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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 48 KB, 895x677, well anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11054728 No.11054728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your IQ?
Are you in uni?
Are you successful?
Where do you see yourself in a year?

>> No.11054764

fuck off with this bullshit mensa IQ test
every damn week

>> No.11054788

i don't know but my dad is 130 and my grandma was 160
dropped out
overseas if i can sort out this visa
otherwise im gonna move to a small house in victoria and live frugally

>> No.11054807

fuck this shit. i got 102.

pretentious headache HORSE SHIT.

they try and make it hard so yeah, no shit! it is HARD.

It only proves your smart with hard things.

Grats your head is like a solid, say hello to the rest of the periodic table for me.

>> No.11054814

I dont really have an extremly high IQ maybe around 120-140, but the thing is, you can have an IQ of 180 you still not gonna rule the world or something like that.

If I had to make a prediction what the best prediction method of success is then I would tip on something like the right amount of ambition + psychopath tendencies.

The President of the USA for example is not the smartest person, but the one who could play the game of politics/life the best. A high IQ might help you be a productiv employee, but it wont put you at the top of the company.

IQ also doesnt meassure the Social abilitys of a person.

>> No.11054815

IQ is a meme. Pattern recognition is not intelligence.
Mostly. I have fun doing what I do, I don't have bad grades.
Doing a phD.

>> No.11054941

1. 136
2. Yes
3. No
4. I'd say dead but I'm not planning on killing myself before 30

>> No.11054943
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1564993188847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ is a meme. Pattern recognition is not intelligence.

>> No.11055149

>mom reacts to ghostemane

Why are midwits like this?

>> No.11055188

This test, every week. It gets pretty shitty >135; we had a thread the past week where the best answer any of the anons had for the question towards the end with three boxes per section where each was either white, black, or striped was non-commutative addition that relied on knowing the answer ahead of time to come up with that rule. 1-2 of the questions on this are pure bullshit.

>> No.11055198
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Iq around 85-90, consistently, physics degree.
have uncontrollable tendencies,
want to kill my self,

>> No.11055205

And became an avid fan of numerology,
I think i am schizophrenic,

>> No.11055231
File: 30 KB, 288x288, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Graduated CS
>Yes, I make past triple digits and younger than 25
>Doing a master's while working

>> No.11055239

>this is a counter argument

>> No.11055281 [DELETED] 

No. It's a scam unless you had a set path amd specific specialized goal like doctor, engineer, etc
Somewhat. I have been living moderately and below my means for years while self improving and developing tech that will without a doubt sell for millions. Im tall, packing and have women as playthings but addicted to my goals and establishing a level of power not far off.
Moderately rich and and at the start of selling a product for millions thereafter. That is not the main goal but one of several I have. My main focus is exposing American shadow government operations and the spy tech used on citizens without their knowledge. Currently I am already in push against civilian level psyops by rogue groups attempting to blockade progress. I will say to all, keep voting republican because democratic parties are deeply aligned with deep state, communist sympathizing elements. It's not difficult to miss when seeing so much lunatic anti constitutional outlooks they want to bring down on the people.

>> No.11055296

No. It's a scam unless you had a set path and specific specialized goal like doctor, engineer, etc
Somewhat. I have been living moderately and below my means for years while self improving and developing tech that will without a doubt sell for millions. Im tall, packing and have women as playthings but addicted to my goals and establishing a level of power not far off.
Moderately rich and at the start of selling a product for millions thereafter. That is not the main goal but one of several I have. My main focus is exposing American shadow government operations and the spy tech used on citizens without their knowledge. Currently I am already in push against civilian level psyops by rogue groups attempting to blockade progress. I will say to all, keep voting republican because democratic parties are deeply aligned with deep state, communist sympathizing elements. It's not difficult to miss when seeing so much lunatic anti constitutional outlooks they want to bring down on the people.

>> No.11055303

>I make past triple digits
Woah, a whole thousand dollars?

>> No.11055350
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11055970
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11055984


>> No.11056092

118 iq

>> No.11056499

>those tabs
zoom zoom

>> No.11056504

I don't quite know how this shit works. It seems that it doesn't take time in calculation. i tried it for like 30-40 times and it gave me results from 105 to 115. I memorized correct answers of all examples that had any common sense logic behind it, but obviously some answers were just obvious and I got em in seconds in first time. And used those answers to speed mysself up in next iterations to have more time to solve those more "difficult". However, I may be one of the best mathematicians on my year in college but I just can't see any logic behind some of the examples that could be called more right or more correct than any other. And the problem is that you can pick any answer and there could be some logic behind it, the only difference is what creator of this shitty test deem correct. But however, I tried many combinations with arbitrary picking some answers and it seems it doesn't affect much the results. However, I shouldn't say that because I iterated nowhere near the exact number of possible combinations of those problematic examples. Anyways, my IQ seems to be average, I'll be software engineer in couple of years, and am quite certain that I'll be successful financially.

>> No.11056554

>Yes, of course I do IQ tests every week, how did you know?

>> No.11056559

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.11056750

145 ay baybay

>> No.11056759

per day, I presume.
not far fetched if he's slaving for FAANG

>> No.11056761

>don't know, don't care
>yea, 4th year graduate student
>yes, I get paid to learn,study, and teach dipshits undergrads, and can go either industry or academia route. Have good connections to either currently.
>finishing up my thesis, and figuring out if i wanna go academia or industry. Learning towards academia, mentally I'm not ready for it yet though.

>> No.11056766
File: 45 KB, 485x486, 0E3A669DA14845139B7C699CA0E45C10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triple digits as in >100k. Don't work at Fang yet, work remotely for a distributed software company. Will work as a senior at FANG by 28 or I'm killing myself though

Remote is nice because I can get a masters while working

>> No.11056784

That's not how you count digits, anon. Hope you get your job though.

>> No.11056796

They won't stop

>> No.11056804

Ill get the job 100%. I'll need luck finding a master's while working though

>> No.11056806


>online tests probably aren't accurate
>it's artificially inflated if you're studying pure math
>it's artificially inflated if you took another test within the past couple of years

>> No.11056815

Since it's an IQ thread, does genetics really correlate with IQ? If yes, why is God racist?

>> No.11056818

>its inflated from education
No it isn’t. There is no strong evidence that education raises performance on iq tests in a causal sense. Rather people who pursue high iq educational paths tend to do better on those tests for obvious reasons. Someone who is a mathematics undergrad will be more inclined to abstract reasoning so they do much better without training on matrix reasoning than a highschool student failing precalculus.
>inflated after a year
No, it isn’t.
>Not accurate
This is true but affects people with high verbal more than any other subtest scores. They are good approximations of what your iq would be having taken a professionally administered test. If you consistently score high online you will score high on a professional test.

>> No.11056827

>online tests probably aren't accurate
Those mensa online ones are actually harder than the matrix problems you'll see in most "legit" IQ tests.

>> No.11056837

I'm not a even a full-nurturefag, but taking courses like pointset topology or algebraic topology or studying for IMO/putnam probably do increase your IQ by quite a bit, since some of these problems are literally math/geometry questions.

Analogy: Yes, an IMO medalist probably would have done quite well in the competition without any prep, but people prepare for a reason.

Your true, pure-genetics IQ is probably ±1 SD of what you test as a post-teenager.

>> No.11056847

>inflated after a year
>No, it isn’t. [only within a year]
Doesn't matter. Fucking /sci/ does this daily.

>> No.11057063

I got a 118 but I'm doubtful of the accuracy of it.
I failed highschool because I didn't try and I was addicted to psychedelics.

I was so cringe. Now I'm just a blackpilled discordian absurdist waiting for the bombs to fall. My parents hate me and everyone is angry with me for waisting "god's gift". This timeframe isn't for me. I might suicide soon to move on to the next cycle.

>> No.11057114

120, tested twice.one with children's weis, second with adults weis, 10 years apart.
ADHD, so outrageously low processing speed. Make up for it with verbal and spatial reasoning in top 1%. I'm at uni, started late due to interest in other things like vagina and drugs in my early adulthood. I'm pretty good at uni, probs do a PhD in psychedelic remedies after honors. I also run a business and have employees. But stupid people can do all this Shit too.

>> No.11057127

>High school dropout
>Borderline alcoholic
>Manage a staff of 17 people in the health care field
>Make enough to pay rent, food, healthcare for my sick second wife, and child support

Could be worse I suppose

>> No.11057129

Lmao fag. I didn't graduate either but have accomplished a lot just using the internet. I cut my leisure and drinking habits to focus on big plans making money. It took several years but have become good at internet marketing and make more than some well paying jobs. Did this while being involved in other problems including police harassment and stalking. I always outsmart them. I did research to learn about a lot on many things and it paid off several ways. In a year or two I'll be a millionare and will have some important work circulated all over the internet and into public I won't get into. It's not necessarily science related but involves serious implications for everyone. I'm not the type to acquiesce control of my life to a dumb faggot world. You can do good for yourself and lead a happy life by learning how to attack for what will let you be content. Better that than being a little blackpill pussy.

>> No.11057134

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11057149

good man

>> No.11057155

> What's your IQ?
> Are you in uni?
> Are you successful?
> Where do you see yourself in a year?
Working as an apprentice welder.

>> No.11057208
File: 36 KB, 1138x556, Screenshot_2019-10-13 Mensa IQ Test(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over i'm killing myself, i got stumped by a meme iq test
does anyone know the answer to Q 26, 29 and 34?

>> No.11057324

Hopefully dead

>> No.11057348

>What's your IQ?
>Are you in uni?
>Are you successful?
>Where do you see yourself in a year?

What's your IQ? 102 (Was 130+ but I suffered brain damage! :D - Accidental Overdose )
Are you in uni? Proud Dropout
Are you successful? Yes.
Where do you see yourself in a year? I can't see the future! :D Right now, I see myself sitting on a comfy couch, laughing at a bullshit IQ thread.

>> No.11057376

1. 145 on that mensa.no shit
2. B.S in CompSci and did half an MBA
3.Kind of.. Married with 3 kids, 4800sqft house, and 140k salary.
4. Same job probably. Hopefully a CIO or CTO soon..

>> No.11057395
File: 64 KB, 482x684, Image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not submitting to comprehensive DNA testing

You think a free online test is accurate? lmao

>> No.11057397
File: 23 KB, 288x401, mensa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you don't mind me asking, but what was your logic for this one? I figured out all the other ones eventually, but this one stumped me.

>> No.11057408

>What's your IQ?
According to the test it was 133 the first time I took it a year ago. I then took it 10 or so days later and got 141.

>Are you in uni?

>Are you successful?
Not yet

>Where do you see yourself in a year?
If we extrapolate from the first point, my IQ has been increasing by 0.1 points every day for the past year. Therefore my IQ is now at 170.
I have independently, scientifically, empirically reproduced this via a strenuous regime of Rick and Morty while simultaneously verifying the veracity of the fact that I do indeed Love Science(tm).
In the coming years I hope to move beyond my broad-based liberal education of the entire series, and specialize with a PhD in Pickle Rick. Also 300k starting.
Some might say my sights are set too high,
that a Pickle Rick PhD is too rigorous for anyone, period.
Those are the imbeciles to whom all I need do is show my exceptional IQ, which makes me intellectually (and by extension morally and ontologically) superior to all the other races to whom I correctly ascribe negative traits.
If this fails to convince them, or, even worse, induces them to post a disgruntled Pepe with the caption,
>another IQ thread
then I cannot be held responsible.
In short, I love my IQ. It reassures me of the fact that I am better than others. I don't know what I'd do if I realized that it doesn't matter, probably try to do something with my life I guess.

>> No.11057497
File: 449 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191014-012731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. secluded NEET HS dropout. The scores probably wouldn't be meaningful even if we normalized for the inflation.

>> No.11057525

What do you do, anon?

>> No.11057552

Got several official tests done during my childhood and early adulthood. Always scored between 130 and 145.
I dropped out of college, did jack shit for a few years, and currently I'm attending university again. I'm not successful by any stretch of the term, and I have no idea where I'll be in a year. This is the first time in my life I'm actually attempting to apply myself, I have no idea how to study efficiently, but I'm trying.
All impostor syndrome memes aside, I've always felt dumb when it came to academics, and I lack focus.

>> No.11057558
File: 301 KB, 750x1334, B342E38E-1728-4299-B085-8E2A073367FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. 133 according to the test, but it's probably lower.I've scored 124 and 126 separate times on this test in particular.
2. Yes
3. I'm doing fine in school just wish I didn't goof my freshman year.
4. I see myself entering pharmacy school in one year, I'm not sure about my specialization, though.

>> No.11057643

1. 132 (sd 15)
2. yes
3. no
4. dead/prison/psychiatry

>> No.11057652

>no, drop out, currently im getting a tec. degree
>not (yet)
>in a better place and time, i hope
take the white pill guys

>> No.11057931

135ish probably slightly higher if I manage to carve out a decent night's sleep
Depends on what you mean by successful - by my own standards, not at all.
In uni

>> No.11057963

basé et rouge pillulé

>> No.11057978
File: 966 KB, 667x936, 1506831704157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't browse this board that often, but there are always a bunch of IQ threads and it's always about stupid online tests and matrices.

Explain to me, do people here really believe that anything a free, 10 minutes online test tells you is worth anything about your IQ? I don't believe it.

Don't you guys know that true IQ tests like the WAIS can only be administered by trained specialists like psychologists and neuropsychologists? Those tests take hours to go through and incorporate a lot of tests that need to be done face to face to be meaningful.

Do you guys just do this to feel good about yourselves even though you know very well it means nothing?

Is this all just a meme?

>> No.11058000

I got 132 last time
>are you in uni
poor family
>are you successful
schizophrenic who doesn't go outside
>where do you see yourself in a year
hopefully healthier

>> No.11058001
File: 23 KB, 387x437, numalewow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>iq thread

>> No.11058004

Ending my university

>> No.11058006


>> No.11058008

yes, self diagnosers are cancer

>> No.11058013

>self diagnosers are cancer
they are.
one of my brothers has schizophrenia, he went through a couple of psychosis before finally starting to get better (medication with court order).

>> No.11058023
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IQ is 420.
I just got my math PhD
I make 300k starting.
Doing your wife.

>> No.11058038

I'm quite lucky because mine is pretty mild when compared to others, plus recently I've been able to admit to myself I'm ill which has been really helping with getting better

>> No.11058041

Rapping on Soundcloud

>> No.11058060

>I've been able to admit to myself I'm ill
that's very good. this can take years for schizophrenic people to develop self criticism and usually it helps a lot. just keep taking your meds too.

>> No.11058102

>at iq 120, last year i took the same test and was at 130. what happened?

>> No.11058150

the most serious test i ever did was an aptness test for high school graduates interested in going to university, which took a timed total of three hours to complete, one hour for each area of visual, logical and linguistic reasoning. scored about in the 95th percentile in each, so i figure i'm at least in the top 5% of university beginners, amounting for an iq of about 130, maybe a bit more.

oh and one is also tested for interests and personality. the results said i should study choreography or archaeology.

>> No.11058156

>95h percentile
>at least 130
130 is 98th percentile anon.

>> No.11058257 [DELETED] 

yes, but
>the test was only taken by high school graduates that are interested in and eligible for university.
>so the mean iq is probably closer to something 105-110.
>standard deviation may be slightly lower, but the distribution may also be skewed to the right.
>hence 95th percentile may already correspond to iq 130.
>i did score 95th percentile in each area.
>so i'm in the 95th percentile on average.
>these three areas are not perfectly correlated. >therefore some of the five percent above me in each area are bound to be below me in other areas
>thus possibly scoring less then 95th on average.
>hence 95th percentile on average may very well be 98th percentile after averaging percentiles.
assuming iq is a function of the averages of these three percentiles, iq 130 is a pretty conservative guess.

>> No.11058262

yes, but
>the test was only taken by high school graduates that are interested in and eligible for university.
>so the mean iq is probably closer to something 105-110.
>standard deviation may be slightly lower, but the distribution may also be skewed to the right.
>hence 95th percentile may already correspond to iq 130.
>i did score 95th percentile in each area.
>so i'm in the 95th percentile on average.
>these three areas are not perfectly correlated.
>therefore some of the five percent above me in each area are bound to be below me in other areas
>thus possibly scoring less then 95th on average.
>hence 95th percentile on average may very well be 98th percentile after averaging percentiles.
assuming iq is a function of the averages of these three percentiles, iq 130 is a pretty conservative guess.

>> No.11058278

oh also i did write
>at least in the top 5% university beginners
>iq of about 130, maybe a bit more
and not
>at least 130
don't twist my words, anon. i could be at iq 125, but i think that's just less likely than iq 130. it probably is iq 130 ± 3 points.

>> No.11058358

I'm interested in this too

>> No.11058359
File: 2.58 MB, 3264x2448, fullsizeoutput_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My Iq before brain damage is probably over 126 when I was tested
>yes I am in uni
>i am a failiure
>I hope the brain disease doesn't kill me within the next year

>> No.11058847

>coping this hard
it's ok to be under 130 anon.

>> No.11058849

I actually felt that first 90% were easy while the last 10% felt impossible to crack

>> No.11059027


Glad to see I have a brain damage friend. :)

>> No.11059119

Are there any free somewhat, somewhat accurate, tests I can take?

>> No.11059129

No, unless you take the WAIS-IV or equivalent, they are literally meaningless, particularily those matrices ones.

>> No.11059195

It's A. There is no pattern. None of the box configurations are repeated. B-F are repeats and A is the only unique configuration of colours.

>> No.11059243

The answer is actually D. An anon on a previous thread tested it by brute-force.

>> No.11059303
File: 47 KB, 1000x721, IQ2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a logistics manager at a construction company.

>> No.11059596

D is the closest, yes. It works if you go by white+gray=gray. Of course you don't know what white+white is since there is no such pattern, but D is the only one that obeys white+gray=gray. It is sketchy though.

>> No.11059617
File: 53 KB, 780x1040, 0_IMG-20191014-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any biologists here? What the fuck is this shit that grew near my balcony? It appeared in a spawn of 2 days and I clean the entire area with bleach twice a week.

>> No.11059678

I made a new scientific discovery! I have a brain disease for 5 years and I have depression and apathy from the dementia.

I can barely eat, I can barely stand, or move, I was reading a book this morning got 10 pages of existential depression it was Camus. I can barely stay alive because almost every waking moment is unbearable suffering, depression and meaninglessness.

there is a biological foundation to my depression that is found in patients with neurodegenerative disorders.

I hate to say this but the disease is turning me into a retarded "coom(cum) brain" I have tried taking amphetamines that my psychiatrist prescribed for the apathy as well as the antidepressant bupropion, but the only effective treatment is just being a coom brain and I think that medical insurance needs to cover hookers as an evidence based treatment for young men with terminal neurological illness.


>> No.11059689

My IQ is lower than it could've been, because I'm clamped, vaccinated, and circumcised.

>> No.11059712

~106 taken it a few times and averaged it
Finishing Uni

>> No.11059744

why isn't my health insurance sending me hookers with my prescription for antidepressants.

If there is a study that proves this an evidence based treatment that is highly effective... which I am sure it is.

>> No.11059769
File: 51 KB, 715x888, 1548926837081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11059781

Does adding boxes componentwise even work? On the top row we have black + black = white and in the middle we have black + black = striped. If the only solution to this is through noncommutative addition system, then I'm fucking done.

>> No.11059785

LMAO I AM very very VERY religious and I am praying for you right now to save your soul from being sent to Africa when you die.

>> No.11059792

>There is no strong evidence that education raises performance on iq tests in a causal sense.


>> No.11059803

Yeah, it is basically "ignore shit that doesn't work"

>> No.11060085

bro i'm geophysicist at a consulting firm and i only scored 104. The test is for literal spatial austists. Don't let this asperger test get you down.

>> No.11060129

You should make a separate thread for this, only undergrads here.

>> No.11060923

>hurr durr, education has nothing to do with it!
Really? Why is it then that all patterns on the raven matrices are mathematical patterns? Either rotation, translation, reflection, shifting, sequence, counting, adding/subtracting, logical operators and so on. Post any IQ test and the pattern will, in 99% of the cases, be one or more of the above. For the more "accurate" tests out there, which have multiple verbal and non-verbal parts, the test is so obviously related to education that there is no denying it. Vocabulary definition, arithmetic, sequences, algebra, logic and so on are all learned in school and once you know them it's really easy to detect them, especially after doing it over and over again. It's kind of like how a mechanic after years of experience can figure out a problem in a car by the sound the engine makes. He knows all the "patterns" and can easily see them due to experience.

>> No.11060947
File: 32 KB, 700x400, 1535089829111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IQ is 149 and I'm in MENSA
I did not go to college
I work at UPS, I build and install solar panels as a business, and I own 34 vending machines. All in all I make about 2,500$ a week.
I will probably buy and rent out real estate. Hopefully have a cute short curly headed gf that wears glasses and is genius

>> No.11061037

overdose on what?

>> No.11061088

Doing CS and studying math to go into academia.
I've been studying finance for the last 4 years, did well. This year I decided to pull a Witten and got into my country's most respected math school, because why not. Working part-time now.