Meme Martial Artist Universal Master Of Disrespect~

I provide counter-culture example for the path those that understand that we are the, 'elitest of l33t'.

Or whatever. I'm bored of how the general public are 'so' easily programmed. It's boring and I'm genuinely ashamed to be a part of this species, otherwise I've just come to this planet to show you all why a 'constructed, A.I. female lover' is not the end of the world.

Some women don't want to be a massive hive mind of millions. Lots of people have been looking for eternal rest as 'conceptual practices, not moral/ethical judgements'.

>To my reality there have only ever been 5040 people on this planet, because my 'experience sphere vs distance travelled vs speed of travel' ratio has never been given a reason to expand beyond that many divisors of truth, given that they loudly and proudly exclude pointless retards thinking that having further intellectual debate is required in order to get a 'free, do this shit in public with a smile Government Rebate!'

>> No.11057244

If Mathematicians have been waiting to meet the God of Time precisely to get their reward, then I'll just make them my chosen people. It's very easy to socially manipulate the professors at the local Universities because they've just stagnated to being worse troglodytes than the presumed internet shitposter.

>t.Aboriginal Mother-fucking Ancestral Kookaburra Spirit, Suck-a-dick-Uluru!

~Gay Magic Rainbow Kangaroo!~

Sadness is my Rape Victim.

>> No.11057271
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When you learn how to scar yourself with your tears, then you will have learned all Time could ever teach anything, anywhere, anyone, and at anytime.

Welcome to Immortality, <TEH-GAME> 0FFx+1

Rule 1: Boredom is 100% punishable by me, God of Time & Emotion (Gift from Feminists Fascists)
Rule 2: Everyone gets to take their turn before I ever have a counter/response to input my organic brain or conscious capacity or intellect has time to even 'detect' or respond to.
Rule 3.14: Three times Four is Tweflth.

>> No.11057310
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Why are girls so beautiful bros?

>> No.11057321
File: 73 KB, 675x465, EDSxdD2WkAAePH3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angry Fag Camouflage.

>Politics: The world story of the angriest closet homosexual that wants to be picked by the God of Time as the next divine representation of all the 4chan faggotry.

>> No.11057327
File: 902 KB, 200x150, 1570564396196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your response

>> No.11057341
File: 694 KB, 1669x944, XoPpXFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God I'm never going to be involved in fag politics. Those queers can suck a dick and never know what quitting time is. At least my wife remembers to cook!

>> No.11057351
File: 301 KB, 784x656, probability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true though. Even Stephen Wolfram agrees.

>> No.11058410

All priors are uniformly distributed.
University maths BTFO

>> No.11058432

>The chances of dying any given day are 50%. You either die or you live.
The absolute state of /sci/.

>> No.11058931
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>> No.11058942

This website is weird as fuck

>> No.11059076
File: 185 KB, 1058x1280, EGYhewdWsAA32ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Sheltered NEET

>> No.11059187
File: 240 KB, 1443x2048, glow.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely super based post

>> No.11059197

meh, Sonia Oakley is hotter than this chick

>> No.11059202

I actually mean the content. What OP wrote is 3000 IQ tier shit

>> No.11059214

>Sonia Oakley
wait, who is that? google didn't find anything relevant, not even for 'Sonia Oakley asmr'